16 Secrets Kate Is Keeping That Are Worse Than Diana's

"I met Mother Theresa. She had it. Pope John Paul II had it. The Queen has it. Diana certainly had it. Kate doesn't," says Paul Burrell, Princess Diana's former butler. Burrell, publicly stated (and feels) that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, will never live up to Diana's legacy because she does not have her late mother-in-law's 'magic quality'. "That extra something, which you would call the 'X-factor', the magic quality, charisma, it's not there," the butler persists.
Aside from Burrell, there are many others that feel Kate couldn't hold a torch to Diana (as a princess) on her best day. The two's respective approaches to fame couldn't have been more different. Kate was more interested in that high-voltage celebrity, whilst Diana rather dress-down and hang out countryside with her kids. Another difference, is Kate married into the royal family a decade older than Diana did. Even the style of dress between the two princesses are diverging.
One thing the two royals do share however, are secrets-because no matter who you are, everyone has (their own) secrets. In this column, we are going to explore 16 secrets Kate is keeping that are worse than Diana's. If Kate asks though, you never heard this stuff from us…

16 Kate Has Been Snapped During Heavy-Duty Partying

"Prince William who?" Well, she didn't say this literally, but when she returned to her London home stomping grounds in a Lipsy shift dress, there were reasons for us to try reading her lips, perhaps her mind. Kate was on a girls' night out, and the paparazzi was crafty enough to snap her images on her way back home.
The ladies had a gala dinner at La Bouchee restaurant and then enjoyed the revelry of a late night party. The nightclub they visited, Mahiki, is too frequented by Prince William. We're not sure and correct us if we're wrong but-we don't ever recall (ever) seeing any photographs of Princess Diana carousing around town… nope, don't recall that at all not one bit.

15 Kate Had To Work Hard On Her Accent

While her voice sounds pretty great, would you say Kate has the right accent to address the public? It was reported that the palace had to hire an accent coach, named Anthony “Ant” Gordon-Lennox, to help Kate achieve a sophisticated accent. Can't have the Duchess of Cambridge speaking in a rustic accent which is undignified to the royal customs and traditions-unt uh, don't think so!
The good thing is, that the palace realized she needed some tutoring and hired an accent trainer instead of allowing her to continue on making speeches sounding like Bobby Boucher's momma! Okay she didn't sound that unbecoming but, you can't our drift smartypants. Needless to say, this is a secret Kate definitely didn't want to get out of the bag.
14 It's Not Unbelievably Perfect Hair - Kate Uses Extensions!

Her bouncy locks and always-combed-to-perfection long hair we know, have almost always bowled you over. However, did you know that Kate uses bonds of hair extensions to keep look supple as ever? That's right girls-Princess Kay uses good ol' fashioned weave!
Yes, her half-up-half-down hairdos cannot hide the extensions which she uses to get possibly the most loathed hairstyle. The royal was snapped with her husband when they were heading for Buckingham Palace for a Christmas dinner with the Queen, and a sudden side-shot captured the incredible truth. Whether or not she uses extensions, her hair looks stunning and there's no denying this fact, and we think Prince William will also approve this fact. Fellas: would you sue your spouse with the help of a divorce attorney just because she never told about her extensions before marriage? You know some of you might!

13 Kate Reportedly Took Some VERY Interesting Dancing Classes

Pole fitness is both a cardio and strength workout, which can burn 800 calories an hour or more! It's yoga, Pilates, TRX, and Physique 57 all wrapped in one-effectively combining strength training, endurance, and flexibility training into one fun activity. Wow, no wonder those (type of) dancers appear so fit!
A royal servant and her bodyguard recently claimed, that Kate reportedly took up pole fitness classes. We know that Kate has never conformed to the royal family protocols, but this created a fracas between the Queen and Kate. The tabloid quoted the bodyguard - “Kate agreed to have a lesson with a bit of a laugh. She was so nervous about being seen or recognized; she used to wear a scarf around her head as a disguise. But, she loved it! She tells everyone that it was great exercise, and she told me that a woman should always have secret talents up her sleeve.”
12 Kate's Cousin Is Burlesque Dancer Katrina Darling

Katrina Darling, who is a distant cousin of Kate and Pippa Middleton, has used her royal connections well to her vantage. No, the 22-year-old ex-banker isn't trying to wangle a palace to reside in or an all-expense paid education to a fussy college. She's wearing glittery pasties while working as a burlesque dancer in New York City.
“They referred to me as, 'The royal family's closest brush with softcore since Koo Stark,' which is quite an exclamation, really,” says Darling. “I've been called worse things in different languages since then.” Katrina Darling is a second cousin, once removed, of Kate and Pippa. Her grandmother, Jane Darling-on her father's side of the family-is sister to the Middleton gals' great-grandfather, Thomas Harrison.

