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    20 Little-Known Details About Bradley Cooper Most Fans Don't Know

    If there is one man who is in all our minds at the moment, it is the blue-eyed heartthrob Bradley Cooper. All the hype has been around Mr. Cooper, who wowed us on the big screen in his directed A Star Is Born. We don't know if we were drooling more over his long and shaggy look or his singing. Speaking of singing, who knew that Cooper had the voice of an angel? Seriously Bradley, did you have to go and make us love you even more?

    Now that we know Bradley can rock facial scruff, long hair, and a microphone, we wonder what else Cooper is hiding up his sleeve. And guess what? There is a lot that you may not know about him, though we have seen his career steadily grow in front of our very eyes.

    We fell in love with him in Wedding Crashers, and after reading this, you will fall for this hunk even more, so, beware. Also, if you have not gone to see the movie, we highly suggest you do, because his singing is music to the ears ― pun intended.

    There are even more awesome facts we will reveal that will only make Cooper more attractive, if that is even possible―here, you'll discover more about the loveable actor.

    20 Acting Was Not His First Career Choice

    English literature majors will rejoice after hearing this! Bradley Cooper is more than just a pretty face, in fact, he graduated with honors in English―shocked, are we?

    Yes, the blue-eyed hunk is a part of the Georgetown University alumni and before acting was pursuing a path in English.

    Let us face it, most of us would not have even thought that Cooper was so focused on his education. He ended up continuing his education by switching fields and mastering in drama, but it is said he always contemplated a Ph.D. in English so he could teach lit.

    19 People Didn't Always Find Him Good Looking

    We all find Cooper so handsome and dreamy, but in his early life, things were just a little different. It is not the first time Cooper rocked life with long and luscious hair like in A Star Is Born. In fact, as a boy, his hair was kept long. Cooper has said on several occasions that he was often mistaken for a girl, though he was still adorable back then. We find it hard to believe what Cooper once said: “I never lived the life of 'Oh, you're so good-looking'." And he blames it on his mama for ordering him to keep his hair in a really long bowl cut.

    18 Oh Oui, Oui, Bradley

    I think Cooper is not aware that everything he does just makes us fall for him ever more―which totally sucks because we will never get next to him, But, hey, a girl could dream. If you're an avid follower of the actor, you may know this next fact, if not, be careful, you may fall off your chair.

    Guess what? Cooper speaks French fluently.

    He shocked many when he once did an entire interview in French to promote The Hangover II. Then again, maybe it shouldn't surprise us since he did have quite the preparatory education.

    17 Ever Notice The Scars?

    Say what? Cooper's face is way too perfect there is no way this fact is true. Okay, you're right, nobody is perfect (eye roll). You may not believe us, but Cooper has a total of six scars on his forehead. Yes, we know you are now looking at a picture of him to find them, but he does. And when you do notice them, you will realize how much they add to his irresistible charm. According to an interview in People magazine, Cooper said, "My biggest one goes from my left eyebrow to my scalp." Nobody makes scars look as good he as he does.

    16 He Was Once A Doorman

    Imagine walking into a hotel and having a man as handsome and sweet as Cooper open the door to heaven for you. Well, once upon a time, when Cooper first moved to New York to pursue his dream of acting, he had to find a job to support himself. So, what did the then unknown actor do?

    Bradley worked as a doorman at night at the Morgans Hotel in Manhattan.

    There, he not only had to open the door to guests but also had to light candles every time a guest arrived. Imagine, many people once had Cooper open the door for them and they probably had no clue, until now!

    15 He's A Faithful Fella

    You know what we love about a man? One who is loyal. And ladies, we have exceptional news: Cooper, who can get any woman in the world, is all about loyalty. Cooper is that kind of guy who makes you feel puppy love all the time. He is the exact definition in the Webster dictionary next to the word Prince. Seriously, if you do not believe us, Cooper once said, "when I'm into a woman, I literally can't stop staring. I become completely entranced." Basically, he looks at a woman the way his character looks at Lady Gaga in A Star Is Born.

    14 He Could Fancy One With His Cooking

    If there is one thing that is attractive in a man, is his ability to whip up a fantastic dish; we highly appreciate that after a long day's work. And Bradley apparently has some seriously enviable culinary skills.

    Well, Cooper is taken, so he won't be steaming up in our kitchens anytime soon, but he is passionate about cooking.

    And whoever has him as a friend, they're quite lucky, as Cooper prides himself on his cooking and does it for his pals, too. His apparent specialty: lasagna. And while Italian is great, we can't help but assume he knows a few French recipes to go along with his language skills.

    13 He Was Once In Our Favorite TV Show

    Maybe some of you know this, and maybe many of you do not, but we first saw Cooper on the small screen in Sex and the City. If you just gasped out of shock, then YouTube it immediately, you'll probably get a reality check and flashback all in one. He was living in New York then while being ambitious and pursuing his career and landed his first TV appearance on the hit show, playing SJP's handsome crush. Lucky SJP, she got to co-star with this hunk before the rest of the actresses in Hollywood did. And if you remember him on the sitcom, then you probably did not know it was his first TV role.

    12 He Had Other Big Dreams

    So, it seems that before the phenomenal actor himself wanted to become an actor, he had a couple other aspirations. It is surprising to us because he is exceptional onscreen. Hey, maybe he even wanted to be a singer and performer before an actor, who knows?

    What we do know is that before he chose a path in acting, besides wanting to teach literature, Bradley had other big dreams.

    Cooper, don't laugh, wanted to move to Japan and there, become a ninja. The A Star Is Born actor and director said on The Today Show that he wanted to become a ninja when he was growing up and begged his father to send him to Japan.

