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    15 Things Modeling Agencies Are Looking For In New Talent

    Do you think you have what it takes to become a professional model? While many of us have dreamt of becoming a model at some point in our lives, the truth is that breaking into modeling is hard business. It is one of the most competitive jobs out there, filled with high stress and a lot of closed doors to beginners.

    But don't let that stop you from pursuing your dreams. If you want to become a model, it is going to take courage, a strong will, and, above all else, determination. And even then, your goals might change midway through the process or you may get offered a different opportunity and discover a new love. At worst, you won't make the cut, but you will have gained the experience of a lifetime that few others can say they have faced.

    Modeling agencies are always on the lookout for new talent. The trick is to stand out from the rest of the crowd and to approach modeling as a serious profession. After all, it takes more than just looks to truly succeed in the field. With that being said, here are fifteen things modeling agencies and scouters are looking for in new models.

    15 Instagram Account

    According to Forbes, modeling agencies and scouts are turning to Instagram to find fresh, new models. Not only is it important that potential models have a good following on Instagram, but that they attract the attention of scouts by adding the hashtag #WLYG (WeLoveYourGenes) to one of their photos.

    If you don't already have an Instagram account, now is as good a time as ever to set one up. Keep the account clean, professional, and fun. Show class and post exciting content to show modeling agencies that you have the basic skills to market yourself.

    14 Amateur Shots

    You do not need to get expensive, professional photographs taken to submit to a modeling agency. In fact, agencies are asking that you don't bother. Instead, top agencies are asking that you send real photos of yourself. They are looking for amateur photographs of yourself without filters and touchups. Let your natural beauty shine.

    13 Professionalism

    Gone are the days when you could look great, but act totally unprofessional. In today's world, agencies expect models to have their sh*t together. Modeling is a business, after all, and agencies expect women seeking to become models to approach them in a professional manner. Treat go-sees like an actual job interview. Research the agency's needs before showing up so that you know what they are looking for and be prepared to take notes. Take your future in modeling seriously and, in turn, you will be taken seriously.

    12 Height

    While agencies put out calls for models of different sizes, shapes, and heights, to be a catwalk model you will need to be at least 5'10". When you go in for an interview or a go-see, avoid wearing high heels and poofing up your hair because height is very important to the job. Agents might feel that you are trying to pull one over on them by looking taller than you actually are. Catalog models can be shorter than 5'10".

    As a side note, the height requirements may actually be changing. Back in 2013, IMG, one of the world's top modeling agencies, said it was going to start accepting a more diverse group of models, in all shapes, sizes, and nationalities. To learn more, visit the websites of top modeling agencies to find out what their current needs are in models.

    11 Natural Beauty

    Modeling agencies, according to Forbes, want to see photos of potential models looking natural. As they put it, they want the photographs shown to them to look honest. They are not looking for model photos showing heavy amounts of makeup or extreme hair jobs. Keep the photos that you submit to modeling agencies clean, with little makeup, and no done up hair. Be as you are, everyday.

    10 Confidence

    You can't appear to be meek and shy to modeling agencies. You need to own yourself and appear as though you have total control over your body. You can be normally shy in your day to day life, but when it comes to modeling you need to put on the facade that you are what you are. Here I am. Models practice their looks for hours a day, finding their personal confidence, style, and learning their best angles. When you appear before an agency, you have to show them your confidence through your body language and the way you speak.

    9 Punctuality

    Agencies expect future models to be punctual. If you have a habit of always being late, change that now by leaving 30 minutes earlier. Since nearly everyone has a smart phone, agencies expect you to know where you are going and how to find the agency or the go-sees. There are no exceptions. Time is money and someone who shows up late may as well not show up at all.

    8 Social Media Personality

    The focus is no longer on the classic American beauty, but on cyber personality. You can be gorgeous, skinny, and 5'10, but if you don't have an online presence on social media outlets, you may as well be a pumpkin. New models are being found on social media, such as Instagram, because they are putting themselves out there, marketing their looks and personalities long before they are ever discovered.

    7 Show That You are Pleasant to Work With

    A catty, sarcastic attitude will more than likely turn off an agency. Arguing with agents is a huge mistake because it shows them that you will be a difficult person to work with. Instead, show the agency and scouters right from the start that you are willing to work with them and comply with the needs of the industry. Keep the bad attitude for when you are hanging out with friends.

    6 The Right Age

    Traditionally, model scouts and agencies seek out models who are between the ages of 15 to 22 years old. Runway models are young, but the times are changing. Top modeling agencies put out calls for older models for everything from beauty and fashion campaigns to catalog modeling.

    5 Thick Skin

    Having a thick skin is essential to becoming a model and modeling agencies know this. When you go in for an interview or a go-see, be prepared to have your body critiqued. It can be a harsh experience, but it is a part of the job. Don't argue with them or become visibly upset because you will not win. Instead, maintain your posture and keep your attitude pleasant. Show the agency that you can take it and that you are willing to make changes to accommodate their needs.

    4 Show Energy

    Don't appear to be lazy or lethargic when you go to an agency or go-see. Show them that you have the energy to do the job. Smiling and answering questions with more than a shrug or a one word answer shows them that you have what it takes to effectively communicate and that you actually have a strong desire to work in the industry.

    3 All Types of Beauty

    Gone are the days when the bombshell cheerleader and the homecoming queen are the only ones who could be considered becoming models. These days, beauty transcends the traditional norms and the new models being discovered today challenge our views of what is beautiful. Look in the mirror and let your eyes discover what is different and unique about you (they are often the things kids made fun of you for back in school, such as ears that stick out). Your unique features may just be what a modeling agency is looking for.

    2 Good Posture

    Practice and maintain good posture. Posture is one of the tell tale signs to agents as to whether or not you would make a good model. A good posture tells them that you will also have a strong walk. Don't slouch during interviews. Keep your back straight and your shoulders back. Be in command of your body.

    1 Professional Voicemail

    Modeling agencies all have one major hate: unprofessional voicemails. Many young women lost the opportunity to sign on with an agency because they had a long, party-like voicemail answering message, complete with loud music and inappropriate language. If you are seeking a professional job as a model, make sure you set up a professional message for your voicemail account. It would be awful to finally get a call back from an agency, only to have them hangup because they don't want to waste their time.