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    16 Epic Fails Of Fans Who Had Cosmetic Surgery To Look Like Their Favorite Stars

    There are superfans all around the world who idolize celebrities and worship them so much they would do anything to be just like them. Some fans copy their idols fashion, or buy a ticket to see a live show - then there are others who take things to the ultimate extreme. Not content with being nobodies, these following ordinary folk went under the knife (many of them several times) to look just like famous celebrities. However, the results weren't quite - how shall we put this - accurate.

    Dr Amy Wechsler, a dermatologist and psychiatrist in New York, told the New York Times, "I had a patient who went from doctor to doctor trying to get surgery to look like Brad Pitt. There was this sense of, 'My life will be so much better if I had this person's X, Y or Z.' It can become an obsession." Some of these wannabes might suffer from body dysmorphia which is a psychological condition where people become obsessed with imaginary defects in their appearance. Some surgeons do the right thing and won't do work on those they think might suffer from dysmorphia - other rogue doctors are just happy to take the money.

    These following surgery cases took things to drastic levels and spent thousands along the way. Although, as these pictures show - there's nothing quite like the original.

    16 This Girl Had 50 Surgeries To Look Like Angelina Jolie

    Iranian-born Sahar Tabar became an internet viral sensation when it was reported she had gone under the knife 50 times to look like Hollywood starlet Angelina Jolie. She posted the shocking images on Instagram and told her 300,000 followers that she would "do anything" to look the A-list actress. Trolls were out in their force as they commented on her tiny frame and said she looked more "Zombie" than Jolie.

    However, she posted that her new "look" was actually created by using makeup and Photoshop. Tabar said, "My fans know that this is not my real face. Now I can see that I have something in common with (Angelina Jolie), but I amuse myself, and to look like someone is not my goal." Well, that's certainly one way to grab at your five minutes of fame.

    15 "Deluded" Fan Wants To Be The Next David Beckham

    This Morning viewers were outraged when unemployed Jack Johnson revealed he spent more than $25,000 on plastic surgery so he could become the next David Beckham. Jack told the hosts, "I love his lifestyle, I love the way he looks. If I look like him I feel much better about myself inside." The money for the cosmetic surgeries came from the benefits he receives for being unemployed in the UK.

    The host grilled him, "How are you going to emulate David Beckham's lifestyle, he became famous as one of the world's best footballers, what is your talent?" Jack replied, "I don't know, I will do anything." One viewer commented, "He just sums up the current state of our country, unfortunately. Just want fame and will go to extreme lengths to get it." Another added, "Nobody has told this youth the truth. He needs a huge dose of reality."

    14 These Twins Both Tried To Like Brad Pitt - But Failed

    Twin brothers Matt and Mike Schlepp from Arizona spent more than $25,000 on cosmetic surgery to look like Hollywood mega hunk Brad Pitt - but didn't quite get it right. When they were 21-years-old, MTV's I Want A Famous Face and underwent painful surgery including getting a nose job, cheek, jaw and chin implants. They also had 41 porcelain veneers fitted.

    Matt said on the show, "It was more than worth it. I would do it ten times over. It has definitely helped me get more girls. I'll walk and get that double-take from girls and hear the whispering that follows." Mike added, "I've had such a dramatic change that girlfriends I hadn't seen in a while couldn't stop staring, and said they wanted to cry! If that doesn't make you feel good, then what would?"

    13 He Thought Ryan Gosling Surgery Would Bring In More Work

    There are many ways aspiring actors try to make it big in Hollywood - some turn to expensive coaching, others audition for any role going, some wait tables in glitzy restaurants hoping to get spotted. Nicholas Ryan decided to take a different approach and have plastic surgery so he could look just like sought-after star Rayn Gosling.

    He told The Daily Mail, "I wanted was more definition in my jaw bone, like Ryan Gosling. He's got a look that a lot of people in America are looking for right now, especially in my line of work. I'm hoping I'll get more auditions and roles if I look more like Ryan Gosling. That's why I had the surgery." He also revealed that he has had botox costing around $5,000 to keep his face looking like the La La Land star.

    12 She Had Her Ribs Removed To Look Like Jessica Rabbit

    One of the more extreme cases of plastic surgery is that of Pixee Fox who had six ribs removed to look like Jessica Rabbit -she now boasts a 16-inch waist and 30J bust. The painful procedure had not been done before but she took the risk and went under the knife in an attempt to look like her cartoon heroine. Fox has made a career out of professional cosplay and she also dresses as Wonder Woman and Disney Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.

