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    15 Brutal Reasons Women Have Given For Dumping Someone

    Girls are picky, like way picky, like super, duper, über picky. We can be all in love and then the next minute fall completely out of love. We are capricious, no doubt. What makes us so fickle? Well, it can be the way he eats a slice, it can be the socks he decides to wear with those pants, it can be the shape of his head or the curve of his thumb. We pick out the smallest things and rather than focusing on the big picture, we seem to give ourselves excuses why this one is not the right one. And we do this over and over again. Are we looking for the perfect specimen? Perhaps. Are our expectations too high? Probably. But that's our right. We get to decide what makes us tick and what makes the ticking stop. Guys do the same thing, only they're less meticulous. We take things to extremes and when we've reach the extreme we push it just a little further. There are so many reasons, like legitimate reasons, to break up with a guy, but then there are those reasons that just should not matter. But they matter. They matter to us in that very moment and thus the breakup. Sometimes it's something minor, but sometimes it's also a feeling. Most of the time, we're just enjoying the hunt, the search for our soulmate.

    15 Heather: He sweat way too much 

    Sweaty guys can be hot, like attractive hot, like building muscles at the gym, check me out in this tight fitting t-shirt hot. Guys who put work into their bodies are hot because they take care of themselves. Well, some care about their bodies while others care about their vanity -same thing, really. But not all girls like sweaty guys, just ask Heather. Her beau was indeed sweaty, but unfortunately it wasn't only at the gym or in summer; he was round the clock sweaty. Heather didn't like him sleeping at her place because he'd sweat through her sheets and would leave a stench the next morning; she was afraid it would reach the mattress for which there would be no return. And at his place, she felt like it was a real sweat lodge. She didn't want to bring up the issue to make him feel uncomfortable, so instead she broke up with him. Super normal breakup actually. But she wanted to send a message about his sweating; so she sent a box of kitchen sponges to his apartment with a flyer about hyperhidrosis.

    14 Lindsay: He used his whole head 

    This head issue isn't about anything mental, although it could be if we psychoanalyze it properly. Lindsay was seeing a guy who loved to talk about oral sex. Of course, she didn't mind at first. Everything in the beginning is super hot and a turn on. And despite the fact that they had only kissed, Lindsay was super curious about his bedroom skills. After all he bragged about it so often that there was no doubt in her mind that he would be the best she had ever had. When it finally came time to get more intimate, the guy basically begged Lindsay. He asked her permission to give her pleasure, but she was in for a surprise. This guy, instead of using his mouth, used like his whole face and head. She was horrified and didn't know how to handle the situation. She faked a stomach ache, left, and never called him again. When he tried to contact her she simply said that his head issues would not become hers.

    13 Margret: The awful sounds

    Sounds are a trigger for most people. A student clicking a pen, someone popping their gum, incessant humming, heaving breathing, or slurping soup. These are common sounds that set people off. But each of us is a little different -for Margret it was chocolate. Margret actually broke up with a guy because of the way he eats chocolate. Talk about sound sensitive, Margret takes the chocolate cake. According to Margret, the guy she was seeing loved chocolate which was a relief because was woman doesn't love her daily fix. But this guy didn't like savor his chocolate in silence. He sucked the chocolate, smacked his gums, moaned and groaned, and almost had a orgasm. It was so embarrassing that Margret tried to avoid eating chocolate with him in public, but come to find out this guy ate all sweet things with the same intensity. Too bad for Margret she didn't stick around to see how good his pleasure game might be. What a pity, Margret.

    12 Brea: The accent

    We might think accents are cute, but it can cause a real rift in the relationship, especially is the accent is rather thick. Communication is key to a relationship -it helps us talk about things from sex to money and everything in between. When there's a barrier, like language, the issue can be compounded. Brea was dating this French guy who had majored in English and even spent time in the USA, however, all of those studies and years could not erase his French accent. She said that at first it was hot, but at some point, she really couldn't understand some basic things and any agitation made his accent worse. Despite the hot foreign guy myth, Brea decided that it was best to call it quits and she did so to his face in her best impersonation of a French accent. No doubt, the guy was both horrified and confused, but I'm sure he made some very French comment under his breath like Whot iz she tooking about, my assant iz parfaitly magnifique.

