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    17 Awkward Pics Of Katy Perry

    Katy Perry has been one of the most searched celebrities since she first made it big. She's been the perfect combination of weird, awkward, and beautiful. She's never been afraid to be herself, which has resulted in some brilliant music videos. She's also been a little raunchy from the start, which has definitely gotten her into some sticky situations (sometimes literally). We love the woman; in fact, there have been many times where we've wished to be Katy Perry. She's so confident, and nothing ever seems to bother her. Take, for example, any of these photos.

    Her awkwardness has pervaded despite the fact that she's become a huge multi-million dollar star. And it's embarrassing! These are the type of shots that we would delete off of our FB pages and make sure that no one ever tags us in. Unsurprisingly, Katy Perry doesn't have that type of control. The paparazzi have gotten their claws into her, and they're never going to let go. They must have been roaring with laughter over some of these shots, and we don't blame them! Kudos to Perry, though, who keeps her head up and laughs along with them. At least, until she gets hit with a basketball.

    17 She Can Have Her Cake And Eat It Too

    We love cake as much as the next person, but definitely not as much as Katy Perry. Some people have coined the affectionate name “Cakey Perry”, which is pretty accurate when you look at this photo. In case you don't know the story behind it, this cake was made and brought on stage as part of a performance she did at a music awards show back in the 2000s. You wouldn't guess that by this shot though. Her face is all pulled around, and it doesn't look like she was prepared to actually hit the cake. In fact, it looks pretty painful. You might think that this was styrofoam based on how in pain she looks, but no! It's a real, whole cake. Seems… delicious. Right?

    16 At Least She's Trying To Stick To Her Choreography

    This shot, captured shortly after her run-in with the cake above shows Cakey Perry's endless optimism. Part of the reason why we love her so much is that she's not afraid to make fun of herself. She's a little weird and a little too over the top sometimes, but she's never afraid to be herself. She's also never worried about standing up, dusting herself off, and trying again. She's ready for it! Even covered in cake and icing she's trying her hardest to keep her two feet on the ground and to continue with the choreography that she started with. She's a consummate professional that isn't afraid to keep going despite everyone saying “you shouldn't do that” or “you should keep the cake in your mouth”.

    15 The Hazy Light Of This Camera Isn't Her Best Look

    Cakey Perry lives on, but this time in another sense. The benefit of having high definition cameras is that we get to see everything in crystal clear detail. Unfortunately, it also means that all of our flaws are on display all the time. While you might love being able to see every single blade of grass on a lawn in a movie, you probably don't love being able to see every flake of skin and concealer on Katy Perry's face. We're straight up SHOCKED that this is what she looks like when the camera gets nice and close. Was this from a performance? Was this day-to-day life? It's impossible to say. It certainly makes us go “ugh” to think about scraping all that off at the end of the night. And what's she hiding underneath all that caked on makeup anyway?

    14 That Time A Basketball Smacked Her In The Cheeks

    We don't know about you, but we love seeing the weird and wacky music videos Katy Perry comes out with. Every song has a video that seems more ridiculous than the last one and features Katy Perry herself in stranger and stranger costumes and situations. Lately, we've looked forward to the videos for her singles than the actual songs themselves. Take, for example, this one. Remember when Perry released this one? This music video has almost 400,000,000 views on her VEVO channel on Youtube, but that doesn't make it cool. Chock full of Katy Perry missing shots and acting like a goof, the video features this shot of a basketball smacking her in the face. Embarrassing? Definitely. Hilarious? Oh, yeah. She really swished on this shot.

    13 She's Had A Few Odd Relationships Over The Years…

    Honestly, we don't even know where this photo came from. Was this Katy Perry on vacation? Was this one of her Roar-era videos? We don't know. All we know is that her facial expression is one of pure joy and stretchy ecstasy. The elephant is a little confused about what's happening and making sure that she's not going to chomp off the end of this trunk. Wrinkly, grey, and altogether unlike Katy Perry's other relationships, we think that she could do better. This is one of those shots that reminds us that there's always going to be someone else out there. Whether it's a different fish in the sea or a new elephant on our arm, Katy Perry has no shame in sharing her preferences, as we can see from this charming photo.

