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    16 Things Stormi Webster Is Going To Have To Do Because Kylie Is Her Mother

    When Kylie Jenner's baby girl was born on February 1, 2018, it's safe to say that the pop culture world went crazy. This is the moment that we had been waiting for, after all, and it felt like forever since we first heard that the star was expecting. Of course, the baby's arrival brought with it a lot of juicy drama and gossip since we hadn't heard a lot from Kylie in a while. She posted a note on her Instagram and her website explaining that she had wanted to take a step back and be pregnant in private. Sure, we understood -- it must be tough to live in the public eye like she does -- but of course we all wanted to follow along with her pregnancy.

    Stormi Webster is already super famous and she's only just over a month old, so we can only imagine what her childhood and young adult years will be like, let alone when she's older than that. We're pretty sure that she has a very bright future ahead of her. The fact that her mom is Kylie Jenner definitely means that her life is going to look a certain way. Here are 16 things Stormi Webster is going to have to do because of her famous mother.

    16 Be The Brand Of A Makeup Line, Which Started Before She Was Even A Month Old

    It's no secret that Kylie really loves makeup and loves her makeup line, Kylie Cosmetics. It's one of the things that she's most known for. On February 28th, Kylie came out with a new makeup line called The Weather Collection… which was, naturally, based on her baby girl.

    The eyeshadow sets have super cute names -- they're called "Calm Before The Storm" and "Eye Of The Storm." According to Cosmopolitan.com, Kylie dreamed these up while she was still expecting, so people believe that she had named her baby before she came into the world. Being the face of this new makeup line is just one of the things that Stormi has to do because Kylie is her mom, and it's safe to say that there will be more.

    15 Be Part Of Other Business Ventures

    The Kardashian-Jenner family are not ones to sit around and bask in the glory of their fame and success. Nope. They're all hustlers and go-getters and they all have a lot of different business ventures, from their reality shows to makeup lines to retail stores to lots of other things.

    It seems like Kylie will have her daughter be part of other business ventures as she gets older. Maybe she'll even help her mom with Kylie Cosmetics and start working there officially once she's in high school or college. Or maybe there will be a lot of other cool stuff that we can't even imagine right now. There's a lot of possibility for sure and it seems like we'll be hearing a lot more about Stormi and Kylie's business ventures.

    14 Be Photographed By Kylie All The Time

    Kylie has already shared a whole bunch of photos of Stormi, and it seems like this is only the beginning. After all, if she's only just over a month old and has already been photographed a ton, who's to say how many times she'll be in front of a camera as she gets older?

    Since Kylie is her mom and Kylie loves a good photo shoot, it seems like Kylie will take a lot of pictures of her daughter. Of course she'll want to share how adorable she is and the life that they have together, and of course fans will eat that up and want to see as many snaps as possible. She'll also probably have a bunch of professional shoots for special occasions like birthdays and other big events. After all, the Kardashians love their Christmas photo shoots for their cards, right?

    13 Keep Up With A Social Media Empire

    If Kylie is known for two things, one being her cosmetics line, the other thing is definitely her love of social media. Even if she says that she's not really into it, like when she recently tweeted that she's not that interested in using Snapchat anymore, she still uses it a lot.

    And it seems like her daughter will have a social media empire just like her mom. On the one hand, we could say that she'll feel like she has to have every social media platform and update them on a regular basis, since she's part of such a famous family that lives in the spotlight. On the other hand, we could say that she'll like doing this since most people love posting selfies and photos of avocado toast.

    12 Appear On 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians'

    This totally goes without saying, right?! It definitely seems like Stormi will become a major part of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. After all, Kendall and Kylie started appearing on the show when they were just kids and fairly young, and so that seems like a family tradition.

    Even though there have been rumors that the show isn't going to last much longer, it honestly seems like there are still going to be several seasons. It's still pretty popular and the family has so many loyal and devoted fans. Stormi will probably be in at least some episodes as a baby and maybe some more as she becomes a toddler and starts growing up. Fans will love watching her and it also goes without saying that she's going to be very cute. She's already a super cute baby.

    11 Star In Her Own Spin-Off Reality Show

    Kylie got her own spin-off reality show, so why not her daughter?!

    Sure, she's not going to get a show right now since she's a baby and that wouldn't really work out too well, but who says that it can't happen in the future? Maybe when she's a pre-teen or a teenager this will happen. It would definitely be an interesting show. If we want to see what Kylie's life is like all the time and go behind the curtain a bit, imagine how cool it would be to see what Kylie's daughter's life is like. She's already in a super unique position because she's going to grow up as part of arguably the most famous family in Hollywood. It would be pretty groundbreaking to see someone like that starring on their own reality show, wouldn't it?

    10 Deal With Lots Of Rumors And Gossip

    People love talking about the Kardashian-Jenner family, and it seems like there isn't a day that goes by without us reading some juicy news about at least one member. Whether they're announcing a new business venture, a reality show, a pregnancy, or they're just posting a super cute or stylish selfie on a social media account, we're always interested in what this family fam is up to.

    The same will absolutely be true of Stormi -- we're all going to want to read about her all the time. There's one downside to fame, of course, and that's all the rumors and gossip that people love to spread. She's going to have to face the same rumors that her family does, and there doesn't seem to be any getting around that since it's a common story for any celebrity.

