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    These 19 Quotes From Celebrities On Love And Romance Broke Our Hearts

    Even though celebrity breakups are incredibly common, for some reason we continue to be invested in these relationships. There are couples we never imagined would break up (RIP Brangelina), yet it happens regardless. Many of these stars share their pain with the public when they're experiencing this sort of heartbreak. These celebrities divulge the details of going through breakups and divorces, and though we're not in their relationships, it certainly feels like we're going through these breakups too! These difficult separations have led to some of the saddest celebrity confessions about love. Though we're all able to move on eventually (for the most part) and find love again, the recovery process is long and hard.

    We compiled some of the most heartbreaking quotes from celebrities experiencing difficult breakups. Break out the ice cream and sad love songs and have your Kleenex ready as you go through this list. Together, we'll mourn some recent breakups we're still not over, as well as devastating ones you may have forgotten about. Don't worry though, it's not all sad. Some of these stars have some great advice about love. If nothing else, heartbreak tends to teach people a lot. Besides, we all have to wallow a bit sometimes.

    19 Channing Tatum Had This To Say About Wife  Jenna Dewan Pre-Split

    "She keeps us all sane. Jenna puts everything in perspective for me, always. I'll find myself spinning out or angry or whatever, or even happy, and she always somehow ends up righting the ship."

    It's incredibly romantic that Channing said this about his wife. Obviously, this quote is also heartbreaking since Channing and Jenna just recently announced their separation. It's a little sad to think that even couples who were once so in love and thought this highly of each other can eventually split up. The bright side is that despite all the tabloid claims, Channing and Jenna seem to have ended things on good terms. This is especially important since the two do have a four-year-old daughter together. Obviously, these two will have to remain in communication for her sake. We're hopeful that Jenna and Channing will reconcile eventually, and so far we haven't seen any indication that this won't be a possibility.

    18 Kendra Wilkinson Recently Announced Her And Hank Baskett's Decision To Split

    "Today is the last day of my marriage to this beautiful man. I'm beyond sad and heartbroken because I did believe in forever… "

    Kendra and Hank have unfortunately had a rocky marriage for the past few years. Their love seemed like a fairy tale in the beginning, but this changed a few years ago after Hank was accused of having an extramarital affair while Kendra was pregnant with the couple's second child. Matters were made worse by the fact that Kendra found out about the whole thing through the media, and their entire drama was publicized on their reality show Kendra On Top. Both Kendra and Hank had their individual struggles, with Kendra struggling through postpartum and Hank struggling to find new purpose after his football career ended. Tragically this couple was just hit with too much bad luck at once and Kendra's tragic admission that "forever" was no longer a reality for her and Hank is just really sad.

    17 Justin Bieber Lost Himself In His On-Again Off-Again Relationship With Selena Gomez

    "We were so in love. Nothing else mattered. We were all about each other. But when it's like that and you get your value from that, people will always disappoint you. Your girl or your dude, they're always going to disappoint you. Your full identity can't be in that person. My identity was in her. Her identity was in me.”

    Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez just can't seem to quit each other, and we think their fans feels the same. It's understandable; there is something very romantic about ending up with your first love. However, based on Justin's quote, it seems that the fact that he and Selena met while they were so young is the very reason their relationship didn't work. Married couples have a hard enough time figuring out how to grow together instead of apart, but this is even more challenging when you're still young and figuring out who you are. We're sad to hear that Justin feels he and Selena disappointed each other, but the two clearly have a long history and we're sure they have many good memories too. We hope that these two eventually find a way to make it work, but most of all we wish them the clarity they need to know if they truly belong together.

    16 Lady Gaga Thinks It's Better To Focus On Your Career

    "Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore." 

    Yikes. It's clear from this quote that Lady Gaga has had quite a bit of heartbreak in her life. This pain is pretty clear in many of her songs, so we can tell she's found a way to channel that into making her career better. Gaga's quote is sad because it sounds almost as if she's given up on love, but there is also some great advice hidden in it. Many people find that focusing on self-improvement is a great way to get through a breakup and to build something good from something painful. As you may recall, Gaga broke off her engagement to Chicago Fire actor Taylor Kinney in 2016. Much of what Gaga has said about the relationship seems to suggest she's had a hard time balancing romantic relationships with her career in the past. It's certainly a struggle many of us can relate to.

