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    18 Facts About Amy Schumer

    Amy Schumer has been part of the stand-up comedy scene since the mid 2000's, when she emerged as an act on Last Comic Standing in 2007.  She attracted many fans in her early days, with her raunchy blend of insult comedy. Many of her jokes pushed the limits on political correctness, which was more than part of her appeal to the masses. Amy Schumer could be described as the younger version of Chelsea Handler; a woman unafraid to push limits and speak her mind.

    For quite some time, Amy was celebrated for being outspoken and bold. Her jokes were often relatable and people flocked to her stand-up shows by the hundreds. But, in recent years, Amy seems to have stopped at nothing to rise to the top, and along the way she has managed to offend fans and celebrities. Among other things, she has been accused of joke stealing, of not being able to take criticism aimed towards her (yet she can dish it out by the spoonful!) and of being unkind to her loyal fans.

    Despite having recently published a memoir, coming out with a new Netflix special, and getting married, Amy is not coming out on top in 2018! With an ever-growing list of people speaking out against the comedian, are Amy's days in the spotlight numbered?

    18 She's Gotten Way Too Political And Doesn't Know When To Stop

    Although Donald Trump is certainly a controversial president, Amy Schumer didn't sugar coat her opinion of the man at a standup show in Tampa Bay in October 2016.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course, but fans think that Amy crossed the line when she brought a Trump supporter on stage and started to grill him.

    The light-hearted performance took a turn for the nasty when Amy got frustrated with the Trump supporter, and subsequently, with the crowd, who booed her. Roughly 200 attendees walked out in protest, and several people spoke out about her inappropriate display of political bravado. It's fine to take a stance on politics, but perhaps being aggressive and belittling your fans for their voting style is not the way to keep an audience!

    17 She Can Dish It Out But Can't Accept Criticism

    Amy Schumer wastes no time throwing out insults about various celebrities, politicians and herself, but when it comes from an outside source, watch out! Amy just can't seem to be a good sport when she is the butt of other people's jokes.

    In 2016, she reacted in a very offensive way when a 17-year-old film critic posted a humorous tweet about having spent the night with Amy.

    Had Amy said something of the sort herself, everyone would laugh, and it wouldn't have been a big deal. But, heavens forbid that someone else cracks a joke about things that Amy herself jokes about. She got really defensive and tweeted back angrily to the young teen, causing a bit of a storm on Twitter. Her hard response was totally out of line, and probably humiliated the youngster, who was clearly excited about his meeting with Schumer.

    16 She Stops At Nothing For Attention And Exposure

    Many fans criticized Amy's decision to take on a marketing contract with popular beer company Budweiser, for their Bud Light brew. Not only were the ads tacky (is meddling politics with alcohol really a wise marketing choice?), the company took them down shortly after they aired. The reason? Product sales actually dropped significantly in the company's third quarter, and the decline was equated to the botched commercials, which featured Amy and Seth Rogan. Amy seems to stop at nothing these days for attention and exposure. Political incorrectness and downright tastelessness don't seem to be an issue for Amy, who relishes in all things inappropriate. Hopefully, she learns from this experience and stays away from beer commercials (and politics) for a while!

    15 She's Definitely Not As Funny As She Used To Be

    One of the main arguments against Amy these days is that she seems to have lost her humor. While her blend of in-your-face witticism was quirky and original a decade ago, it's now overdone and over the top.

    Her jokes aren't well thought out or stimulating, leaving fans feeling like she's grasping at straws to get laughs.

    Over saturation of her image is another big problem. In the last couple of years, she has published a memoir, starred in a Netflix stand-up special (that got terrible reviews) and starred in 2015's Trainwreck, a film that she wrote and starred in. While her true fans remain devoted to her projects, she has lost the attention and affection of many over the last few years!

    14 Her Jokes Are Not Always Original

    2016 just wasn't a great year for Amy. While she was technically at the height of her career, her reputation seemed to take a nosedive. Several fellow comedians accused her of joke-stealing, which she vehemently denied, despite plenty of evidence pointing to the contrary. Several jokes that appeared in Trainwreck, as well as in her HBO special and on a Comedy Central stand-up event, were allegedly recycled. Wendy Liebman, Kathleen Madigan, and Tammy Pescatelli were just three of the comedians who accused Amy of joke theft. The ladies even made a compilation of the jokes in question, to point out how inauthentic Amy was. Amy responded very defensively to the accusations and claimed that she never used other people's material. Well, that's easy to say but the evidence against her seems pretty condemning!

