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    16 Celebs Falsely Accused Of Pulling A Weinstein

    There is no denying that when it comes to Hollywood, there is a serious problem with those at the very top abusing their power over others. Last October, after The New York Times published a long list of allegations of harassment and assault against Hollywood power mogul Harvey Weinstein, many other entertainers, including producers, journalists, and politicians have been accused also.

    In a decent, honest world - where all you should need is your talent to get to the top - these incidents wouldn't happen at all. However, with more women in showbiz coming forward to make a stand, it's clear this kind of behavior is now ready to be stamped out. That said, if we take a look at the seedy flipside of these accusations there have more than a dozen celebrities who have been caught up and falsely accused.

    Once the stories went public, they have had to face the media intrusion, stressful court dates trying to prove their innocence, loss of work and a broken reputation. One innocent victim who was falsely accused, his story can be read below, stated, "Not everyone accused of an offense is guilty. Not every accuser is telling the truth. I learned this the hard way."

    16 Innocent Keanu Reeves Had To Go To Court

    Keanu Reeves was dragged into a paternity suit with a woman he had never even met before in his life. In 2010, a court heard that a Candian woman was seeking at least $3 million in back spousal and child support because she can prove Reeves is the father of her four children (who are now adults). Despite Reeves being able to prove via a paternity test that he is not the father of any of her children, or that they've ever been in the same room as each other, she persisted onwards with her legal battle against him.

    E News! also reported that during the court hearing, the crazed fan claimed that The Matrix actor had manipulated the DNA test results using hypnosis.  His legal team stated, "Her evidence is, at best, incredible. There is clearly no triable issue." It's safe to say he didn't have to pay a dime in child support.

    15 Ed Westwick Claims He Has Never Met The Women Before

    Former Gossip Girl star Ed Westwick has taken to his social media accounts to deny any wrongdoing against the three women who claimed he had advanced on them. His ex-girlfriend Jessica Szohr said the claims were "shocking" as she told Cosmopolitan, "I know him well and I've known him for years, and I found it shocking. I don't know those girls at all, and they could be lovely and awesome and all that."

    Westwick tweeted about one of the claims: "I do not know this woman. I have never forced myself in any manner or any woman." He also added, "It is disheartening and sad to me that as a result of unverified and provably untrue social media claims, there are some in this environment who could ever conclude I have had anything to do with such vile and horrific conduct. I have absolutely not, and am cooperating with the authorities so that they can clear my name as soon as possible."

    14 Nick Carter Claims He Was Dating His Accuser

    Singer Melissa Schuman broke the news late last year that Nick Carter, who she had previously dated for a short while, had been abusive to her throughout that relationship. She also complained that people won't take her as seriously because Carter was "adored" by his female fans.

    The former Backstreet Boys singer released the following statement in his defense: "I am shocked and saddened by Ms. Schuman's accusations. Melissa never expressed to me while we were together or at any time since that anything we did was not consensual. We went on to record a song and perform together, and I was always respectful and supportive of Melissa both personally and professionally. This is the first that I am hearing about these accusations, nearly two decades later. It is contrary to my nature and everything I hold dear to intentionally cause someone discomfort or harm."

    13 Sylvester Stallone's Ex-Wife Said The Stories Were All Lies

    According to a police report, Hollywood star Sylvester Stallone was accused of forcing himself on a 16-year-old girl and the accuser also claim she was made to sign a no-prosecution form after the event. However, Stallone's ex-wife Brigette Nielsen said this could not have been possible as she was constantly at her husband's side.

    She told TMZ, "During the summer of 1986 (when the alleged incident was said to have taken place) we were newlyweds. I was inseparable with Sylvester when Over the Top was being shot in Las Vegas. The story claims that at approximately 8:30 in the evening during the shoot of the movie the person claims she was in our suite at the Hilton Hotel. This incident did not occur." It might very well be the testimony of his ex-wife that will see these claims thrown out of court.

