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    15 Breakup Memes That Are Accurate AF

    There is nothing like a good meme to help you get over a breakup. The following memes speak straight from the heart and are dedicated to the consequences and feelings attached to breaking up with your boyfriend. They deal with nasty, amicable, mutual and extremely brutal one-sided splits as well as cheaters and even the dreaded idea of staying friends. Um, yeah right. Whether you are doing the dumping or getting dumped yourself, these memes tell it like it is! Nothing is off-limits, including throwing shade at exes and their new partners, the differences between breaking up with a 20-something and with a 30-something and the inevitable post-split evolution you always go through. Here are 15 memes about breakups that are accurate AF. Some are hilarious and some are heartbreaking, but the best ones will give you a totally new way of looking at your sucky situation. We hope you can see the humor too.

    15 Being Replaced

    It's never easy to be replaced, but unfortunately, it happens much more often than most of us would like. Sadly, this meme about being substituted so quickly by somebody who was supposed to love you is actually incredibly accurate and probably hits close to home for at least someone that you know (if not you). Just because someone promises to love you forever, or even swears that they love you now, doesn't mean that they won't be dating somebody else within a suspiciously small amount of time after you guys split up. It happens all the time! Sometimes it can mean that they really did leave you for somebody else, or might have even been cheating on you while you were still together. It can also come down to bad timing. We can't choose when we fall in love, after all! But no matter what, it sucks to watch your ex with someone else so soon.

    14 Dodging A Bullet

    Here is another meme that we don't like to admit is true, but it totally and completely is. Sure, it sounds pretty bitter, but have you ever looked at someone you were once crazy about and realized that you totally dodged a bullet? You were super sad about the breakup, but the more that you think about it, and the more time has passed, the more you believe the split was a blessing disguised as a curse. Yup, we've all been there! It can get a little complicated, because even if you know that you're now better off without them, you can't just make feelings go away like that. So you might find yourself torn between feeling sad and mourning the breakup, while at the same time being grateful that you were set free before you got yourself sucked in any deeper. If only all breakups were clean and straight forward.

    13 Music Lyrics

    No matter what sort of break up you had, this meme is true for everybody. Whether your split was a catastrophe from hell or an agreeable division, it only takes a song or some perfect lyrics to draw emotion from even the most pulled-together person out there! An overwhelming majority of songs seem to be about love, so it's easy to relate just about any song to the situation you're going through. Of course, you're going to become all sentimental when you hear John Legend singing about you and your ex! Even the songs by artists that you never thought would have an impact on you can totally get the better of you if you're having a weak moment. If you don't want to cry, it's seriously better to just stay away from music all together until you're at least a little over it. Then go straight for the feel-good breakup tunes!

    12 Post-Split Evolution

    We don't want to generalize and make assumptions about people based purely on their gender, so this one doesn't apply to everybody. But even though we don't know too much about the secret world of men after they break up with somebody, we know that the female side of this meme definitely applies to us! In the beginning, you're devastated, crying and are genuinely convinced that the world Is ending. The black-and-white scheme is accurate because let's face it, the color is drained from your world in those first few weeks. Then you get to the stage where you're over the blues and just want to feel better, so you turn to creature comforts. Yes, for us that's food, but it might also be shopping sprees, vacations, massages, you name it. Then after a while, you're ready to emerge as a new you, free of heartache and full of passion and ambition.

    11 Staying Friends

    Ugh, is there anything worse than when an ex suggests that you stay friends? There is just so many things wrong with this proposition, and even though this guy is probably genuinely suggesting it because they think they are making things easier, it makes everything worse. The best way to get over somebody whom you still have feelings for is to remove them from your headspace. You have to stop seeing them and hearing from them if you have any hope of refraining from thinking about them! So what is staying friends with someone going to achieve? This arrangement can only mean that you are always talking to them and seeing them, but you can't actually have them. It is just like walking into a candy store when you are on a diet. In theory, it sounds like a good idea, but no good will come of it at all.

    10 Not Taking The High Road

    This is so us! When you listen to artists like Adele, it's easy to get caught up in their message. When you're listening to "Someone Like You," for example, you probably do wish your ex well and have every hope that you'll find somebody just as good to include in your life one day. But that usually lasts for three minutes while the song is still playing, and then your feelings return to normal. In the real world, taking the high road isn't nearly as glamorous or as easy as artists like Adele make it seem. If your life were a music video, you might be wishing them well with a look of faraway wonderment in your eyes, but IRL, you do secretly want to set fire to their stuff as payback for breaking your heart and screwing you around. It's only natural, after all! It's really awesome if you can rise above it, though, which you probably already know.

    9 Partying Like It's 1999

    Some breakups are devastating and can only be handled with tears and hibernation. But honestly, some breakups are a godsend. While it's not as common to be over the moon when you break up with somebody, it actually can happen, and that's where this meme comes in! Sometimes being dumped, or finally getting the courage to dump somebody and having it go well is the same as being let out of school on the last day before summer vacation or waking up on the morning of a big overseas trip. It's just awesome! The feeling of freedom in those cases is unrivaled, and there is nothing to do but head out and celebrate. Some recently dumped people also like to party even when they aren't happy about the breakup, as a means of distracting themselves. Whatever your motivations, hitting the town after a split is sometimes the only answer!

