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    Kylie Jenner's Baby Daughter Is Born 18 Must-See Pregnancy Photos

    Kylie Jenner's little bundle of joy came into the world on February 1st, and fans couldn't possibly be happier for the star. Of course, her pregnancy was full of drama (which isn't surprising for a member of the infamous Kardashian/Jenner clan) since it seemed like she had totally and completely disappeared from the public eye. People wondered where she was and what she was doing and if she was even pregnant at all. There were rumors flying absolutely everywhere… and there was even a rumor going around that she was Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's surrogate which was why she was in hiding. Of course, that wasn't true at all, but when you're that super famous, people are going to say all kinds of stuff about you.

    Kylie shared a post with her fans on her Instagram account, saying that she was sorry for hiding out but that she wanted to keep her pregnancy and birth as private as she could. Which we totally understand. As she posted on her Instagram, "my pregnancy was one [journey] I chose not to do in front of the world." Now that her baby is here, let's take a look at Kylie Jenner's pregnancy with some gorgeous photos!

    18 The Big Announcement

    This Instagram post from @15secondsofpop is an announcement about Kylie Jenner's baby. She had a girl, and as this post makes clear, she was born at 4:43 pm on February 1st and weighed 8 pounds, 9 oz.

    We bet that a lot of fans were wondering if Kylie would literally have her birth filmed and make that part of an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, or maybe it would even be a special episode on the e! channel. Of course, it doesn't seem like that's going to happen since Kylie has made it super clear that she wanted her pregnancy to be as private as possible and so it doesn't seem like she would want everyone to know too much about the day that her daughter was born, either. And that's a choice that we definitely respect.

    17 Beautiful Babe

    As this fan posted on her Instagram account, she's super happy for Kylie and Travis Scott's baby girl, and we know that every fan of the famous family is super thrilled for them as well. It's hard not to get caught up in the excitement. Since a lot of us have been watching Kylie on her fam's reality show since she was a kid, it's hard not to feel emotional about the whole thing. She's come of age before our very eyes and now she's a mom. Definitely #allthefeels.

    This fan captioned this photo of a pregnant Kylie with, "She looks so beautiful pregnant" and we would have to agree. We for sure think that every woman looks beautiful pregnant but of course Kylie, who is never anything but incredibly stylish, always looks great.

    16 Stylish And Sophisticated

    If any pregnant female celebrity was going to be fashionable, we just know that it would be Kylie Jenner. We don't think that she ever puts a bad outfit together. She's just got tons of talent when it comes to picking out clothing. And this photo of her pregnant and wearing all black is no different. She looks awesome.

    Since Kylie has shared that she wanted to keep her pregnancy to herself, we're sure that she really enjoyed being out of the public eye. If we really think about it, this was probably the first time that she was ever able to do that. She definitely has always lived her life in the spotlight and it must get so stressful at times (or all the time, really).

    15 Lady In Red

    This red dress is so cute and looks great on a very pregnant Kylie.

    Her friends have shared that she's wanted to be a mom since she was fifteen years old, so it definitely seems like she's living out her dream right now, and we bet that she's just over the moon happy and excited and feeling so many emotions. We haven't seen many (or any) photos of a pregnant Kylie over the past nine months, and that's because that's the way that she wanted it. As she shared on her website and Instagram account, 'There was no gotcha moment. No big paid reveal I had planned. I knew my baby would feel every stress and every emotion so I chose to do it this way for my little life and our happiness."

    14 An LBD In The Desert

    This photo is one that Kylie posted on her website, www.thekyliejenner.com, along with a public statement about why she's been out of the public eye throughout the past few months. Kylie explained that she wanted to keep this personal and private, and it's impossible to argue with that. It's absolutely her right to do that if that was her decision.

    She wrote a beautiful, poetic statement, and she said, "Pregnancy has been the most beautiful, empowering, and life changing experience I've had in my entire life and I'm actually going to miss it. I appreciate my friends and especially my family for helping me make this special moment as private as we could. My beautiful and healthy baby girl arrived February 1st and I just couldn't wait to share this blessing. I've never felt love and happiness like this I could burst! Thank you for understanding." Awwww. We love it.

