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    Date, Chuck, Or Marry, Based On Your Zodiac Sign KJ Apa, James Franco, & TheWeeknd

    Astrological signs can be an interesting way to take a look into your life and find out things about yourself. Some people use their horoscopes to try and get an insight on certain elements of their life, like family, work, friends, and of course, love. While not everyone believes in astrology, a lot of people still partake, because it can be fun to see what the stars have in store for you. It's also fun to see if any of the astrological predictions you read about come true. In the spirit of fun and games, “date, chuck, or marry” is also a fun thing to play. It's a theoretical game, of course, but it forces you to decide between three people, in this case, three celebrity heartthrobs, and whether you would date, chuck, or marry them.

    Combining these two games could be a lot of fun, especially between a few drastically different dreamboats. First, we have James Franco - an independent Aries whose film roles in both serious films and cult classics have made him part of the Hollywood elite. Then we've got The Weeknd, a brooding Aquarius known for his moody love songs and great vocals. Last but not least, we have KJ Apa, the charismatic Gemini who became an overnight sensation through the show Riverdale. Who will you choose?

    12 Virgo: Date The Weeknd, Chuck James Franco, Marry KJ Apa

    It can be hard for Virgos to open up in a new relationship, which is why someone like The Weeknd, who is known for his romantic music, might be the perfect boyfriend, in that he can serenade and woo you. James Franco, on the other hand, might be too over-the-top for an introspective Virgo, which is why he is the stud we have to chuck. While KJ Apa might not have a ton of experience in the love department, he may be the perfect guy for a Virgo, because a quiet determination to make you happy could be the key to a long-lasting relationship (or marriage). Marrying someone who still makes an effort and continues to want to make you happy means that you'll never have a mundane relationship, which is a romance killer for any Virgo.

    11 Taurus: Date James Franco, Chuck KJ Apa, Marry The Weeknd

    If you're a Taurus, you're probably a sensual person with a big appetite for love. You expect to receive nothing less than the best, which is why dating someone like James Franco could be really fun. Someone as established as him in Hollywood is exposed to the best of the best at all times. Being treated like a princess is also a big deal for you, which is why someone like KJ Apa might get chucked. He's working on his career and might not have time to give you the attention you deserve. However, because you're into the type of guy who loves love, The Weeknd is your man. Why? He has literally made a career by singing about love, and a marriage will bring an endless supply of that.

    10 Leo: Date The Weeknd, Chuck KJ Apa, Marry James Franco

    As a Leo, you have an ego that likes to be stroked, which is why your ideal man is someone who's comfortable letting you shine. And what better way to shine than through a crooner boyfriend's love songs about you! The Weeknd would be a wonderful choice to date, because he'd be singing about how wonderful you are to a large audience - talk about worship! You love a relationship that's fiery and passionate, which is why KJ Apa probably isn't for you. His inexperience might be a little too tame and boring. However, someone like James Franco could be perfect husband material, because his status in Hollywood probably makes him a secure enough partner to give you all of the attention you need. He also won't be needy since he's well loved and adored by all of his fans.

    9 Sagittarius: Date James Franco, Chuck KJ Apa, Marry The Weeknd

    People with the Sagittarius sign are very easygoing. A Sagittarius is looking for a man who loves adventure, which is why James Franco might be someone worth dating. Certainly, he gets into some pretty interesting adventures when he's out filming his movies, and you could be along for the ride! While KJ Apa is certainly on an adventure right now, with his star on the rise, he might still need to be chucked, because his adventures are more centred on myself. Sagittarius' are also drawn to the kind of guy who can get high on life, and who does that better than The Weeknd? The guy actually has a song called, “High for this!” He is also always travelling the world, especially when he's on tour, which means being married to him will always be exciting.

    8 Gemini: Date KJ Apa, Chuck The Weeknd, Marry James Franco

    A Gemini typically has a bubbly and social personality. They also have a lust for life, and are always down for being playful and silly, which is why you'll probably want to date a fun-loving guy like KJ Apa. Dating someone like Apa is bound to be a good time, which is perfect for you! Humour is also a major turn on for Geminis, which is probably why someone like The Weeknd has to go. All of those serious love songs might be a bit too much for you. As a Gemini, you're probably looking for a man who can keep you laughing, while being great company through good conversation. This is where actor James Franco comes in. His comedic timing will probably keep you laughing for life, which is why he'd be great marriage material.

