12 Compatible Zodiac Signs - Which Sign You Should Get With?
Are you ready to go back in the dating world? Not sure where to start? A good place to look is to know which zodiac sign you are most compatible with. Sometimes you have to rely on the stars and not your friends or family to set you up with the right person.
It can be difficult getting back on the dating scene especially after you enjoyed your single life. Also, it's hard to decide if you should date around like you always have or try something new. There's nothing wrong with being single. As long as you're in a good place, your status doesn't matter. But there comes a time when it hits you that you want someone, and not just short-term but finally someone you want to share your life with for a long time (possibly forever). Whether you went through a hard break-up or you just wanted to be single, dating again can become overwhelming.
Good thing there's plenty of fish in the sea. But on the down side, there's too many single people that you don't know who to go for. One of the best ways to know which person is worth it is by realizing they bring out the best in you and complement you. That's why many people rely on the stars when it comes to finding someone because it shows how they complement each other. It also saves a lot of time.
So below you'll find who to date next based on your zodiac sign and why they make such a good match.
12 Aries- Aquarius
As an independent and adventurous person, an Aries wants someone to be able to handle their lively personality. But it's also nice to have someone who's the opposite of them and balance them out. It would be nice to have someone like an Aquarius who enjoys spending time alone and can calm down the upbeat personality of an Aries. An Aquarius also likes trying new things, which will so be a turn on for an Aries because the unpredictability keep things exciting. But if that doesn't work out, try going for a Sagittarius because they also like doing different things and are always up for anything. This will definitely satisfy the on-the-go attitude of an Aries. The last thing an Aries wants is someone who likes to keep things stable and not want to grow. Of course, you'll want to settle down eventually, but not while you're still enthusiastic about what life has to offer.
11 Taurus- Taurus
The best sign for a Taurus to date is another Taurus! This is the only sign that should go for the same sign because at the end of the day, no one else understands them. They need someone who would tolerate them when they might be acting irrational, not someone that would look down on them. Therefore, it only makes sense to go for another bull sign. The only problematic situation they would find themselves in is when they're both being stubborn. Conversations can turn into arguments because they both think they are right. But the pros outweigh the cons in this relationship, so it's not something to really worry about. When two Taurus' come together, the relationship is a compatible one because it feels like you're dating your best friend. You'll be sharing so many things in common that it will feel like it's too good to be true.
10 Gemini- Libra
It's all about deep connections and quality time for a Gemini. The air sign loves to connect and feel that chemistry in order to progress in the relationship. If they don't feel that excitement, then it's a no show for Gemini. Therefore, Gemini's should look for someone who is really understanding and gentle, like a Libra. Libras avoid drama and handle mostly everything with communication. A Gemini would love this in a partner because by avoiding the unnecessary drama, it leaves more room for love and beautiful memories. Gemini's enjoy spending time together with their significant other and making those memories. So someone like an Aquarius could also work out for you. An Aquarius also likes to keep the drama away and just want to enjoy the moment with their partner. Either way, find someone who is stable and likes making things comfortable for you.
9 Cancer- Scorpio
As a Cancer, it's important to be with someone stable and assuring. So you should date a Scorpio. Not only will they reassure you but they will also coax you out of your comfort zone. The two of you will have this unique connection because you both balance each other out pretty well. Cancer is someone careful while Scorpio is confident and knows what they like right away, so these signs will only help each other. Scorpio is also good at letting things flow while Cancer likes to prepare for things first. So this is a good opposite attraction where each significant partner can bring out the good out of the other. For Scorpio, a Cancer makes them feel at home, too. Scorpios are known to not get along with many people, but with a Cancer, they are willing to give them a chance.
8 Leo- Sagittarius
Leos are always up for a challenge and likes to grow in their relationship. Dating a Sagittarius can really be beneficial for you because a relationship with them is always exciting. There's never a dull moment between these two signs. They both like adventure and create lasting memories. Not only are they both up for what the other wants to do, but they also share a lot in common, including political views and social issues. The best thing about dating a Sagittarius is the encouragement they give. If you don't feel like doing something that Sagittarius wants to do (which is rare), they will get you through it. Instead of making you feel like you are not good enough, they want you to have the same experiences with them, so they love to encourage you to do it. There's so much adventure in this relationship that it will be hard to get bored.
