Główna » Zabawa » 8 Of Heidi Klum's Best Halloween Costumes And 8 Of Her Worst

    8 Of Heidi Klum's Best Halloween Costumes And 8 Of Her Worst

    There's no doubt about it - Heidi Klum is without question the queen of Halloween. There are plenty of celebrities who love to dress up and attend Halloween parties, but no one does it quite like Heidi. She often plans her costumes months in advance, and it seems that every year they're more elaborate than before. She's gone super sultry, she's gone over-the-top, she's done pop culture costumes and traditional Halloween creature costumes and there's only one thing that all her costumes have in common - they're consistently fantastic.

    She's likely putting the finishing touches on this year's costume - she started giving fans a sneak peek a month or so ago - so in honour of Heidi, Queen of Halloween, we've gathered some of her steamiest (and scariest) Halloween costumes. Although, to be perfectly honest, even Heidi Klum's worst costumes take a ton of effort and planning - they just sometimes leave us scratching our heads.

    All hail Heidi, Queen of Halloween - we sincerely hope she'll continue with her insane costumes for another 20 years to come. We can't wait to see what she's got in store for us this year, and the year after that, and the year after that… I mean, no one does Halloween like she does.

    16 A full glam Betty Boop costume that showed off her curves?

    When it comes to sexy Halloween costumes, Heidi isn't about to be as basic as taking one of the out of the box costumes like a sexy cop or a nurse. She's going back to the archives with a vintage vixen - such as Betty Boop! And no, Klum didn't do a 'pretty' Boop, where she just used the costume as an excuse to wear a gorgeous red dress and a regular hair and make-up look. She has pushed-up, over the top curves, a black wig styled to look exactly like Boop's cute hairstyle, and even a make-up look designed to make her face look like the cartoon icon. I mean, this is a woman who completely commits to her costume look - and we love that! She transforms herself into a cartoon so perfectly.

    15 Her first big costume - some kind of a grunge, gothic doll?

    The year 2000 was the year that Heidi Klum blessed us with her first ever costume - this goth dominatrix look. Compared to many of her costumes to come, this one is pretty tame - a look that most people could create with some make-up and the right outfit. However, there's no doubt that it kicked off her costumes with a splash - she looks totally gorgeous. And, though the outfit isn't as involved as some of her other ones, this one still required a fair bit of effort - I mean, the woman is wearing a wig, full face of make-up, and we can only imagine how hard it was to squeeze into that skintight leather dress. She likely wouldn't revisit something as boring as this, but perhaps for her 20th Halloween-anniversary she'll do dominatrix doll 2.0?

    14 The ultimate Halloween costume - Heidi Klone?

    Okay, honestly? We live for this costume. When you're a leggy blonde supermodel, you can make pretty much any costume look incredible, but Heidi took it to the next level with this 2016 costume where she dressed as Heidi Klone. As in, she got a group of five gorgeous women who wore the exact same outfits as her, the exact same boots, the exact same hairstyle and make-up look, everything, and showed up to the party as a squad of Heidi klones. I mean, it's genius. And it just proves that Heidi has absolutely no limits when it comes to her costumes - she's willing to recruit an entire squad of models to help her execute her vision, and we have to admire that level of dedication. This costume definitely had a huge impact on the red carpet, and likely at any party she went to.

    13 A peek at what she might look like in 50 years?

    If you've ever doubted the power of make-up, just take a look at this Heidi Klum costume. The clothing itself isn't anything crazy - it's the type of apparel you could probably still find in certain stores today, or pick up at your local thrift shop. However, the make-up is an entirely different story. Through carefully applied make-up and tons of tips and tricks, she and her team have created an old woman look that is so convincing it's almost frightening. And she didn't only focus on her face - she had her team pay attention to her hands, legs, neck, everything - and it's kind of like getting a glimpse into Heidi Klum's future and what she might look like in another 50 years. Who knows - maybe 85 year old Heidi will dress as young supermodel Heidi to bring it full circle!

