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    17 MORE Mad Theories About Famous People (Part 2)

    There is no argument that we are a skeptical society. We will speculate about anything and question everything. We watch our celebrities every move, so there are bound to be some theories about them that start to circulate. Whether it is about deaths, pregancnies, or identities… we are always going to ask questions about our beloved stars. Conspicray theories have been around since the beginning of time, and they do not look like they are going anywhere. With the emergence of Youtube and the internet, people fuel these rumors with what they believe to be hard hitting evidence, and it can now be viewed all over the world. I must admit, some are pretty convincing. Full disclaimers: these theories are just that: theories. None of these have been proven to be true. We will let you decide for yourself. Here are seventeen of some of the most famous conspiracy theories:

    17 Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston were in a fake relationship that was all for staging an undercover music video

    Taylor Swift is known for her short-term flings, but according to the internet, her romance with Tom Hiddleston was fake and planned- which is totally plausible. Taylor Swift is not one to shy away from controversy. In fact, she often encourages it in order to promote herself, her brand and her music. Her relationship with Hiddleston started alarmingly early after her break-up with Calvin Harris and it continue to progress even more alarmingly fast. All of a sudden, the press is going crazy with pictures of the two traveling the world together and there are claims that the paparazzi snapshots are just a tad too perfect. Their global adventures have also happened to come from the same photo agency, how is that the company got so lucky to get all of the snapshots of the couple? Whenever they were together, they were also in very heavily populated tourist areas, areas in which it would be too easy to hide a crew and cameramen in civilian's clothing. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

    16 Courtney Love was behind Kurt Cobain's death

    Courtney love's father not only started this rumor when he said that he believes that his estranged daughter is responsible for the death of Kurt Cobain, but he can prove it. Hank Harrison, Love's father was also the manager for the band the Grateful Dead in which Kurt Cobain was the lead singer. He is convinced that his daughter was responsible for the death of Cobain in 1994. He said while he “cant prove that he pulled the trigger” he can “prove his involvement with a high degree of certainty,” according to a Daily Mail article. He came to this conclusion after Seattle Police found a note that Cobain carried in his wallet calling his wife a “b**** with zits”. There is no love lost between Love and Harrison. In fact, Harrison has called his daughter a “psychopath” and Harrison is banned from seeing Cobain and Love's daughter, so he is not exactly a impartial subject.

    15 Pippa Middleton has a fake behind

    Kate Middleton and Prince William's wedding was the event of the century. It was watched by 2 billion people all over the world. Kate looked absolutely stunning and her wedding dress and engagement ring alike were copied by brides everywhere. However, there was someone who stole her thunder - her sister Pippa Middleton! Pippa's rear behind was all anyone focused on, instead of a royal freaking wedding! If you see it, you will understand - it is a little TOO perfect. So naturally, there are conspiracy theories swirling around about whether it is actually fake or not. Etiquette expert that goes by the name of of Stephen Bern spoke to the Daily Mail and said, “but of course she had a false bottom. It was an optical illusion. She knew there were a billion-people watching.” It makes sense. Wouldn't you want some help in the butt department if you knew that many people were watching, and the pictures would forever be remembered for the rest of time? I sure would.

    14 Kim's fake robbery

    When Kim Kardashian was robbed in Paris last year, it was the event of the year. Kim claimed that she was held up in her hotel room during Paris Fashion Week and her engagement ring worth millions as well as other jewelry was stolen. People claimed that the entire thing was staged for publicity. Although the Kardashians are infamous for pulling crazy stunts to remain in the public eye, this one is a little bit farfetched. On top of that, there have been episodes on the family's reality show “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” where Kim looks obviously shaken up and upset. And if you know Kim at all, you know that she is a terrible actress. on top of that, Kim recently testified in court against some of the perpertrators resposisnble for robbing her, which shut down any conspiracy theory surrounding the crime immediately. I personally think it is downright wrong to victim shame and by debunking claims by Kim that she was actually robbed is doing just that.

    13 Jennifer Lawrence fakes her falls

    I see this one as being completely plausible. Lets' be honest: what is the one thing we all love about J. Law? Her attempts at normalizing herself. I have to say: I totally believe this one. Seriously who falls this much? She falls on the red carpet.She falls on her way to accept an Oscar. Either she has restless leg syndrome, or she is what she does best, acting, and this is in fact nothing but a publicity stunt for attention. People are also totally convinced that she does this in order to keep up her super relatable image. The world adores her because she seems to be human, a trait that doesn't come often for celebrities. If she wasn't this way, how popular would she be really? She is talented, but relatablility is like, he thing. The falls are also super dramatic and over-the-top. If this one is true, I have to give her an A plus on the creativity scale.

