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    18 Photos That These Female Celebs Want Buried

    Celebrities get the privilege of being rich and famous, but with fame and fortune also come a lot of pretty negative drawbacks. One of the not-so-nice things about being in the spotlight is constantly being hounded by paparazzi and flashing cameras, ready to snap anybody at their worst moment. Celebrities rarely get any privacy, and the media loves it when somebody famous gets caught in an unattractive situation. It's hard to keep in mind that the stars we see are actually just human beings like all the rest of us, and it's shameful to admit it, but there's something about seeing a celebrity looking not-so-great that makes us feel just a little bit better about our imperfect selves.

    So here we give you 18 female stars in photos that don't paint them in a very good light at all. Judging by these snaps, these superstars would definitely wish they could take these awful pictures of themselves back, and are

    most likely embarrassed to this day about these unfortunate photos.

    From barefaced blunders to performance nightmares, these female celebrities have seen some pretty rough times. Get ready to feel a whole lot better about yourself!

    18 Angelina Jolie - Looks Like She Missed A Spot

    Angelina Jolie was once considered one of the most beautiful women in the world, and is still today considered a gorgeous Hollywood star. But even the most glamorous stars sometimes mess up and have their embarrassing moments. This photo taken at The Normal Heart premiere in 2014 shows that even Ms. Jolie makes makeup faux-pas, as we can see here where it looks like a bag of white flour exploded all over the actresses' face. Clearly someone went a bit wild with the powder while doing Angelina's face, and it's a wonder that no one told the unsuspecting actress how ridiculous it looked. It seems like Ange should definitely check herself out in the mirror from now on before stepping out onto the red carpet.

    17 Kim Kardashian - Sunburnt Selfie

    We're guessing Kim has some major regrets about posting this selfie of herself looking like a boiled lobster. Kim accidentally fell asleep while sunbathing in Mexico and the result wasn't pretty. What makes it worse is that clearly Kim K was wearing sunglasses while she snoozed, which has given her an altogether unattractive two-toned hue to her normally beautiful skin. Why the reality TV star didn't have any sunblock on is a mystery to us, and it seems like a pretty silly mistake to make if she knew she would be out in the sun. We haven't seen another selfie like this since she posted it in 2009, so perhaps it's safe to assume Kim has learnt her lesson. Sunscreen is a daily must-have, so let this picture be a warning to what might happen if you go without it!

    16 Mila Kunis - Looking Rough Around The Edges

    Brunette beauty Mila Kunis usually looks stunning and it's no wonder that her hottie husband Ashton Kutcher is head-over-heels in love with her. However, even the most glam goddesses have their off-days, and this photo clearly captures one of Mila's very, very off-afternoons. The normally well-dressed actress is wearing a not-so-fashionable hoodie and sweats, and her makeup-free face looks puffy, washed-out, and pretty bedraggled. Mila Kunis doesn't look like she's having the best day, and is most likely regretting having gone out like this as the paps didn't hesitate to snap a pic of her in her imperfect state.

    This is probably the worst picture we've seen of the actress,

    and certainly doesn't do justice to her normal beauty. Kudos to Kunis for living her life like the rest of us, but we're certain she'll think twice before going out again like this in the future.

    15 Tyra Banks - Not Top-Model-Worthy Here

    Tyra Banks is known for her supermodel good-looks and her fierce catwalk swagger. However, this picture certainly doesn't paint the model-actress in a good light. Tyra looks ghoulish and frightening in this photo and certainly doesn't look like her normal beautiful self. She looks emaciated and skeletal here, and the heavy black eyeshadow she's wearing doesn't help her look at all. In fact, Tyra's makeup looks like a little girl went crazy with her mother's makeup drawer, and it's surprising that Banks thought this was a good look to go out with. Clearly the photographer caught Tyra at the worst possible moment too with as we can see by her ridiculous expression, and it's a wonder Tyra was able to show her face in public after this pic got spread around.

    14 Ariana Grande - Attacked By Angels

    Ariana Grande looks like she's cowering in fear here, and out of context this picture would seem pretty ridiculous.

    This pic was actually snapped right after Ariana got hit by a Victoria Secret model's angel wings,

    and the result is pretty hilarious indeed. This definitely is not a great photo of the talented, young singer and the face she's pulling is definitely not attractive. Usually we see Ariana so put-together and looking like perfection, so when this photo was released of the star huddling in fear, the public was pretty surprised to say the least. Who knew that angel wings were both beautiful AND dangerous? Ariana definitely shouldn't have been standing where the models were doing their catwalk strutting, and it's safe to assume Ariana will watch out next time an angel crosses her path!