    12 Russell Brand Tweeted This Beautiful Picture Of His Wife

    Okay, there's some different layers of embarrassment here. Firstly, the photo itself. Katy Perry is only ever seen looking her best, with a full (caked on) face of makeup and a well-thought-out outfit that shows off her curves. Unfortunately, we see none of those in this photo. Limp hair, bare face, and probably taken in the middle of the night when they're in their pajamas, the photo itself is not attractive. Not to mention the other layer of embarrassment: the marriage to Russell Brand. She came out with no egg on her face, and he ended up getting most of the flack regarding the ending of their marriage. Really, dude? Text message? Brand has since commented on it and has calmed down a little while simultaneously learning a little more respect.

    11 Cultural Appropriation Is Never Cute

    So many white, female artists are guilty of this, and we're begging for it to stop. Katy Perry has been guilty of cultural appropriation several times over, from wearing these cornrows (and utilizing some damaging imagery in the music video), to her geisha performance at the 2013 American Music Awards. She has, however, been one of the only ones to take a step back and listen to the people telling her that she's appropriating parts of other cultures, and really doing them wrong. She's been open about her learning process, and she's apologized for all her past mistakes. While it doesn't excuse her prior ills, it certainly is a nice change from people being on the defensive. She's open about her learning, and she's ready with open ears and an open heart.

    10 It's Especially Embarrassing When It's Not Even Her Fault

    Girls, how much do you hate when someone shoots you a look or a comment that you're absolutely not asking for, not wanting, and not consenting to? We know that it's our most hated thing, by far more hated than anything else. A lot of times we don't say anything. We grin and bear it like Katy Perry is doing here. But that's not fair! We should feel empowered to speak out about it and against it. Luckily with more and more campaigns pushing for the destruction of harassers and reparations for survivors, we're moving into a world where snapshots like this won't exist anymore. It's embarrassing for Katy Perry, sure, but it's more embarrassing for the man who's being such a giant jerk. You're interviewing Katy Perry, sir, not her chest!

    9 She Hasn't Always Been A Glamour Queen

    Isn't it funny that the glamorous and beautiful Katy Perry hasn't always been the beauty queen she once was? Not only did she once upon a time lack the makeup skills that she has now, she also dressed like your average 12-year-old boy. And don't even get us started on that hair! Bowl cuts might have been fashionable in the 70s, but they're nowhere close to being attractive now. Some people can pull them off, most of us just look like we're wearing helmets. No matter how naturally pretty and sweet Katy Perry looks, there's no way that she's able to look good with a haircut like that. Not to mention the pitch black dye job that she's got going on! There's no way that's natural. We know if this was us we'd want this picture struck from the internet FOREVER.

    8 Showing Off Her Tattoo Or… Something Else?

    What are you flaunting there, Katy Perry? Is it perhaps a misspelled tattoo? Oh yes. This photo makes us laugh. She's so incredibly pleased with herself, and even shooting her best come-hither eyes at the person to the left whom we presume to be Josh Groban. Unfortunately, not only is it awkwardly placed, it's also misspelled! Yes, “Josh Grobin” isn't actually the proper spelling for him. And Katy Perry if anyone should know that! Rumors spread for a while that the two of them were dating, and while there have been mixed messages on if that's true or not, there's no denying that the two of them were close at one point. Close enough for her to paste on this tattoo (yes, it is a fake)… But not close enough to know how to properly spell his name.

    7 Is That Freddie Mercury?! No. But Good Try.

    Freddie Mercury, for those that don't know, was the lead singer of the rock band Queen. Filling all our hearts with happiness, you might recognize songs like “We Are The Champions” or “Another One Bites The Dust” even if you aren't familiar with Queen. The stage presence still strikes envy into the hearts of every performer out there, and the icon of Freddie Mercury will forever live on. And now you can see him living and breathing, all thanks to Katy Perry! At least, we think that's what she was trying to go for. While this Halloween costume is a refreshing change of pace from a regular costume, it's definitely not the most flattering. Or the most well done. Maybe that just means it's not very good. You can be the judge of that one.

