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    15 Daily Routines That Destroy Your Skin

    Are you blessed with flawless skin? Thought so, the number of ladies that don't have to do anything in order to keep their skin glowing can probably be counted on the fingers of one hand. Beautiful skin is usually a bit more complex - it requires the selection of the right cosmetics, coming up with a daily skincare routine and avoiding some of the common mistakes.

    Have you ever thought about the things you do on a daily basis that could potentially destroy your skin? Chances are that you're making at least one mistake that's standing in the way of dermal perfection. Here are 15 habits that have a direct impact on skin elasticity and appearance. If you'd like to have more youthful and beautiful skin, you'll need to make some adjustments.

    15  Smoking

    The health dangers of smoking are well-known but people seem to forget how bad it is for the appearance of skin. Spending a fortune on face creams and cosmetic procedures isn't going to do anything, unless you quit right now.

    A study by Case Western Reserve University of Ohio shows how smoking affects people and cause premature skin aging. The appearance of wrinkles is an inevitable process but smoking accelerates it significantly. If you are a heavy smoker, you may experience visible skin sagging, excessive wrinkles and lines and skin discoloration. You have many options to try, if you're certain that you'd like to quit. Do a bit of research to find the approach that will help you get rid of this nasty habit forever.

    14 Using Too Much Makeup

    Wearing makeup makes your skin look flawless and it's an easy option for dealing with the signs of fatigue. The amount matters in makeup - putting too much foundation or powder on can make you look unnatural. In addition, too much makeup can clog the pores and lead to the appearance of the dreaded blackheads.

    Although, makeup helps you deal with skin imperfections, it can actually cause acne and pimples. Eye shadow and eyeliner may cause eye redness and itching. Using non-comedogenic products and regularly cleaning your makeup brushes will reduce the risk of acne, irritation and inflammation. Before opting for one makeup variety or another, you may want to talk to a dermatologist and pick the one that's just right for you.

    13 Sleeping in Your Makeup

    Every woman has done it at least once - going to bed with a full face of makeup. The laziness after a party or an exhausting day at work can easily turn into a bad habit. Yep, it's similar to smoking - you know that it's bad but you can't help yourself.

    Sleeping helps our bodies recover from everyday stress. It's also vital for skin regeneration. Once you go to bed with makeup on, you stop the process of renewal. Your skin is covered with foundation or powder that absorbs all external contaminants and microbes. Thus, your skin becomes much more prone to bacterial infections and acne.

    If you're too tired to go through the entire skin cleaning routine in the evening, at least opt for makeup removal wipes. These are enriched with anti-bacterial substances and moisturizing agents that will give you a clean face before going to bed.

    12 The Urge to Touch and Squeeze Pimples

    Popping pimples and blackheads is a sure way to aggravate your skin. The unprofessional treatment of pimples and blackheads will lead to red and dark spots on your face. Pimples are full of bacteria, dirt and sebum buildup. Once you squeeze them, all bacteria will be free to affect other regions of the skin.

    The best way to deal with a pimple is to let it disappear on its own or to have a specialized dermatological treatment. Dermatologists and cosmeticians know how to deal with problematic skin without causing more inflammation.

    If you still have to do it by yourself, wash your hands thoroughly. Use a clean tissue or a cotton makeup removal pad to press against the pimple. Use witch hazel or tea tree oil to kill the bacteria and speed up the recovery.

    11 Eating High Fat and Sugary Foods

    Have you noticed that after eating certain types of food, you're more likely to experience a breakout? There is a strong connection between what you eat and your skin's condition. Everything you eat affects your hormone balance, hence your skin's oiliness or the risk of getting pimples.

    Eating foods that are rich in vitamins and drinking water will help for toxin removal and for faster skin regeneration. Avoid drinks that contain added sugar - water is your best pick. Your daily menu should include more vegetables and fruits instead of salty and oily foods like chips and hamburgers. Salty and fatty foods make the skin dull and lifeless.

    To enjoy glowing skin, consume foods that are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C and omega-3 fatty acids.

    10 Ignoring (or Biting) the Skin on Your Lips

    Lip care is often neglected as people put all their attention on the rest of the face. But cold weather, air conditioning and other environmental factors can seriously affect the lips, making them dry and cracked. Dry and sore lips could be an early sign of skin problems.

    Licking your lips all the time or biting them doesn't do anything to improve the situation. If you're constantly doing these, chances are that you're dehydrated.

    Lip scrubbing is great for renewing the skin and keeping your lips looking 100 percent kissable. Use a teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of sugar to make a DIY lip scrub. Apply to the lips and massage gently for 30 seconds. Remove the scrub with a wet wipe and moisturize with your favorite chapstick.

    9 Using Other People's Cosmetics

    Taking a colleague's powder or lipstick is easy when you need just a little makeup to freshen up your face. From lipstick to face cream and foundation - using other people's makeup or cosmetics can lead to infections and skin irritation. Also, the fact that you have similar skin issues doesn't mean that you're both going to benefit equally from the same cosmetics.

