Główna » Zabawa » 15 Times The Royal Children Didn't Look Like Normal Children At All

    15 Times The Royal Children Didn't Look Like Normal Children At All

    All dolled up with places to go, people to see and things to do! Most children face this type of life each day as they are paraded about, on display. Similar to our handsome Prince George and lovely little Princess Charlotte, our children have a lot to offer the world. Their cherub faces are shiny and smiley and the endless promenading photographs on social media keep us hooked and slyly, possibly embarrassingly, entertained as we smile to ourselves and click through them.

    Our guilty pleasures exist as we peruse the epic photos and judge the tiny royal children of Cambridge. We wonder what their lives are really like and how normal they can be. They appear just like our children: going to school, attending birthday parties, blowing bubbles, petting animals and throwing tantrums.

    Then enter stage left, the other photos. Here are those photos that show the tiny blonde prince and pink-loving princess looking not-so-typical in their childlike theatrics. The following photographs depict those times where they did not look like normal children at all. They were a little overly-coiffed or their smiles looked painted on. Their outfits are sometimes straight out of the old days, mimicking their old-fashioned names. Something was just off.

    15 Georgie Is Not So Curious

    Curious George did sometimes wear a red shirt, but not maroon suspenders. Prince George sports his oddly colored suspenders in style while looking annoyed as if he's done this a million times before. His somewhat annoyed expression is indeed priceless. This photo is definitely one that will go down in history.

    Normally, prince and princess expressions seem strategically planned and their carefully chosen clothing always color coordinated. Rosy cheeks are abundant and natural smiles dominate their happy faces. Prince George cornered the market for most annoyed toddler and appears to be psychically communicating to all involved to “P*** Off!” The best part is little Princess Charlotte appears to be mimicking him in all of his disgust and annoyance.

    14 Charlotte Takes Literacy Very Seriously

    The Royal family has made it known that they would like their children to grow up with less screen time. They are hoping for children who are less addicted to technology, gadgets, touch screens and phones. Princess Charlotte takes heed, even if a little skeptical, as she clutches a new refreshing gift. The gift is in the form of actual words, lines, pages and does not require a charging station.

    Compared to other children her age, this is quite unusual. Look at any restaurant, coffee shop, airport or shopping carriage with a toddler or child within its structural confines. That child generally is addictively holding and pressing at a gadget. This makes Princess Charlotte a minority of sorts. Her expression is one of confusion, maybe? She holds her new book up to see exactly what it is. Is she wondering where the power button is or how she can adjust the brightness?

    13 Short Shorts For Sure

    From the expression on the face of little Prince George, it appears that he, too, is concerned by the under length of his shorts. For a little guy of this age, those shorts are definitely far above the knee and worn carefully to accent his socks and shoes that also appear equally out of place. Prince George is likely wondering how his little sister got the long end of the stick, carrying flowers and strutting her stuff. Poor George drew the short end, pun intended!

    No worries, George. Over here in the states, it appears those short shorts for boys are making a comeback from the '80s and '90s that we never really cared to see again. And grown men seem to be their biggest fans-hairy legs and all. We'd definitely say George sports the look better than today's millennials.

    12 Bathrobe Basics

    Doesn't everybody meet the most important people in the world in a fluffy, white terry cloth bathrobe tied so perfectly in the front with an equally plush little belt? Come on, what's the big deal guys? Prince George exercises skepticism yet still extends his hand to the former President of the United States like a champ, his pristine collared pajamas within. His dad smiles proudly, but the question of the hour is why?

    Hey, some kiddos choose to sport a cape over their pajamas and some like to dress up in their favorite Halloween costume or go to bed in their Wonder Woman Underoos. Not every child gets to meet the president though!

    Georgie is doing big things in his big boy stain-free robe and all the while sales of the same robe are taking off in an effort for the normal children of the world to present equally as cool should the president visit. Now the real question of the hour is: If any normal child owned a white anything, what are the chances that it would remain white for more than a millisecond?

    11 Sweater Vest Comeback

    Oh, this is happening. The sweater vest made a strategic comeback with tiny Prince George. Not sure if it's the expression on this face that makes it or the knee-high socks in an equally dark color. Either way, here's a time that Prince George could not pull off the normal child look. His little cozy, rosy cheeks definitely make for some redemption for this interesting and unique getup, though.

    On the flip side, we're not so sure the average non-royal child could pull this look off, either. It takes a certain style and panache that only a royal breeding and upbringing can provide to make sure that collar stays perfectly pressed, that part in his hair is right on point and there is no sign of snot and boogies. Is anyone else wondering how he has such perfectly groomed eyebrows?

    10 Sweet And Sassy

    It is possible that little Prince Georgie is auditioning for Brokeback Mountain 2.0 casting call. All he's missing is the saddled-up horse and the companion cowboy. The sassy look and that sweet expression on his little doll face, his Gap boy expressive look all provide some clues here. All he's missing is the cowboy hat! Still sporting those short shorts and his boyish grin, Prince George's pose screams sparkles and unicorns.

    No non-royal child can keep a belt on with a tucked in plaid, buttoned-down, nicely starched shirt for an entire day without a ketchup stain or a lollipop drool etched into the collar. The only thing that would make this photo more appropriate is a rainbow flag in the background saluting the audition set.

    9 It's A Bird, It's A Plane

    Princess Charlotte may possibly wonder why she is always looking up in the sky. This one photo, with many others like it, shows her looking up at the sky in anticipation of something. What could it be? Most children look up at airplanes, but really, how often do planes fly overhead? Most are distracted within moments and ready to move onto another toddler-type activity.

