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    20 Pics Of Blake Lively That Made Ryan Reynolds Fall In Love

    Blake Lively is one of the most beautiful actresses in the world and nobody knows that better than her doting husband, actor Ryan Reynolds. The pair have an adorable fan following as they tweet hilarious pranks between each other and share with the world how great family life really is.

    They have two daughters together, James and Ines, and Ryan said on The David Letterman Show, "I'm not one for vomiting declarations of sentiment out across the airwaves, but when we had that baby, I fell more in love with my wife than I'd ever been in my entire life. I couldn't even believe it." Blake also revealed to Marie Claire, "I knew he would always be my best friend for my whole life. That was the biggest thing for me. I'd never known anything like the friendship that I had with him. I could like him as much as I loved him." Oh, you guys.

    They have arguably the most enviable marriage of all time and it's hard to imagine them not being together. Here we take a look at the hottest pictures of Blake Lively that got the Deadpool star so worked up that he put a ring on it.

    20 The Signature Gossip Girl Style

    When Blake was spending time on the Gossip Girl set, she confessed that she tried to sabotage Ryan's ripped body with 'cupcakes and smiles' when they were both shooting for Green Lantern. She revealed to Savoir Fair, "I spent a lot of my spare time cooking on the set (of Green Lantern) and I kept feeding Ryan cupcakes. It was just a way to sabotage Ryan. He was working out so much, and I was the girl in the movie. I'm supposed to be the good-looking one. It wasn't fair. So, I tried to sabotage him with cupcakes and smiles."

    Although the couple didn't actually hook up officially until much later as Blake has split from Penn Bagley after two years and then moved on to casually date Ryan Reynolds, they still had that spark between them on the Green Lantern set they would later reignite.

    19 On Set And Ready For Action

    When Blake appeared in The Shallows her figure was out of this world considering she had just given birth eight months earlier. The down-to-earth actress even confessed her that it was "not normal" to snap back into shape that quick. She told The Sun that two personal trainers and a nutritionist were needed to help her get in shape for the movie.

    Producer Lynn Harris said that Blake was a "superwoman" on set and we believe her. In the scene where her character is surrounded by jellyfish, she had to hold her breath for an unbelievably long time. Harris revealed, "She was in a tank that was completely blacked out. Blake was willing to get into a pitch dark tank and get underwater. She also has an uncanny ability to hold her breath. I think she was holding her breath well beyond a minute. She's like a superwoman."

    18 Messy Hair Don't Care

    Blake hasn't just bagged one leading Hollywood actor but she also had a whirlwind romance with Leonardo Di Caprio for five months. They were first spotted together on a yacht in Cannes and then pictures emerged of the stars out together on bikes around New York City. Both had very hectic schedules so she kept in touch by sending him pictures of dolls - yes really.

    Gossip Girl producer Joshua Safran told Elle magazine, "Blake was dating (DiCaprio) at the time, and she had this thing where she had a doll that she took photos of that she sent to Leo. Blake was way ahead of the curve. It was pre-Instagram. She was documenting her life in photographs in a way that people were not yet doing." Although it was not meant to be and we're guessing that Ryan is very thankful it didn't work out between them.

    17 Behind The Wheel

    To try and shake off her Gossip Girl image, Blake's first nude scene was in the drama All I See Is You but it's not something she would be happy to make a habit of. Her team almost didn't show her the script for the film as they thought it would just be an outright no because of the nudity involved.

    She told Vanity Fair that when it comes to on-screen nudity she can't look away, joking, "I always find nudity distracting. I'm very in love with my husband, but if there's a pair of boobs out, I'm a human being! You're like 'boobs!' It doesn't mean I'm lusting for them, (but) when there's naked boobies, you look at them." We're guessing Ryan loves a good look too as he's certainly a hot-blooded male.

    16 Private Schooling

    Blake likes to remind her fans that although playing Serena on Gossip Girl was her breakthrough role - she is nothing like the character in real life. She told Buzzfeed that she likes to choose parts which are nothing like her, explaining, "The safety in that is that I never played characters that are like me. Because I think if I did I wouldn't be able to act because it's too much like me."

    She continued, "The dangerous thing of being on a TV show for six years is that people have seen - we did like 127 episodes, and I lived in New York, I shared half my wardrobe with my character, I dated my co-star (Penn Badgley) who I dated on the show. But I think that that's probably the biggest thing is that people probably think I'm a lot like that because that's what they've seen the most of me. People think I'm Serena van der Woodsen, which is very confusing to them." So just as a reminder - Blake is not Serena… got it.

    15 When She Rocked THAT Ball Gown

    Blake caused quite the storm in this dress at the Cafe Society premiere but it wasn't for positive reasons. She posted this photo to her Instagram with the caption: "L.A. face with an Oakland booty" and many responded that her post was racist. They accused her of being "white and privilegedand making a joke out of black women and culture.

