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    15 Times Chrissy Teigen Was Shadier Than All Of Hollywood

    We love Chrissy Teigen and there are a lot of reasons why we do; she is hot, cool, and simply lovable. Her marriage with the "All of Me" crooner sparks envy the more we think about it. We all know that the hot model is pretty much outspoken about everything. We understand and accept that side of her. There are lots of things Teigen does that we just ignore because they are so "Chrissy Teigen" but it does not count as normal. We know no one is perfect and we have all done some pretty sketchy stuff but we simply cannot forgive, neither can we forget some of the things our dear model does especially when there are pieces of evidence of them on Twitter and Instagram. Talk of Twitter, that platform seems to be the home of the model's "look at me, I can get really crazy" talks. It is not only about what Chrissy says but sometimes what she does or does not do. We applaud John Legend for being really supportive of his wife and her sometimes "not so cool" stuff but we are not going to pretend like we do not see it when even he is embarrassed about his pretty wife's antics. We have not seen him go like "not again Chrissy" but we know that was exactly what he was thinking in those moments. This can be a very long list but we have compiled only the best and, definitely the most sketchy ones.

    15 The Oscars Must Have Been Boring To Her (Doubt It Though)

    We might have thought the "Cravings" author would want to watch every single detail of the Oscars and then Tweet about what went wrong. That is what she is good at anyway. Unfortunately, our dear Chrissy missed a part of it because she had to take a nap. The model had to take a nap just when Emma Stone and Casey Affleck's acceptance speech for winning Best Actress and Best Actor respectively. We can forgive a mom, a wife, and a career woman for napping at the Oscars but can we forgive when the person we are talking about is Chrissy Teigen? Well, we all considered forgetting about the incident until we saw what she posted on Twitter the following morning; “just woke up what happened.”

    14 Why Ruin Someone's Perfect Moment?

    Pregnancy announcements are BIG for some of us especially when you have a lot of people to share your big moment with. I am sure it was a really special moment for Tia and Tamera actress Tamera Mowry until Chrissy Teigen decided to rain on her parade.In 2015, Tamera posted a pregnancy test result indicating she was pregnant. She announced her pregnancy using a sponsored kit from ClearBlue. Chrissy thought it would be cool to tweet these words at that very moment, "How much money does ClearBlue pay celebs to Instagram their p*** sticks this seems lucrative." Tamera making money from her pregnancy announcement does not sound so good but Chrissy wanting to turn the sweet moment sour is even worse. Tamera's fans did not take it lightly tho.

    13 That is Illegal, You Know Right?

    Chrissy has done a lot of shady things but we never knew she would do illegal things. We all know Chrissy Teigen moved into Rihanna's house, she even gave us a tour of the house. Everything about her moving into RiRi's home is great except for one tiny "but not so tiny" detail. Her family continued to receive some of the "Work" singer's emails and she actually opened some of them. As if that is not enough, Chrissy actually admitted it and she did it shamelessly. She made the revelation during an interview with Ellen DeGeneres. She even revealed some contents of RiRi's bills including an $18 bill from Bugatti. When Ellen asked her if she knew it was illegal, she replied saying “But it's my house now. Can you not? Are we going to edit this? This is why I can't run for president,”.

    12 She Slammed A Nine-Year-Old

    Yes, it is true, everyone has an opinion but I think it is better to keep your opinion to yourself if it does not sound right. This rule should apply to everyone but I guess Chrissy is not "everyone". Nine-year-old star Quvenzhane Wallis wowed everyone (except Chrissy Teigen) at the Oscars, everyone talked about her dress and how good it looked on her. Everything was sweet until Chrissy Teigen decided to share her opinion on Wallis' appearance. She tweeted this “Is it okay to call a small child cocky? I am forced to like Quvenzhané Wallis because she's a child right? Okay fine,” and of course no agreed with her. How does she not think that this is not cringeworthy when rereading it! We know we cringed, and John probably did too!

    11 Even An Innocent Child Is Not Spared

    Chrissy Teigen is definitely different, she might not be the first but she makes it stand out. No one tries to mess with a child especially in public but Chrissy actually did on Twitter where she has 8.42 million followers. In 2011, Chrissy Teigen took to Twitter to make fun of the Jay Mohr and Nikki Cox's baby. She Tweeted; “Nikki Cox and Jay Mohr named their son Meredith. Their son, Meredith. Meredith is their son's name. The name of their son is Meredith”. I do not know what Chrissy Teigen was thinking or what she was expecting by making fun of an innocent child but it definitely looks shady. John Legend will most def be bowing his head in embarrassment, good they were not married then.

    10 How Many Times Has She Been Blocked?

    Chrissy is the perfect troll queen, she does it all the time and gets away with it. It is just her nature and we have accepted it but apparently, not everyone has. Chris Brown won't just put up with Chrissy's trolling. No, he would not, why should he when he has a choice? Chrissy has attacked the singer on several occasions; lip sync allegations and even his style. Brown's fans did not take it lightly at all. Team Breezy would not have it from the outspoken model. Their constant threat even led the singer to caution his fans. Wondering what prompted him to caution them? I guess it is because Chrissy tells us all about the reactions of Team Breezy. Well, we thought everything was cool until Chrissy Revealed in 2015 that she has been blocked by Brown. Remember she was blocked by Donald Trump as well?