    12 Britney Spears scandals are orchestrated by the Bush Administration

    Okay so I am in total agreeance with not only this theory, but the idea that the Simpson predicted many other world events (i.e. the election of Donald Trump, the Ebola Virus). You don't have to go far to see the evidence, just take a look at all of the clips collected by this article. With that being said, the fact that they may have predicted 9/11 is totally possible in my eyes. It would also go well with the theory that the government planned 9/11, which is a discussion up for debate to this day. I mean, look at the screenshot above from an episode, which shows a magazine being held up with the twin towers, spelling out 9/11. The weirdest part is that this episode was aired in 1997, years before the attack actually occurred. I truly believe that the Simpsons writers are some kind of physic.

    10 Kanye and Taylor Swift was an inside job

    Everyone remembers the moment from the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards when Kanye West interrupted Taylor's acceptance speech for “Best Video of the Year” with a rant about how Beyonce's music video was not only better - but the greatest of all time. Swift seemed shocked and sad immediately after and this caused a lifetime beef between the two artists. Fast forward, they are still going at it in 2017 - Swift just released a music video with a ton of subliminal messages aimed at West and his wife, the infamous Kim Kardashian. But, the most shocking moment in VMA history may have been planned for attention and publicity. Not the most far-fetched idea. Swift and West DO share an agent, and it can be argued (and has been, by Kanye himself) that this moment was the reason that Swift's career took off the way it did causing her to reach total stardom. And MTV was only struggling for ratings, and well… this is one way to get them - in a MAJOR way.

    9 Paul McCartney died in a car crash and was replaced by a lookalike

    This theory is extremely well-known. Mccartney was a part of the most notorious bands of all time: The Beatles. With that kind of fame comes with a bunch of rumors andal theories. If you are familiar with the Beatles in even the slightest bit, you will know that they are infamous for implanting subliminal messages on their album covers and in their music. It is art to say the least. The “Paul is Dead” theory began way back in 1969, and people still believe it today. It is the idea that Paul McCartney is dead and the Beatles covered it up, despite all of the clues in their artwork. The myth goes that at 5 am on November 6th, 1966 Mccartney became enraged and walked out of a session and subsequently crashed his car and passed away. Theorists claim that The Beatles replaced him with someone who sang and looked just like him.

    8 James Hewitt is Prince Harry's dad

    The “James Hewitt is Prince Harry's dad” rumor is the British equivolant of “O.J. Simpson is Khloe Kardashian's father” rumor. The former British officer James Hewitt became famous when it was discovered that the late Princess Diana was having an ongoing five-year affair with him. Princess Diana is the mother of Prince Harry and Prince William. It is not hard to tell that Prince Harry sticks out like a sore thumb in that family with his bright red hair. He doesn't seem to look anything like his brother William at all. Although it is not uncommon for there to be one redhead in an immediate family because it is a recessive trait that skips generations, Hewitt seems to look just like Harry - the resemblance is a little scary. All parties involved completely denounced the notion including Hewitt himself, except Prince Harry who has yet to comment on the matter.

    7 Miley Cyrus died in 2010 and now there is a replacement Miley

    There are a lot of rumors that always surround the controversial star, but nothing quite like this. According to this forum, Miley Cyrus' body was found in the desert in 2010. The story was on one news website for like half a second was then somehow taken down. You would think that if a huge celebrity like Miley Cyrus not only died, but whose body was found in the desert would make major headlines, no? The theory continues that she was then replaced by yet another unknown Disney star who went under the knife and got plastic surgery to resemble Cyrus. There is some evidence pointing to it, the circles drawn on Miley Cyrus' face before 2010 show features that look exactly like her features now. Creepy. There is actually no way this happened. But, it is an interested and weird thought. It seems that Miley has overcome a lot of obstacles and is not going anywhere anytime soon.