    12 Instead of showing skin with this costume, she showed muscle?

    On the one hand, this is a pretty cool costume. However, we have the same issue as we had with the gorilla suit - it essentially just involves slithering into a particularly printed bodysuit. Given the types of costumes she's crafted in the past, with numerous elaborate elements and parts involved, this one is just a little blah. Although we kind of love the idea of Klum, who normally doesn't shy away from showing a little skin, literally showing herself off in an entirely different way. It's a little bit cheeky, which is always a good thing to incorporate into a costume. The question is, how long did it take to do that make-up, and how on earth was she supposed to use the bathroom in this outfit? It seems like a nightmare.

    11 Lady Godiva - complete with an actual, live horse?

    Okay, if you need any kind of proof about how extra Heidi Klum is about Halloween, you just need to look back in the costume archives for when she dressed up as Lady Godiva. The insanely long blonde wig and skintight body suit is definitely a look for the bold, but come on - she's a supermodel, she's used to showing off her curves and wearing crazy hairstyles for photoshoots. The real thing that impressed everyone about this costume was the fact that she literally incorporated a live horse. That's right - no plastic ponies for Heidi, she's going to roll up to the party with a legit stallion if she's playing the part of Lady Godiva. That's taking it to an entirely different level that us mere mortals simply cannot compete with.

    10 When she became the most alluring golden alien creature ever?

    To be perfectly honest, we're not 100% sure what Klum is supposed to be in this costume - all we know is that it's elaborate, it's fabulous, and it likely put any other costume at that party to shame. Klum pulled together some kind of a golden warrior alien goddess costume complete with an elaborate braided hair look, a gold undersuit, and several embellished armor-like pieces to go overtop. This is not the kind of costume that you whip up at the last minute because you forgot you RSVP'd yes to a costumes mandatory bash. This is the kind of costume that you've been working on since June. Heidi Klum, proving yet again that, as she says, Halloween is year round in her house. I mean, those costumes take a ton of time and effort to pull together!

    9 The cat costume that put all other cat costumes to shame?

    We would bet that for women, the cat costume is one of the most popular, year after year, hands down. It's because it's so incredibly easy. For a half-hearted cat costume, all you have to do is wear some kind of black garment, toss a pair of ears on, maybe an optional tail, and swipe a little nose and whiskers on with your favourite eyeliner. Easy! Well, when Heidi Klum decides that her costume of the year is a cat, she's not about to take the easy way out. She went for a full on ensemble, complete with platform stiletto boots, a cat costume designed to look like a cat with a little underbelly, literal whiskers somehow attached to her face, and a make-up look that takes it to an entirely smoky, sultry level. I mean, this is the cat costume that other cat costumes wish they could be.

    8 When she went gold and glam as Cleopatra (complete with a jewelled face)?

    Klum seems to jump between selecting iconic pop culture figures or characters as her costume of choice, and going for a bit more abstract creations. Her Cleopatra costume kind of combined the best of both worlds. On the one hand, Cleopatra is an absolute icon, and it makes sense that Klum would want to tackle her as a costume at least once. However, this is no average Cleopatra costume. Klum is decked out in a dress that looks like actual couture, an over the top headdress piece (no wimpy tiaras for this queen), and a make-up look that involved literally encrusting her face with jewels. I mean, is there a more Cleopatra move in the entire world? Klum was outspoken about just how long this look took to prepare, and we totally believe it.

    7 The craziest pregnancy costume hack we've seen - the garden of good and evil?

    When Heidi Klum was very, very pregnant around the time of Halloween, many people likely assumed that she would skip the crazy costume that year, or go with a more low key option. After all, how do you incorporate a huge belly into your costume? In Klum's case, easily - you just think outside the box a little bit. While there are plenty of stereotypical pregnancy costumes that involve turning the bump into some element of the ensemble, Klum embraced her rotund shape and dressed up as a more abstract creation - the garden of good and evil. She turned herself into an apple, and has snake elements incorporated to look as if she's encased by a slithery serpent. Is it flattering? Not particularly. Is it super over the top and creative? Absolutely.

