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    17 Celebs Whose BFFs Turned Their Backs On Them

    The world loves a good celebrity friendship almost as they love a good celebrity relationship - it's fun to see what kinds of activities celebrities do together, and who is really friends with one another. Are they fickle friends who only go out together where the paparazzi will spot them? Or, are they true friends who spend time together at home, away from the public eye. Are they the kind of close where the get an invite to the wedding, or are they just red carpet pals? There are so many questions.

    And, just like regular people, many celebrities go through seasons of friendship. Sure, there are some celebrities who have kept the same friends for a decade or more - the true lifers. And then, there are celebrities who are BFFs with someone for a few months, or a year or two, before they part ways for whatever reason - and often, the reasons are pretty juicy.

    And, celebrities have the red carpet factor - they often run into other big-name celebrities at various awards shows and events and get asked about former besties in interviews, so a friendship fizzling can be met with as much scrutiny as a failed relationship.

    Here are 17 celebs whose BFFs turned their backs on them.

    17 Karlie Kloss And Taylor Swift, Who Went From Total BFFs To Mere Acquaintances

    For a while, it seemed like Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift were basically inseparable. They went everywhere together, they were constantly posting selfies to social media hanging out at home together, and they even kind of started to look alike with their blonde locks and willowy physique. However, it seems that friendship may officially be on the rocks - Kloss has been spotted hanging out with pop star Katy Perry, who is one of Swift's sworn enemies, and the duo just doesn't seem as close as they once did. Taylor Swift has gone through quite a few phases in her career over the years, so perhaps her girl power glam squad days are coming to an end and she's reshaping her identity yet again. Oh well - as a super successful model, Kloss isn't exactly suffering!

    16 Nicole Richie And Paris Hilton, Whose Friendship Wasn't Simple At All

    Ah, Paris and Nicole - for a long time, they went together like peanut butter and jelly. I mean, they even had a reality show together that documented their joint hijinks. They were friends growing up as teenage socialites in Hollywood, and it seemed like their friendship would last forever. However, eventually it came to an end - and the world totally noticed. Paris even threw a little shade way back in 2005, saying that "it's no big secret that Nicole and I are no longer friends. Nicole knows what she did and that's all I'm ever going to say about it." Who knows, perhaps if either of them publishes a juicy memoir they'll finally reveal the reason behind the split - we're dying to know! I mean, that's years and years of friendship - it must have been truly awful.

    15 Lauren Conrad And Heidi Montag, A Reality Television Friendship Turned Nightmare

    A celeb BFF break-up gets enough attention as is, but when the two celebrities in question are on a reality television show? It becomes a major storyline stretching across multiple episodes. Everyone who watched The Hills knows about Lauren Conrad and Heidi Montag's path from BFFs to enemies. When the show started, they were super close, hitting the Hollywood hot spots together and loving life. Then, Spencer entered the picture, Heidi chose him over her former BFF, and they ended up getting into tons of screaming matches before finally becoming enemies. Sometimes, bridges can be repaired and friendships can be mended, but we have a feeling that these two will never be BFFs again - there was just way too much drama between them for far too long to be forgotten.

    14 Demi Lovato And Miley Cyrus, Two Former Disney Queens

    Since they're both still really young, it can be hard to remember sometimes that Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus have both been in the entertainment industry for about a decade already - and they both got their start on the Disney channel. Nowadays, both are known for their more daring music careers, but in their tween years they sang family-friendly hits for Disney fans. They were friends then, but apparently, they had a falling out over fellow Disney star Selena Gomez. Demi was even asked about the fizzled friendship during an interview, and she responded in a classy way - "it's life, and people change. I don't have anything in common with her anymore. I wish her the best." That's about the best way to say 'no comment' - well done, Demi!

    13 Paris Hilton And Kim Kardashian, Who Parted Ways When Kim Started Gaining Notoriety

    Sometimes, it can be hard to remember that Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton were friends. Sure, they've both made their money essentially just by being famous and being in front of the camera, but Kim is now in an entirely different star power stratosphere. However, back in the day, Paris Hilton was the hot socialite star and Kim Kardashian was just an aspiring starlet hitting the club scene and organizing closets (seriously - can we just take a moment to remember that she actually used to organize Hilton's closet?). They were once inseparable, but once Kim started becoming a star and getting more paparazzi attention than Paris, their friendship seemed to fizzle. And it didn't end on good terms - at one point, Paris said that Kim's butt looked like cottage cheese in a garbage bag. Ouch!

