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    17 Gratifying Facts We Finally Know About Chicago West

    It's been almost two months since Chicago West, the third child of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West was born on January 15th, 2018. The Kardashian brood keeps expanding since Kylie Jenner's daughter Stormi was born on Superbowl Sunday, and Khloe's son is due very soon. They say that the third time is the charm, so only time will tell with their third daughter. With so many pregnancies going on in the same family and the same time, this must be an exciting time for the Kardashians. Not only is it an exciting time for the family, but also for the rest of us watching them.

    Chicago West has no idea what she is in for when it comes to her new life in the spotlight of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Luckily, both Kim and Kanye have agreed to shield their children from reality TV as much as they possibly can. She hasn't made that many appearances since she is not even two months old, but just give it another few months before social mediums and celeb sources will be blowing up. The Kardashians keep wowing us with newer members of their family, so we have to wonder which sister will get pregnant next…

    Here are 17 facts we finally figured out about Chicago West.

    17 Chicago West Was Named After Kanye's Native City

    After baby Chicago was born on January 15th, fans wondered where the unique name came from. Kanye West has always been proud of his urban Midwest roots and you can even hear it in many of his lyrics. His song "Homecoming" is about the city itself. In addition to the apparent need to give their kids bizarre names, it is only natural that he name his new daughter Chicago. Hey, if white people can give their kids names like "Brooklyn" or "Madison" which are named after cities, then maybe this name is one of the most normal ones yet from this family. “Chicago was actually Kim's idea and Kanye West, of course, loved it right off the bat. Kim wanted to recognize Kanye's roots and do something cute, fun and unique. Most of all Kim knew the name would make Kanye really happy" a source told the Hollywood Life.

    16 The Name Is Also A Nod To Kanye's Late Mother

    Now that we have the meaning of the first name "Chicago" all sorted out, let's take another look at the meaning of her name. Her name is also a tribute to Kanye's late mother, Donda who died tragically in 2007 of heart disease shortly after a cosmetic surgery complications. Kanye has talked about his mother affectionately in his lyrics. When Kanye's parents split up, he moved to Chicago with his mom, which is something that he spoke about in "Dear Mama." She then went on to become a professor at Chicago State University. When she passed away, Kanye set up a charity in Chicago to carry on her legacy. The city holds a special place in Kanye's heart because that is where he got his honorary doctorate and where he spent his childhood.

    15 She Was Conceived Via Surrogate

    Yes, the youngest daughter of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian was conceived via a surrogate just to stay on the safe side. Although her brother and sister were a result of Kim's pregnancies, they had to do it the third time around with someone else's body for medical reasons. Many people are applauding Kim and Kanye for building awareness of this option for parents who are having trouble conceiving children. Though surrogacy is a good option, it is also an expensive option. If people can afford it, then there is no shame. Say what you will about the Kardashians, they are always willing to put a modern face on certain social issues. Surrogacy can be considered taboo for certain people, but now it is becoming more common as families are becoming more progressive.

    14 The Surrogate Had No Idea She Would Be Pregnant With Kanye And Kim's Child

    Apparently, there is an option where the parents can choose to remain anonymous when they agree to use the services of a surrogate. Kim revealed to the panel of The Real that for the first few weeks of the pregnancy, the surrogate didn't know she was carrying Kim and Kanye's LO. One can only imagine the kind of shock and surprise when she found out who the parents were. There is just no way that you could ever believe that it is real life for you. "She didn't know at the beginning," Kim explained. "She didn't know. You could do it totally anonymously. You could go that route. And I just felt like, whoever is carrying my baby, what if they weren't a fan of me or my husband?" Those are some scary potential circumstances there.

    13 The Surrogate Was Paid $45,000 To Give Birth To Chicago West

    If you think about it, this amount really isn't that much when you consider how deep of pockets that Kim and Kanye have. Then again, it would be unfair to overcharge them the normal amount just because they are rich and famous. Women who agree to be surrogates could potentially have it as their full-time job. With that amount, it would almost be better to be a surrogate as a side job depending on your lifestyle. Apparently, they paid the surrogate in 10 monthly installments of $4,500 which is better than having to pay everything up front or all at the end if you think about it. Being a surrogate is a big commitment and takes its toll on your body. To be paid anywhere below that would just be unfair.