    13 Her Moral Compass Is Broken

    Amy Schumer definitely has her own sense of justice, and when she feels wronged, she stops at nothing to get it. An incident in 2016 sparked a young man to receive death threats and be the victim of cyberbullying, and he blames it all on Amy. While Amy was jogging one morning, South Carolina resident Leslie Brewer spotted Amy and took a quick video of her to post to his social media account.

    Amy backlashed by posting her own social media rant, about how the man was violating her privacy and refused to stop filming her when asked. All in all, the aftermath was not pleasant for Brewer, who was flooded with negative messages and threats on his social media account afterward.

    Too much of a reaction on Amy's part?

    11 She Made Inappropriate Jokes About Ryan Dunn's Death

    Proving there is no line that she won't cross, Amy made some pretty insensitive comments about deceased Jackass star, Ryan Dunn,  during the Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen in 2011. Dunn, who had died less than a year before, was best friends and co-star to famed Jackass star Steve-O, who was present at the roast.

    Although the joke was meant to offend Steve-O, it was seen as super insensitive and "too soon".

    Yes, roasts can get brutally offensive, and the name of the game is usually being extra crass and bold. But, making jokes about how one person died tragically is a little much! In the aftermath of the roast, Amy was criticized by many, and it was made clear that Steve-O was not at all pleased with her choice to bring up the death of his pal.

    10 She's Very Egocentric

    People who don't like Amy Schumer are quick to give their supporting reasons for their distaste. Many critics have said that Amy is, at her core, a very egocentric and self-centered person, who only thinks of herself. It's not hard to buy this theory, just based on some of her super questionable behavior over the years. To support this argument, consider how Amy markets her image. She constantly wants to be in control of the image the world sees of her, has little patience for fans that take her photo, and cannot handle criticism at all. It seems that she wants to create a version of herself that is appropriate to show to the masses, but who knows if that is the real Amy or just a  mirage? The way she has treated fans and her own staff members further prove that she has an agenda of one!

    9 She Doesn't Treat Her Fans Very Well

    After the South Carolina incident, Amy publicly told fans that she was no longer going to be posing for photos with fans after shows.

    Later, she edited this statement to say that she would pose with fans for photos, but only the nice fans. The categorization of people that are clearly paying to support her was seen as quite the diva move.

    Her reaction to the situation was seen as rather exaggerated and out of line. She could have simply messaged the fan privately to tell him that she didn't appreciate him filming her, but instead, she made a huge commotion.  Not to mention, Amy regularly gets into arguments with her fans during live shows. calling people out and embarrassing them. Is that the right way to treat the people who are essentially providing you your lavish lifestyle?

    8 She's Very Misinformed When It Comes To Gun Laws

    Although no one can criticize Amy Schumer's stance on tighter gun control laws, her way of transmitting her message could definitely be improved. In the aftermath of the Pulse nightclub shooting in downtown Orlando, Florida, Amy released what was meant to be a comedic video criticizing the Second Amendment in the United States.

    The biggest issue? Her piece was littered with misinformation and she majorly missed the mark on any humorous angle that she was attempting.

    The issue of gun violence is obviously something that needs to be taken seriously, and turning it into a botched comic video is not the right approach. It's not the first time Amy tried to mix guns and humor. She previously released a sketch called "Welcome To The Gun Show", which was also met with mass critique.

    7 She Is Very Quick To Put Other Women Down

    Everyone seems to think that Amy is a big supporter of women, but nothing could be further from the truth. She offended pop queen Taylor Swift, back in 2016, when she reacted to a photo of Taylor's thigh gap, taken at that year's Grammy Awards. Commenting on another woman's body is clearly taboo, especially in an age when equality and positive body image are huge topics of conversation. After she was criticized for her comment, Amy issued a forced apology, that wasn't really an apology at all. In true Schumer fashion, she essentially apologized while stating that no one should be offended by her commentary, as she is a comedian, and she makes jokes for a living. Another incidence of Amy doing what she wants and not taking accountability for her actions!