    12 Jeremy Piven Took A Polygraph Test To Prove Innocence

    Entourage actor Jeremy Piven was left shocked when reports claimed that he had been very inappropriate on the set of the show. Four women came forward with the claims that the actor "unequivocally denied" and said he was "perplexed as to the misdirection of anger with false accusations against me." The actor also took and passed a lie detector test to also help prove his innocence as he stated, "How does one prove something didn't happen?!"

    In an official statement released by his lawyers, Piven said, "Let me be absolutely clear, this simply did not happen. I would never force myself on a woman. I cannot speak as to why a person would create a story like this." However, he did add that he "hope[s] they do not detract from the stories that should be heard."

    11 Jeffrey Tambor Said He Is "Not A Predator"

    One year after Jeffrey Tambor was on the top of the world as the Emmy-award winning star of Amazon's hit series Transparent, he was rocked by allegations which had come from his co-stars. One actress said they had worked together on the hit comedy, and Tambor had become "physical" with her. He hit back, "I have absolutely no recollection of anything like this incident ever happening."

    The claims, which he strongly denies, have forced him into a position where he doesn't know if he will return to the set. His publicist told The New York Times, "What he said was that given the toxic atmosphere and the politicisation on the set, it's very hard for him to see how he can possibly return. But no final decision for next year has been made, either by Jeffrey or by Amazon.

    10 The Voice Singer Melanie Martinez Accused By Her Best Friend

    The Voice singer Melanie Martinez was accused by her best friend of repeated attacks when the two were both close. Timothy Heller said, "I never said yes. I said no, repeatedly. But she used her power over me and broke me down. Just so there is no confusion, I was (attacked) by my best friend." Both young women had performed in a band together before Martinez went on to start a singing career of her own.

    Devasted by the claims that left her "horrified and saddened", Martinez wrote online, "What she and I shared was a close friendship for a period of time. We came into each other's lives as we were both starting our careers as artists, and we tried to help each other. We both had pain in dealing with our individual demons and the new paths we were forging, but I truly felt we were trying to lift each other up. And although we parted ways, I am sending her love and light always."

    9 Andy Dick Claims His Weird Behavior Was Not Harassment

    Andy Dick was fired from the set of the independent film Raising Buchanan after he was accused of making inappropriate advances on his co-stars. He snapped back, "Of course I'm going to proposition people. I'm single, depressed, lonely and trying to get a date. They can just say no and then I was done." However, he did deny accusations of touching anyone inappropriately.

    He told The Hollywood Reporter, "I didn't (do it) I might have kissed somebody on the cheek to say goodbye and then licked them. That's my thing I licked Carrie Fisher at a roast. It's me being funny. I'm not trying to harass people." He also said that following recent allegations he would tone down his behavior, adding, "I do understand that the temperature in the world right now is delicate."

    8 Russell Simmons Called The Accusations "Horrific"

    Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons was accused by his former lover, screenwriter Jenny Lumet, of coercing her into acts that she didn't want to do. Simmons said in his statement, "I have been informed with great anguish of Jenny Lumet's recollection about our night together in 1991. I know Jenny and her family and have seen her several times over the years since the evening she described. While her memory of that evening is very different from mine. While I have never been violent, I have been thoughtless and insensitive in some of my relationships over many decades and I sincerely apologize.”

    He added, "Everything that happened between us 26 years ago was completely consensual and with Keri's full participation. Abusing women in any way shape or form violates the very core of my being."

    7 Tucker Carlson Had The Experience From Hell

    During his opening monologue on Fox News, Tucker Carlson said, "Not everyone accused of an offense is guilty. Not every accuser is telling the truth. I learned this the hard way." In the early 2000s, he was accused of attacking a woman in a pizza joint in Louisville, Kentucky, yet he was nowhere around that area at the time. He said, "It was a preposterous story. I'd never been to Louisville. Judging from my schedule in March, I couldn't have gotten there. I was on television almost every night in Washington.'

    The TV host spent $14,000 in legal bills defending himself and he could have easily of lost his career. The woman later claimed that the accusation was brought on by a mental condition she suffered and she told the Daily Mail, "I was delusional. I had a bit of a crush on him at the time."