    Princess Charlotte would likely be having much more fun reading the book she got for Christmas (see above!) or possibly flaunting her pink dress while she plays in a sandbox, her shovel flailing around excitedly. Alas, she again is in the arms of her mummy looking upwards! Really, though, start noticing just how many photographs appear with this fabulous little princess looking up at the sky, squinting her eyes.Princess Wave.

    8 Wave Hello, Darling

    She's got the princess wave down, well sort of. We will cut her some slack since she is indeed so little still and likely undergoing her princess training. Here she is working on her strut and trying to perfect her princess wave. Most children say hello haphazardly, if at all, bounding about and tripping over themselves.

    Some skip, squinting to see passersby and may smile or look away suddenly. Many children tug on the hands of those holding them or want to get away, stretching their bodies and moving forward, seeking out the next adventure. Princess Charlotte has some lofty goals, we are sure. As she works to make sure her wave is flawless and fabulous, the paparazzi looks on, waiting and hoping for the perfect shot.

    7 Guarded Georgie

    Prince George sports a very adult and serious expression as he meets his classroom teacher for the first time. This fantastic moment where he goes to school is captured on camera of course. He appears guarded and unsure of his next move as he tentatively shakes her hand. We must wonder if he is happy or sad or just plain confused.

    It appears he is at least wearing pants and possibly a uniform like a normal everyday kiddo. But that hair part? His blonde locks are parted so perfectly! Most children don't always have the opportunity to do formal teacher meet and greets, especially before school. So, of course, he'd have the perfect part. We can only imagine the pleasure his teacher takes in chatting with little Georgie each day.

    6 Stop! Hammer Time!

    Sometimes the urge just comes. Little Prince George, all of two years old, takes command of his audience in a full out MC Hammer move. Or is he poised and ready to direct traffic? Either way, he's rockin' those Crocs with his notoriously short navy blue shorts. What in the world is he really doing here? There's also no indication that he's not, say, playing a game of Red Light, Green Light or Red Rover either.

    For a two-year-old, posing like so, there is no saying what in the world he is thinking or doing. Prince George's part is still perfect in this photo as well. Like a normal child, he is frolicking about in the grass. Unlike a normal child, where are his grass-stained knees and why in the world is he wearing a collared shirt and cardigan with those tiny little shorts? The conclusion for this photo is that he's definitely directing some traffic.

    5 American Flag Get-Up

    Not only is our little artsy-fartsy prince waving to his fans happily, but Prince George appears so outgoing and proud in this interesting ensemble of red and white and his navy blue shoes. His shorts appear to be fastened to his shirt as one never can be too careful. Ya never know when your britches may go kerplunk and fall to your ankles!

    Is this the United States version of a onesie or jumper? In all his cute toddler-ness, he absolutely has the “princess” wave down pat. The adult-like expression plastered on his face is serious yet his eyes are saying, “I'm over here my paparazzi friends!” Georgie's nonchalant wave and his rosy little English cheeks make him almost appear to be dressed like the American flag! What a patriotic little outfit Prince George has come adorned in.

    4 Peeping Prince

    Prince and Princess appear to be in hiding, trained well at such an early age to avoid the constant flash of camera lights. Princess Charlotte is working hard on her RBF and having a difficult time holding back her disdain as she peeps from the window.

    Prince George is equally as concerned as he peeps out below her, squinting eyes. They both look like little adults, skeptical and paranoid, peering about from the window. This is probably the least put together and “imperfectly un-coiffed” we have ever seen these two look.

    Interestingly, they look like normal children from a low-income area peeping out of the darkness of their homes, hoping the Five-O is nowhere to be found. Maybe there's a future for these two as government spies. Not that the empire would ever allow it.

    3 Red Is All The Rage

    Red is all the rage and little Prince George appears slightly annoyed in this photo. He is possibly concerned by the constant media attention and also skeptical of all the strangers poking and prodding. Is he possibly thinking, “Why am I always in a red outfit? Don't you people think I stand out enough!? My cheeks are read enough!”

    This is not the standard prince and proper greeting that we generally bear witness to; however his expression and annoyance is quite understandable while he wears yet another collared white shirt under yet another cardigan.

    Surprisingly, the royals usually don't wear bright, vibrant colors. You won't catch the grown-ups in too many scarlet red pieces, but the kids get a free pass to decorate themselves a little more brightly.

    2 Carefully Coordinated

    Besides pajamagrams and carefully selected ensembles for pre-planned photography sessions, most normal children are not so carefully coordinated with their parents. This blast of blue is intense, right down to Prince George's socks and Princess Charlotte's patent leather shoes and barrette. Seriously, no family walking off a plane after a long flight can possibly look this refreshed, recovered and well-rested. No child could look so fresh and ready to present.

    The real theory here is that they did wear their pajamas on the flight and used their probably large dressing area in the plane to put themselves together before exiting. How else would we be able to explain the prim, proper and prince and princess-like ability to remain completely unstained, unwrinkled and unruffled. No hair is out of place despite the exit on a likely windy runway.

    1 Hair Fetish Future

    Well, this is awkward! Nothing says not normal like a toddler chomping on his parent's lock of hair. It appears that with his tiny furrowed brows creating a backsplash to this moment, little Prince George's lips are tangled with hair. Is this a hair fetish waiting to happen? Possibly.

    This photograph of Baby George is priceless, completely out of the ordinary for the Royal family who is generally put together and flawless. Whose hair is this tiny prince longingly rubbing against his face? We suppose it is his mother's lock of hair. It appears that Georgie is not exactly certain about how he feels about this blonde strand and maybe does not want to spit it back out too abruptly. Regardless, this photo is neither royal nor normal; however, it is more normal than royal!