16 Rules You Have To Follow If You Ever Work For The Kardashian Empire

The millions of Kardashian fans around the world would probably sell their first-born for a chance to work for America's answer to royalty. And with endless business ventures, reality shows and retail lines under their famous name, these ladies are always in need of hard-working, competent and trustworthy staff members. Working for them is a real possibility, but what does it take? And more importantly, what is it like?
While we don't see absolutely everything that goes on behind the scenes (though the family does show us a lot!), we can get a reasonable idea of what working for the Kardashian-Jenner clan is like, thanks to testimonies from the people who have worked for them in the past, and who work for them now. Personal assistants, house cleaners, nannies, shop assistants and creative directors are just some of the people who help run this empire, and some of their stories may surprise you.
You might have guessed that there are rules one needs to follow when working for the Kardashians, but some of these are probably stricter, stranger and more tedious than you might have thought. Could you handle being a Dash Doll or a Kardashian P.A.? Read on to find out!

16 No Jewelry Can Be Worn In The Wests' New Mansion, At All

If you follow the Kardashians (or live on planet earth circa now), you'll know that Kim Kardashian-West was robbed in Paris in 2016. Following the incident that left the reality star scarred and transformed her values, priorities and perspective, the whole family adopted new measures to make sure that no member is viciously attacked like that again.
TMZ recently reported that in order to prevent future robberies, staff working or living in Kim and Kanye's new mansion will not be able to wear any jewelry at all.
That rule also goes for guests and the Wests themselves-there are to be no jewels in the closely guarded house at all.
As far as we understand, that even goes for cheapie studs and costume jewelry! If you're working in this house, you have to give it all up at the door.
15 The Animals They Appear To Care For On Instagram Are Secretly Your Responsibility

There have been quite a few pets to grace the many mansions of the Kardashians and Jenners, all of them super adorable. As fans, we see the cuddly balls of fluff appear on Instagram, Snapchat and on the family's reality shows, but we don't get to see how well they're cared for when the cameras are off.
As is turns out, previous staff have reported that though the family may love their furry friends to death, they don't always have the time to properly look after them. That means that if you're ever working as a housekeeper for one of the ladies, looking after any pets will more than likely be your job.
That includes “walking dogs”, “changing kitty litter”, and you guessed it, “potty training” any pet that comes through.
14 Even If You're Not A Nanny, You'll Have To Watch Out For Their Children

It's no news that as a nanny, you'll have to take care of children. But when working for the Kardashians or the Jenners, you just might have to take care of their famous kids, even if that doesn't theoretically fit into your job description!
One insider claimed that with Kourtney Kardashian's children, the responsibility to look after them was placed upon her assistants.
The eldest sister was reportedly “always on the intercom telling them where the next mess that needs to be cleaned up [is].”
Not only do staff have to clean up after the next generation, but they sometimes also have to watch over them. Girls working in the sisters' clothing stores have reported supervising the children while the stars came in to work.
13 You Are Always At Their Beck And Call, Even When It's Two In The Morning

Being somebody's personal assistant, you might guess that you'd be at their beck and call. That said, even the most dedicated assistants have to have boundaries and time to themselves. But when you're working for somebody like Kim Kardashian or Kylie Jenner, you pretty much have to be available whenever they need you, at least until you've earned your stripes.
Kylie's assistant admitted that her boss has asked favors of her in the very early hours of the morning.
“… it has to be 24/7. She'll call me at 2 a.m. and I answer. I don't really have set hours. It's pretty much whenever duty calls.”
Even though the compensation is probably fair, you can't be attached to your beauty sleep if you're thinking of working for this empire.
12 In Some Cases, You Work A Lot For Hardly Any Pay

