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    20 Ways To Survive Breakups Just Like Selena Gomez

    In just a few short months, actress/singer/spokesmodel/Everywoman, Selena Gomez has been through a lot. While some events were heart-wrenching, others were more uplifting and, quite frankly, inspiring. Earlier this year, it was reported that Selena and her longtime on-again, off-again boyfriend Justin Bieber were officially off-again and that Justin was busy seeing Hailey Baldwin (and flaunting it all over the internet, we have to say). We soon found out that Justin not only proposed to the model, but they're also ditching the country to go live in Justin's home country of Canada fulltime soon.

    So where does that leave his ex? The supposed “Love of his Life”?

    She's just out there living her best life and trying like mad to get over him. At least, that's what we all assume. Her social media feed tells a different story of a young woman taking the summer to find solace in her close friends, her work, and the overall public. Basically, the girl is straight up owning this breakup and finding herself in the process of moving on with her life.

    Here are 20 ways you too can survive a breakup and come out virtually clean on the other side of the relationship river.

    20 Plain And Simple: Glow-Up

    Selena is someone who enjoys playing around with her signature look. Or, rather more so, she really doesn't have a signature look because she's busy testing virtually everything under the sun out. She's playing around with wigs, styling her own hair in new ways, and just playing around with her makeup (or going makeup-free while relaxing on a boat with her friends on the water). Either way, she is seriously wearing this breakup well because it radiates on her entire face. We wouldn't be too surprised if Selena decides to change up her look yet again next week!

    19 Get Away, Relax, And Cry A Little

    We can tell that Selena is going through something big. In the past, Selena and Justin have always had the potential to get back together whenever they seemingly parted ways. It's like they always found their way to into each other's arms. But now, Justin is engaged to another woman and appears to be happily in love and living it up. Selena, on the other hand, is busy spending time away with her friends, relax, and throwing herself into work, which actually looks good on her. It's refreshing to see her not shy away from admitting she's been through something big.

    18 Surround Yourself With Amazing Friends

    If you follow Selena on Instagram, you'll know that she has a close-knit group of friends that she's known since her childhood days. Friends are exactly what a person needs in order to survive a breakup. This summer, Selena has stuck close by them as she's relaxed on vacation. And they appear to be doing just the trick. You can see her buddies sticking by her side in a majority of her Instagram posts this summer, even when she would head off to work on a film set, they appeared to be close by, ready to comfort her if she needed it.

    17 Throw Yourself Into Your Work

    And Selena Has been doing just THAT: throwing herself into as much work as possible. Not only is she an actress AND producer (ever watch the hit Netflix series 13 Reasons Way? Selena is an executive producer on that show), but she now also has a line of unbelievably amazing purses and bags for Coach. Just pick up the latest issue of Vanity Fair or Vogue and you'll see Selena modeling with her latest collection of bags in between the pages. And, my goodness, does she look STUNNING in the ads. The purses are also to die for too. While they may be a little on the expensive side, they're well worth it.

    16 Ignore All Negative Talk

    Now, this can be difficult for a normal person after a breakup. But a famous one? Has to be a billion times worse when you're doing through a breakup. Especially if the other person just so happens to be, well, Justin Bieber. It's hard to even walk down the street and not see his picture posted up on a billboard someplace. Are we sure that Selena is ignoring all the talk about Justin and his newfound love Hailey? Well, it is hard to ignore, but Selena seems like she's doing a dang good job of steering clear of any negative talk surrounding their breakup.

    15 Upgrade To Someone New (Even If It's Just Friendship)

    Last time, after breaking up with Justin, Selena turned to rapper The Weeknd and the two really were a tight pair for a while. They seemed to be genuinely in love. But, alas, the two split and Selena ended up going back to Justin. This time around, Selena is clearly sticking to focusing on herself and friends, but that doesn't mean she can't look right? There were rumors going around that Selena was dating a former co-star of hers along with rumors that she was dating the younger brother of a close friend of hers. Selena has knocked down these rumors, however, and has claimed that she's just focusing on herself right now.

    14 Live It Up On Social Media

    Selena on a boat. Selena getting a tattoo. Selena goofing off while on a film set. It's clearly been a long and happy summer for the young actress/singer and the proof is in the pictures she posts. Selena, like most women going through a breakup, know that A LOT of people look at her Instagram page (some being Insta stalkers like, oh, I dunno, EX-BOYFRIENDS) and seem to jump to conclusions about how she's doing. And, like most women going through a breakup, she is WINNING the social media game: documenting her adventures, taking some seriously stunning selfies, and overall just enjoying her summer.

    13 Do Something Daring To Switch Up Your Game

    If you didn't already know, Selena is never one to back away from a challenge. She's also not one to back away from trying anything daring when it comes to her overall look. Okay, so she's no Lady Gaga when it comes to switching up her signature look, but she definitely isn't afraid to try something new. Take this photo that was posted on her Instagram feed this summer: She has clearly had the nape of her neck shaved and MY GOD is she pulling it off. It also shows off the delicately placed tattoo on the back of her neck as well.

    12 Reconnect With Old Friends

    Anyone who is everyone knows the ups and downs that these two singers have been through with each other. One second, Selena and Taylor Swift are friends, the next, they're symbolically at each other's throats (and then another second later, they're “frienemies”… . It's really hard to keep track of these two sometimes). But Selena silenced all the talk by showing up at Taylor's concert back in May and cemented their 13-year friendship. “She's encouraged me when I've had nothing to be encouraged about,” Selena said to 60,000 people who had attended Swift's concert. It's clear that the two are just as close as ever.

