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    16 Things About North & Saint West Fans Will Love To Know

    Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have recently welcomed their newest addition to the family. They welcomed a daughter, Chicago West on January 15th via surrogate. That birth has been overshadowed by Kylie Jenner's new baby girl, Stormi Webster. Normally, the spotlight is on Kim when it comes to when she is going to have her next child. The Kardashians are the type of family that believe in having as many children as possible. The first two kids from Kim and Kanye are their daughter, North West who is 4 years old and Saint West who is Saint West who is 2 years old.

    Kim and Kanye go out of their way to shield their kids from the spotlight. Even though that is impossible considering that Keeping Up With The Kardashians has taken the world by storm. These kids are always going to have cameras following them everywhere they go. People can't help but wonder what they are like in real life. Though not much is known about Chicago West since she is barely even a month old, there are some interesting facts about North and Saint West that even die-hard fans are completely unaware of.

    Here are the mind-boggling 16 facts you didn't know about North and Saint West, aside from the fact that they have bizarre names to begin with.

    16 They Are Forbidden To Appear On Keeping Up With The Kardashians

    Back even before Kimye began reproducing, Kanye West put his foot down that his future children would never be in the limelight of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. He very much disapproved of his kids being on that show and for good reason. Sure, he and the kids make little appearances here and there, but they do not live their life with cameras in their faces. Though he was just being a protective daddy, he has softened his rules on his children enjoying the spotlight here and there. This is pretty inevitable if you are the child of this power couple. Kim has gone on record to say that all scenes are run by Kanye that involve the children before it goes on the air. The kid's exposure to that show is strictly limited.

    15 North West Nabbed Her First Magazine Cover At 4 Years Old

    This is a new milestone for the Kardashian family. In fact, Kim has her hair and fashion reminiscent of the late Jackie Kennedy, displaying how elite her clan truly is. Sarcasm aside, Interview magazine decided to literally interview the 4-year-old North West, in addition to putting her and her mom on the cover of the magazine. When asked what she loves about having a little brother, North answered: "Giving him toy trucks, and I gave him a big toy bear." You can't help but wonder if this is already giving her a complex. Not too many tots get to be on the cover of a glossy magazine alongside their uber-famous mother. Only time will tell whether or not the fame will go to young North West's head.

    14 She Appeared On The Cover Of Vogue At The Ripe Age Of 10 Months

    In April 2014, Kim Kardashian, Kanye West and 10-month-old North West posed together as a family on the cover of Vogue along with an editorial spread. You would think that this family was Royalty with all the attention that they get in the media, but this is a new wave of fame for this generation. This was considered controversial since the Kardashians are of course, famous for no apparent reason but they make it work.

    Anna Wintour even had to defend critics with her decision to put them on the cover. "The first celebrity that I put on the cover of Vogue was Madonna, and that was considered completely controversial at that time, too," she said. "Now she's part of the establishment. I think if we just remain deeply tasteful and just put deeply tasteful people on the cover, it would be a rather boring magazine! Nobody would talk about us." Adding, "It's very important that people do talk about us."

    13 She Hates Being Photographed By The Paparazzi

    Though her mom is the reigning queen of selfies, North West actually hates having cameras shoved in her face. After she was spotted with her family leaving the Museum of Ice Cream in Los Angeles, the paparazzi rushed to her vicinity to take some snaps. The toddler was simply not having it. While Kim tried to escort her back the vehicle, North started screaming "No pictures, no pictures!" while holding her ice cream cone. Kim laughed it off and just kept telling her to come back to the car. Since then, she has had a history of handling the paparazzi like a boss and telling them to go away when she doesn't want her picture taken. It looks like she isn't really feeling this inherited fame from her famous family.

    12 She Is Already A Fashion Icon

    Yes, this toddler is already more cool and chic than the rest of us could ever hope to be. In fact, she became a model before she even learned how to walk and was still in diapers. She made her debut in the Fall issue of CR Fashion Book photographed by Karl Lagerfeld, looking stylish in Chanel. If that wasn't enough, every time she is photographed by the paparazzi wearing outfits that her mom picked out, moms of tots around the globe are clamoring to dress their little one up like North West. We are frankly kind of shocked that she doesn't have her own line of toddler clothing out already. Perhaps we have already called it and that will happen sometime in the near future.

    11 She Is Besties With Her Cousin, Penelope

    North West and her cousin Penelope Disick are besties for life because they are so close in age. They have had matching Frozen Halloween costumes together, do ballet together and are always seen out and about hand in hand. Do any Google search and you will find them in outfits that Kim and Kourtney coordinated. It is always a blessing to have your cousins as your best friend. As the old saying goes, "shout out to all of our cousins because they are the only ones who know how crazy your family really is." We wonder what Penelope and North will think of their own families when their fame has surpassed and they are full-grown adults. Who knows. Maybe they will even have their own reality TV show and Kim and Kourtney will be the new Kris Jenner.

    10 Saint West Almost Ended His Mother's Life

    Kim has not had the easiest pregnancies with North and Saint. Both of her children have given her a series of utero issues and the placenta not expelling from the body like it is supposed to. The medical term for that is called Placental Accreta. The condition can be fatal to the mother and cause a death either while giving birth or shortly thereafter. Saint also had to be turned around while still in utero. Kim has gone on record to say that the experience was even more painful than actually giving birth. After the birth of Saint, she was advised by medical professionals to not carry any more pregnancies. During the nine months of Saint's pregnancy, this was almost the cause of Kim Kardashian's undoing. There was a reason why they opted for a surrogate the third time around.