    13 Bikini Selfie

    Of course Kylie Jenner could wear a bikini pregnant and look awesome (which any pregnant woman would, of course, and we totally think that everyone should).

    The thing that people are buzzing about right now, besides knowing that, yup, Kylie was pregnant this whole time and just had a baby girl, is what the baby girl's name is. It seems like either Kylie and Travis haven't chosen a name yet and are waiting to find the right one and one that speaks to them… or they don't want the public and her fans to know yet. It's honestly impossible to know which one of those two scenarios is the truth. At this point, anything goes and anything could happen, but we're pretty sure that we'll find out what they named their daughter in the next few days or at least the next few weeks.

    12 Mama-To-Be Enjoying Being An Aunt

    This is a really sweet photo of Kylie with her new niece Chicago West, and we definitely all share the sentiment that Kylie Jenner's BFF, Jordyn Woods, posted on her Instagram account.

    As we all found out when we watched Kylie's reality show Life of Kylie, Jordyn has been her close friend since forever. The two were really sweet and adorable together on the show, which really captured their friendship. Elitedaily.com wrote a story called "Jordyn Woods' Reaction To Kylie Jenner's Baby Is So Sweet, It'll Bring Tears To Your Eyes" and we honestly couldn't agree with that statement more. She posted a photo of the two of them at Kylie's baby shower on her IG account and wrote, "Your growth and maturity over this time never failed to amaze me. So excited for this new addition! Wifey 4L." Awwww. Right?!

    11 Baby Shower Photo Fun

    This is a picture of Kylie and her friend, Heather, at Kylie's baby shower. What's so special about this photo is that Heather was also expecting a baby at the time and she and Kylie were only four weeks apart in their pregnancies.

    It must be really fun to be pregnant at the same time as one of your closest friends, since of course that would make things both more interesting and also much easier. You could talk about symptoms and emotions and you could share the experience in general. It's always nice to know that you have someone close in your life that you can relate to and who can relate to you, too. That's really what friendship is all about, and from this photo alone, we can tell that these two have a really nice friendship for sure.

    10 More Baby Shower Photo Fun

    This is a really nice photo of Kylie and her BFF Jordyn, and we can tell that this was a really special moment for both of them.

    Of course, it's always special when your best friend is having a baby or celebrating another kind of milestone in life, but it really seems like these two have a special bond and connection and that Jordyn was especially thrilled for her good friend. As Jordyn has shared, Kylie always wanted to be a mother and this was something that really meant a lot to her. It's great when you see someone that you care about going after their dream and realizing it, and we can all definitely relate to that, so that seems to apply here to this situation too.

    9 So Sweet

    This is a photo of Kylie Jenner holding Chicago West, aka Kim and Kanye's baby who was born recently, and it's definitely sweet and adorable and every positive adjective out there.

    There's also a video on Kylie's YouTube about this, and Kylie asks if she's thought of a name yet. Kim said, "I think we're gonna go with Chicago" and everyone said that it was a really great name and that they all loved it. We're definitely super curious about what Kylie and Travis Scott are going to name their baby girl. Do we think that it's going to be a really creative, unique, interesting name or something more traditional?! We honestly don't know and we can't wait to find out. It's really, really hard to wait on this one.

    8 A Precious Moment

    There's probably no greater feeling than when you hold your baby for the first time. If any of us have had kids, we know that to be true, or if we haven't, maybe we've seen that firsthand with siblings who are older than us and

    It's hard to know if this is actually a photo of Kylie holding her daughter, or if this is a photo of Kylie holding Kim's baby Chicago, because it's unclear just how many photos are out there of the day that Kylie gave birth. We honestly can't wait until we see photos of Kylie's baby and Khloe's baby (once she gives birth) and Kim's kids Chicago, North and Saint and Kourtney's adorable kids Reign, Penelope, and Mason all hanging out. They are going to be super stylish and just way too cute for words.

    7 Getting Excited

    In the YouTube video about what Kylie has been up to for the past nine months, she shares that she has had cravings for In and Out and that she was really enjoying eating that for the duration of her pregnancy. She also talked about getting both sweet potato fries and regular fries and getting two burgers (one for her and one for the baby, as she explained).