    11 Get That Tattoo You've Always Wanted

    If you didn't know, Selena has quite a few tattoos on her body. There's a music note on her wrist, roman numeral on the back of her neck, Arabic words on her side, one on her hip, initials behind her ear, one on her foot, a semicolon on her wrist (that she got in honor of 13 Reasons Why), the number 1 on her side, and the number 4 on her elbow. Recently, she and her close friends got another tattoo (there are a couple pictures of her supporting her buddy as she got a matching tattoo. Selena has never been afraid to get a new set of ink on her person, and her friends always back her up on it, more often than not getting matching tattoos themselves.

    10 Hang By The Water (You'll See - It's So Soothing)

    If you've ever lived near the ocean or a large lake, or really even just had/have a pool in your backyard, you know that water can be almost therapeutic in a calming way. You can just sit on the beach and relax your worries away. It looks like Selena has been doing just that over the course of the summer. She's posted photos of her living the boat life with all her buddies under the sun and on the water just having fun without a care in the world. She's posted some stunning selfies of her in a two-piece, catching some summer rays.

    9 Strut The Red Carpet Like No Other (Or, In Our Case, Show Off At The Club)

    Selena Gomez is no stranger to the red carpet, and this summer proved no different. What, you assumed she wanted to hide away after a breakup and cry inside a dark room? Nope, the actress/singer refuses to wallow inside her own misery and took to the red carpet this summer in order to promote her recent work and launching of her new lines (Coach and a PUMA shoe line). In this Instagram post, she's walking the red carpet at the premiere of Hotel Transylvania 3 and looking glam/casual in a two-piece white and sky blue dress. This is NOT the face of someone who has been crying alone in a dark room, wallowing over some boy.

    8 Never Give In To The Haters

    Just recently, Selena posted this very picture to the Gram along with an inspiring quote. “Speaking from my heart for over an hour to someone who puts those thoughts into paid words can be hard for me,” she said below the photo. “The older I get the more I want my voice to be mine. This is all apart of my work within the industry that's been around longer than all of us have been.” She then goes on about her love for the Church and how people have been critical over her views regarding some things. She's even pointed out that reporters are generally after a story and can twist words around. Selena isn't going to stand for that and sets the record straight, even if it does cause backlash.

    7 Keep Reminding Yourself To Be Comfortable In Your Own Skin

    When someone has been in the spotlight for years on end, it's often hard to be comfortable in your own skin with so many people watching you. People have to understand that it's definitely harder on celebs because they have to go through huge life changes/moments while attempting to do their jobs within the public eye. This summer, Selena has proven that not only is she handling the aftermath of her breakup with Justin with grace and courage, but she's doing it on her own terms, without sacrificing who she is. She's working, she's sharing private moments with her friends with her fan base, she's basically just owning the situation.

    6 Flaunt Your Independence

    This summer has been the summer of Selena. Nothing is holding her back. While some of us, when going through a breakup, tend to get depressed and that depression tends to get the better of us, we have to work extra hard in order to get through it unscathed. That's what Selena is attempting to do here with her “Summer of Me” thing. Every time she posts a fun and happy picture on Instagram or shoots off a funny tweet, she's flaunting her independence because she's proud of it. And as she should be - she wears her independence extremely well.

    5 Laugh, And Laugh A Lot

    If you scroll over her Instagram feed, you'll notice that almost every picture is of Selena living it up with her crew and laughing like crazy. Laughter has always been the best sort of therapy. Sure, crying alone after a breakup can help tame demons as well, but it's always best to have someone around that you can just let loose with and laugh it up. It really does heal the heart at a quicker pace. So if you're going through the hardship of a recent breakup, just try surrounding yourself with good friends who are able to get you to forget for a second and just simply laugh.

    4 Just Goof Off

    And what gets those laughing chops worked out? By not taking yourself too seriously, for starters. Even when Selena is working (she's on set here), she never is one to take herself too seriously. Here, she's playing around with a wig and makeup on set while taking hilarious photos of herself making goofy faces (and making use of some extra funny Instagram/Snapchat filters that distort her face and make the wig look extra crazy). After a huge breakup, it's always key to never take yourself too seriously, otherwise, you'll just find yourself in a dark place and no one wants that.

    3 Find Seclusion, Even If It's Difficult

    When it comes to a famous celebrity, we often forget that they're just normal people who enjoy doing normal things. We often treat them like they are creatures from another world when they're simply just a person who is attempting to get over another person in the most delicate way possible. While Selena has surrounded herself with loving friends and family, she has most likely taken some time away from it all in order to reflect and just enjoy seclusion. Celebrities need seclusion most of all, especially after a trying time in their lives. It helps them maintain their sanity, even in the public eye.

    2 Dance And Sing In The Car Like No One Is Watching

    Laughing works. Crying works. Just getting out there and being yourself works the most of all after a difficult breakup. Selena has shown us that it's okay to be quirky and laugh at yourself and just… well, have some fun. She (and her friends) often post hilarious and uplifting videos of themselves just goofing off while driving (safely, of course). Sometimes, you just need to belt out your favorite tune on the radio as loud as humanly possible with your friends. Road trips, friendships, and singing often heal the soul. And yes, you're NEVER too old to sing and dance in the car.

    1 Let The World Know That You Aren't A Fragile Flower, But It's Perfectly Alright To Show Your Tender Side

    Breakups are extremely difficult. You can invest years in a relationship with another person, so when it's over, it can be life altering and soul-shattering. What Selena went through this year would have broken a lesser person. But not her. Instead, it made her stronger in both her mind and body and is letting the world know there are bigger things out there to worry about. There are less-fortunate people going through hardships too and she gets right in the mix and helps out as best as she can. That's true strength right there. In a short time, she'll be easily saying “Justin who?”

    Reference: eonline.com