    15 Rihanna Knows That Love Is Bittersweet

    "When it's over and it's gone, you almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back so you can have the good.”

    Clearly, Rihanna is as wise as she is beautiful. She's probably one of the celebrities we'd most like to go to for relationship advice, and this quote makes it clear why. This quote is from the intro to the music video for her hit song We Found Love, and it offers a glimpse of how much she's learned from her past relationships. It's sad to think that even in a relationship that probably ended because the bad outweighed the good, you can miss that person so much that you want it all back. Rihanna remains pretty private about most of her relationships (although most of us know about her romantic history with Drake), but we can catch a glimpse of what she's experienced through her music. Rihanna is proof that there is something to be gained from heartbreak: infinite wisdom.

    14 George Clooney Felt Alone In Some Of His Relationships

    "I've had some absolutely great relationships and some not so great relationships. I've been in some relationships where I've felt terribly alone. Just because you're with someone it doesn't mean you're incredibly happy and complete." 

    The great news is that this story does have a happy ending! We all know that George, the eligible bachelor most people thought would never get married, is now a family man. Still, he is proof that it can be quite a difficult journey to get to that place. Many people jump into relationships because they're afraid to be alone, but George makes a great point that you can feel alone even when you technically aren't. This feeling can be even more devastating because your experience affects both you and the person you're in a relationship with. George's words imply the fact that no one can complete another person, which is an incredibly important thing for people to learn before they get into relationships. And in the end, George did find his soulmate. Aww.

    13 Jennifer Aniston Was Heartbroken After Her Divorce With Brad Pitt 

    “There are many stages of grief. It's sad, something coming to an end. It cracks you open, in a way - cracks you open to feeling. When you try to avoid the pain, it creates greater pain.”

    Before there was Brangelina, Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were all the rage. This is definitely one couple that the media hasn't been able to let go of, despite the fact that they divorced thirteen years ago. Clearly, Jennifer had a hard time with the breakup too. Pointing out that the end of a relationship means going through all the different stages of grief suggests that divorce brought Jennifer a great deal of insight. It's also proof that the process of getting over a breakup can be a very long one. She seems to realize how important it is to deal with that pain, no matter how hard it is. Like the old saying goes, "the only way out is through." Jennifer's realization suggests that she did find a way to get over this breakup, however, despite all of the tabloids suggesting otherwise.

    12 Kim Kardashian Learned A Lot From Her Brief Marriage To Kris Humphries

    “I felt like I was on a fast roller coaster and couldn't get off when now I know I probably should have. I got caught up with the hoopla and the filming of the TV show that when I probably should have ended my relationship, I didn't know how to and didn't want to disappoint a lot of people… It just didn't turn out to be the fairy tale I had so badly hoped for.”

    Kim Kardashian was judged a lot for her divorce from Kris Humphries. Part of the reason for this was how incredibly expensive the wedding was, especially considering that their marriage lasted less than three months. Yet as with most marriages, the people involved don't expect to break up when they walk down the aisle. Kim's quote offers a glimpse as to why she ended up having to get divorced so quickly, which is that she married someone she probably shouldn't have, but she didn't know how to call things off once they were in motion. It would be difficult for any regular bride to call off an engagement once the wedding was early being planned, but even more difficult when your love life is also attached to your work commitments.  Her confession offers a valuable lesson though; that people in a relationship must always prioritize themselves over the opinions of the outside world.

    11 Khloe Kardashian Had A Hard Time Letting Go Of Lamar Odom

    “I miss what we had… there's times I'll get so sentimental and so sad, but this had to happen for some reason. I'll figure it out over time. Someone will give me that answer eventually.”

    This is another relationship that kind of begin like a fairy tale. Khloe and Lamar seemed to know they were serious about each other pretty quickly. These two got married less than a month after meeting! Though some people would argue that that's a recipe for disaster, a surprising number of happily married couples say they "knew" immediately after meeting their partner. From their show Khloe & Lamar, it was obvious how much Khloe loved her husband and how committed she was to make it work. She even told People, "I like to think divorce is not an option." Sadly, everyone has their limits. Khloe's confession is proof that even when breaking things off is the best thing to do, you can still miss the relationship you had with someone. Sadly Khloe is still experiencing her fair share of heartbreak these days, but hopefully, her experience as a first-time mom will give her something good to focus on.