    11 Nicole: All about time

    Some of us are sticklers for time. And with good reason. Being on time shows respect and responsibility. It tells the other person that their time is valued, too. Some of us, though, take punctuality to a new level. Like Nicole, for example, who feels like one minute late is one minute too many. She admits she's been stood up before and might have a time trauma as a result. But there was this one guy who seemed like her perfect match, they met online and everything was a green light, go. When they met, sparks flew, and he was early to the date. She thought this might be the one. But within a few dates, she noticed that he would leave her waiting and as a result she became suspicious. Despite all the signs, she ended things with him. She never had a conversation with him about it because she was too embarrassed to admit to having been stood up in the past. It looks like Nicole is already taken; she's married to time.

    10 Sonya: Way too indecisive 

    Some of us women won't settle for a weak man. Sonya is one of those women. She is super independent and strong and doesn't take no for an answer when it comes to her work. In the course of her career, she's encountered many high power men, but none of them met her standards. Her hunt was always for the guy who was tougher than her, who would lead her and now follow close behind. Finally, one came along and he had all the markings of an alpha male. However, time told a different story. She ended up making arrangements for date nights, she picked the restaurants, she picked the positions; all of this was familiar to her, she had done this before. Even at dinner, he would turn very indecisive. So, she knew things had to end. During their next date he became indecisive again and couldn't decide on what to order. Sonya quickly stood up and said, Pick your damn dinner, don't be no punk, and left.

    9 Jane: His horrible facial expressions

    Facial expressions let other people know how we feel. They're pretty cool, actually, because we can convey a plethora of emotions without a single word. However, some facial expressions can be turn-offs or complete game changers, as is the case with Jane. She and her man were tight. They had everything going for them, she said, and they were even considering being exclusive with each other. But perhaps they spoke too soon; they hadn't even been all the way intimate yet. Jane was almost convinced that her man would bring the A-game. And when the time came, he did, actually. He was all the way good, but one thing ruined the whole thing. Jane said his faces were too much, almost laughable and despite their strong connection, she knew she wouldn't be able to deal with all those pleasure faces. Some of them actually scared her.

    8 Marina: The meat

    Marina had an issue with a guy she was seeing. She had never seen him eat anything other than meat. Marina is not a vegan or vegetarian, but she is very health conscious and tries to eat a balanced diet and stay away from processed foods. This guy only ate meat, like meats on sticks, hot dogs, fried chicken, and beef jerky. At first, she didn't think it was a big deal as many of their dates were super casual, but when they went to dinners that had courses, he made a point to tell the server that he did not want the salad or any vegetable side dish. Once she realized that he was living off meat only she did research and discovered the horrible smells and tastes that are produced by a body that consumes mostly meat products. From that moment she called it quits and in a text said, Try eating a fruit or a vegetable, all that meat makes you stink.

    7 Gisel: Was he using her for the dog?

    We all love dogs, right? Well, most of us. There's still a huge debate among pet owners between dogs and cats, but that discussion is for another website or for Animal Planet. Some of us are crazy about dogs, like major dog lovers. Gisel is one of those. Her dog is her best friend and nothing comes between her and her best friend, not even a guy. Most guys have been kind to Gisel's dog, but some have been down right mean or afraid. She doesn't wait to end things, if her dog and the guy don't click, it's bye-bye boyfriend. However, there was one guy who got along with her dog -maybe too well. The guy and her dog quickly became buddies, he'd come over and take her dog for a walk and bring her dog special treats. At some point, Gisel felt left out, she questioned if the guy was dating her or the dog. So rule of thumb with girls like Gisel, get close, but not too close.

    6 Rona: Because he crossed his legs

    Women can be masculine and men can be effeminate. There's nothing wrong with either because genders are not what society constructs for us, but how we feel about ourselves. Some of y'all are not there yet and you think a girl acts and dresses like a girl and the same goes for a boy. You can stay in your 1950s mindset if you want, but that is played out stuff. Rona is on this side of evolution and logic, she agrees that genders are not so clear cut or easily defined. She's dated many guys who were prettier than her and some who even waxed. But for Rona, there's one thing that she does not let fly and that's a guy who crosses his legs. Apparently, guys don't always do this in the beginning, so for Rona it's hard to judge if the guy is a leg crosser or not, but the minute he crosses she knows it's over. She doesn't have a particular story in mind, but she's had her fair share of break ups over leg crossing, case, or shall we say legs, closed.