    6 That Time It Looked Like A Large Fluffy Cat Was Going To Tackle Her

    If anyone could please tell us what's going on here, we would be super grateful. For people who have never seen a Katy Perry concert, this is definitely one of the weirdest images we could concoct. Let's just break it down for a moment: first, you have a woman screaming while wearing a bright blue wig. Not only is she in an awkward pose, but she's also wearing a white leotard… With glitter-coated styrofoam balls attached to it. Then, as if that wasn't enough, there's this big fuzzy cat creeping in the corner. It doesn't look particularly friendly, and it definitely has an unfortunate eyeliner (which kind of reminds us of the interviewer in one of the previous points). The sheer ridiculousness of this photo is part of the reason it's so embarrassing. No one knows what's going on, and no one ever will. Oh, well.

    5 Of Course, We Can't Forget About That Embarrassing SNL Show

    Remember that song that Katy Perry released that featured Migos? “Bon Appetit”? Don't lie… You know you had it shuffled into your hot summer nights playlist. It was a catchy song, but it never really took off in the same way that some of her earlier songs did. She still performed it on SNL though and started the performance lying on her back on a table covered with fruit. It looks a little ridiculous, and she definitely didn't need to be wearing that sparkly dance skirt. She made herself out to be the meal, as per the song, and then Migos came up and joined her. And then good old awkward Katy Perry showed up, making a bunch of embarrassing faces and arm movements. We think it's probably a good thing that people focused on Backpack Kid more than her.

    4  ALL Of Her Expressions Seem To Be Stretched Out And Weird

    Oh, Katy Perry. While this shot isn't as bad as Cakey Perry (see our first 3 points), it is horrifically embarrassing. There are SO MANY SHOTS of her out there like this! She just can't seem to keep a straight face, even when she's standing perfectly still. Those muscles just like to move, and her face has been pulled in so many different directions. Despite all the scrunching up, she's still remarkably wrinkle-free. Whatever her emotion, she's going to make sure we all really, really know what she's feeling. So much so that we aren't able to unsee some of these ugly faces! Does anyone else get a turtle vibe with this one, also? We definitely think she needs to relax those muscles a little.

    3 She's Suffered More Wardrobe "Malfunctions" Than Any Other Star

    Maybe these have been planned, and maybe they've just been a coincidence. It's hard to say sometimes when you're dealing with a star who's made a name off of kitschy pseudo-burlesque themes in so many of her early videos and performances. Her costumes don't always leave much to the imagination, and her music often deals with themes of being a party girl, being sultry, and getting down with her friends. Her naughtiness pervades even in her personal life too, with a number of wardrobe malfunctions being reported after appearances at red carpet events. It's okay, Katy Perry. Sometimes clothes can be difficult. Plus, she definitely pulls off a good Marilyn Monroe! At least, judging from this photo. While the dark hair is quite striking on her, we're really loving this blonde that she's rocking lately. It goes so well with the white.

    2 We All Want To Get Close To T-Swift… But This?

    This is one of those early era Katy Perry photos that we're guessing she probably wants gone. She and Taylor Swift, pictured here also, had a falling out at one point. While we don't know the details (and, truth be told, we don't particularly care to know), Katy Perry definitely wouldn't be caught taking a photo like this with Taylor Swift anymore. We know we hate when memories pop up that consist of pictures of us with ex-friends. We can't imagine what these two high-profile stars feel seeing this appear again and again. Not to mention the fact that it's not particularly flattering… For either of them. It's not a great camera angle for T-Swift, and Katy Perry is being… Well, Katy Perry. She just can't seem to keep that tongue tucked inside her mouth.

    1 In The End, She Can't Help But Cry Over How Embarrassing These Photos Are

    Poor Katy Perry! She's trying her hardest, and doing the best she can. We honestly love Katy Perry because she's so naturally awkward, but she wears it with pride. The world loves her because she's so genuinely herself. She does what she wants, and she knows that she's always going to have support. She's a genuine, loving human. Unfortunately, she's also a bit of an embarrassing one by superstar standards. She likes her funny faces and wacky performance art, and that definitely keeps her in and out of the public taste. We know she'll pull through, even if it means that she has a whole new list of embarrassing shots by the time she's done. Don't cry too hard, Katy. The world really does love you; you make all of us feel better about all of our weird faces and awkward actions.