    9 That Is Supposed To Be Private

    We know a lot more about Chrissy Teigen and John Legend's personal life thanks to Chrissy's frankness and maybe "honesty." The singer has revealed a lot through her interviews, it exceeds what we think is acceptable. In an interview with Cosmo, she revealed some rather "interesting" information, "We were on our way to Thailand to see my parents, flying commercial first-class. We were under a blanket. We weren't even in one of those pod things. I feel like we should get a trophy for that… We're by no means freaky deaky, but let's just say we're open to things… We're very okay with PDA. When we go to a restaurant, he loves when I wear a dress, so he can do some upper-thigh rubbing." She has even revealed some places (dressing rooms, Obama's campaign, retail stores) they slept together and we think this should not be shared with us but she did anyway.

    8 Did She Really Curse At them?

    I do not understand John Legend's muse on this one. Is she trying to say they should only be there when she only needs them? Chrissy loves the attention, the fame, and all that comes with it, but apparently she cannot stand the paparazzi sometimes. Hell, they are part of your success story. Your life is in the limelight and you enjoy it. Why then do you hate on those who make it happen. Chrissy has been caught using the F-word at photographers at the 2015 Grammys. We are supposed to understand her because they allegedly shouted at her but we don't. We would have understood her if it was the first time but she did the same thing at the 2015 Billboard Awards.

    7 I Do Not Think Avril Lavigne Deserved That

    We do not know what caused the trolling queen to tweet this but nothing justifies this. Back in 2011, the model threw some pretty serious shades at "I'm With You" singer Avril Lavigne. She tweeted this “If u told me I could have 1 kid, but it would be exactly like Avril, I would choose to have a barren, sterile existence that ends when I die,” that was pretty bad. I am sure she would not have tweeted that if she knew she would publicly discuss her fertility issues a few years later. Nevertheless, the fact still remains, Chrissy went overboard with that tweet. It is good Avril did not react. It would have been one hell of a battle. We respect Avril for that.

    6 Chrissy Would Not Help

    If you are counting on Chrissy for help in a "falling"' situation, you might as well clutch on to straws because they would be better. Chrissy came under heavy criticism for not helping out a woman who fell right behind her. She was introduced as the host for the 2015 Billboards Awards, apparently, while she walked to the stage, a woman fell behind her and she did not turn to help the woman. Fortunately, Chrissy did not tweet sarcastic comments when she was being slammed. She actually denied seeing the woman, “For the record, I couldn't even see the woman falling behind me-she stepped on my dress and I was trying not to eat s***. Everyone is saying I am some sort of monster for not stopping and giving her CPR or something-she is fine, was not a big deal. She should be out of the hospital by Christmas,”. Oh, her comments were actually sarcastic. That is so Chrissy.

    5 FabLife, Was There A Feud?

    Chrissy has uncharacteristically been quiet about something, what actually happened between supermodel, Tyra Banks and herself. The two hosted Fablife but it did not last as long as we wanted or expected it to. Tyra quit the show claiming she wanted to concentrate on her makeup line. Sources revealed that it was just an excuse and the main reason was that the two hosts could not see eye to eye. Tyra could simply not deal with Chrissy's bluntness. “You never put two supermodels on the same show together, especially when one's more than 10 years younger than the other,” the source said. “They are so different. Tyra thinks about everything. She thinks about what to say, down to when to move her arm. Chrissy is from the new school, where she says whatever she wants.” A source told PageSix.

    4 She Could Have Pretended It Was A Tasteless Joke

    Teigen can be funny and sarcastic which we are trying to get used to as it gets better with every passing hour. We would however never try to get used to her being unsympathetic and clueless when she tweeted this in a serious moment, “active shooting in Canada, or as we call it in America, Wednesday,”. I mean how can you tweet this in a wake of a serious shooting incident (Ottawa shooting)? When she could not take the backlash, she came back to tweet this, “a knock at America and our issues with gun control” and that “no one is minimizing the Ottawa shooting.” At least, she has tried to be nice here, but it still doesn't stop us from cringing with everything she tweets.

    3 Shaming! That Was Uncalled For

    Chrissy Teigen slammed teen mom, Farrah Abraham for claiming to get pregnant after filming a very private tape. Maybe we would have applauded Teigen if she had used a different approach. She could have slammed Farrah for putting up a publicity stunt, or for acting out of desperation. There are a dozen things she could have slammed Farrah for and we would have happily supported her. Chrissy being her sketchy self, decided to use an approach we would all have no option but to disagree with her. You know Chrissy often poses for some pretty hot photos for magazines right? You also know that is part of how she makes her money right? Well, this model forgot all about that and tweeted something not so nice in an attempt to shame Farrah; "… you're a wh… and everyone hates you."

    2 Even Iggy Azalea

    The cameras caught this, everyone saw it too but she was trying to deny it. Chrissy simply hates some celebrities and we do not know why. She denies it and we hope she does not actually hate them but her actions tell us otherwise. The swimsuit model made a stinky face at Iggy Azalea at the 2015 Billboard Awards. I do not if anyone else makes faces to people without any cause but Chrissy is different on all levels. The model, however, denied it saying she was reacting to something her husband whispered to her. We hope that is the truth. At least, we would feel better knowing that she does not hate people for no reason. But if she does, well, there is nothing we can do about it.

    1 She Is Insecure

    Even though Chrissy is outspoken, we were thinking she would hold back on certain things. She actually leaves nothing out when she is at it. Chrissy Teigen revealed to the New York Post that she keeps a household rule, this rule only suggests one thing, "She is insecure." Chrissy said that in her house, "No hot nannies, drivers, or maids. It's an ongoing joke in my house… the rule is no hot nannies. I trust John, but you never know with these men… These days, it doesn't really matter what you look like-sometimes cabin fever just strikes and men do the do." To us, this is a little weird considering the fact that she always boasts about her perfect marriage and often gets naked to show her perfect body. Or am I the only one who thinks it is weird?