    One commenter wrote, "Another day, another rich white woman using WOC's bodies as a punchline and commodity. As if Blake Lively wasn't the worst already" and another added, "So much privilege even GOOP feels uncomfortable." She defended her comment by explaining, "It's something I was proud of. I never meant to offend anyone. It's just about celebrating women's bodies, and that's what I was doing. I would never want to hurt anyone's feelings or upset anyone."

    14 Dark And Mysterious

    Blake told Glamour magazine that she is more drawn to roles that show a more mysterious side of the character, revealing, "I think that onscreen - at least in the mainstream - complicated women are black-and-white. They're villains, or they're heroic. And that's just not real life. We all have a lightness, and we all have darkness, and we all have plenty of shades in between."

    She also revealed to Vogue that her days as Serena on Gossip Girl is not something she would like to repeat in the future. She said, "I felt like I had atrophied in a way. We had to produce so many episodes so quickly. And when you're working fifteen-hour days, ten months a year, the only time you have for real life is between takes. I could have fought harder and made Gossip Girl something different, but I also needed to have a life, you know? So I wanted a break to figure things out." The fact that there will be no reunion special is heart-breaking.

    13 Feeling Sophisticated

    Blake is rocking her pencil dress and oozing sophistication. As much as she like to be in charge, at home she shares responsibilities with her husband equally. Of course, Blake and Ryan like to do chores together as they are basically inseparable. She told Savoir Flair magazine, "It's been wonderful. We like doing everything together. He loves helping me choose things for the house, he's interested in all types of cuisine, and he says he loves everything I cook for him - he's such a good liar!"

    She added, "We help each other when we're preparing our characters for a new film. It's great to be partners like that with someone you love." If there was ever a guide for the perfect marriage then these two could write it.

    12 Scarlet Siren

    Blake looks picture perfect every time she steps out on the red carpet and this blazing gown secures her goddess status. She always looks like a movie star from head to toe. However, thanks to the internet, even she is left feeling insecure on occasions and she revealed that googling herself is never a good idea.

    During an interview with Variety magazine, she said, "I have (Googled myself) before and it's just ended in full depression. So I think it's a good rule of thumb not to Google yourself because the Internet is not nice." Adding, "This is a career that's like the stock market: You've got to stay hot while you're hot. But your family, that's the real thing that gives you security and success and happiness."

    11 Makeup Free And Flawless

    Even without makeup Blake still appears flawless and we can just imagine Ryan waking up everyday feeling like the luckiest man in the world. In many interviews he has gushed about his wife and how she has made his much better. He said on The David Letterman Show, "I'm not one for vomiting declarations of sentiment out across the airwaves, but when we had that baby, I fell more in love with my wife than I'd ever been in my entire life. I couldn't even believe it."

    Blake has always stated that she is a mother first and an actress second, she told Glamour magazine, "I admire people who find that what fulfills them is their art or their work, but what fulfills both me and my husband is our family. Knowing that, everything else comes second. We've each given up stuff we loved in order to not work at the same time."

    10 He Remembers Their First Double Date

    Blake and Ryan met on the set of The Green Lantern before becoming close friends and then they eventually took things to the next level - although that whole process did take about a year. Ryan told Entertainment Weekly, "We were buddies then. We went on a double date. She was on a date with another guy and I was on a date with another girl."

    He joked, "That was the most awkward date for their respective probably because we were just like fireworks coming across. It was weird at first but we were buddies for a long time. I think it's the best way to have a relationship is to start as friends." The two eventually hooked up and the rest of their relationship plays out like the perfect love story.

    9 Deep Blue Eyes

    Blake's standout piercing blue eyes have kept her as one of the most sough-after actresses in Hollywood. Now with a net worth of $16 million and with three feature films due for release next year - there's just no stopping the busy mother-of-two.

    Even though she appears super confident and outgoing, deep down she revealed to Glamour magazine that she's secretly shy and so is Ryan. Although that's hard to believe, she revealed, "My husband and I are really shy people who express ourselves best when we're acting, when we're hiding as someone else. So the fact that very shy people have to share that shy person with the world - and are sometimes hurt by it - it's very weird emotionally." We would never have guessed that about the A-List couple.

    8 Classic Beauty

    Her enviable figure is all down to good, wholesome home cooking. She is a shining star in the kitchen and has trained under some of the world's greatest chefs. Ryan must be very happy as well all know the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

    She told Savoir Fair magazine, "I like to tell people that I'm really a cook by nature and an actress by accident! I've been able to work at some incredible restaurants and learn from some of the world's greatest chefs, and that's been such a thrill for me. I feel I have a natural gift for cooking. I can get incredibly passionate about coming up with different dishes and learning how to prepare food and create different flavors and tastes." We're wondering if there is any space left at her dinner table for us?