    5 Maria: Slow at everything

    We all move to the beat of our own drum. For each of us, life has a slightly different pace. That's the beauty of life and the beauty of relationships -we can lean so much for studying how we react to things. Some of us are slower to react than others; and those who are fast are lightning fast. One is not better than the other. For each circumstance, a particular response time is required. Maria is from a big city, so she's a city girl; that does not mean she doesn't love the country. She likes to keep busy and she finds it hard to relax. That's just how she's made. It's nice when she finds a guy who's super chill because it lets her slow life down a bit. But there is a too slow. One guy couldn't keep up with her fast walking pace and he even ate super slow; when she peeked in on him in the shower, she saw him washing his hair in slow motion. She knew that his slow ways would mean they would part ways. Another one bites the slow dust.

    4 Veronica: He was trying to become her…

    It's one thing to naturally mimic our partners and another thing to completely copy them. We steal sayings and facial gestures, we might even blend music styles or mirror each other's outfits for sh*ts and giggles. There is an organic part of the relationship process that lends to this behavior -it's flattery and it's saying, I see you and I identify with you. For Veronica, this all makes sense. She's even changed her likes based on who she's dating. But there was this one guy who took things one step too far. When they were out shopping or eating, he would buy or order exactly what she ordered. Her friends said, that's so cute, what a sweetheart, he's crazy for you, but Veronica didn't feel that way. She felt that she was losing a part of herself to him and that he was stealing it on purpose. She swore that his ambition was to become her and that he wasn't even into girls, but wanted to be a girl. There was never a conversation about this, but this is Veronica's suspicion and because she didn't want her identity stolen, she ended things. Too bad Veronica doesn't realize she's the exact replica of a Kardashian. Talk about irony.

    3 Karen: His art obsession 

    Some of us like innocent guys, the innocent the better. Some of us are even into virgins even if we might not be ourselves. But Karen isn't really into innocent like that. She started dating this super nice guy, the kind of guy that she could bring home to mom and dad. No, he was not a virgin, but it appeared that he totally respected women. And he wasn't like a boring type, he was an artist and had done a few shows locally. He was so perfect that it seemed like he was sent from up above. Karen became suspicious, but continued dating him. They hadn't been dating for too long, but finally he invited her over to his place. He wanted to show her his art. It was about time. When Karen entered his apartment she could not have anticipated what she would see. His self-portrait all over the apartment and some with an angelic glow that gave her the creeps. His obsession with himself might have been innocent as is the case with many artists, but Karen wasn't about to find out. She didn't even let him close the door, but rather turned around and walked away.

    2 Carolina: The worst laugh ever

    Our laugh is unique almost like a fingerprint. Surely, some must be very similar, but identical is highly unlikely. Laughter is what keeps many relationships together; some women mark a sense of humor high on their list of requirements. However, for some the laugh is a deal breaker as is the case with Carolina. It wasn't so much is laugh that was annoying, but yeah it was that. It was also the fact that he laughed at everything, like literally everything and while her friends said he was so uplifting and hilarious, she found him annoying as hell. She finally lost it when he laughed so hard he farted -it wasn't the fart, but the fact that he lost all control. She trembled to think of what other bodily functions might lose control, too. Perhaps Carolina was worried about nothing, but maybe, just maybe she's not. Think about that.

    1 Angela: The hairy situation 

    Angela doesn't mind a man who's well-groomed or one who's au natural. For her, it's what's inside that counts. Sure, Angela, if you say so. However, Angela is very particular about her own grooming habits, she has a separate razor for her armpits, legs, and intimate area. She has them marked and she is very methodical about cleaning them. When she gets serious about a guy, she tells them about her shaving habits; that is just one of many habits that Angela has. She's very particular about the hair on her head as well as hair on the sink or in the drain. One guy had decided to stay the night after they had been dating for a few weeks. In the morning he showered and left for work, but that would be the last time she saw him because when she investigated her razors, she saw a hair that was not hers and freaked out. Too bad he didn't listen to her rules and things might have gone differently. Or maybe not. Boys will be boys.