Most staff and former staff have revealed that although the family can be demanding, they are extremely generous with their pay and even gift very nice presents at Christmas. But while staff on American soil might be fairly compensated, it's been alleged that it's a different story overseas.
Radar Online reported that a non-profit organization known as China Labor Watch claimed that to produce one of their branded lines,
the family used a clothing manufacturer who paid its workers in China only eight cents per garment.
Kris Jenner has stated that she understands the factories “are well policed and meet factory standards.” If the report is true, then a select few workers who contribute to the millions made by the empire are getting little more than nothing in return.
11 They Are Always In Control, So You Have To Let A Little Bit Of Your Personal Freedom Go

We've all worked for a boss that likes to be in control of every situation. This can be frustrating, but in this situation, it's best to stand back and let them take those reins they crave. If you're working for the Kardashians or Jenners, this advice is more of an unspoken rule. To make sure their empire doesn't crumble, the sisters and mom Kris Jenner have to keep an eye on every detail, and can't let anything go unnoticed.
When speaking of Kourtney Kardashian, a former staff member stated that the reality star pursued control of everything to the point of being a “neat freak” and “overprotective”.
“She was always asking the babysitter what they were up to and micromanaging them,” the insider claimed. “I could tell it was hard for her to let them do their jobs.”
10 You Walk Where They Tell You To Walk - Behind Them

According to one insider, middle sister Kim loves her entourage to accompany her as she travels the world and attends the most exclusive events. In return, she asks that her glam squad walk a few paces behind her at all times. This could be to help her stand out in paparazzi shots, but there might also be a few practical reasons behind the request: if they're walking behind her, then they're able to protect her from anybody sneaking up.
And really, you can't blame Kim for being cautious of people creeping up on her from behind. At one Paris fashion show, a well-known prankster snuck through the crowd and embraced Kim from behind, trying to drag her down.
While he might have thought he was funny, it's clear from the look on her face during the “prank” that she was terrified, as anybody would be if a stranger latched onto them.
9 Even If You're Not On Camera, You Have To Look Good

If you're spending a lot of time around the Kardashians, the chances are that you're going to end up on camera sooner or later. You might not end up on their reality shows, but you will end up in paparazzi shots with your face plastered all over newspapers and magazines. And even if you're not caught in photographs, you'll still be seen with them. This means that you have to look good.
Former Dash Doll, Durrani, confessed that if you're with the ladies, you're representing them. Other Dash Doll, Stephanie, confirmed, “You need to look good, all the time.”
This means clothes, makeup and body. Stephanie Shepherd, Kim's former personal assistant, revealed that since meeting the famous family, she finds herself working out more than ever.
8 Sometimes They Ask Bizarre Things Of You, And You Should Comply

The lives of the Kardashian sisters are pretty crazy, so naturally, they're going to have some pretty crazy requests for their staff. Since working for them is something coveted by so many, it's an extremely competitive scene; nobody is irreplaceable, and if you don't comply to their bizarre requests, they can easily find somebody else who will.
One such request comes from Kylie Jenner. You might have noticed that Kylie often posts Kylie Cosmetics makeup swatches on social media. But you probably didn't realize that the skin used to test the products in the photos actually belongs to her housekeeper.
“She has the best arm for swatches,” Kylie told Fast Company. “She's so nice and just sits there and has her arm ready and lets me do my thing.”
7 Kardashians Come Before Your Personal Life (Duh)

It takes a lot of work to help the girls run their empire, and in some cases, to do some of the running yourself. Like with any demanding job, you have to make sacrifices to make it work. When working with the Kardashians, you have to accept that sometimes, they come before your personal life.
Stephanie Shepherd admitted that her love life was essentially non-existent while she was building herself up as Kim's assistant.
“I didn't date anyone at all for, like, the first two years working with Kim, because there just wasn't time,” she said.
Now Stephanie has a successful relationship and knows how to let the sisters know that she needs time alone, but in the beginning, her world had to revolve around Kim.
6 You'll Get Blamed For Things - Even Things You Didn't Do

