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    20 Little-Known Details Surrounding Miley And Liam's LONG Engagement

    Those of us who are engaged know that everyone is obsessed with wanting to know when the wedding will take place. They also have lots of questions for us as soon as they learn that we're going to be a wife. We want to say something along the lines of, "Okay, give us a minute! We literally just got the ring on our finger!"

    We get why they're so excited (and we're thrilled, too) but we would love to tell them to slow down because it can be stressful to even think about all of the things that we have to do.

    When celebrity couples get engaged, we assume that they aren't going to wait very long to tie the knot. After all, they have tons of money and it seems like they have all of the necessary resources that anyone would need to plan a wedding in a timely manner.

    One celeb pair who seem to have been engaged since forever is Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. We know that they've been engaged for a while now, but we don't really know anything about their upcoming nuptials. And if you're thinking that they've been engaged for several years now, well, that's about right. Here are 20 little-known details surrounding Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth's LONG engagement!

    20 Meet Cute (For Real)

    Do you remember the film The Last Song? Based on the Nicholas Sparks book, it follows a sweet young couple, Ronnie (Miley Cyrus) and Will (Liam Hemsworth).

    When two characters meet in a movie, it's called a "meet cute" since they typically come across each other in an adorable way.

    Maybe one of them spills coffee on the other at a cafe or something equally sweet. According to Us Weekly, Miley and Liam met while filming The Last Song in 2009. We would definitely say that is a meet cute. We often wish that we could meet a guy at work since we spend so much time there, and it's always fun to hear about actors falling for each other on a movie or TV set.

    19 A Tale Of Three Break-Ups

    Breaking up is hard to do, as the saying goes, and Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have called it quits a total of three times. This might not be something that you know since sometimes even celebrity breakups fly under the radar and we're not sure who is still a thing and who have gone their separate ways.

    As Cosmopolitan reported, this couple has called it quits three times.

    The first was in August 2010, then November 2010, and then in 2013. That's definitely a lot. After they broke up in November 2010, they were boyfriend and girlfriend once again in April 2011.

    18 … Short-Lived Breakups

    The 2013 breakup didn't last and, as Glamour reported, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth were a couple once again in January 2016.

    It's fascinating to hear the history of their relationship and see when they broke up and when they reunited. Although they have split up quite a few times, they started dating in 2009/2010 and now that it's almost 2019, they're still a couple, so we can imagine that things would change a lot over the course of a decade. That is true whether a couple is famous or not. According to Cosmopolitan, their first breakup in August 2010 was because of Miley's work.

    17 Miley Says It Was A Good Thing

    If a couple breaks up (even just once) and then gets back together, we can assume it's because they learned a lot and figured out how to make their romance last.

    Glamour reported that Miley Cyrus told Billboard magazine, "I needed to change so much. And changing with someone else not changing like that is too hard. We had to re-fall for each other.”

    Based on that quote, it sounds like she thought that the breakups were a good thing and that they came back even stronger and better than before. We definitely ship Miley and Liam and think that they are great together.

    16 The First Proposal (2012)

    The proposal took place in June 2012, which was quite a few years ago, so it's definitely a long engagement. It's pretty standard for a couple to be engaged for one to two years before their big day, mostly because it takes so long and so much energy to plan a wedding and venues get booked up fast.

    When they got engaged, according to Cosmopolitan, Miley was interviewed by People magazine and said, "I'm so happy to be engaged and look forward to a life of happiness with Liam." She was wearing an engagement ring designed by Neil Lane that was a 3.5-carat diamond ring."

    15 The Second Engagement (2016)

    We know that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are engaged and that this has been their relationship status for a long time, but did you know that they have basically gotten engaged twice?

    As Cosmopolitan reported, they got engaged in June 2012, then they were no longer engaged once they broke up.

    Then, they were engaged again as of the spring of 2016. Glamour quoted a source who was interviewed by E! and said that Liam always felt the same way about Miley: "Liam and Miley's timing was just off the first time they were engaged, many things played into them calling it off. They both needed to grow up and figure themselves out more. Liam's family always liked Miley but they supported Liam's decision at the time." The source also said, "They are in love and it's a different time now for them."

    14 They Disagree On When To Start A Family

    People always want to know when a couple is going to have a baby. That's still true when a couple is famous. Maybe it's even truer since they are so high-profile. So how do Liam and Miley feel about having kids? Is that something that is in their future?

    Well, of course, we won't really know since we don't know them personally, but there has been some talk about this subject. According to Entertainment Tonight, sources say that Miley doesn't want kids right now, but Liam does: "The source says that the one topic they can't always agree on is children. Although they both want kids someday, Cyrus "isn't ready," while Hemsworth "has been ready for over a year."

    13 Their First "Baby"

    Before a couple decides to have a baby, they often will get a dog (and joke about how the dog is their child… and take lots of photos which they plaster all over Instagram).

    Bustle reported that while Miley and Liam were separated, she was there when he adopted a dog named Dora in November 2015.

    There is nothing cuter than a dog or a cute actor with a dog so, yeah, we're pretty into this photo and this story. Also, we approve of the name Dora for a dog (or any kind of pet). That is almost as adorable as Liam and Miley are together.

    12 Miley's Thoughts On Her Ring

    Different people love different parts about getting engaged. Some love the opportunity to plan a wedding and do everything that they want. Others are very excited to wear an engagement ring.

    What did Miley Cyrus think about the ring?

    Entertainment Tonight quoted Miley as saying about her engagement ring, “It's very weird because this is, like, real jewelry and most of my jewelry is made out of like gummy bears and cotton candy and they don't look that good together because they kind of mix up. So, sometimes, I replace it with an actual unicorn or a Looney Tune." She continued that Liam will ask "What's going on?" and she says, "Well, this isn't my aesthetic, but I'll wear it 'cause you love me.'”