    6 She Doesn't Apologize- Even When She Really Should

    And that leads us very nicely into our next point! Amy has been accused of offending dozens of fans, comedians, and celebrities over the years, but one thing that she isn't known for? Apologizing.

    That's right, Amy knows how to dish out the hard jokes, but when someone is genuinely hurt or offended by her words, she gets defensive and refuses to apologize. Her apologies are often along the lines of "I'm sorry if you were offended but… "

    which really does nothing for the victim of the joke! One of her recent offenses was when she tried to do a parody of Beyoncé's Formation. She was accused of exploiting black culture and making jokes about a serious matter. Looks like the whole world, including Queen Bey, are losing respect and interest in Amy!

    5 She Has An Ever-Changing Stance On Body Image

    Most people applauded Amy when she first started posting photos of herself in bathing suits on her Instagram account. The body positive movement thought that it was wonderful that a curvy woman would embrace her shape and not be afraid to share what she really looks like. However, Amy was super quick to retort back that she is absolutely not plus-size, that she shops for clothes in "regular stores" and that she isn't that curvy. She seems to embrace the curvy lady category only when it suits her (like, for example, in her own stand-up skits). She's been accused of both fat-shaming and skinny-shaming other women, and has stated that she is "Hollywood fat" which, to her, seems an acceptable label?

    4 She Makes Inappropriate Comments About Men

    Although Amy is quick to attack sexist offender's online, some have pointed out that the way she treats men is in fact, inappropriate. She is very quick to come to a woman's defense when they have been victimized by the words (or actions) of a man, yet she doesn't seem to filter her own comments about men.

    Sadly, most people just take in what Amy says without considering that she might be spewing her own version of hateful nonsense.

    In this day and age, it seems that to criticize a woman's opinion or views is indirectly disrespecting her, but some people do abuse their power where free speech is concerned! Being a feminist, being pro-woman and liberated does not go hand in hand with bashing men! Amy should consider her words when she is objectifying men, in the same way, that we should all be aware of how we objectify women.

    3 She's Been Labelled A Fake Feminist

    When you add together all of the offenses Amy has been accused of in the past 2 years, it's quite understandable that many people are skeptical about her commitment to feminism. Criticizing other women, being overly focused on her own body (and the bodies of others!) and engaging in non-supportive discussions with other females all make us question her true sentiments. Although it's undeniable that her intentions are good, she is, unfortunately, just not the feminist voice of our generation. Yes, we appreciate that she has, during the span of her career, brought to light some very interesting topics that might not have been discussed by women before her. She has clearly inspired many young women to share their voices, too. Despite this, she still needs a bit of work on her delivery of certain messages!

    2 Her Ratings Are Going Down

    When Amy first emerged on the comedy scene, she had no trouble attracting a loyal following of fans. Her comedy, at the time, was unique, refreshing, and mildly shocking. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind, and for the most part, that was celebrated and applauded. Fast forward a few years, and it seems that Amy has possibly pushed the limits a little too far. In the past two years, despite exposing herself with a tell-all memoir, and releasing a new Netflix special, she has actually gone down in the rating department. People are starting to find that Amy is more offensive than funny, and the sentiment seems to be contagious. Fans and celebrities alike have spoken out about her crude behavior, and her Netflix special actually had one of the worst ratings in the stand-up comedy category, of all time.

    1 She Meddles In Things That Don't Concern Her

    Amy seems to love one thing: fame and attention. In recent years, we are left wondering if Amy actually seeks out negative attention and conflict, just for the sake of staying current. Her behavior towards other celebrities, and not to mention, her fans, is so questionable that we have to wonder if she has ulterior motives.

    Amy just can't seem to stay away from controversy, whether that includes meddling in a Twitter storm that has nothing to do with her, or calling out innocent celebrities on their choice of outfit (or their thigh gap).

    Getting a reaction seems to be at the forefront of her priority list, and we're totally not feeling it! Amy, you have the fame, you can stop seeking out more by getting involved in things that don't concern you!