    7 Surfs Up!

    The California native performed most of her own surf stunts in the shark thriller The Shallows. She told Entertainment Tonight that "they didn't hire a stunt double till the last two weeks of shooting. Every single day there wasn't a single scene that wasn't stunt heavy." The tricky shots were actually performed by 22-year-old stunt double and surfing pro Sarah Friend.

    Even though she didn't do many tricky stunts, she still managed to get hurt and according to the producer Matti Leshem, the scene where she hits her nose on the side of a buoy actually happened and the blood is real. Now thats taking method acting to a whole new level and we're guessing she didn't have such a tough time shooting Age of Adeline.

    6 Legs For Days

    The 5ft 9" actress is well known for having legs that go for days which make up for most of her height. She has always been known as the "tall friend" especially when stood next to her 5ft 3" Gossip Girl co-star Leighton Meester.

    It's almost unbelievable to think that anyone would have bullied the leggy blonde but according to the actress, she was treated cruelly at school by other students because she was so tall. She told Savoir Fair magazine, "I had problems in high school with some of the other girls and, because I was tall, I felt insecure about standing out in a crowd when I really just wanted to disappear and be alone. So I was kind of withdrawn and I spent a lot of time by myself and lost in my own thoughts."

    5 When She Was (Almost) Cuter Than Penny

    Blake's cute pooch Penny was a regular on the Gossip Girl set and with Ryan being a fellow dog lover too - he has a golden retriever named Baxter - the pair were simply meant to be. They could easily pay for a dog sitter between them but they are dedicated to their family of fur babies.

    Penny is a tiny Maltipoo breed and the designer pups sell for a staggering $65,000. The breeders track their bloodline and match the pups to their celebrity owners depending on personality type, which is likely why Blake managed to pick up Penny who is too cute for words. Rihanna, Ashley Tisdale and Miley Cyrus are also proud Maltipoo owners and are often seen out for 'walkies' - which means just carrying them everywhere.

    4 Whatever Coven Blake Is In - We Want To Join

    Blake looks the hottest as she rocked the coven look in New York City, her open toe thigh high boots and oversized hat are just picture perfect. We're sure Ryan saw these photos and knew there was a dark side to his future wife. Although she appears confident she has confessed to having anxiety before interviews as she's worried how she will be perceived.

    "Women are complex. It also is a reminder that what you see in the media is not real life. The night before an interview, I have complete anxiety: How is this person going to spin me? So when you read, 'Oh, she's got a perfect life,' or 'Her life is crumbling' - they pick narratives for everyone. And the narratives stick," she revealed to Glamour magazine.

    3 Waiting For A Meeting In Style

    As a proud feminist, Blake is not afraid to take charge and even started her own lifestyle website Preserve. The website lasted a year before she shut it down as it wasn't "making a difference in people's lives" which was her original mission. As any will tell you, success is all about overcoming the failures.

    Blake proudly raises her daughter to believe there are no limits to what she can achieve, as she explained to Glamour magazine, "Sarah Silverman does a great bit that I'm going to butcher: 'Stop telling little girls that they can do anything. They already believe they can do anything. It opens the door for questions… ' We're all born feeling perfect until somebody tells us we're not. So there's nothing I can teach my daughter. She already has all of it. The only thing I can do is protect what she already feels."

    2 That Over The Shoulder Glance

    We're guessing Blake gave her wedding guests this sultry over-the-shoulder glance as she said "I Do" to Ryan. She looks stunning in all white so her wedding dress would have looked incredible - even though sadly it's slightly ruined now. She told Vogue magazine, "Florence Welch was singing at the reception, and they brought out these sparklers, and I'm watching her sing. I look down and my wedding dress has a big burn mark from one of the sparklers. Right on the front! And it was just so heartbreaking to me."

    She continued, "Later, my dress was hanging up and Ryan said, 'Isn't that beautiful?' I said, 'What?' And he pointed to the burn. My heart just stopped, because it was such a sensitive little subject. And he said, 'You'll always remember that moment with Florence singing and the sparklers. You have that forever, right there, preserved.' Now that's my favorite part of the dress."

    1 America's Sweetheart

    The real beauty of Blake is that she's rarely captured without her signature smile which just shines through. She told Savoir Fair magazine that keeping an upbeat and optimistic outlook has helped her get through some of the tougher times in life. Revealing, "Where there's a will, there's a way. That's pretty much served as my personal mantra when things get complicated in life and you want to feel sorry for yourself."

    Adding, "You can make your own luck even when life may throw some roadblocks in your way. Even as a little girl, I would think to myself, 'It's a good day to be happy!' That kind of feeling has stayed with me pretty much my entire life and I hope I never lose that." It's obvious that her positive attitude has rubbed off on her husband as Ryan is rarely seen without a smile fixed on his face when he's around her.