7 Virgo- Taurus
Virgos like spending time on their own. They like to go out every once in a while, but if they had a choice, then they would choose to stay home and be alone. In a relationship, they would appreciate someone who's into the same things as them - someone who would rather stay in on a Friday night and watch Netflix while eating take-out. Virgos want someone who will enjoy that, too, and it just so happens that Taurus might be a good match for them. They also like to keep things relaxed and not go over the top, and Virgos appreciate that. These two can be together without talking all the time or doing something extravagant. That is the dream partner for a Virgo. They want someone who won't pressure them into doing something out of their comfort zone and is okay with being on the down low. Privacy is also big priority for Virgo, and Taurus loves being private as well.
6 Libra- Gemini or Sagittarius
When it comes to a Libra, they imagine having an adventurous life with their significant other. Having deep connections and moments to remember forever are things that Libras look for. With that being said, a Gemini or Sagittarius can work out with a Libra because they also like settling down but making deep connections with their romantic partner. Stimulating moments and conversations will occur in these relationships, which a Libra is all for. They are also not into negativity, which a Gemini or Sagittarius won't bring to the table since they also like to avoid drama. The most important thing for a Libra, though, is to feel loved, and either a Gemini or Sagittarius can do that for you. They want to have a deep relationship and showering love won't be a problem for them to do. Libras want someone who will make them feel loved no matter what. It's not like they want to be spoiled, but it's more like they want to feel at home and comfortable.
5 Scorpio- Pisces or Scorpio,
Scorpios need someone who is opposite of them. They are pretty possessive, so being with someone else just as possessive as they are could lead to a toxic relationship. That's why Pisces is a good match for you because they are different in a good way. Pisces always need to be reassured, so a Scorpio's possessiveness may feed the self-worth of Pisces pretty well. Even though they are mostly opposites, they do share the similarity of being dependent on each other. They depend on their significant other to fulfill them and cheer them up when they are feeling down. Normally, it's not really a good thing when someone depends on the other person for their happiness, but with the case of a Pisces and Scorpio, so their dependency could actually lead to a good partnership. That's because they would be willing to work together to make the relationship work. So a Scorpio and Pisces couple can actually embody the phrase “opposites attract.”
4 Sagittarius- Aquarius
With Sagittarius, they are all about creativity and excitement. So they need someone who won't stop them from having fun but will go along with them for the ride. An Aquarius is the perfect match for the Sagittarius because they are also enthusiastic about everything they do. They both also like socializing and having a lot of people in their lives, so neither of them won't get left behind for being more introverted. The outgoing personalities for these two signs will make a relationship work because they both understand where they are coming from. No one will put them down for being too “out there” or not spending enough “alone time.” The best kind of partner to have is someone who understands you and won't be quick to backlash. Therefore, the two will fulfill their needs in a relationship if they do go out with each other.
3 Capricorn-Virgos
Capricorns are really stable creatures and they won't go for someone who has a spontaneous side. Instead, they want someone who is just as organized as they are. Virgos are known for utilizing order in their life and prioritizing things, which is such a turn on for Capricorns. When these two get together, everything is set up and put together just how they like it. Their individual lives consist of a lot of practicability so when they come together, it's a match made in heaven. The only thing that might be a struggle is their sex life. It might need some work in the beginning and it will still be a problem in the long-run. But that's not exactly priority for the two signs, so that makes things a little less stressful. As a Capricorn, you are also determined and have goals, so having someone who is just as ambitious is a must, which Virgo will have.
2 Aquarius- Sagittarius
Aquarius is outgoing and likes to make things exciting. So the last thing an Aquarius wants is someone who will make them settle down or stay in and cuddle. They seek someone who is just as outgoing and will experience new things with them. The sign you should probably be looking for is a Sagittarius. They are just as spontaneous as you are and would love to know you are the same way as them. There's always opportunities for growth in the relationship because there's always going to adventures. Even if they live in the moment, that doesn't mean they don't plan out what's in store for the future. In fact, they both like dreaming big, and so they support each other in whatever they want to achieve. Sounds like a fun relationship to be in. So the next time you go on a date, make sure it's with a Sagittarius.
1 Pisces- Capricorn or Scorpio
Pisces would also do well with someone who is opposite of them such as a Capricorn or Scorpio. They are both opposites of Pisces' personality but in a good way, where they bring the good side out of each other. A Pisces is actually a lot to handle because they are sensitive and always needs reassurance. With a Capricorn or Scorpio, you won't need to look for reassurance all the time because they are willing to give it to you since they feel like you deserve it. Pisces constantly need to feel loved and appreciated, so either a Capricorn or a Scorpio are willing to make that happen for you. Even though Pisces can be a little confusing, Capricorn will calm them down when they're feeling hurt and out of control. Sagittarius, on the other hand, will take the time to understand where Pisces is coming from. In the end, either of them wouldn't want to change Pisces but want to make them better.