    9 He Is A Spitting Image Of Kanye

    North West looks more like Kim Kardashian and Saint looks more like Kanye. This is almost too perfect that it is a cliché. When Kim underwent the IVF to become pregnant with Saint, rumor has it that they manipulated his DNA so that the baby was guaranteed to be a boy. Having a son was important to Kanye and so many men want a son in order to carry on the family name and legacy. Though that is a traditional way of looking at childrearing, someone has to keep Kanye's memory alive. Now that he has two sisters, he will more likely than not be the only son in that family. After all Kim had to go through to conceive him, he will be the prince in that family. Unless of course, they hire another surrogate.

    8 He Wasn't Conceived Naturally

    Both the pregnancies with North and Saint have been hot topics on Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Kim discovered that she was in dire straits the first time around when she was expecting North. Her conditions of placenta accreta and pre-eclampsia were dangerous to her health and the worst moments were captured on reality television. This is what caused Kim to deliver North six weeks before she was actually due. The second time, Kimye was determined to have a son by any means necessary. They had difficulties conceiving the second time so they had to resort to IVF. After nearly eight months of trying for baby number two the natural way, Kim and Kanye had to go to fertility doctors for assistance. After a few months of patience, they were able to conceive Saint.

    7 North Was Jealous Of Saint At First

    This is a pretty textbook situation when it comes to firstborn children. Of course, it is not going to sit well with them. They are used to being the center of attention until another bundle of joy comes around. North West was no exception to this phenomenon. At first, she was not a big fan of Saint. Kim wrote the whole animosity off as the typical sibling rivalry. Kim is no stranger to this since she comes from a big family herself. She would purposely leave Saint out of her playtime rituals and would prefer "girls only" games with her mom. Now that Chicago has been born, both North and Saint might harbor some feelings of jealousy now that there is baby number three in the picture.

    6 Their Wardrobe Is Worth More Than Your Home

    Being the son and daughter of a millionaire fashionista reality TV mogul, you can't not expect to have an extravagant wardrobe. This wardrobe will be something that they grow out of in the blink of an eye. We wonder if baby Chicago will get hand-me-downs from big sister North. Don't make us laugh, of course, she won't. North's old wardrobe will be sold at auction. North West already has the privilege of prancing around the grocery store in Gucci shoes carrying a little Chanel purse. Saint West has a custom-made bomber jacket that is signed by Ralph Lauren himself, which he probably did as a special favor to Kimye. While the average mother gets her toddler five dollar shirts from Walmart, Kim Kardashian struts down the street in designer strollers and $50,000 diaper bags.

    5 North West Was A Preemie

    On June 15, 2013, North West was born six weeks early before her due date, weighing 4 lbs and 5 oz. Fortunately, she survived and grew up to be a normal kid. Due to Kim Kardashian's condition of Placenta Accreta, Kim's blood vessels grew too deeply in the uterine walls causing constriction. This is what caused her to go into labor early and for North to have an earlier birthday than anticipated. We can only imagine the anxiety that Kim and Kanye had to go through when she went into labor a month and a half sooner than she was supposed to. Having children was something that Kim had always wanted but not this way. Now we can only wonder where they got the idea for her name.

    4 A Twitter User Predicted Saint's Name 6 Months Early

    Six months before Saint was born, some random Twitter user by the name of @KILLRudy predicted what his name would be. In fact, it was in a mocking tone. On June 22nd, 2015, the sarcastic man wrote that the power couple Kim and Kanye would most likely name their son something pretentious like Saint. Low and behold, his Twitter prophecy came true. To the world's entire shock, he was right on the money. Saint is not the name of any male in your life that you will ever meet. Leave it to Kim Kardashian to name her kid something that a Twitter user would make fun of before the fact. The snarky tweet has been liked nearly 200,000 times and retweeted another 200,000 times. This man should earn a trophy for his precise prediction.

    3 Saint Has No Middle Name

    So this is another bizarre fact about Saint West's name, aside from the fact that he has an unconventional first name. Apparently, North West has no middle name either. In some cultures around the world, children are simply not given middle names but that hasn't really been a tradition with the Kardashians or the Wests. Perhaps their first names are so unique that Kimye just decided that they simply didn't need any middle names to begin with. We are pretty safe to assume that their new little sister, Chicago West probably doesn't have a middle name either. One can only wonder what it will be like having these names when they get to an age where they go to school. They will be amongst kids with normal names and they will stick out like a sore thumb for various reasons.

    2 His Name Is Illegal In New Zealand

    New Zealand may not be the freest country in the western world and for good reason. In America, you can name your kid any ridiculous name you can imagine, because of America. In New Zealand, there are actually laws against naming your kid something bizarre and that would attract ridicule. If Kim Kardashian would have given birth to Saint in this country, she would have had to go with a second choice because she would have been barred from naming him Saint. According to Kiwi law, the locals there cannot name their baby anything that "includes or resembles an official title or ran." This sounds like the English monarchy exerting their power over other nations of the world, but that is a different story for a different day.

    1 Kathy Griffin Is Their Babysitter

    We are guessing that Kathy Griffin may or may not be hitting a down point in her career. Though it is not certain how Kathy Griffin came about this gig as being North and Saint West's nanny, she is certainly a source of entertainment for the little ones. When you are the kids of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, you don't just get any babysitter from Care.com… you get a famous comedienne. Though Kathy Griffin has made some critical comments against the Kardashians (haven't we all?), she is now warming up to the Kardashian clan by looking after their children. Since the extended family keeps expanding this new generation, it looks like she will be in business for a long time coming. Of course, the moment had to be captured on Instagram.