    12 Denise Richards And Heather Locklear, Who Split When Denise Forgot The Girl Code

    You can't help who you love, but most people know the unwritten rule that you just never, ever go after a friend's ex. Even if the friend parted with them on good terms, it's just an awful thing to do to someone you care about. Unfortunately, it seems that Denise didn't get the memo - or just was so blinded by love that she ignored it completely. The two used to be close friends, but Denise started dating Richie Sambora, Heather's ex - and that drove a pretty big wedge into their friendship. Although given that she was also in a relationship with Charlie Sheen for a while, we feel like Denise has had enough relationship drama to last a lifetime, so perhaps going after a friend's ex seems minor in comparison.

    11 Gwyneth Paltrow And Madonna, Who Feuded Because Of Fitness

    It always seemed like a bit of a strange friendship - Madonna was a pop star whose reputation was built on shocking audiences, and Gwyneth was an actress who came from a Hollywood family and always played fairly prim roles. However, the two bonded over a joint love for fitness - notably, their trainer, Tracy Anderson. The friends who work out together stay together, apparently, because when Madonna decided to part ways with Anderson, she and Gwyneth grew apart. They never spoke out about why their friendship soured, but a source apparently told Us Weekly that "they don't speak" anymore and that "I can't tell you exactly why they had the falling out, but Gwyneth can be jealous and competitive." Juicy! Perhaps one day Gwyneth will reveal all in the pages of Goop.

    10 Gwyneth Paltrow And Winona Ryder, Whose Friendship Fizzled Due To A Script Scandal

    It seems that Gwyneth has a bit of a pattern with friends - she becomes inseparable with someone for a while, and eventually, the friendship sours for one reason or another. That's definitely what happened with Winona Ryder - although their '90s girl power friendship ended because of a specific incident. Apparently, Ryder was the one who was being considered for the role in Shakespeare in Love, and when Paltrow was hanging out at her bestie's home she caught a glimpse of the script and decided to audition for the role herself. And, for those who don't know, she ended up snagging an Oscar for her role in that movie - so if we were Winona, we'd be a little bit upset about that for sure. I mean, that could have been her award-winning role!

    9 Ben Affleck And Kevin Smith, Whose On-Screen Partnership Allegedly Ended Because Of A Wife

    Everyone knows about Ben Affleck's legendary friendship with actor Matt Damon, but did you know that Affleck and director Kevin Smith were actually close friends back in the day? Smith cast Affleck in quite a few of his movies, and they seemed to be the best of friends. Then, Jennifer Garner entered the picture - and the guys' friendship fizzled. Smith was candid about their former friendship, and when an interview asked him about Affleck, Smith said that "I have not been [close with him] in decades. That's old Ben. He's got a wife that don't care for me at all. And plus, honestly, he probably don't care for me at all anymore." Ouch! Jennifer Garner seems like such a sweetheart, so we're wondering what her issue was with the director.

    8 Katy Perry And Kristen Stewart, Two Unlikely Besties Who Parted Ways When Katy Refused To Cut Rob Out

    Kristen Stewart and Katy Perry seem like a bit of an odd pairing - Perry is always so bubbly and outgoing, and Stewart is pretty much constantly sullen and somber. However, the two met through Hollywood circles and apparently ended up hitting it off and becoming BFFs. They were even photographed at events getting all cuddly. The friendship apparently soured when Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson broke up - rather than siding totally with her bestie and cutting Rob out entirely, Perry stayed close to him after the break-up. Everyone knows you're not supposed to pick sides, but… it would probably sting a little if your bestie stayed close friends with your ex, so we kind of get where Stewart is coming from on this one. She's found a new love now, so who knows - maybe they'll rekindle their friendship someday.

    7 Tori Spelling And Shannen Doherty, Whose Friendship Was Ruined By Tori Getting Shannen Fired

    Shannen Doherty has been in the public eye a lot lately due to her courageous battle with cancer - fans are gathering and supporting her through the difficult time, and she's majorly inspiring in her attitude throughout the journey. However, back in the day, she was another young starlet trying to make it big in Hollywood, and she starred alongside Tori Spelling in Beverly Hills 90210. The two young actresses were very close at the time and enjoyed hanging out and spending time together. That friendship took a turn when Spelling had Doherty fired from the show - that's cold! Perhaps Spelling, as someone who grew up in an environment of tremendous privilege, just didn't realize that messing with someone's livelihood is extremely uncool, but safe to say that the two really haven't been close ever since then.