    13 Beyonce - Looking Not-So-Super At The Super Bowl

    It's safe to say that Beyonce is our universal queen, and we pretty much lose all control whenever the megastar's name is even mentioned. Queen Bey is perfection incarnate, so when this photo came out and was plastered all over the front pages of the media, the world collectively reeled back in shock. This horrific photo of Beyonce was taken mid-performance at the 2013 Super Bowl half-time show. The singer looks like she's transformed into the Hulk and her facial expression is just so hilariously awful, that it's almost hard to look away from it. Beyonce's publicist tried her hardest to have news sites take down this unflattering picture of the star, but it was definitely too late - the world had witnessed these atrocities and there was no trying to hide them. If there was any picture that Queen Bey regrets having taken, it's this one, and frankly, we're not surprised.

    12 Kate Middleton - A Royal Mess

    The Duchess of Cambridge is usually the picture of polite perfection and royal elegance, so it's surprising to see her in any sort of state other than being truly classy. This photo though shows the Duchess in a completely inebriated state, looking rather less royal than normal. We can see that Kate has clearly been having a good time, too good of a time some might say. This look is a far cry from her usual very put-together self, and there's no doubt that

    Prince William's wife probably wishes this scandalous picture of her didn't exist.

    This is definitely not a look suited to a princess, and we can only imagine the look on the Queen's face if she saw this unflattering picture of Kate. Luckily, it seems that Duchess Kate's partying days are over, so hopefully no more pictures like this will come out any time soon.

    11 Sofia Vergara - More Beast Than Beauty

    If there's one things that can be said of Sofia Vergara, it's that she's absolutely drop-dead-gorgeous. The Colombian actress is known for her sultry accent and her curvaceous physique, and can usually be seen stealing everyone else's attention for her beauty on the red carpet. Looking at this picture of Vergara however, you wouldn't recognise her if you didn't know it was her. Sporting a makeup-free look, the actress looks like a completely different person, and it really does make you appreciate how magical makeup actually is. Sofia Vergara most likely didn't anticipate being caught out like this, and there's no doubt that she wishes the paps hadn't snapped her looking this way. Once again, this just goes to show that even the most beautiful women don't always look perfect, and it certainly makes all of us feel a little bit better about ourselves!

    10 Christina Aguilera - Dripping With Embarrassment

    This incredibly embarrassing photo of Christina Aguilera was taken while she was performing at the funeral of the late soul legend Etta James back in 2012. The pressure must have really gotten to Christina, as

    she was sweating so much her fake tan started dripping down her leg.

    In the photo, you can clearly see streaks of fake tan running down her legs, which was undoubtedly an incredibly mortifying experience to occur while performing at such an important event. Being the professional that she is, Christina didn't seem to let her mishap faze her, but that didn't stop audiences the world-over being distracted from her amazing singing to wonder what it was that was dripping down her legs. Hopefully Christina now knows less is more when it comes to her tan.

    9 Jennifer Lopez - Showing Her True Age

    Jennifer Lopez is one of those people who never seems to age. If you look at pictures of her from twenty years ago compared to photos of her today, there's hardly any difference, which makes us all envy her and wonder what her secret to eternal youth is. Usually we're left wondering how a 48-year-old can look so good, but this photo finally seems to show JLo for her true age. Clearly the high-definition setting of this photo did the singer-actress no favors, and it really does expose all the lines and creases she seems to have been hiding from us all these years. Lopez will definitely be regretting that this picture saw the light of day, and there's no doubt she'll be wanting to avoid any HiDef photography from now on.

    8 Katy Perry - Not Such A Teenage Dream

    Katy Perry is undoubtedly a total babe, and her perfectly put-together look is always on point. This picture, however, shows us a completely different look from the singer, and it's likely one that quite a few of us can relate to. This picture was taken by Katy's then-husband Russell Brand and posted on his Twitter page. In the photo, Katy has clearly only just woken up, and is completely barefaced and unsurprisingly a little startled to have her picture taken. Perry was clearly annoyed that her hubby had posted the pic, as

    the photo was swiftly removed from social media.