    The best way to keep your makeup products protected is to be selfish about them. Hygiene is crucial for avoiding skin problems. If you're uncertain about somebody else's hygienic practices, it's better to avoid using their cosmetics. The same applies to tools for makeup application - you should never opt for somebody else's makeup brush due to potential bacterial contamination.

    8 Being Incapable of Keeping Your Hands off Your Skin

    You probably don't even realize how many times a day you're touching your face. It's like an automated habit - you scratch your forehead, you touch the pimple at the base of your nose or press your chin to check for too much oiliness. Think about how clean your hands are. Skin touching lets bacteria spread from one part of the face to another. This is a particularly big problem for the individuals suffering from acne.

    What does it take to stop this harmful habit? Use the right kind of motivation - your skin will heal faster if you stop touching it all the time. Less touching means less dirt and oil that cause acne. Stop leaning on your hands. Be conscious about touching in the very beginning since you'll be doing it subconsciously. You may also want to ask friends for assistance until you change the habit.

    7 Buying the Wrong Skincare Products

    Women tend to buy cosmetic products that have worked great for friends or colleagues. Using face cream or foundation based on recommendations could be a good idea but it may also be a major disaster.

    If you have dry skin, buying a heavier moisturized that is based on oils will be the best option for you. For oily skin, you'll need an oil-free moisturizer that absorbs sebum and keeps the skin from getting shiny. It may sounds easy but finding the perfect product for your skin may take months and lots of money. Even if you have oily skin and a friend recommends a product that's right for your skin type, chances are that you're not going to have a match made in heaven right from the start.

    To avoid problems, have a consultation with a dermatologist. A professional will figure out what your bigger skin issues are, what they're caused by and which cosmetics are going to have a positive impact.

    6 Being too Harsh with Exfoliation

    Aggressive exfoliation is very harmful, especially when done way more often than needed. People with problematic skin tend to over-exfoliate their face and to use harsh scrubs. This habit, however, can cause excessive oiliness and aggravate acne.

    If you prefer home exfoliation instead of professional treatments, use products that are created for your skin type. Gentle and soft movements are a must if you want to do healthy exfoliation that will prevent skin irritation.

    Finally, how often should you exfoliate? Exfoliation once a week is enough to keep your face healthy and clean. Talk to your dermatologist if you think your skin needs special care.

    5 Taking Long Hot Showers

    Taking a long hot shower after a hectic day at work is one of the best relaxation options. If that's a regular habit, however, it may cause skin problems. Hot water ruins the epidermis (the upper layer of the skin) and causes dehydration. Pay attention to your skin's condition when you're taking a shower. Does it become red? Does it itch? If the answer is yes, it's time to get out of the bathroom or opt for lukewarm water.

    Try to lower the water temperature and observe how it affects your skin. Always use a body lotion or a cream after getting out of the shower to lock the moisture in and prevent dryness.

    4 Frequent Spa Treatments

    Just like hot showers, sauna and spa treatments help for body recovery and mind relaxation. The sauna helps for effective detoxification, which can actually be great for the skin. Overdoing the sauna and steam bath treatments, however, could reduce skin elasticity and cause dehydration.

    Remember that 20 minutes is the maximum time permissible for a steam treatment. Look at your skin while you're in the sauna and if you notice anything unusual, get out of there.

    3 Always on the Phone

    Do you know that your smartphone could be dirtier than the toilet? It turns out that the phone is among the dirtiest personal belongings and it can accumulate tons of bacteria. Pressing it against your cheek doesn't sound like the best thing for your skin, right?

    Bacteria on your hands and smartphone can easily transfer to your skin and cause acne. Use antibacterial wipes to regularly clean the phone. This will limit the risk of bacteria spreading and skin spots.

    2 Forgetting to Opt for the Basics

    If you love taking care of your skin, your nightstand is probably filled with day, night, and eye creams, facial washes and scrubs, toners, cleansers and wipes. Chances are, however, that you're forgetting one of the simplest and most effective cleaning and hydrating options.

    Water is the best source of hydration for your skin. While it can't remove all dirt and makeup, cold water tightens pores. Splash your face with lukewarm water to open pores, clean it with a suitable cleanser and apply cold water to close the clean pores.

    1 No Makeup-Free Day

    Allow your skin to breathe and have at least one day with no makeup on. Having a day free of makeup will for the renewal of the skin cells. Put some moisturizing face cream with SPF to protect your face from the sun and go out to enjoy the day.

    Even if you need to wear makeup to the office every single day, you can still have a weekend that's free of foundation, mascara and lipstick. Your skin's going to love it and its condition will improve significantly. Chances are that by going makeup-free, you'll actually reduce the amounts of makeup you have to use on a daily basis.

    Sources: edition.cnn.com, huffingtonpost.com