    She told The Sun, "I took out six of my ribs and I'm the first one ever to do it. As long as I don't hurt my body, why not continue - because this is my dream. This is what I want to do. People often come up to me and say, 'Don't take this the wrong way,but you look like a cartoon.' But for me that's a compliment, that's what Iwant to achieve."

    11 She Deeply Regrets Asking To Look Like Pamela Anderson

    When Sha Ross appeared on MTV's I Want a Famous Face, she revealed that since the age of 19-years-old she has always wanted to be a Playboy playmate. Her sights were set on looking just like former Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson and she underwent a lot of surgery including lip implants, liposuction, and breast implants.

    Now more than a decade later, Ross revealed that having the surgery is something she deeply regrets. She told MTV, "I don't even recognize myself. I just want to take a hammer and shatter my 19-year-old dreams. Pop culture, reality television - it's when you are that young that it's easy to get caught up in the 'excitement,' but you have no idea how it's going to affect you later in life." Wise words for anyone who is thinking about going under the knife too.

    10 She Didn't Quite Get The Miranda Kerr Look Right

    One South Korean fan Hong Yuh Reum wanted to look just like her idol Miranda Kerr and decided to have surgery on her eyes and nose to achieve the look. Reum told the show Alien Virus, "It really struck me when I first saw (Kerr) in a magazine. She has a baby face but she's very sexy. I knew I wanted to be like her!"

    Even though her mind was set on looking like the Victoria's Secret model - those close to her tried to change her mind. She added, "When I said I wanted to get surgery, everyone around me tried to dissuade me. In fact, people often asked if I had surgery even before I got it. I wanted to look like Miranda Kerr so I decided and went ahead with surgery." She also claimed that Miranda Kerr isn't that popular in South Korea so she also did it to boost the popularity of the model - now thats what we call a superfan.

    9 Can You Guess Which Pop Queen He Wanted To Look Like?

    TLC's Strange Addiction show shocked a lot of viewers with Adam Guerra's confession that he has spent 12 years trying to look like his idol - Pop Queen Madonna. Undergoing 18 surgeries he spent $175,000 on the procedures but now wants to transform back as his partner isn't happy with the look. Los Angeles-born Adam said his boyfriend told him, "I don't want to date a 56-year-old woman."

    He confessed that now he has identity issues concerning who he really is, revealing, "I fell in love with Madonna when I was 15. She just spoke to my soul. I have an addiction to being Madonna. I feel respected when I am Madonna but I don't know who Adam is." At the end of the show, TLC stated: "After his breakdown, Adam decided to go back to being himself full time. He's sold his collection of Madonna outfits and moved in with his boyfriend."

    8 He Paid $100k To Look Like Justin Bieber

    Die-hard Justin Bieber fan Toby Sheldon paid over $100,000 to surgeons in an attempt to look like his idol and launch his own music career. He appeared on TV shows My Strange Addiction and Botched about his extensive surgery. Sheldon's surgery list included work on his cheeks, temple, lips and chin, plus liposuction and fat injections - he also wanted further surgery including a forehead and jaw reduction. He said, "One way I'll ever stop looking like Justin Bieber is when I die."

    Sadly, in 2015, Sheldon was reported missing and later found dead in a Motel 6 in San Fernando Valley. Botched star Dr Paul Nassif said, "My deepest condolences go out to the family of Toby Sheldon. He was a good person with a great heart."

    7 He Is The Ultimate Kim Kardashian Wannabe

    25-year-old James Parke is the ultimate Kim Kardashian wannabe and he confirmed that he wants even MORE surgery to look like the reality star. Appearing on the British talk show This Morning, he said, "I've had two nose jobs, I've had a chin implant, neck liposuction, my eyebrows tattooed on, I've had lip filler, cheek filler…  I've had a full face of Botox, vampire facials. I've spent so far £130,000, probably over about six or seven years."

    Although he still isn't happy with his procedures and wants even more. "I've got another nose job just to make my nose a bit smaller - I'm not 100% happy with it. And I don't think I ever will be 100% happy with my nose - that's always been my hang up with my body." We're not quite sure what Kim would make of this.

    6  She Paid $250,000 To Look The Part As A Lady Gaga Tribute

    Following expensive plastic surgery, singer Donna Marie Trego scored the title of best Lady Gaga tribute act in the UK at the National Tribute Music Awards. Along with a huge plastic surgery bill (estimated to be around $150,000), Donna has also invested more than $90,000 in costumes including a bra worth around $3,000 that creates a shower or sparks.