    10 Amy Poehler Was Devastated By Her Divorce From Will Arnett

    "Imagine spreading everything you care about on a blanket and then tossing the whole thing up in the air. The process of divorce is about loading that blanket, throwing it up, watching it all spin, and worrying what stuff will break when it lands. When you are a person going through a divorce you feel incredibly alone, yet you are constantly reminded by society of how frequently divorce happens and how common it has become. You aren't allowed to feel special, but no one knows the specific ways you are in pain."

    This quote from Amy Poehler's book Yes Please in incredibly vulnerable and incredibly brilliant in the way it encapsulates what so many people have felt after a breakup. There is a lot of uncertainty that comes with a breakup because it requires you to re-plan your future. This is especially complicated when you have kids like Will and Amy do. Even though we all know divorce is devastating, it's true that many people treat it as if isn't a big deal because of how common it is. Yet even when relationships end on the best terms, divorce is still painful. When one thinks about how common divorce is, as Amy pointed out, it becomes incredibly overwhelming to think of all those broken hearts trying to rebuild their lives. Still, people do experience it all the time, and they manage to rebuild their lives. That's great proof that there's always hope.

    9 Emma Stone's First Heartbreak Made Her Sick

    "I was crawling on the floor. I remember throwing up. I remember being on the floor… I have never felt anything quite like that. It was so visceral. It's like someone has killed you and you have to live through it and watch it happen. It was awful."

    Emma didn't disclose who caused her first heartbreak, but it clearly had a significant impact on her. Most of the time it's hard to know what someone who has just experienced a breakup is going through, but in Emma's case, it's clear there were physical symptoms that served as a testament to her pain. Her description of what the experience was like is so vivid, we can almost feel her pain. It's hard to imagine that anyone would ever risk this sort of heartbreak again after experiencing what Emma did, but she's fallen in love since then and hopefully will again. Her experience really does sound awful, but we bet it made her stronger too. We're not certain that Emma is dating anyone at the moment, but overall she seems to be doing well. Perhaps she's taking Gaga's advice and focusing on her career.

    8 The End Of Bennifer Was Very Painful For J-Lo

    “It felt like my heart had been torn out of my chest.”

    Bennifer is another one of those couples of yesteryear that many people seem to have had a hard time letting go of. Well, JLo feels your pain! Jennifer's description of the breakup is short but accurate. Losing your partner can certainly feel like losing a part of yourself in a very forceful and violent way. The star has clearly always been open to love. Not only was she engaged to Ben, but she's also been married three times. Though many people would look at that as a failure, it's evidence she's incredibly brave. Even though she's clearly experienced very devastating breakups, she continues to make an effort and be open to new relationships. One thing we can learn from JLo is that experiencing heartbreak doesn't mean you have to become jaded about love.

    7 Miranda Lambert Knew She'd Be Lonely After Her Divorce With Blake Shelton

    “I just want to live a life full of everything. Some of that might mean nights on my porch crying, drinking whiskey and going, 'Man this sucks right now.' I don't necessarily want to know that I have really bad, long, lonely nights ahead of me, but I have had some, and I still have a bunch ahead of me.'” 

    These days, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani seem to be madly in love. However, they both went through painful divorces before they got to this point. Blake's ex-wife Miranda Lambert gave some insight into how she was feeling after the breakup to Cosmopolitan in 2015. We have to admit, she's pretty brave for acknowledging that heartbreak is part of life and not running away from that. She seems to be pretty realistic about what it means to go through a divorce. Sadly there is no avoiding the sadness and loneliness that comes after a divorce. Her quote also alludes to how important it is to experience heartbreak. Not only is it part of experiencing a "full life," it's a great reminder of what it means to be human, and it makes all the good part of life even sweeter.

    6 Jessica Simpson And Nick Lachey Were Early 2000s Relationship Goals Before Their Divorce

    "It was hard to imagine I would ever walk down the aisle again. It was like a death in the family… "

    As newlyweds, Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson shared their lives with the world on their creatively titled reality show Newlyweds. This show arguably made the couple much more famous than they would have been apart, so it was definitely tied up in their careers too. On top of that, both of the pop stars were very young when they got married. Jessica was reportedly the one that made the decision to divorce, but that certainly doesn't mean it wasn't painful. According to Nick, the show was a big part of the reason that their relationship didn't work. We can only imagine how much extra strain the show must have put on these two's relationship. Despite Jessica's heartbreak, though, she did walk down the aisle again: she's been married to footballer Eric Johnson since 2014.