11 Kate Used Her Royal Connections To Get Her Sister A Job

Pippa Middleton, Kate's sister, was reportedly angry Kate was not properly using her royal connections to help her land a good job, or a good husband! Hmm, let's get this straight - your sister (luckily) becomes a real princess, and you automatically think that the world is gonna be handed to you on a silver platter? Well now that we think about it, if one of our sisters became princess we'd be pressing her to hook us up too!
Lol, you would too so don't judge. One source claimed, that Pippa's in-laws were canny enough to use her royal connections for some profit and it did not go down well with Queen Elizabeth, as you might assume. Rumor also stirred over whether or not Kate was even on good speaking terms with her sister. It appears that Pippa and Kate have a turbulent relationship, whether or not she used her connections to help her land a gig.
10 It's Said, Kate's Style Choices Are A Reflection Of Her Middle-Class Background

From what's been gathered, Kate's selection of dresses often doesn't conform to the royal customs and etiquette. One magazine editor, even suggested that her signature low heels and mid-length skirts are 'a sign of her middle-class background'. The editor also went on to claim that the Duchess of Cambridge is panic-stricken almost always when it comes to choosing a perfect dress from her wardrobe department.
She was too once dubbed as “Duchess of So-Little” as a result of her remarkably low number of public appearances (which is a well-kept secret, btw). It's pretty much impossible to go from being middle-class to becoming apart of a royal family-it'd be like a citizen (not a politician) becoming the President of the United States. Oh wait, that just happened didn't it!?
9 Money Burns A Hole Through Kate's Pocket

Kate Middleton's tendency to go on a spending bender has already raised many eyebrows inside of the palace and out. She has this pattern of recycling her dresses, and she created quite a stir inside the palace when it was found that she shelled out a massive $2.3 million just to renovate and refurnish their Kensington Palace apartment.
Seriously… do you know what you could do with $2.3 million? Like, save thousands of kids' lives or something! Kate also chose to travel to London by helicopter, while the Queen contended that she travels on a train. The helicopter ride cost her (and the family) a whopping $5000, and that of course chafed the queen. William best take those black cards away from Kate, if he knows what's good for him (and her).
8 Kate Has To Bow To All Blood Princesses

The Royals have this custom of bowing to one another, even if they are from the same family. From what we were taught through various sources, Queen Elizabeth laid down a new rule inside the royal palace, and Kate was instructed to bow in front of "blood princesses" (even in private!).
What this means is, that Kate now has to bow to any female who is born royal. Better believe it-Princess Anne, Princess Beatrice, and Princess Eugenie are included in the list of people Kate has to bow to every time she meets them. Yet, she doesn't have to bow anyone when she is in the company of Prince William. Now that's a secret / fact you can share at the dinner table that will stir up a titillating conversation.
7 Kate Has A Secret Feud With The 'Blood Princesses'

Though Kate has yet to hire an attorney at law for the suing of Beatrice and Eugenie, the fact that they are not on good speaking terms cannot be disregarded. The beef between “blood princesses” Beatrice and Eugenie and Kate has been well documented. It is rumored, that the relationship between Kate and Beatrice and Eugenie didn't get off to a good start. In fact, it was said to be uneasy before Kate became a Duchess. The friction between the royal family members has only become worse it seems, as Beatrice and Eugenie feel that they always come second to Kate.
The two 'blood' princesses share a healthy relationship with Isabella Calthorpe Branson - someone who was linked to Prince William during the brief breakups between Kate and William. Naturally, Kate strongly dislikes the fact that the 'blood princesses' are still close to Isabella. Sheesh, put the royal claws away ladies.
6 Kate Is Very Uncomfortable Delivering Speeches