    7 Cancer: Date KJ Apa, Chuck James Franco, Marry The Weeknd

    Cancers are usually the more sensitive and understanding of the astrological signs. You find yourself attracted to guys who are sensitive too, which is why dating a guy like actor KJ Apa might be right up your alley. He's still new to the dating game, so ramose is probably a high priority. Actor James Franco, however, has to go, because of Hollywood heartthrob status. He may not be into long-term relationships, and one-night stands just aren't your thing. You prefer to have deep, meaningful relationships, which is why singer The Weeknd might be the groom of your dreams. Romance and relationships are practically his middle name, and one look at his song lyrics shows the level of sensitivity he has. The Weeknd is probably your ideal hubby if you're looking for a lifetime of romance.

    6 Aquarius: Date KJ Apa, Chuck The Weeknd, Marry James Franco

    An Aquarius is usually a little unpredictable and spontaneous, and they're usually not into the cookie-cutter type of man, which is why KJ Apa would be a great boyfriend. Dating and love are still new to him, which could be really exciting for an Aquarius who want to show him the ropes. People with the Aquarius sign are attracted to rebels, but The Weeknd may be putting on too much of a show with his persona, so he gets chucked. Aquarius ladies are drawn to men who are both creative and charming, which is why an actor like James Franco would be a great husband. His life is his art, and he has the nominations and awards to prove it, which shows that he's serious and passionate about his craft.

    5 Scorpio: Date The Weeknd, Chuck KJ Apa, Marry James Franco

    Scorpios are known for being sexy and mysterious, which is right up The Weeknd's alley, when it comes to the women he dates - meaning you probably have a great shot at being his next lady friend. Scorpios are also one of the most challenging signs, because they have a fiery temper. KJ Apa is chucked, because he likely wouldn't be a great partner to a feisty Scorpio, as his inexperience might not make his equipped to handle all of that. Scorpios are most attracted to men who can match their fire, instead of neutralizing it. This is why someone with as much appeal and charisma as James Franco might be the guy you want to spend your life with. Both of your magnetic personalities will make for great chemistry and a lifetime of passion.

    4 Capricorn: Date The Weeknd, Chuck KJ Apa, Marry James Franco

    Capricorns love to work hard and play hard, which is what The Weeknd's persona is all about. Dating him could be a lot of fun, because you could both focus on your careers, but get together for the fun stuff later. While there is no doubt that actor KJ Apa is a hard-worker, his youth might be an issue for the very serious Capricorn, and that's why he's chucked. While Capricorns like the kind of guy who can infuse some fun in their lives, they're most attracted to ambition. Capricorns love a hard-working man who takes pride in their work, and a multiple Golden Globe nominated actor might be just who they want to settle down with. James Franco has received many accolades for his work, and is well-established in his career. That power and status is a definite turn on, and a reason to marry Franco.

    3 Pisces: Date The Weeknd, Chuck James Franco, Marry KJ Apa

    Pisces are perpetual dreamers, and they tend to prefer guys are very romantic. This is why The Weeknd would be an ideal boyfriend, with his life being all about romance. Sometimes, a Pieces might dream about having a knight in shining armour to rescue them and sweep them off their feet, which is why James Franco gets chucked. His bad boy reputation might not be the right fit for a more sensitive Pisces. A Pisces woman is also very nurturing, which is why KJ Apa might be great husband material. His youth and the fact that he hasn't had a lot of experience in relationships makes him somewhat of a work-in-progress, which means you can shower him with love and affection, and help him grow as you embark on a life together.

    2 Libra: Date KJ Apa, Chuck James Fronco, Marry The Weeknd

    Libras are known for being social butterflies, and they're often the source of conversation, or an excellent party organizer. A Libra needs a man who can match their high energy levels, which is why KJ Apa would be a great boyfriend to date. The youngest of our three hunks, Apa is more likely to be able to keep up with an energetic Libra - he's also a Gemini, which is a good love match for Libras. James Franco might be the guy to chuck if you're a Libra, because while he certainly has the energy to keep up with you, he might be a little too self-involved. On the other hand, singer The Weeknd might be ideal husband material, because someone who is constantly on tour, performing, probably has more than enough energy to keep up with you!

    1 Aries: Date The Weeknd, Chuck KJ Apa, Marry James Franco

    If you're an Aries, you're probably pretty stubborn and impulsive. Compromising your independence is non-negotiable, especially when it comes to romance and love. Your strong personality needs to date a guy like The Weeknd who can handle your fiery personality - he might even write a song about you too. Someone like James Franco, however, might try to put out this fire or dampen your spirits with everything being about him, which is why he needs to get chucked. If you're looking for marriage, KJ Apa might be your man. Apa's star is on the rise, so he might be inclined to show off in social environments (like red carpet events) - while showing you off as well. Of course, because he's working on his career, it will give both of you a chance to be independent, so you won't feel too tied down.