    People always joke about "eating for two" when you're expecting a baby, so it seems like this is one of those things. We're sure that she's also been eating healthy food as well since the Kardashian-Jenner family is famous for loving salads and other trendy healthy food, but she's definitely been enjoying her junk food. It makes her seem a lot more relatable and down-to-earth of course we all love burgers and fries.

    6 Beautiful Sister Moment

    This is definitely a throwback to when Kylie Jenner was pregnant, and now that her baby girl is here, her family seems to be completely overjoyed. This shows her pregnant alongside her pregnant sister Khloe.

    As Kris Jenner tweeted, "God is SO good!! I am so excited and thrilled to welcome another precious baby girl to our beautiful, ever growing family. We are blessed beyond belief!" Sweet, right? Of course as soon as we all found out that Kylie had her baby girl, we were immediately interested to hear what the Kardashian-Jenner family had to say about it. Kylie's sisters responded on social media with a lot of heart emojis, which is super adorable. We're sure that Kylie and Travis are feeling really blessed since Kylie has dreamed of being a mother for a long time.

    5 Girl Squad's All Here

    We would have loved to attend Kylie Jenner's baby shower, which basically goes without saying, but it also would have been pretty cool to have been a fly on the wall at that event. We can only imagine how fun and fashionable and fabulous it was, just like everything about Kylie Jenner.

    There were a lot of photos online about the event, which we're thankful for since we can kind of pretend that we were there. No? We can't? Okay, fine, but we still love seeing the photos. There was pink everywhere, which makes sense now that we know that Kylie gave birth to a baby girl. According to all the stories about the event, Kylie was the one who had the baby shower for herself, which we think is super cool. Kendall attended the event, too, and is sitting here in this photo right next to her sister.

    4 True Friendship

    This is a photo from Kylie's baby shower with her friend Heather, who was also pregnant at the same time, and now people are sharing things about Heather since of course we all want to know more about her.

    Her name is Heather Sanders and, according to a story on Romper.com, she's 28 years old and is known for her social media posts/expertise/stardom and owns Sorella Boutique as well. She's described as an entrepreneur. People say that the two of them have bonded over the fact that they're both really interested in fashion, and that definitely makes sense. It's always amazing when you find someone that you really click with and have things in common with, and these two seem to have a really sweet friendship.

    3 Doctor's Appointment

    Okay, so even though Kylie posted on her Instagram account that she wanted to keep things as private as she could, her friend Tyler Ross did make a video about the story of her pregnancy. It's on Kylie's official YouTube channel (and linked in the bio of her IG account) and is super sweet. FYI: it'll give anyone that watches it #allthefeels.

    The video shows the day that Kylie was born and features her friends at her baby shower talking about when they found out that she was expecting a baby. They said they were so "happy" and "proud" that they definitely teared up. The moment that Kylie's daughter was born is part of the video, but it's super brief and doesn't feel invasive or anything because it's just really cute. This photo is part of the video too and in it, Kylie talks about wanting to eat In and Out because it tasted amazing to her.

    2 Cute Couple Alert

    The video mentioned above talks about Kylie and Travis Scott's love story, and it's always nice to see a couple in Hollywood that honestly seems really close and just generally really adorable. As her BFF Jordyn Wood explains, they fell for each other and had amazing chemistry and that was where the story of their daughter began as well.

    Kylie and Travis look super adorable in this photo, embracing and clearly so excited about the life that they were bringing into the world. They've been together since approximately April 2017 when they were spotted hanging out at the Coachella music festival. Since then, things have only gotten more serious between the two, and fans were thrilled to learn that the couple was going to have a baby.

    1 Bundle Of Joy

    We can see the pure joy in Kylie Jenner's eyes as she holds Kim's baby Chicago in this photo, and we can only imagine that the same thing was true when she held her own baby for the very first time.

    Since a photo of Kylie holding her baby girl doesn't seem to exist, or at least it hasn't been made available online for fans since Kylie wants to keep things private, we'll have to look at this one instead and imagine what she looked like. Although we would have loved seeing the moment that she gave birth, we'll have to settle for the interesting photos on this list, and the video of Kylie's life over the past nine months. We'll honestly take whatever we can get since we're such big fans. And we wish her and her little girl the very best.