    11 That Time They Dated Other People

    Heavy says that when Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus weren't together, they each were reported to be dating other people. Miley dated Patrick Schwarzenneger in 2011 and then in 2014. There were pictures of Liam dating (or at least kissing) Eiza Gonzalez in 2013.

    It can be tricky to navigate a breakup when you're famous and it can be even harder when you each start dating other people.

    There are going to be news reports all over the place and it's not like you can hide it. But it seems like things have worked out well for the couple since they are still together.

    10 They Don't Seem To Have Set A Date

    There seem to be two types of engaged couples: those who want to plan the wedding ASAP and jump right in… and those who want to wait.

    We're all wondering when Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are going to get married since they've been engaged for such a long time.

    It seems like they are going to be engaged for at least a little while longer since we haven't heard anything to the contrary or any news about the big day.

    Cosmopolitan quoted Miley as saying once, "I don't envision marriage. I'm 24. I hope I get to live a little bit more. I have too much living to do [before I get married]."

    9 They Just Love Playing Pranks

    We assume that celebrity couples have much more exciting lives than we do and we love hearing anything that we can about what their daily lives and relationship are really like. We know that we'll never know everything that we want to but it can't stop us from wishing that we could.

    Since Liam and Miley have been a thing for so long, we're definitely curious about what they're like together (besides knowing how cute they look in photos).

    Elle magazine says that Liam plays pranks on Miley and loves to scare her. Don't you just love hearing that?! It sounds so fun.

    8 When Miley Deleted All His Photos Off Instagram

    We love following celebrities on social media and what we love even more is seeing adorable and romantic photos of them and their beaus. We get frustrated when there aren't any even though, of course, they have a right to their privacy.

    Cosmopolitan wrote about this fascinating moment: in July 2018 Miley got rid of all of the photos of her and Liam from her IG.

    It made people wonder if they had called it quits once again, but that doesn't seem to have been the case.

    The publication suggested that Miley just wanted to get rid of the photos and it didn't mean that they had broken up, which seems to be true.

    7 Sweet Words For Miley

    There is something so heartwarming about hearing someone talk about their partner. For some reason, we love when a guy will talk about his girlfriend or wife and say the sweetest things. Maybe that's because people think that guys don't get sensitive like that, so we love to hear that the opposite is true.

    According to Us Weekly, Liam has talked about Miley and said some really sweet things. He said, "She makes me really happy. When you start, you want to be professional, but when you're filming those scenes with someone [in The Last Song] and pretending to love them, you're not human if you don't feel something."

    6 A Hidden Marriage (That Didn't Happen)

    Bustle says that people thought that Miley and Liam got married in April 2017 because things had been going well since October 2017 but that isn't true: "The two have been going strong ever since. So strong, in fact, that there were rumors that the two had secretly wed in April of 2017. Chris Hemsworth shut down rumors of a secret marriage during an interview with SiriusXM's Sway in the Morning in January of 2018."

    Of course, now that we've confirmed they haven't actually tied the knot yet, we're even more curious about what the wedding will be like. That is, when it finally happens.

    5 Miley's Good Advice

    If you love to see photos of cute celebrity couples, you probably really love to hear what they think and feel about each other.

    It's also fun to know if they have any words of wisdom when it comes to romance.

    According to This Is Insider.com, Miley has said about Liam, "I think that's what is wrong with a lot of relationships if you don't have time to be able to be yourself. I just love that my dude doesn't really make me do that. He gets to do his thing and I get to do my thing, and then he inspires cool music and gets me to go to the beach more than I ever would."

    4 A Little Privacy Please

    Do you feel like we know a lot about Miley and Liam? Probably not… and it turns out that they like it that way. According to W magazine, the celebrity couple likes keeping their relationship to themselves.

    A source said they are "very much still together and have just been trying to be more private about their relationship. They have been spending a lot of their time being low-key in Nashville lately, and come home to Malibu often to spend time with family." What's better than having a great, happy, solid relationship and also hanging out with each other's families?

    3 Liam's Romantic Words

    We're always up for hearing how a celebrity couple feels about each other… especially when a celebrity pair is as high-profile and fascinating as Miley and Liam.

    According to Elite Daily, Liam has said some amazing things about his fiancee, even when they had split up.

    He said, "I mean, look - we were together five years, so I don't think those feelings will ever change. And that's good because that proves to me that it was real. It wasn't just a fling. It really was an important part of my life and always will be. She's a free spirit. I think she'll always surprise people with what she does, but she's not a malicious person in any way. She's a young girl who wants to do what she wants to do."

    2 People Wonder If There Will Be A Wedding

    We know that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have had a long engagement. Is there any information about when the wedding will be? That's definitely a question that is on our minds.

    Harpers Bazaar says that this celeb couple is "not rushing to tie the knot."

    The publication said, "According to a new report from TMZ, "going to the altar isn't important and, in fact, it may never happen" for the couple. Sources told the site that "the formality of marriage isn't important" for Hemsworth and Cyrus. However, the pair is focusing on loving each other, being happy together, and enjoying each other's company, per TMZ.

    1 The Wedding Could Be Simple

    Is Miley Cyrus planning her wedding? It seems like the big day is going to be "simple."

    A source told Entertainment Weekly that "Miley has come up with all sorts of different wedding plans. She is always creative and thinking of new ideas that will make her experience different, but recently she decided she would make it simple."

    The source also said that the wedding will be "last minute."

    We can't wait to learn all that we can about this sweet celeb couple's big day and see the beautiful photos. But how much longer will we have to wait? Only time will tell.