We all love to hear from the dukes and duchesses, and hope to examine further the orator side in them. You already know that Kate Middleton needed accent training to gloss her countryside pronunciation, but did you know that she also hates delivering speeches? That's right-Katie is not a fan of public speaking at all, and now that secret has found you via sea and been let out of the bottle.
During her first public speech delivered at a children's hospital in Ipswich, she told a guest - “I find doing speeches nerve-wracking.” Nerve-wracking or nerve-wrecking? She was so scared, that it probably was wracking her nerves! Well doesn't matter… perhaps they should too train Kate on addressing the public, starting with the spelling of words first!
5 Kate Fell While Rollerskating During A Charity Event!

Kate Middleton put a lot of effort into organizing and taking part in a charity roller disco in London in 2008. Maybe a bit too much though - as the Duchess' robust skating on the shiny floor saw her land flat on her back, leaving her in a rather embarrassing heap!
Kate hit the deck after taking an embarrassing tumble at her Day-Glo Midnight Roller Disco charity event. Clearly stunned at her fall from grace, the girlfriend of Prince William lay prone for what looked like some minutes, until friend Sam Waley-Cohen (seen above) came to her aid (only to chuckle about the fiasco to her face at the same time!). She managed to get to her feet with a smile on her face after her spill anyway.
4 Kate's School Nickname Is Still A Top Secret

The Duchess of Cambridge supposedly went by the nickname "Squeak" in school. "Squeak? Uh, hmm… " We know, random, right!? Well, once you hear her sister, Pippa's, nickname, it may make a bit more sense to you.
Apparently, the name comes from the school's pet guinea pigs. "There was one called 'Pip' and one called 'Squeak,'" the royal mommy expressed to students at her old school, St Andrews, in Pangbourne, Berkshire. "So my sister was called 'Pip' and I was 'Squeak.'" The Duchess of Cambridge seemingly shed that moniker when she went to university and started being called "Kate." Therefore, we don't suggest you yell out "Squeak!" if Kate were to ever be in your circumference; or if you desire a humorous reaction (from her), go ahead and be our guest!
3 Kate Once Set The Ramp On Fire During A Catwalk

You might be interested to know how Prince William and Kate Middleton first met… and let us tell you, it's one doozy of a love-at-first-sight story! The sheer black slip which Kate wore during the fashion event cost $39, and if you had missed that event, US TV producers recreated the indelible event where actress Camilla Ludington played Kate (it's on YouTube check it out, it's a must-watch!).
However, the dress Kate wore during the event spurred a lot of controversies. No wonder Prince William couldn't take his eyes off of her! So yes not literally (because that would of been like whoa!), but figuratively Kate set the runway on fire by leaving a trail of smoke behind her on the catwalk. So when you say she's a 'hot' princess, you'd be speaking legitimately.
2 Kate Used To Be A Total Tomboy

Much of Kate Middleton's early life has been a Royal cover-up, but her biographer, Marcia Moody revealed that she was a complete tomboy before she became the Duchess of Cambridge, officially.
“No, she has definitely not always been so polished and poised. She was a complete tomboy when she was a young girl, and even as a teenager she was more interested in sports and outdoors activities than fashion and makeup," said the biographer, "I think as she grew into a young woman and moved to London she became more put together. The real Kate is very much a lady, and this comes across when she's in public, but underneath is still the girl who likes a bit of rough and tumble. She certainly doesn't mind getting her hands dirty."
1 Kate's Great Great Grandfather Was A Miner

Until recently, few knew of Kate Middleton's family's connection to coal mining. Middleton has deep family roots in the glum coal pits of northern England. Kate's great-great-grandfather John Harrison Jr., was born on July 25, 1874, the eighth of 10 children of miner John Harrison and his wife Jane Liddle, the illiterate daughter of a worker at the same pit.
However John's career in the mines was cut sadly short when he was trampled by a runaway pony pulling a coal truck. After lying flat on his back for months, he was forced to give up work, spending the rest of his life in considerable pain, supported by walking sticks. Wow… it just goes to show you that if John's great-great granddaughter can become a princess/future queen, than anything, anything is possible.