    12 Kim Doesn't Want Chicago To Know She Was Born Via Surrogate

    Having some traditional family values in the Kardashian family, it is no surprise that Kim would rather have her youngest daughter not know that she was born via surrogate. She is probably afraid that Chicago will feel that her mom isn't as closely bonded with her as the other two since she didn't physically give birth to her. RadarOnline reports that Kim Kardashian asks her family to let her be the one to tell Chicago - when she's old enough to, you know, understand language and process the information - about how she was born."Kim said that she wants to be the one to tell Chicago the story of how she was conceived and she does not want to do so until she asks." That means she plans to hold out until the inevitable "where do babies come from?" question. That makes total sense.

    11 It's Dangerous For Kim Kardashian To Have Another Natural Pregnancy

    With her first two children, Kim suffered from a condition known as Placenta Accreta is when the placenta grows so deeply into the uterus that it cannot be separated after delivery. That causes pain and complications during pregnancy. North West was born six weeks prematurely due to this condition. Roughly 5% of the entire population suffers from it which perfectly explains why they opted for a surrogate the third time around. Each time the uterus experiences a pregnancy, it may leave significant scarring or otherwise be able to carry a pregnancy. Kim Kardashian has been outspoken about the infertility it caused after she gave birth to North. It can also leave holes in your uterus, making it hard to conceive. See? Celebrities are just like us in this regard.

    10 Kim And Kanye Refused To Publicly Reveal Her Until Her Safety Was Secured

    When you are as famous as Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, that means that the paparazzi are ruthlessly hounding you 24/7 and there is no stopping it. Being in the public eye comes at a price that this power couple already knows too well. They held off on releasing any pictures of her. So far, there has only been one official pic on Kim's Instagram and a few shots of her here and there in Kylie Jenner's home video. Surprisingly, the birth certificate of Chicago West was leaked to the public and is now available to view online. Way to invade privacy. Whatever the Kardashians do becomes news straight away, there is certainly no doubt about that. This was clearly done by illegitimate means but, unfortunately, that comes with the price of fame.

    9 Her Nickname Is Chi (Pronounced "Shy")

    Yes, you would think that Chicago West's name would be pronounced something like "Chai" for short. On the contrary, Kim probably wanted the name to be chicer than that. After all, this is Kim Kardashian's daughter you are talking about. It can't be anything that is mainstream and standard. Instead, Chicago will have a nickname "Shy" to go by for short. Whether that nickname will actually stick with her into her older years is still in question and only time will tell. It would not be a surprise to any of us if North, Saint, and Chicago all opted to legally change their first names when they really become of age. Either that or they will give nicknames to themselves in order to make their names sound more normal. Again, only time will tell.

    8 There Was A Wild Conspiracy That Kylie Jenner Was Kim's Surrogate

    With all these Kardashian/Jenner pregnancies being so close in time, there were rumors circulating around that they were each other's surrogates. At first, everyone thought that Kylie Jenner was big sister Kim's surrogate because of her being so young. Some people just didn't initially believe that someone as young as Kylie would intentionally want to be a mom. Then after Khloe got pregnant, people started to assume that she could have been Kim's surrogate since she had no reported boyfriend at the time. It turns out, that neither one of those rumors were ever true since there were photos of the real surrogate being leaked to the public. Being a surrogate to a female family member is not unheard of and kind of sweet, but it just didn't happen this time around.

    7 Chicago's Birth Was Overshadowed By Kylie Jenner's Birth To Daughter, Stormi

    So far, there have been more photos being leaked of Stormi Webster by Kylie than there have of Chicago West. Though Kylie is supposedly the sister that doesn't want to be famous, she is the one who is more willing to share her baby with the public. Kim is holding off on that for now and letting her niece take the spotlight away from her youngest daughter. It is probably for the best but history says that it is all subject to change. It will only be a matter of time when you start seeing the West-Kardashian family of five popping up on Instagram or whatever social media feed. The Kardashian/Jenners are not the types of people to shy away from the spotlight. Keep the baby pictures coming.