    9 See The Paparazzi Absolutely Everywhere

    Since people love to, well, keep up with the Kardashians and the Jenners, it makes sense that fans of the family would want to keep up with Stormi, too. Most of the time, when the Kardashians and Jenners are stepping outside their homes, they're being photographed by the paparazzi. They could be running errands, going shopping, going to a restaurant, or just walking around. It doesn't matter what they're doing -- they're being snapped.

    That's going to happen to Stormi, too, and she'll have to deal with being photographed everywhere that she goes as well. It seems like this is something that is totally and completely inevitable for stars, right? People just love to see what their fave celebs are up to at all times.

    8 Learn Who Her True And Fake Friends Are

    It's honestly hard enough to figure out who is real and who is fake for us regular people. We definitely lose friends as we get older because sometimes people are fake, mean, and toxic, or they're jealous of something that we have. So we can only imagine how tough it is to know who your true friends are when you're famous… and when you're as famous as the Kardashians and Jenners are.

    When Stormi grows up, she's definitely going to have to distinguish between people who are her real, true friends and people who are super fake. She'll realize, just like her mom and aunts probably have, that some people just want to be close to her because of her fame. It's just something that celebs have to do.

    7 Be Compared To Kylie All The Time

    This seems pretty inevitable, doesn't it? If your mom is super famous and successful and someone that absolutely everyone knows and loves, of course you're going to be compared to her. There really doesn't seem to be a way around it.

    Everything that Stormi says and does will be compared to Kylie. That includes every selfie, every social media post, every business venture and decision, every outfit, every hairstyle, every relationship. Basically, anything and everything about her life. No one will mean any harm by this since comparing is just something that people love to do, but no one will blame her if she finds it super annoying. After all, we can all relate to wanting to live our own lives and have a unique identity separate from our family members.

    6 Be Compared To The Other Kardashians

    Since Stormi will definitely be compared to Kylie, it's safe to say that she'll also be compared to her aunts, aka the Kardashian girls.

    People will wonder if Stormi takes selfies like Kim, if she wears the same types of clothes, if she works out and eats healthy like Khloe, or if she's going to have adorable kids like Kourtney. Comparing is super inevitable with a famous family like this one. It's the kind of thing that is definitely irritating but also makes a lot of sense. Even if we don't mean to, we compare things and people all the time. We compare our new boyfriend to our ex, we compare our new haircut to our last one, we compare the latest Netflix show to the one we just watched and loved. We simply can't help it.

    5 Be Compared To The Kardashian Kids

    There are a lot of Kardashian kids now, between Kourtney's three kids, Kim's three kids, Khloe's soon-to-be born child, and of course now Stormi.

    Since Stormi is going to be compared to her mom Kylie and her aunts Khloe, Kourtney, and Kim, it makes sense that she would be compared to her aunts' kids as well. It's hard to imagine this not happening. There are so many fans of this famous family and those fans are very invested in the lives of these people. They just want to know their every thought and every move. Now that there are so many children, it's even more interesting to keep up with this family. There are just so many people to follow now, and for pop culture addicts and huge fans of the Kardashians, that's the best news ever.

    4 Love Makeup And Wear It A Lot

    Can a child of Kylie Jenner's hate makeup?! Definitely not. It just wouldn't happen since Kylie will absolutely instill a love of beauty products in her daughter, and we can just see the two of them playing makeup artist and having so much fun. Awww.

    We would all love to get makeup lessons from Kylie because, let's face it, the girl knows how to apply beauty products. She always looks amazing and her makeup is always on point. We just know that Stormi will love makeup, too, and will probably develop her own signature thing. She might be really into lipstick and lip color like her mom, or maybe she'll do something else. We honestly can't wait to see. It's going to be really cool.

    3 Never Have Any Privacy

    If there is one thing that is absolutely true about being a celebrity, it's that you really don't have privacy. Okay, so maybe there are a few celebs who aren't quite as famous as others, and so they do get some privacy sometimes. And there are aspects of their lives that they're able to keep quiet, like their relationships or marriages.

    But for the Kardashians, that's not really possible. Fans love knowing everything that they can about them, which makes sense since these stars are pretty open about their lives. After all, they're frequently on social media and they do star on their own reality television show. They don't have privacy, and it seems like Stormi will have to deal with not having much privacy, either.

    2 Be Honest About What Her Life Is Like

    Fans are going to be really interested in hearing about what life is like for Stormi. That was true even before she was born. Basically, as soon as Kylie's pregnancy was announced, fans started wondering what it would be like to be the kid of a Jenner. Sure, it'll be totally fabulous, but what else?

    People are going to want honesty and realness and candor from Stormi, and she'll have to deliver. Maybe she'll be open in interviews about her upbringing, maybe she'll write a memoir, maybe she'll talk about her life in her social media posts. It's all totally possible and that's something that is really fun and cool to think about. We'll definitely see what happens once Stormi is a teenager and we can't wait to see what she talks about.

    1 Act Classy

    If one thing is for sure about the life of Stormi Webster, it's that a lot of people will be talking about her pretty much all the time. And when someone is in the spotlight a lot, their every move is totally scrutinized and so is their attitude.

    People are going to wonder what kind of personality Stormi is going to have and how nice she's going to be, which just means that she'll have to stay classy AF no matter what. Even if she's sick of getting photographed all the time, even if she doesn't want to be the focus of gossip, even if she's having a bad day, she'll still have to keep things classy. And she totally will. We can be sure about that because Kylie is always classy and Stormi will learn from the best.