In an interview, Stephanie admitted that although her job as Kim's P.A. was glamourous and extremely fun at times, it could also be stressful. Part of that stress came with having to accept blame and responsibility for pretty much everything, even things that were out of her control.
“But don't forget that when you're an assistant, with all of that glamour comes schlepping the bags and the suitcases and taking the fall when the car doesn't show up or the flight is delayed or something goes wrong,” she said.
The Dash Dolls know all about taking the fall for the little things. “You'll forget something and you won't even know it, but you'll get in trouble for it,” Caroline revealed. We guess the blame has to go somewhere!
5 You Have To Move Mountains To Get A Job In The First Place

Once you're working with the Kardashians, there are endless rules that you have to follow. But the hard work actually starts long before then, when you're still applying for the job. Obviously, the sisters want the most hardworking, reliable people they can find, and
Stephanie has admitted when she looks for staff for the family, she usually sticks with people she can personally vouch for: “I need to know you're not a crazy person.”
According to a site called DASH Store New York, all applicants must contact a retail casting agency in order to request an interview. After that, you have to submit all the normal paperwork you would for any job, but you also need to submit a headshot. Not only do you have to prove yourself competent and trustworthy, but you also have to prove that you're a looker.
4 A Normal Sleep Schedule Will Be A Distant Memory Once You're Working In This Empire

We've already mentioned that you can kiss beauty sleep goodbye once you're working for this family, since in a lot of positions, they may call on you at any time. But in some cases, you might not even get to go home to be called again in the first place, as working overtime is a very real scenario.
Stephanie confessed that in the beginning, she would stay at Kim's house until ten at night, learning all she could about the role.
“I was doing her whole schedule, doing her laundry, booking travel, putting the stroller together and all of these things,” she said.
“But I wasn't nervous. I was just excited, always staying longer than I needed because I was trying to prove myself.” Other assistants are required to stay late to help the sisters dress and prepare for their A-list events.
3 You Have To Stay Calm And Composed Through Major Crises That Would Make Other People Freak Out

Craziness seems to follow this family around, and not all of it is fun. With global fame and vast fortune come packs of haters, serious threats to safety and dangerous situations left, right and center. And when you're working for the family, you can't scare off when these things happen-this is when they need you most.
Stephanie had to help pick up the pieces after Kim was robbed in Paris, though she was probably freaking out inside.
“It was terrifying. At the time, I had to hold it together and make sure everything was getting handled, and that we could get Kim home as quickly and safely as possible.”
Stephanie was the one who took Kim to the airport, consoled her and flew home with her directly after the incident.
2 Things Are Always Done The Kardashian Way, Even If It Doesn't Make Sense To You

The Kardashians clearly have their way of doing things, and no staff member can come in and change it, even if they think their way is more efficient. This means that when you're working as an assistant, nanny, chef or housekeeper, you have to give up the methods you're used to and use Kardashian ones instead.
An insider claimed that Khloe is super particular when it comes to how her food is stored. She likes her pantry to be extremely organized and appealing, so the foods that look good are always displayed clearly. The same can be said of the girls' enviable closets, and even their grocery shopping.
Former housekeeper Pam Behan claimed that Kris Jenner once had a “meltdown” because one item, broccoli, was forgotten.
1 When You're Treated Like A Servant, You Have To Stay Patient And Calm

Cleaning up after the Kardashians and their kids comes under the job description of many roles in the empire, but that doesn't mean that it's easy to be treated like a servant. Though insiders have claimed that most of the time the sisters are pleasant and grateful to work for, there have also been reports that they ask a lot of their staff.
One former housekeeper claimed that Kim in particular changes her clothes up to six times a day, and when she's done, she leaves the unwanted outfits on the floor to be cleaned up by somebody else.
Assistants basically have to repeat the same tasks over and over again for the sisters, all the while keeping calm and patient. We can't imagine that snapping at a Kardashian would go down well!
refinery29.com, wmagazine.com, eonline.com, bustle.com, ibtimes.com, cosmopolitan.com, radaronline.com