Today, they are known as “man crush Mondays” on social media. However, back in the day, handsome celebrity men were known as heartthrobs or dreamboats, and boy, oh boy did...
Kylie Cosmetics is a brand that is becoming a worldwide sensation, from lip kits to holiday collections, to collaborations with her famous sisters, we're living for everything Kylie has to...
On the surface, Hollywood seems like a land of glitz and glamour. I mean, Angelina Jolie! Gwyneth Paltrow! Reese Witherspoon! Jennifer Lawrence! Unfortunately, what all of these women have in...
Stanie się ojcem może być łatwe, ale liczy się to, że jest jednym z nich. Prawdziwe ojcostwo oznacza miłość, zaangażowanie, poświęcenie i gotowość do dzielenia się odpowiedzialnością i nie odchodzenia...
2018 has only just begun, but we've already seen a number of celebrities the knot, including Ricky Martin, Amy Schumer, and Ellen Page. But this is just the beginning! This...
There are just some men in Hollywood who are determined to live the bachelor life forever. Our jaws hit the floor when we heard that George Clooney was getting married...
Czy zastanawiałeś się kiedyś, jak wysoka jest określona gwiazda? Widzieliście kiedyś osobiście i myśleli, że wyglądają na dużo wyższe lub krótsze niż sobie wyobrażano? Cóż, ta lista może odpowiedzieć na...
Celebrities are photographed pretty much constantly when they're out and about, running errands, thanks to the popularity of paparazzi photos. In those types of photos, the paparazzi generally want the celebrity...