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    20 Things To Know About The Newly Single Ariana Grande

    There's no denying it - lately, absolutely everyone is utterly obsessed with Ariana Grande. The pop starlet has been at the top of the charts for quite some time, but her recent romance with Pete Davidson definitely garnered a little extra public attention. They seemed like quite a mismatched pair, and many speculated that the quick engagement would end in disaster, and sure enough, the two have split up. As if that weren't enough, Ariana has also had to deal with the tragedy of seeing someone she also used to date pass away.

    Overall, it's been a whirlwind few months for Grande's personal life, so you'd assume that she'd be taking it easy, right? Well, many sources are speculating that she actually has been hard at work on another album that she's getting ready to drop quite soon. We can't wait to see how all her recent experiences might inform her work. She's been flexing her muscles as an artist more and more as her music has progressed, and we can't wait to see what she has up her sleeve next. And, to be perfectly honest, we can't wait to see who she ends up dating next.

    Here are 20 things you may not have known about the newly single Ariana Grande.

    20 Her Signature Ponytail Was Created To Hide Her Dye-Damaged Hair

    Her signature ponytail is a cute look and one she's become well known for. However, did you ever stop to wonder what exactly the reason behind the ponytail was? It wasn't so that she could stay cool on stage, and it wasn't even to get her hair away from her face. It was a style she came up with because her hair was so thoroughly damaged from having to dye it red for years and years while filming Sam & Cat. Her brittle hair just couldn't take it anymore, so she tosses her natural locks in a ponytail with extensions. Who knew?

    19 Most People Pronounce Her Last Name Wrong

    Grande doesn't seem like a particularly tough word to say - after all, it's everyone's favorite Starbucks drink size! However, it turns out, many people have been pronouncing her name wrong for years and years (although it's kind of her brother's fault). Apparently, though everyone pronounces her name 'grahn-day' like the drink size, Ariana' grandfather used to pronounce it 'grand-ee.' It just doesn't quite have the same ring to it, so we see why her brother wanted to mix up the pronunciation. Still, it must be strange to hear it pronounced a different way than you've heard it all your life growing up.

    18 She Has An Obsession With Horror Movies

    Given her sweet as pie persona, you'd think that Ariana Grande was all about comedies, or rom coms in particular. Or, perhaps she's more of an action girl, thanks to all the adrenaline taking the stage and performing in front of a crowd of thousands and thousands sends through your body. Well, it turns out her genre of choice is actually horror - and we never would have guessed. She confessed to Us Magazine that "I have had a sick obsession with horror movies since I was little. My mom thought I'd grow up to be a [maniac] because I wore Halloween masks around the house." Yikes!

    17 She Apparently Has Awful Eyesight

    Ariana Grande doesn't rock glasses all that often - they kind of don't go with her sparkly, glam image as a performer. Plus, you likely don't want to risk having them fly off your face while you're performing a high energy routine on stage. However, in reality, her frame-free face must be all thanks to contact lenses, because Grande herself has admitted that she has truly awful vision. And, sure enough, especially if you look at pictures of her when she was younger, she's rocking glasses. We'd actually love if she incorporated frames more into her day to day look - they can be so chic.

    16 She's A Vegan

    As with any celebrity, people are always wondering what Ariana Grande's secret is to staying so slim and toned. And while she definitely works out a lot, especially when she's learning choreography and preparing to go on tour, a big part of her physique is all about her diet. While she's claimed to keep a pretty clean diet throughout her career, she somewhat recently claimed that she's fully vegan. Given that many singers give up dairy in order to help keep their voices as crisp and clear as possible, we can totally see the reasoning behind her choice (plus, the animal lover in her just couldn't handle the idea of eating meat anymore).

    15 Her Favourite Color Is Lavender

    Ariana Grande has rocked all kinds of looks over the years, from sleek and chic little black dresses to frilly, girly frocks. She doesn't quite have as defined a style as some other artists, so when it comes to her favorite color, we were scratching our heads a little bit. It turns out, the starlet shared it - it's lavender. That's right - she loves the gorgeous girly pastel shade above all other colors. In fact, she's so in love with lavender that she actually jumped on the pastel hair trend a while back and dyed her long locks lavender. It looked fantastic on her, and we were sad it was gone so soon!

    14 She's All About Beach Day

    Ariana Grande has spent a lot of her life in the studio and on television sets, building her career. However, everyone needs a little relaxation time, and when she's in need of some chilling out, she heads to the beach. As she confessed to Us Magazine, "I am obsessed with the ocean and all kinds of sea creatures." Plus, who doesn't love to feel the sunshine on their face and the sand in their feet? It's a good thing she lives in California - the beach is always just a short drive away! We wouldn't be surprised if she splurged on a luxe beach house at some point in the near future.

    13 Bruce Almighty Is One Of Her Favorite Movies Of All Time

    Even though she's a huge fan of the horror genre, there's a particular comedy that truly won her heart - Jim Carrey's film Bruce Almighty. We're not sure if it's because of the premise or simply Carrey's acting, but according to Grande, it's "the greatest movie ever." We're going to have to rewatch it, in that case - that's some high praise! We wonder if she's watched all of Jim Carrey's work over the years or if that's her only go-to. Either way, we never would have guessed that as her go-to favorite movie pick. It just goes to show that even celebrities can surprise you from time to time!

    12 She Curses Like A Sailor

    We're not sure if it's because of her youthful appearance or her sweet voice, but we just can't really imagine Ariana Grande letting out a stream of curse words at any point. However, she's confessed before that she apparently curses like a sailor. It's likely a tendency she had to stamp out on the Disney sets she was on for so long, but now that she's an adult star in her own right, she can probably curse as much on set as she wants to! She'll still need to keep her lips zipped on live television and radio, though - the networks frown upon bad language!