    8 Knowing Your Ex Is Trash

    This meme is relatable in the same way that the one about dodging a bullet is. If your ex was a piece of work, the realization that they were a joke may only fully sink in after you've broken up. It definitely hurts to know that you wasted a lot of time with somebody who didn't treat you right, but rather than sitting around being depressed about it, you should relish in the fact that you were dating trash and now you're not, so you've moved up in the world! That probably won't stop the initial pain of heartbreak, but it will help you as time goes on. It can also be embarrassing to finally understand that you were dating someone who was terrible, whether it was because they cheated or never had your best interests at heart, but it's better than losing somebody amazing and regretting it for the rest of your days.

    7 Text Message Breakups

    There are way too many “one does not simply” memes, but this one is actually 100% warranted. Breaking up with somebody via text message is something that one really does not simply do, no matter the circumstances. It's totally rude and showcases to the world that the person doing the digital dumping hasn't got an ounce of backbone. Yep, we agree that breaking up with somebody is daunting. It always was and it always will be! They might freak out or cry, and you might get your words mixed up and look like an idiot, and there are so many things that can go wrong. But at least you'll still have a shred of decency about you, and you won't forever be the crazy ex who broke up with them over text message. Plus, if you do have a conscience, breaking up with somebody that way will come back to haunt you for years!

    6 Post-Split Transformation

    We have already outlined the cycle that newly single girls tend to go through after a breakup, but this meme is all about that last stage. You are done feeling sorry for yourself and want to take control over your life again, so you start doing all the things that will turn you into one hot mama! Eventually, it gets to the point where you run into your ex and you look like a million dollars, which is the moment that we all dream about. It is just logical that people are generally going to put in more effort when they are single-they are still on the market, so to speak, and they want their ex to feel like they missed out big time! Since things look better to us when we can't have them anymore, it is likely that you will seem different to your ex, even if you haven not changed that much.

    5 Late Vs Early 20s

    This might not be true for everyone, but there is a certain confidence and maturity that many people gain as they grow older. Typically, when you're younger, you tend to put up with more crap, can be a kind of blinded by the things that people tell you, and don't know how to control your emotions. So you can actually end up staying with somebody who doesn't deserve you at all, and giving them all your loyalty for nothing in exchange! Hence, you're essentially early '00s Beyoncé singing to Jay-Z. But when you're a little older, you've made a few mistakes, become a much better judge of character, and know your worth a lot more. You get to the point where you're not going to let feelings get in the way of what's right, like leaving somebody who cheated on you. So you become feisty Lemonade Beyoncé, telling that boy bye!

    4 The Social Media War

    Few people will admit to it, but we can bet that nearly everyone has been involved in this! Thanks to social media, it's easy to control what aspects of your life people witness, and easy to create the illusion of any life you want. You could be heartbroken, but once you post that smiley selfie, nobody has the slightest clue. It's no different when it comes to breakups in 2016 because social media allows you to show your ex that you're having the time of your life, even when you're really not. These wars are pretty much a dead end because they're all about pretending to be happy rather than actually striving to be happy. The irony is that most people would be a lot happier if they forfeited the war by unfollowing and unfriending their ex and getting on with their life, but we get it-the temptation is real!

    3 Loyalty Vs Cheating

    Life isn't fair at the best of times, let alone when you're going through a breakup! In an ideal world, the cheater would suffer for what they've done while the person who got burned would move on to a new relationship in which they're actually respected. Unfortunately, on planet earth, the sneaky person who got away with a bunch of stuff will more than likely sneak their way into a whole new relationship much sooner than the loyal person. It's just the way it usually goes! Decent people tend to take things to heart, will have to heal themselves and move at a much slower pace to get their lives back on track, while cold-hearted people will bounce from one victim to another. It isn't fair, but it helps if you believe that karma will eventually sort them out. Despite the pain, it's still better to be the loyal one.

    2 Irreplaceable

    No matter what the circumstances of your break up, this one should cheer everyone with a broken heart up! Once you get over the initial depressed stage of feeling worthless, you'll probably start realizing that your ex is the one who lost out in the split, not you. You'll start to see all the amazing things about yourself and feel as though your ex is never going to find anybody like you. And so you should! At this point, you should totally blast "Irreplaceable" by Beyoncé to get yourself revved up even more and use it to remind you of your worth every time your confidence starts to drop. As long as you did nothing terrible to end the relationship, then feeling like this is a good thing. It will stop you from feeling down and will raise your self-esteem so you're in the right frame of mind to begin your next relationship when the time is right!

    1 You're A Queen

    We love this one the most! Historically speaking, widowed queens had more control over their lives and more access to rights, money and property without their tyrannical husbands around, and that part might not necessarily apply to you in this century. But it is true that a certain power does come with being alone, and you should totally relish in that the next time you are feeling like your life is lacking without your ex! If the relationship was good, you might not have somebody to back you up anymore, but you do have the chance to learn independence and to stand up on your own two feet. You do not have to worry about anybody else when it comes to making decisions. Bonus! And if your relationship was a bit oppressive, then, of course, you now have many more options than you did by the side of your domineering fella.