    6 When she was this bizarre alien-robot creature?

    Heidi Klum proves time and time again that she's not just the typical woman looking for a flattering Halloween costume that will showcase her curves. She's not about beauty when it comes to Halloween - she's about stunning her legion of fans with a new, innovative costume that will blow their minds. And, this one certainly did. Klum's insane robot/alien hybrid creation likely took an absolutely bananas amount of time to complete. There are just so many parts, from the glittery full-face make-up to the purple layer underneath to all those sculpted layers of robot armour on top. Honestly, if Heidi Klum ever decided to embark on a new career path, we have a feeling any costume department would be happy to have her based on all the crazy costumes she's envisioned over the years.

    5 When she proved that not all vampires are intriguing?

    Just when we think we've got Heidi all figured out, she surprises us! It makes sense that she'd tackle a vampire costume at some point - it's an iconic Halloween costume - but she didn't go for just the traditional cape and fangs look, nor did she go for the sultry vampire. Instead, she kind of combined the two for her own unique take on the costume, complete with crazy long fangs, bloodthirsty make-up, a larger than life wig, a wicked LBD and thigh high boot combo, and some crazy bat wings. Oh, and what appears to be a literal heart outside her chest because why not? We've got to hand it to her - the woman is inventive. We would have personally loved to see a more femme fatale take on a vampire, but hey - it's Heidi's Halloween, we're just living it.

    4 Going big with the multi-armed Hindu goddess Kali?

    When a costume has multiple limbs, that's when you know it's a true undertaking. The idea of dressing as some kind of a deity is nothing new, but when Heidi Klum picked a Hindu goddess as her costume, she wasn't about to just rock a few pieces of garb. She goes all the way. We're not sure what kind of wiring structure is involved here, but she has arms sticking up all over the place, strong enough to actually hold items, a crazy skull necklace, a skirt of hands, and has literally painted every exposed inch of skin that isn't covered in fabric blue. This is what dedication looks like, and we've got to respect her for it, even though it seems like this costume would be a nightmare at parties.

    3 An edgy take on a bird costume?

    Okay, this costume makes our 'worst' list because it's a little bit confusing. On the one hand, we get the idea of a chic bird - after all, what better pick for spooky Halloween than a bird with black feathers? However, we don't totally get the thigh high boots and fishnet stockings as a pairing for the outfit. Nor do we quite understand the insane device stretched across her face to make it look as though her face is literally within the bird's beak - I mean, why not just attach some kind of a beak to your actual face and call it a day? However, as far as Heidi's costumes go, even a bad costume for her is pretty impressive by most people's standards. We don't love the bird, but we respect it.

    2 A chimp costume that completely conceals her identity?

    On the one hand, manufacturing a chimpanzee costume is no easy feat, and the fact that she's managed to create one that actually flatters her figure a little bit is impressive. However, at the same time… this could kind of be anyone who just picked up a chimp suit from their local costume store. It's a little bit elevated, but not quite at the level of her other costumes. Perhaps this year, Heidi was just having a bit of a tough time and wanted to curl up in a costume that hid her face and body? Who knows. The point is, in comparison to most of her other costumes, we just don't love this Planet of the Apes- inspired get-up. She has only herself to blame - she's just set too high standards for her own costumes!

    1 Heidi's take on everyone's favourite cartoon vixen, Jessica Rabbit?

    Like we said with the Betty Boop costume - when Heidi Klum does a character, she does it all the way. She's not about to just slip into a red dress and wig and call it a day. Klum shared some behind the scenes intel on this one, and she literally had people sculpting those exaggerated curves to make sure she paid proper tribute to the cartoon icon. This is a costume that would without question make the creator of Jessica Rabbit proud. And, it just proves that Klum doesn't simply rest on her laurels of being a gorgeous supermodel - even in her sultriest costumes, she's all about showcasing the character. Honestly, we hope she does more cartoon characters in the future - she really does them justice and looks so utterly fabulous!