    11 She Loves Playing Monopoly

    Okay, you know you're a big Monopoly fan when a custom edition is made for you that includes a little singing Ariana Grande player as an option. Grande confessed to Us Magazine that "I never get tired of Monopoly." We're not sure if it's more a childhood obsession or if she still has a board tucked away on a tour bus, but still, it's kind of cute. We can't really envision Ariana sitting down to a Monopoly board, playing banker and handing out paper bills to all her friends and buying up all the properties, but there's something charming about it.

    10 She's A Big Hockey Fan (Go Panthers!)

    If you see any celebrities at a professional sporting event, it's almost always a Los Angeles Lakers game (or a New York Knicks game, if they're based in NYC). However, Grande marches to the beat of her own drum, and she's a die-hard hockey fan. The starlet grew up in Florida, and actually sang the national anthem at a Florida Panthers game when she was just 8 years old. Over the years, her career has taken her all over the world, but she still tries to make it to Panthers games whenever she has the chance. Talk about supporting your hometown team!

    9 Her First Big Role Was A Theatre Production Of "Annie" In Florida

    Ariana Grande shot to superstardom quite young when she snagged a title role on a Disney channel show, but she'd had a bit of an experience of what it was like to be in front of the bright stage lights before. When she was just eight, she managed to get the role of Annie in the Little Palm Family Theatre version of the production, right in her home state of Florida. She obviously nailed the role, impressing everyone with her crazy voice, and ended up making her way to Hollywood only a few years later. It just proves that she had that star quality in her, even when she was just a kid.

    8 She's Actually Allergic To Cats

    It's a bit ironic, given that she played the character Cat Valentine for so many years, but did you know that Grande is actually allergic to cats? She shared her allergy with her fans in a 2010 tweet, so don't be bringing any feline friends to meet and greets with Grande. It must be a torturous allergy, given what an animal lover she is - but unfortunately, you don't get to pick what you're allergic to! Luckily, she's not allergic to all animals, so she can just opt for different pets to care for and leave the cute cats for someone else.

    7 She Absolutely Loves Dogs And Has Had Anywhere From 4 To 8 At Once

    Even though she has a crazy busy life and is always on the go, Ariana Grande is a devoted dog mom. Over the years, she's had everywhere from four to eight dogs - all at once! Her team obviously helps her out from time to time, and some of them have actually lived with her mother over the years, but obviously, she's totally crazy about dogs. Many fans are most familiar with her pup Toulouse, who she's featured on social media frequently. Frankly, we think she should share even more pictures of her pups on her Instagram account - I mean, who doesn't want to check out some adorable dogs?

    6 She Played The French Horn As A Child

    Ariana Grande's biggest instrument is obviously her voice - the woman has an insane set of pipes. However, she's always been fairly musical, and it turns out that she used to play the French horn when she was a kid. Honestly, we never would have guessed! Nowadays, she always has a team of talented musicians who are in charge of laying down all the instrumental portions of her tracks. Who knows, though - perhaps one day she'll be inspired to brush up on her skills, and her fans will be treated to an Ariana Grande French horn solo on an upcoming album. Stranger things have happened!

    5 She's A Master Of Impressions

    It's no secret that Ariana Grande herself has an amazing voice, but did you know she's also an absolute pro at impressions of the voice of others? It makes sense, in a way - as a singer, she's bound to listen to all the intricacies of other performers' tones, and the quirks in their vocals. Still, every time she's called to do some kind of impression on a late night show, she absolutely masters it. Perhaps if she ever decides she wants a break from touring and wants a steady home base, she can do a Vegas residency where she brings the voices of other legendary performers to life!

    4 She Has A Four Octave Vocal Range

    One of the reasons Grande's voice is so incredible is just the range she has. Like other legendary divas - we're looking at you, Mariah Carey - she has a crazy range. Four octaves, to be specific. That's why she's able to go a bit lower in certain songs but also hit those over the top high notes from time to time. It probably takes a whole lot of practice and warm-ups to keep her voice ready to go - stretching across all those octaves is hard work! Plus, she nails just about every note she sings, which is equally impressive, and yet another reason why she's so successful.

    3 She Grew Up Eating Her Nonna's Italian Home Cooking

    Nowadays, Ariana Grande has a particular diet that helps her stay in shape on stage and feeling healthy. It involves a whole lot of clean eating and minimal treats. However, when she was a kid growing up in a boisterous Italian family, she was all about the Italian classics. As she spilled to Complex, "my nonna is the best cook in the world. We had Sunday sauce - the best marinara sauce ever. We had the Italian cookies and all that good stuff. Every Christmas she'd make zeppole and spiedini and everything Italian. Then I grew up and changed my diet completely." Poor nonna!

    2 She Believes In Aliens And Ghosts

    Most of us are pretty skeptical when it comes to supernatural creatures like aliens or ghosts, but it turns out Ariana Grande is a true believer. She even talks about experiences she's had with ghosts and demons before, and how it's spooked her to her core. We're not sure we totally buy what she's saying, but hey - everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. And, given what a fan of the horror genre she is, it kind of makes sense that she'd believe in all kinds of spooky otherworldly creatures floating around the earth. After all, that's the basis of half of the horror movies out there!

    1 The First Concert She Ever Went To Was A Katy Perry Concert

    It's always fascinating to find out which celebrities actual celebrities are fans of. After all, even though they're performers, they're people as well who love certain kinds of music or certain performers. In Ariana Grande's case, the pop princess was a huge fan of another pop icon, Katy Perry. It turns out, the first concert she ever went to was a Katy Perry concert. Nowadays, she sees Perry all the time at industry events. We bet when she was just a young tween in the crowd at the concert, she never would have guessed where her career would take her - and who she'd be standing beside on the red carpet!