    6 Solange is actually Beyonce's daughter

    From claims that she faked her pregnancy, to her being possessed and being part of the illuminati, Beyonce cannot seem to get away from the conspiracy theories. But like many other of these stars that have achieved this level of fame, it is almost inevitable. People will say just about anything, even though we don't know these celebrities in the slightest. There is a new theory swirling around the internet that Beyonce is Solange, her sister, is actually her daughter. Say what? This would be impossible considering that that would mean that Beyonce would have been 5 when she had solange. Laughable. But wait… there's another rumor that claims that beyonce was not born in 1981, but instead 1974. This would mean that beyonce got pregnant at 12 or 13 which is freakishly young, but… possible. Poor Beyonce, like I said, she is the biggest victim of these theories.

    5 Walt Disney's body is frozen

    This is a classic urban legend. After Walt Disney, the visionary behind so many classic fairytail stories, died of lung cancer in 1966, a very pucilary rumor came to fruition. In 1972, Bob Nelson who was then president of the California Cyrogenics Society told the Los Angeles times that “Walt Disney wanted his body to be frozen”. Despite what Nelson said, Disney's family had his remains cremeated and stated that this was 100 percent false. This may be the theory that people believe the most - I think I even have at one point in time! If it was true, it would have been awesome to have Disney come back to life considering his immense amount of creative power and what a genius he really was. I think that is why a lot of people choose to believe in this idea because it would really change the world if he were to come back to life. Unfourtnately his legacy must continue without him for eternity.

    4 Harry and Louis from One Direction were a couple but their management hid it from everyone

    It makes sense as to why this theory exists, the two were quite the bromance when 1D was still together (RIP). Buzzfeed has even dedicated a whole article trolling the two, with various pictures and GIFs of them being affectionate towards one another. The two are a tad touchy feely for just friends. Anything is possible and management might have been covering it up in fear of damaging the band's brand and record sales. It didn't seem that it would have made a difference considering there was a huge part of their fanbase that was in full support of the idea, even calling themselves “Larry Believers” (Larry being the nickname for the pair). Both Harry and Louis have come out and denied the rumors since and they have both been in romantic relationships with women. Although it is quite inspirational to see kids nowadays in full support of gay couples, it means that we have made some progress as a society!

    3 Kris jenner sold Kim K's  "Home Movie"

    I saved the most notorious and best theory on this list for last. Ever since the Kardashians have become so overwhelmingly popular, people are always asking: how? They really don't have a specific talent: besides being famous. They are, however, geniuses of their craft. Kris Jenner AKA world's biggest Momager has been known to encourage her children to commit acts for them to remain in the spotlight, that is no secret. So, it wouldn't be a total surprise if she was the one behind the leaking of the infamous Kim Kardashians sex tape with Ray. After all, the "home movie" is the reason that the entire family is famous in the first place. Kim was nothing but Paris Hilton's personal assistant/friend before it. If Kris didn't release it, I'm sure that the Kardashians are grateful to whoever did considering they now run a billion-dollar industry and are all worth millions upon millions of dollars.

    2 Nicki Minaj rapping is actually Jay-Z Sped up

    People will really think of anything when it comes to celebrity conspiracy theories! There is a video swirling around the internet of Nicki Minaj's rapping slowed down and it creepily sounds like Jay-Z, like a lot. Although this is pretty much impossible that Nicki has performed millions of times live in concert, it is still hilarious. Although, we have never actually seen Jay-Z and Minaj perform in the same booth together. Jay-Z is a jack of all traits, so it wouldn't come as a surprise that he would want to take over the female rap game as well - it is the only industry he hasn't taken over. He usaulyl saves that for his wife, Beyonce, but you just never know. The illumanti, which Jay-Z is have said to be part of, can pretty much pull off anything. And in a recent interview, Nicki said that her album Pinkprint is “the female answer to his Blueprint version.” Hmmm… .

    1 Stephen King killed John Lennon

    We all know how much the author Stephen King is obsessed with horror and killing. He has written countless amounts of books in the horror category - he is the king of scary, no pun intended. So, it is possible that such a murder-obsessed man could have committed the crime himself? The idea has been put out into the universe by Steve Lightfoot, when he interrupted a town council meeting to talk about it in 2009. During his speech, he alleged that King was responsible for the murder of beloved Beatles band member, John Lennon. The reasoning behind this theory? King kind of looks like the deranged fan lythat killed Lennon, says Lightfoot, which is quite the stretch. Why would King want Lennon murdered? Because President Raegan and Nixon wanted him dead. Apparently, Raegan tried to have Lennon deported and failed. Lighfoot says that Lennon was outspoken and influencial, which made him dangerous.