    6 Rachel Zoe And Brad Goreski, The Fashionable Duo That Now Fly Solo

    While most people know Rachel Zoe as a stylist, true fans will remember her and Brad's friendship from the seasons they appeared together on the reality show The Rachel Zoe Project. Zoe had other employees she was close with, but she and Brad were basically inseparable, and you could see from their interactions on the screen that they were total besties. However, they had a bit of a falling out when Goreski started trying to steal the spotlight, in Zoe's opinion, and the two eventually parted ways professional. Zoe is still absolutely slaying the style game, and Goreski has been building a name for himself as well, but we can't help but wish these two were still BFFs - they made such a hilarious, super chic duo, and their interactions were always amazing.

    5 Ken Paves And Jessica Simpson, A Celeb/Hairstylist Dream Team Destroyed

    Jessica Simpson and Ken Paves had been a team for as long as we can remember. Some celebrities switch up their glam squads on the regular and just treat them like another staff member, but Jessica and Ken had been together seemingly forever and were straight up friends rather than just employer/employee. However, their friendship came to an end eventually - and while neither source has spilled the beans, a source close to them apparently told Us Magazine that "Ken is sick of her cycle of dumping friends when she's with a guy… she doesn't care about the world, only herself." Yikes! Simpson has definitely had her share of relationship dramas, and we can only imagine how much Ken had to listen to while doing her hair for hours and hours every week.

    4 Brody Jenner And Spencer Pratt, Who Lost Touch When Spencer's Behavior Got To Be Too Much

    Spencer Pratt is the person responsible for ruining the friendship between Lauren Conrad and Heidi Montag, but he's also ruined his fair share of his own friendship - including with long-time bestie Brody Jenner. For a while, Jenner and Pratt were pretty much inseparable - they even had a cringe-worthy reality show of their own, The Princes of Malibu. However, when Pratt started to behave strangely and have outbursts, Jenner soon tired of his former BFF's drama, and flat out said that "lately, it's hard for me - even as someone who used to be best friends with him - to see what's real and what's not as far as he goes." Given that's he's related by blood to the Kardashians, we can only imagine that Jenner has seen a ton of drama, so the fact that it's too much for even him is definitely saying something.

    3 Nicole Richie And Lindsay Lohan, Former Party Girl Besties

    It's hard to remember these two used to be BFFs because they seem to be living such entirely different lives nowadays, but back in the late '00s, Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan were all about the party scene. They were often photographed together out on the town, enjoying all that Hollywood had to offer, but eventually, their friendship came to an end. They were both going through a lot of drama in their personal lives at the time, so perhaps it just wasn't a good time for either to be focusing on friendships. And now, as a mom, Nicole is in a totally different place in her life and likely doesn't have time to prioritize partying and clubbing over raising her adorable children, so this friendship will likely never be repaired.

    2 Blake Lively And Leighton Meester, Who Split After Their Show Ended

    When you're a cast member on a television show, especially one that runs for multiple seasons, you're spending hours and hours of your life, week after week, with your co-stars. Some celebrities end up totally sick of their co-stars from spending that much time together, while others end up becoming besties with their fellow cast members. These two rising starlets were apparently close friends towards the beginning of the show, but in the last two seasons had drifted apart. Now, even though they're both at a similar stage in their lives, they don't keep in touch - and they allegedly don't even congratulate one another on major life milestones, such as getting engaged or having children, which kind of tells you everything you need to know. Turns out they're more towards the enemy side of the spectrum.

    1 Demi Lovato And Selena Gomez, Who Allegedly Just Grew Apart

    Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez have both been in the industry for quite a while, and have experienced the ups and downs of going from the Disney channel to the regular music scene and beyond. They've also both gone through personal struggles, from Demi's journey through addiction and recovery to Selena's health issues. However, their various struggles didn't bring them together - as they grew up, they apparently grew apart, as Demi admitted. Plus, we imagine that Selena's relationship with party boy Justin Bieber didn't help matters, as Demi was trying to stay sober at the time and keep herself away from unhealthy environments. Since they didn't have a major falling out, there's always the chance that they'll become friends again someday, but for the time being, these two are definitely no longer BFFs.