    6 Ben Roethlisberger Was Accused - TWICE

    Ben Roethlisberger almost had his life destroyed when he was accused of assault - twice. The famous Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback doesn't even know the name of his accusers as they have legal protection that hides their identity. The Pittsburgh Post Gazette wrote, "Attorneys for the Steelers quarterback argue that his accuser never filed a police report, boasted of (being) with him (and) timed the lawsuit to capitalize on media attention."

    His attorneys stated, "This false and slanderous claim was directly contrary to the story that plaintiff had previously told. (She) never told her co-workers, including her mentor, that she had been harmed by Mr. Roethlisberger. To the contrary, she boasted to her friends and co-workers that she had consensual relations with Mr. Roethlisberger and was happy about that. (She) was also not afraid about the prospect of an unplanned pregnancy, but expressed to others that she hoped that she was pregnant by Mr. Roethlisberger."

    5 Brian Banks Was Wrongfully Sent Down For 5 Years

    In 2002, former NFL linebacker for the Atlanta Falcons, Brian Banks, was accused by one of his former classmates who claimed he had dragged her into a stairwell at their school. Banks faced up to 41-years in prison but he accepted a plea deal for five years in prison. His accuser also received a further $1.5 million in compensation.

    After Banks served his time, he contacted his accuser through social media and they both agreed to meet in person. During their conversation, she admitted to making up the whole story and refused to tell anyone so she wouldn't have to return the compensation money. She wasn't aware that Banks was recording the entire confession. Based on this recorded evidence, his name was finally cleared but he will never get back the five years he was forced to spend behind bars.

    4 Robert Knepper Showed "No Evidence Of Wrongdoing"

    Last year, Prison Break star Robert Knepper was accused of assaulting a costume designer on the set of the TV series iZombie. The costume designer claimed that he pushed against a wall and she was left physically hurt following the incident.

    After a full investigation on set, he was cleared of any wrongdoing. Warner Bros. issued the following statement, "We were deeply concerned about recent allegations regarding Robert Knepper. As a result, we conducted an internal inquiry with some of the cast and crew of iZOMBIE. We found no evidence of wrongdoing on the set of the show. We have taken and will continue to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved, which is our top priority." The actor hasn't made any public comment yet.

    3 George Takei Was Left "Shocked" Over Accusations

    Star Trek legend and social media funnyman George Takei was "shocked and bewildered" when he read claims about his conduct in the press. He said the incident, that was alleged by a former model, which took place in 1981 "simply did not occur." The model said he was handed a drink which made him feel dizzy and when he woke up, the famous actor was advancing on him.

    Takei wrote online, "I do take these claims very seriously, and I wanted to provide my response thoughtfully and not out of the moment." Adding, "Right now it is a he said/he said situation, over alleged events nearly 40 years ago. But those that know me understand that non-consensual acts are so antithetical to my values and my practices, the very idea that someone would accuse me of this is quite personally painful."

    2 David Copperfield Was Accused Of Kidnapping A Woman

    Magician David Copperfield's career was almost in ruins when he was accused of kidnapping and imprisoning a woman at his private Bahamas home. He was interviewed by the FBI following the allegations until it was revealed that his accuser, a former beauty queen, was arrested for making false assault allegations against another man.

    During an interview with Oprah Winfrey, he revealed, "To be falsely accused of something that horrendous is a devastating thing for yourself, your friends, your family, really bad. When the truth comes out - you know she was arrested, not me - finally, things you know come to light. Unfortunately, in the press, what happens is… People remember the charge. They don't remember the exoneration." He added, "Not only exoneration, but I was the victim. Big difference."

    1 Tom Sizemore Walked From Court A Free Man

    Saving Private Ryan star Tom Sizemore was accused by a then-aged 11-year-old girl of being inappropriate when the two were sat together on the set of Born Killers. Sizemore said, "The day the allegations were raised I was completely in shock, I was devastated to have been accused of something so heinous. I fully cooperated with all involved and as far as I knew the matter was dealt with fully at the time."

    He told the Daily Mail, "I never, nor would I ever, touch a child. I have done many things I'm not proud of in this life. However, I did not do this." The case was later dropped due to "witness and evidence problems", according to the reports from the court. Salt Lake City Police Department stated the case was 'closed and cleared."