    6 She Appeared In Kylie Jenner's Pregnancy Announcement Video

    It looks like Kylie got some serious practice in before she officially became a mom herself. Chicago was born just two weeks before Stormi was born on February 1st, 2018. Even long before Kylie became pregnant, she has had plenty of practice as a younger aunt to all of her nieces and nephews. The entire Kardashian clan probably has baby fever since they see their sisters becoming parents. Perhaps it is that womanly instinct that just wants them to nurture something. In any case, it is important to have more heirs to the Kardashian empire. After all, they are like American royalty at this point. Their family rivals the royal family in England when it comes to how much attention they get, especially when they are pregnant.

    5 Chicago Is Already Getting Custom Made Fashion

    Yes, you have heard that right. The not-even-two-month-old Chicago West is already getting custom made fashion just for her. Fashion is the lifeblood of the Kardashians and their young can't just look like any other kid at the nursery. Come on now. Heron Preston, a fashion designer who used to work for Yeezy is working on the assignment single-handedly. “I am making something special for sure,” he told the New York Post. “I made something for all the [Kardashian-West] kids. I have to continue that!” Sure it sounds like something to brag about on your resume to say that you've been a designer for the kids of Kimye. However, it is an infant. It is not like she won't grow out of it. Then again, that is what auctions are for.

    4 Like Her Older Siblings, She Has No Middle Name

    It is a wide known fact at this point that the kids born to Kimye don't have any middle names. For some reason, this power couple just feels that middle names are not necessary. This is funny because the royal family in England gives their children like, give middle names so this is definitely a backward shift in culture. In any case… North, Saint and now Chicago West simply don't need middle names because they are just too cool for them. Having no middle name means that your first name must be so totally out there that having a middle name will do it no justice. That is just a small price to pay to be set for the rest of your life and to never want for anything.

    3 Also Like North And Saint, Chicago Has A Unique Name

    We shouldn't be picking on Kanye West and Kim Kardashian in particular for giving their children some strange names that leave us scratching our heads. After all, this is an ongoing celebrity trend that is not going to stop anytime soon. Gwyneth Paltrow named her daughter Apple and Beyoncé named her daughter Blue Ivy so what will they think of next? You better believe that those kids have their name patented so there is no naming your kid that… even if you wanted to without the risk of potentially being sued. In fact, these names are starting to sound more and more like fashion brand names. So having a kid and starting a new business venture go hand in hand (or so it seems). Celebrity children are also sources to build franchises.

    2 Twitter Blew Up With Opinions After Her Name Was Announced

    Just like how it happens whenever a Kardashian/Jenner procreates or does something weird, Twitter will have it beaming off of its feed like a neon scoreboard. As predicted, Twitter had some harsh reactions to Kimye's choice for a new baby name. They were obviously reactions of opposition to such a name. If you think about it, it is hard to understand why people even care about this phenomenon anymore. North and Saint were both strange names, so why is it a surprise that they do the same thing all over again? What would be shocking is if they named their daughter something normal like "Ashley" or "Megan." Now that would be some serious news that would give Twitter a run for its money. Alas, that will simply never happen.

    1 Her Zodiac Sign Is Capricorn Which Means We Can Expect A Lot More Power In The Kardashians' Future…

    Since Chicago West was born on January 15th, that means that her zodiac sign is a Capricorn. Her mom is a Libra and both her dad and older sister North are Geminis. So that means that she will be in for one heck of a ride throughout her life. Chances are, Chicago will be somewhat of the guiding light or even the leader in her family. Capricorns are a strong sign that believe in climbing the highest mountain even when faced with adversity. She will be a force to be reckoned with in this family for sure. Capricorns are a successful sign that tends to leave legacies behind throughout their life. We can only hope that this new generation of Kardashians does exactly that. Either that or they will finally disappear from the spotlight… who knows?