    That didn't stop the world-over seeing this unattractive photo of Katy however, and it lives on in internet history. Looks like this could have been an early warning sign for Katy that things weren't going to end well with Russell…

    7 Fergie - Big Girls Don't Wet Themselves

    This now-infamous picture is one that will haunt Fergie forever and lives on as one of the most embarrassing photos of a celebrity ever to be taken. This famous pic was snapped back in 2005 when the Black Eyed Peas were meant to be doing a show in San Diego but were running late. They were running so late that they didn't have time to do anything except go directly on stage. This meant that Fergie didn't even have time to go to bathroom, which she was clearly desperate to do. So desperate in fact was the singer to relieve herself, that she had no other option but to wet herself on stage. Unfortunately the singer was wearing khaki shorts that made the situation even worse, and you can visibly see the massive pee stain that formed on the front and the back of her clothing. Poor Fergie. No one in the audience had bargained for a performance by the Black Eyed Pees…

    6 Jennifer Lawrence - A Far Cry From Her Red Carpet Look

    Jennifer Lawrence is widely regarded as one of the most attractive stars in Hollywood, and many think that her “normal girl” attitude and her goofy persona add to her overall beauty. However, in this picture, Lawrence seems to be taking her “normal girl” spiel a little too far for most people's taste, and looks completely drab and pretty sloppy. Jennifer is clearly not made-up the way she normally is, and her bare face and her slovenly hair make her look completely different than we're used to seeing her.

    She looks more like someone you'd  meet at the grocery store instead of on the red carpet,

    and there's no doubt that JLaw will have been more than just a little displeased to see these pictures posted of her.

    5 Khloe Kardashian - Caught Looking Not-So-Hot

    This picture of Khloe leaving the gym is definitely not the reality star's hottest look. In fact, Khloe looks like a total mess. That being said, she probably wasn't counting on being papped, and let's be honest, how many of us really look good after an intense gym sesh? We're used to seeing the Kardashians looking so glamorous and perfect, that seeing one of them look slightly normal is a shock to the system. This is clearly a photo taken before Khloe slimmed down, and we're more than certain that the star probably wishes this photo had never been taken. It's a completely unattractive snap of her that she'll never be able to escape. I guess she showed all of us though not to underestimate her, as Khloe looks better than ever these days.

    4 Lindsay Lohan - Passed Out Party Girl

    Lindsay Lohan is one of the most infamous party girls in Hollywood history, and there was once a time that a week wouldn't go by without hearing about another one of the actress' antics-gone-wrong. These days, LiLo has toned down her wild ways, but sadly for her, the photos of her party days are still alive and kicking on the internet. This photo is one of many that shows that the actress couldn't always handle her partying, and

    this passed-out snap of LiLo is deeply unattractive to say the least.

    It looks like Lindsay went a little too hard that night, and she looks more dead than alive sitting strapped into the car seat. Thank goodness Lohan has learnt to restrain herself, as she most definitely wouldn't want more of this kind of picture surfacing these days.

    3 Taylor Swift - Blown Away By Shame

    Taylor Swift has sported a lot of different looks over the years and seems to change her persona with every album she releases. No matter how hard she might try to toughen up her image or glam-up her look though, there's little that can keep people taking her seriously when a wind-machine decides to blow her skirt up. This humiliating picture clearly caught Taylor standing in the wrong place at the wrong time, and what could have been a sultry Marilyn Monroe moment swiftly turned into an embarrassing mishap. What makes it even worse is the fact that Taylor is wearing the most unattractive Spanx-underwear that could possibly exist. There is definitely nothing sexy about this unexpected look, and there's no doubt about it that Taylor wishes she could take all the snaps that were taken of the incident back. In the meantime, Taylor, Bridget Jones called… she wants her panties back.

    2 Britney Spears - The Worst Picture Ever Taken?

    Britney has gone through a lot in her career and has definitely been number one when it comes to highs and lows. The Pop Princess is no stranger to being pestered non-stop by paparazzi, and it's no wonder she had a major breakdown back in 2007. This picture that was snapped by the paps is clearly Britney at one of her lower points, and it's safe to say it's likely one of the most unattractive photos we've seen of Spears. In fact, it might be one of the least attractive photos of any celebrity we've seen.

    Britney's hair looks like a chaotic mullet-rats'-nest,

    and the facial expression she's pulling… well, that's just truly unfortunate. We know you're better than this Britney, and we don't blame you if you wanting to burn every copy of this picture ever made.

    1 Cara Delevingne - Cara Got A Little Too Carried Away

    Supermodel Cara Delevingne looks a little worse for wear in this photo that was snapped after a night of partying in London. We know that the beautiful model loves a good party, and this photo is evidence of how far Cara will sometimes take her night out. Delevingne looks absolutely wasted in this pap-taken picture, and it's a far cry from her usual high-fashion self. Cara has been called “the new Kate Moss,” and from the looks of things, she's looking to copy Moss in every way, even when it comes to partying. Cara seems to constantly be in the spotlight, so it's no wonder that she would want to let loose a bit and be free to have fun, but clearly she might need to think about toning it down if she doesn't want more unflattering pics like this to be spread all over the media.