    According to Donna, when she met her idol - the star actually loved the look. She said, "When I walked into the room, (Lady Gaga) started screaming with excitement and said 'oh my God, you look just like me - you look amazing!' She was very impressed with my costume and seemed really kind and down-to-earth. With all her costumes and her image, you expect her to be crazy, but she seemed really lovely and very normal. We had a good giggle, I was so lucky to meet her."

    5 He Decided To Look Like His Hero - The Hulk

    Beefcake Romario Dos Santos Alves wanted to bulk up to the maximum so he could look like Marvel superhero The Hulk. The bodybuilder pumped a dangerous mixture of oil, painkillers, and alcohol into his biceps which caused them to expand to 25-inches. The lethal mix almost cost him both arms as doctors were concerned they might need to amputate.

    Now he deeply regrets his decision as he told The Daily Star, "If you take it once there will definitely be a second time - it's addictive. I remember the doctor told me that they would need to amputate both arms - they said everything in there, all my muscles, were rock. I lost control and could have died all because I wanted bigger muscles. It's not worth it."

    4 He Wanted To Be A Ken Doll and Now He's Falling Apart

    Rodrigo "Human Ken Doll" Alves has paid the ultimate price for undergoing so many plastic surgeries that his face has shockingly started to cave in on itself. Rodrigo spent more than half a million on 51 plastic surgeries and 103 cosmetic procedures to become "The Human Ken Doll." His surgery list includes a fake six-pack, calf shaping, pec implants and an eye lift to give him a 'feline' look.

    Having so many procedures has massively affected his health, as he revealed, "(Since) my tenth nose job, I had a scar and was not able to breathe. It had been causing me lots of anxiety leading me to depression and an eating disorder." Not put off by the health warnings - he is planning more surgery in the future. He told The Sun, "I will keep going. There is no such thing as plastic surgery killing you." (Except for both Joan Rivers and Kanye West's mother who both lost their lives on a plastic surgeon's operating table).

    3 She Didn't Quite Nail The Kate Winslet Look

    Deborah Davenport from Texas spent $6,000 on plastic surgery in hope of looking like Hollywood star Kate Winslet. To achieve the look she had a nose job, cheek implants, and Botox injections so she could reshape her face to be just like the Titanic actress. According to Deborah, she had the surgery because people would compare her to actress Cameron Diaz - something which surprisingly she was not happy about.

    Deborah also revealed that she's completely happy with her changing look. She told the New York Times, "My nose just seems to get fatter and fatter every year. I look at photos and I'm like, 'Oh my God, what's happening to me?' Here I am trying to have surgery to look like someone I think hasn't had surgery." Kate Winslet has answered in numerous interviews that she has never had surgery to alter her face.

    2 Lindsay Lohan's Half-Sister Had Five Surgeries To Look Like Her

    Lindsay Lohan's half-sister Ashley Horn wanted to look so much like her famous sibling that she went under the knife five times to achieve the look. The fame-hungry teenager revealed on The Trisha Goddard Show, "(She wants) to look like Lindsay in her good days when she was around 18, 19 years old. I'm hotter than Lindsay! I have no problem saying that. I'm not Lindsay. I wasn't raised in that family. I don't drink or party. I like being a responsible person." She had fat injections in her chin and upper cheeks, and surgery to refine her jawline.

    Only one year earlier, Ashley found out that she shares a biological father with Lindsay - Michael Lohan. Ashley was conceived during an affair when Michael Lohan was still married to Lindsay's mother, Dina. Well, that's the Lohan family for you.

    1 She Asked For Jennifer Aniston But Got Something Else

    Another victim of MTV's I Want a Famous Face was Kelly Chandler from Austin, Texas, who underwent plastic surgery to look like Friends star Jennifer Aniston. On the show, the plastic surgeon told her, "You're taking a nap as Kelly and you're going to wake up as Jennifer." Sounds great but the end result was not quite that accurate.

    As well as being a Jennifer Aniston fan, Kelly also revealed that she wanted the surgery to show her ex-husband what he was missing. She revealed, "I was 26 at the time (of her marriage) and I had the body of a 35-year-old. To be honest, I thought to myself, 'What a perfect way to let him squirm, to let him see what I look like after the surgery. It was the ultimate revenge." In reality, moving on and not having body confidence is a cheaper way to get revenge on an ex.