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    15 Terribly Awkward Award Show Disasters

    Everyone loves a good award show. Some people prefer the spectacle of music awards, with all the live performances. Others love to watch film awards, to see which of their favorite stars and directors snagged the title that year. However, whatever your favorite award, one thing is for sure - there's often a little drama going down.

    Now, everyone always has an opinion about whether or not the right person or project won - that's not really drama, that's just life. What we're talking about is when a celebrity makes some kind of mistake, puts their foot in their mouth, makes some type of error that's talked about for days after the award show. And, in some cases, for months or even years afterward. It just goes to show how you really need to be on your best behavior - it seems many of the stars forget they're being broadcast to television screens around the world. Or, perhaps, they just don't care and think that their statement is going to have a much different reaction from the public than it actually does.

    Regardless, one thing is for sure - these 15 award show disasters still make us cringe to this day. I mean, they're just awful.

    15 Kanye West interrupting poor Taylor Swift at the 2009 VMAS

    No one likes a sore loser, but it's especially cringe-worthy when someone is being a sore loser on your behalf. For those who may not be familiar with this iconic moment, Taylor Swift beat out Beyonce for the Best Female Video award, and while Beyonce was gracious, Kanye certainly wasn't. He grabbed the microphone from her and uttered the line that's now become famous "I'ma let you finish, but… " Ugh! Taylor basically froze in disbelief, everyone was upset at him for stealing the poor girl's spotlight, and the whole thing was just awful. Beyonce stepped up like the queen she is and gave Taylor time later on, when Bey was accepting an award she had won, to say the speech she wasn't able to say before being interrupted by Kanye. Just sit down, Kanye.

    14 La La Land winning the Best Picture award… and then losing it thirty seconds later

    Everyone knows that, while winning any category at the Oscars is a tremendous achievement and huge honor, Best Picture is sort of the biggest deal of them all. It gives one film the title of being literally the best movie released in a certain time span, which is insanely high praise. That's one of the reasons this mix-up was so bananas. La La Land was announced as the winner, so the cast and crew took the stage, overjoyed. They even started their speech. Then, one of the producers realized there had been an error, and that the actual winner was Moonlight. Talk about drama! We have a feeling they're not going to let Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty present another award for a very long time, that's for sure.

    13 James Franco basically not letting Tommy Wiseau, the guy he played in The Disaster Artist, speak

    Tommy Wiseau's film The Room has achieved total cult film status - people absolutely love to hate it, and there are many who have re-watched the awful film time and time again. So, a team in Hollywood decided they'd pay homage to the flick, in a way, with The Disaster Artist - in which James Franco played Tommy Wiseau. The two Tommys went on stage when Franco won the Best Actor award, but Franco was not about to share his spotlight. While he was fine with having Tommy stand beside him as he accepted the award, he drew the line at letting Tommy actually speak - which the world saw very clearly, as Tommy reached for the mic and Franco gently shoved him away. Man, that's cold! Without Wiseau, there would be no The Disaster Artist.

    12 James Franco and Anne Hathaway's cringe-worthy Oscars hosting in 2011

    Hosting doesn't seem like it would be such a terribly hard gig. I mean, sure, not everyone is going to have the comedic timing and wit of an actual comedian - they generally make fantastic hosts - but an actor should be able to memorize his or her scripts, ad lib a bit, and make sure everyone enjoys themselves. You'd think, at least. The world found out in 2011 that not everyone was meant to be a host. James Franco and Anne Hathaway, two hot stars at the time, were tapped to host the Oscars - and the entire thing was just a trainwreck. It was awkward, the jokes weren't funny, their delivery was off, and we basically cringed our way through the entire award show. In fact, we can't even remember who won - we just remember all the awful bits these two did.

    11 John Travolta butchering poor Idina Menzel's name

    Okay, look, we get it - not everyone in Hollywood has an easy name to pronounce. In fact, many stars have names that take quite a few tries to get right. However, when you're introducing someone, you should kind of make sure that you know how to say their name. John Travolta was the one tapped to introduce Idina Menzel to the stage to belt out a hit from the hugely successful film Frozen, and he butchered it so thoroughly we're still cringing. Sure, Menzel's name is a little tough, but not impossible - we're not sure where on earth Travolta got Adele Dazeem from, but we question his ability to read, quite frankly. Luckily, the situation just gave Menzel a ton of attention, which she deserves - but it was still awful of him to not learn how to say her freaking name!

    10 Robin Thicke and Miley Cyrus engaging in questionable twerking at the 2013 VMAs

    Despite her young age, Miley Cyrus has certainly gone through a lot of different phases as an artist. First, there was the role that made her famous, as Disney pop star Hannah Montana. Nowadays, she's rocking more of a natural vibe and seems to be in a solid relationship. In between, though, was her crazy phase - where she had platinum blonde hair and gave performances that made us cringe in horror. And, this moment is definitely the defining moment of that particular phase. We're not sure who thought it was a good idea to have young Miley twerking like this on Robin Thicke, but literally, everyone in the world was horrified. It was gross, it was unnecessary, and we kind of felt like we needed to bleach our eyeballs after seeing it.

    9 Ian Somerhalder weirdly trying to kiss Ariana Grande at the 2014 Teen Choice Awards

    Oh, gosh. Even just seeing the gif of this moment makes us majorly cringe. Now, it's not unheard of for a star to plant a big smooch on another star when they're accepting an award - however, it's usually two starlets playing it up for the cameras after winning an award like 'steamiest kiss' or something like that. This wasn't one of those cases. Ian Somerhalder was on stage accepting an award at the Teen Choice Awards, and he decided to go in and give Ariana Grande a big smooch. He was a heartthrob on a hugely successful drama, after all - surely she'd want to be kissed by him? That must have been his reasoning, we can only speculate. However, in reality, it was just an insanely awkward moment where Grande desperately tried to dodge his lips. Cringe.