    11 He Skipped His Graduation

    Cooper worked his butt off to get his master degree at The New School in acting, but when he was out of there and looking for work, his school was the least of his worries. His film debut was in the cult classic Wet Hot American Summer (though most of us only remember him in Wedding Crashers) However, Cooper was so focused on getting his foot in the industry, that to be a part of the filming he had to miss his graduation, and he did. Cooper jokes about his missed graduation for his degree very often in interviews, but we doubt he regrets it.

    10 He Asked To Be Fired

    In life there will always be ups and downs even if you're a celebrity, but it happened very early on for Cooper. Fortunately for Cooper, he landed a role on the popular series Alias at the start of his career. Unfortunately for him, it was also a huge downfall.

    His character was sidelined and Cooper was so aggravated with the situation that he went up to creator J.J. Abrams and asked him to kill his character off the show.

    Cooper was gutsy to do this, as he asked to be fired off with no acting roles lined up for him. At this point, things only worsened for him, as he soon tore his Achilles tendon playing basketball.

    9 He Had Issues

    Along with the precedent entry about the unfortunate circumstances he went through, Cooper thought it may have been the ending of his acting career. With those thoughts, Cooper began relying heavily on other less healthy ways of coping. Worst of all, though, our beloved Cooper had so many doubts in himself and wasn't sure how he'd make it through. However, at the age of 29, when Cooper had an accident while drunk at a party, he finally decided to turn his life around. Of course, we're so glad he did, because it means the world didn't have to miss out on his talent.

    8 He Is An Athlete

    Cooper has that athletic look; we are talking about his build and how he carries himself. Besides being passionate about cooking, acting, and English, Cooper finds love in sports, too. There is a reason he looks athletic, and that is because throughout his life in college and University, he made his hobbies into something a little more serious.

    As an athlete, Cooper engaged competitively in sports throughout college.

    And at Georgetown University, where he was pursuing English, he was a medalist on the Men's Heavyweight Crew team. But hey, we also wouldn't mind seeing him lift!

    7 What Inspired Him To Act?

    With so many hobbies, and so many things Cooper was good at, what exactly drove him to suddenly pursue a MFA in acting? According to the Hollywood heavyweight, it was David Lynch's production of The Elephant Man on television that made him fall in love with the practice. After finally finding his niche and deciding to confidently try acting at The New School, he payed homage to the production that inspired him to take the jump and played the title character John Merrick for his graduate thesis. Therefore, we give huge thanks to The Elephant Man.

    6 He Is No Comedian

    We often have to remind ourselves that what we see from an actor onscreen is actually acting. What we mean by this, is that actors are not the people we often see them as, since they are often quite different from the characters they portray.

    When it comes to Cooper, most of us associate him with the The Hangover films and Wedding Crashers, both films being of the comedy genre.

    And Cooper was quite hilarious in them. However, as a person, Cooper has admitted that he is not funny in the least. In fact, he said to Details magazine, "I'm not even funny at all." Oh, the irony of it all!

    5 His Hardest Role

    And, we now understand why this next statement from Cooper may just be true. After years of phenomenal roles that captured our hearts, Cooper is now one of the highest paid actors, but not every role is easy. He played extremely tough roles with huge shoes to fill, like a bipolar man, now a singer with demons, and one of our most beloved roles of his, the hilarious teacher Phil in The Hangover. Cooper expressed to The Guardian that his role in the comedy that started off in Sin City was his most difficult to take on. He said, "That guy is so different from me. I'm always amazed by it, actually. When I look at that character on screen, I don't see me at all."

    4 He Auditioned For Green Lantern

    Speaking of Cooper's movie roles, once upon a time not so long ago in 2009, Cooper auditioned for the role of the Green Lantern. Wait, he did not get the role? How did that happen?

    He was a frontrunner against Ryan Reynolds, but Cooper was so in his own head that he could not let go of Christian Bale's Batman voice.

    On his appearance on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien, he told the host about his hilarious moment auditioning saying, "I couldn't not do Christian Bale's Batman when I was doing the audition. I don't know what it was!"

    3 He Worked On The News

    Cooper tried his hand at many things before he hit the big-time in acting, as we have covered here. But besides wanting to be a ninja and teaching literature, Cooper also made it onto the news. Not because he did something bad or anything, but while in high school at Germantown Academy, way before he head over to the Big Apple to follow his dreams, he worked at the Philadelphia Daily News. Let us just say, we certainly would not mind having Cooper as our anchorman. Now we are just so sad that we did not get to see his stint as one.

    2 He Really Gets Into Character

    It is hard to picture Bradley Cooper as anything else right now except his scruffy, rockstar look in A Star Is Born. But, if you're an avid follower of the actor, you'll recall his role as Chris Kyle in American Sniper and how different he looked―and not in a bad way.

    Cooper got so into the role that he put on 40 pounds of pure muscle.

    How did he accomplish that? He started working out twice a day, two hours each session, and ate about 5,000-6,000 calories per day to buff up like a war hero. Cooper even told Vanity Fair that by the end of the 3 months, he was able to deadlift 415 pounds!

    1 His Favorite Food

    Sometimes, when you need to get something done, you must give up what you love, and Cooper had to make that sacrifice many times. Ladies, if you want the key to Cooper's heart, we have it; make him a sandwich. Cooper is absolutely in love with sandwiches, which is surprising for a cook. Sadly, for him, when he was filming The A-team, he had to give up his one true love because he was on a strict diet and workout, again. However, he went to another extreme and started making sandwiches with grapes and nuts, as he later admitted in an interview.