    5 Nicole Kidman Remembered Her Dad's Advice After Her Split With Tom Cruise

    As my dad said 'Nic, it is what it is, it's not what it should have been, not what it could have been, it is what it is'. "

    Another couple of yesteryear that doubted whether they would recover from their breakup: Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. These two were both very young when they got together but they had a relationship that lasted more than a decade. Neither of the two has ever gone into much detail about their breakup, but we can imagine it was painful after having been together that long. This quote seems to suggest that Nicole didn't spend too much dealing with regret, however. Overall, her dad's words are pretty wise. After a relationship ends there's really no point spending a lot of time thinking about what you could have done differently. Sadly none of us have a time machine, so it's best to accept a relationship for what it was. Acknowledging the reality certainly makes the process of moving on easier.

    4 Halle Berry Doesn't Regret Her Relationship With Gabriel Audry

    "It's just that you realize you are not meant to go the distance with everybody. We were meant to bring this amazing little person into the world. And I think that's why we came together… And while it was not a love connection for us, he was absolutely the right person to have this child with… "

    Breaking up can be very complicated when you have a child. It can be difficult to separate your love for that child and the fact that you don't regret having them from your regret for the relationship that brought you that child. Halle Berry and Gabriel Audry's relationship, unfortunately, didn't end very well: they had an ugly custody battle sparked by reports of Gabriel being racist and attempting to deny a crucial part of their daughter's heritage. Even as exes, the pair have continued to make the news over their drama. Despite all this, Halle seems to appreciate the relationship because it brought her their daughter. It's very mature of her to realize that some relationships just don't work out and still focus on the bright side of it.

    3 Princess Diana Wanted to Make It Work With Prince Charles

    "I think when I came into marriage-especially when you've had divorced parents like myself… You'd want to try even harder to make it work… I desperately want it to work; I desperately love my husband and I wanted to share everything together. And I thought that we were a very good team."

    It takes a lot to meld two families together once people get married, but this pressure is especially heightened when one is marrying into the royal family. Despite all of the unique stressors that made their relationship difficult, Princess Diana seemed truly committed to making it work with Prince Charles. Knowing this makes their divorce even more heartbreaking. A lot of people that come from divorced parents try to avoid making the same mistakes their parents did, but unfortunately, Diana was not able to avoid divorce in her relationship. Regardless, the fact that she tried is still important. As many of the stars on this list have shown, even when people are truly committed to making things work, something relationships just don't work out.

    2 Katy Perry Was Depressed During Her And Russell Brand's Breakup

    "Sometimes you can be blinded by your extreme emotions… And yeah, I was depressed, and it was sad, and there were thoughts, but there were never actions, thankfully."

    Russell Brand and Katy Perry were definitely a quirky, unexpected couple. Yet, sometimes differences strengthen a relationship, and their fans probably hoped the same thing for these two. Katy is brave to admit that the end of her relationship led to depression, and also to confess how far it led her down that hole. It's scary to catch a glimpse of how much this relationship impacted her and how sad the end of it made her because there isn't really any way to prevent this kind of pain. Both she and Russell have talked about their divorce, and it seems that work got in the way of this relationship too. Also, Katy has said Russell told her he wanted a divorce through text, so we can certainly understand where her devastation came from.

    1 Marilyn Monroe's Heartbreaks Taught Her A Lot

    "… People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

    For a lot of reasons, Marilyn Monroe's legacy is bittersweet. It's incredible that her memory and influence has lasted so long, but we also know that she had a very tragic life. All of the pain Marilyn experienced made her a very wise woman, and she's arguably remembered as much for her looks as for her famous quotes. Her wisdom is apparent in this one, and despite everything, it's clear that her pain didn't make her lose hope.  It's sad that she had a hard time trusting people after everything she went through, but also understandable considering her position. Still, overall, her message here seems to be that the good parts of life can't exist without the bad, so we bet she truly appreciated all the things that were good in her life.

    References: Extra.com, UsMagazine.com, ENews.com, Popsugar.com