    8 Jennifer Lawrence tripping and sprawling across the stairs at the 2013 Oscars… as she was accepting her Best Actress award

    One of the things the world loves so much about Jennifer Lawrence is that she's a little bit awkward. She's not as poised as other actresses, and she's not afraid to make fun of herself. Those are all good traits. However, her clumsiness has gotten her into trouble from time to time - including this cringe-worthy moment. She was at the Oscars and had just won an award for Best Actress - a huge honor. She went to accept it, and as she was heading up the stairs, she tripped and ended up sprawled across the stairs. Luckily, her dashing male co-stars quickly stood to help her get up, but we can only imagine how embarrassed she must have felt at the moment, and we get major secondhand embarrassment just watching it.

    7 Stacey Dash's weird jokes at the 2016 Oscars

    Oh, Stacey Dash. So, for those who may have forgotten, the 2016 Oscars had a bit of a hashtag going on - #OscarsSoWhite. Many people felt there was a huge lack of diversity in the awards, year after year, and were using the hashtag as a way to hopefully get the individuals in the industry making those decisions to take notice. There's nothing wrong with making your beliefs heard, but what Stacey Dash did when she got on stage. Perhaps in a reference to some controversial comments she had made previously on a television appearance, she decided to make a joke - "happy Black History Month." Literally, everyone cringed and went from remembering her as the cute sidekick in Clueless to the woman who embarrassed herself on the Oscars stage with her totally tone deaf joke. Yikes.

    6 Steve Harvey announcing the wrong Miss Universe winner

    It doesn't seem like rocket science to announce a winner, particularly when there aren't categories to mix up - there's literally just one winner for the entire thing. Now, Steve Harvey was tapped to host the Miss Universe pageant in 2015, and he did a good enough job - until the end, that is. When it came time to announce the winner, he declared that Miss Colombia had earned the crown. She was overjoyed, she was wearing the crown, all her fans were cheering, and then he announced that… whoops, he had made a mistake. In the words of Mindy Lahiri - uh, ex-squeeze me? They literally had to take the crown off Miss Colombia's curls and give it to Miss Phillippines. The entire thing was the most cringe-worthy moment in beauty pageant history.

    5 People at the 2017 Golden Globes repeatedly referring to Hidden Fences

    At the 2017 Golden Globes, there were two movies that were generating a fair bit of buzz - and both just happened to feature African-Americans in the leading roles. We're talking about Hidden Figures and Fences. They're totally different films, but for some reason, several people on the red carpet ended up mixing them up in their minds and referring to Hidden Fences. The entire thing was awkward and tense and many people were not too happy afterward with the folks who had made the error, including movie star Michael Keaton. I mean, honestly - how hard is it to remember a handful of names that are in contention? We just hope that the stars in both films know how beloved they are, and just ignored all the silliness surrounding the name mash-up.

    4 A streaker sprinting across the stage at the 1974 Oscars

    We're pretty sure nothing like this would be able to happen nowadays, because security is majorly beefed up. Everyone wants to keep the celebrities feeling safe and secure, so there are careful systems in place when it comes time for big award shows. However, back in the '70s, things were a little different. When David Niven was announcing the Best Picture winner in 1974, all of a sudden, a man with dark hair ran across the stage, throwing a peace sign in the air. And he wasn't wearing a single stitch of clothing. Niven managed to get past it and throw out a witty quip, but can you imagine the scandal that must have caused at the time? The streaker was trying to make a point, but no one is really prepared for full-frontal during the middle of an award announcement.

    3 Snow White and Rob Lowe doing a horrendous duet at the 1989 Academy Awards

    It may seem strange to include a moment from nearly 30 years ago, but trust us - it truly was that bad. Now, for some reason, they decided to have Rob Lowe on stage with a costumed Snow White to sing together on stage at the 1989 Academy Awards. A bit strange, but whatever - a little ode to Disney never hurt anyone. However, Lowe was… well, horrible would be an understatement. He was a hot mess, couldn't hit a note to save his life, and the entire thing was just ridiculous. There were even actors after the show saying they worried the performance would ruin the Academy Awards forever - that's how bad it was. Lowe has gone on to achieve a fair bit of success since then, so it didn't kill his career, but that amount of cringe is something you never fully live down.

    2 Elizabeth Taylor almost announcing the winner before even reading the nominees at the 2001 Golden Globes

    Oh, man, we can't even imagine the amount of stress that the teams in charge of these award shows must feel, particularly after so many stars nearly had huge disasters when it came to a simple task like announcing the winner. Elizabeth Taylor definitely knows that well. She was presenting the big award - Best Motion Picture - at the Golden Globe Awards in 2001, and she was all set. She had her envelope, got on stage, and started opening the envelope… before she had bothered to announce the nominees. Now, even if a project doesn't win, just having that moment of glory where you're announced as one of the ones who made the shortlist is pretty fantastic. So, the audience basically had to yell at her to stop and Dick Clark ran onstage to ensure she didn't read the winner. Yikes.

    1 Aisha Tyler almost presenting the wrong category at the daytime Emmys

    Man, we have to hand it to Aisha Tyler - the fact that she managed to catch the error definitely shows she's paying attention more than most stars asked to announce the winners in a category. She was presenting the Emmy award for the Best Talk Show category and opened the envelope to announce the winner. However, something just didn't look right. She quickly realized that the envelope she had in her hand wasn't the right one at all - it had the winners for an entirely different category! Awkward - can you imagine being the person who screwed up the envelope hand-off and organization? Yikes. Luckily, she didn't spoil the announcement, and just got the right envelope. Still, though - it could have been far worse, had she not been paying attention to what she was reading.