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    15 Shady Things Kaley Cuoco Tries To Hide From Her Fans

    We all know Kaley Cuoco thanks to her role as Penny on the long-running nerdy sitcom The Big Bang Theory. Penny is adorable and hilarious and a great contrast to the boys who live just down the hall from her. We've probably seen Kaley in a few episodes of her previous show, 8 Simple Rules, and maybe from movies like The Wedding Ringer and Why HimWe've also probably read a ton of interviews where she talks about how she stays so fit because, let's face it, she has some pretty amazing abs.

    If we ever Google Kaley Cuoco, well, we don't find a ton of positive things because it seems like there are a lot of shady things that people say about her. Most of the chatter centers around her dating life and there is a lot of stuff out there about her now ex-husband. Everything that people say about her is basically the total opposite of the character that she plays. While it sucks to think that this stuff is true, it seems like there are a lot of people who are saying this stuff about her. Read on to find out 15 shady things that this actress tries to hide from her fans!

    15 She Changes Boyfriends More Often Than Taylor Swift

    Kaley Cucuo may have been married (super briefly) and she may be engaged right now, but before all that, she is said to be a total serial dater. This definitely isn't anything new for Hollywood since there are a bunch of stars that seem to break up with someone one day and be in a totally brand new (and totally serious) relationship the next day. But it's something that is definitely worth noting.

    When her marriage went south, people said that Kaley dated Sam Hunt (a country singer) and Paul Blackthorne (an actor who stars on the TV show Arrow). Kaley apparently said that none of this was true and she wasn't dating any of them. If this was true, we're not sure why she would say that she wasn't with them.

    14 She Was Ashamed And Never Told Anyone While Going Out With Johnny Galecki

    By now, we all know that Kaley dated Johnny Galecki back in the day. It was pretty big news when everyone found out that the Big Bang co-stars not only have known each other for a long time but even were in a super serious relationship.

    The thing that bugs fans is that Kaley never told anyone that they were dating. She kept this relationship a secret and it's basically impossible to see why. They were together for a total of two years, which is definitely nothing to sneeze at and is a pretty long time. Why not tell the world? He's such a cute, sweet guy. He's absolutely #relationshipgoals… right?! If he was our boyfriend, we would want to tell absolutely everyone. We would. Sigh.

    13 She's Extremely Self-Centered

    People say that Kaley is really self-centered. Why do they say that? Some bloggers point to back in 2014 when Kaley was interviewed by Cosmo magazine and said that she was really into reading anything that she could about herself.

    It's kind of funny to hear this since we always hear stars say that they hate reading about themselves on the Internet. Some actors and actresses can't even watch the TV shows and films that they star in. It's just too weird of an experience for them. Why does Kaley want to read everything that's written about her? Wouldn't she read a lot of things that aren't even true and get upset? We don't get it. This just isn't something that we're used to hearing from celebrities, that's for sure.

    12 She's Not A Feminist And Doesn't 'Demand Equality'

    A few years ago, the actress got in a bunch of hot water for saying that she wasn't a feminist. She told Redbook magazine, "I was never that feminist girl demanding equality, but maybe that's because I've never really faced inequality."

    Ummm… what?! Besides the fact that quote makes her sound like a spoiled brat, because she claims that she's never dealt with inequality, it also makes zero sense. Every woman should be a feminist. Every man should be one too, of course. She then started saying that of course she was a feminist, but it was too late for fans who were really upset that she had said this in the first place. It's always awkward when celebrities talk about feminism and claim that they can't relate to it.

    11 She Finally Admitted To Getting Plastic Surgery

    It's pretty rare for celebrities to admit to getting plastic surgery. We totally know that a lot of female stars do this since, let's face it, it's a fact of the industry at this point. They face a lot of pressure to be young and beautiful. Even though they get a lot of flak for getting Botox or nose jobs, we do understand that pressure. It must really suck.

    Kaley admitted to getting plastic surgery (she told People she got her nose and boobs done) but it does beg the question, why wait so long to tell everyone? We get that she might not have known how people were going to react, but we would have liked to have had this information sooner. It's just better when people stand proud and are honest. We're glad that she confessed, but she could have much earlier, right?

    10 Her Party Lifestyle Ended Her Short-Lived Marriage

    Why did Kaley Cuoco's marriage end? She was only married for 21 months. Yup, 21 months. While that's definitely longer than Kim Kardashian's 72-day marriage, it's still basically nothing. It seemed like Kaley was really in love with her now ex-husband so her divorce definitely surprised fans.

    Rumors are flying that Kaley was the reason why her marriage ended and that it was her party lifestyle in particular that made them sign the divorce papers. How much did she party? Apparently she went out literally all the time and even drank two bottles of wine in a single sitting. Whoa. If that's true, it's pretty crazy and makes us hope that she's okay. We're not sure if this is just a rumor but this is something that everyone says about her.

    9 She's Been Seen As A "Mean Girl" In Hollywood

    We always want to think that our favorite celebrities are really nice people. It's the only way that we don't get super jealous over their lifestyles. Just kidding. Kind of. Not really.

    Apparently Kaley is one star who is actually a mean girl. According to some sources, she's kind of rude (like when she talked about how she really was a feminist after all and seemed really angry about it). Oh yeah, and she also apparently wants to act like she was never even married. People just don't seem to like her whole vibe, and there are a lot of rumors about her being not the nicest celebrity out there. It really sucks to hear that, especially if we're big fans of her show and her character.

    8 She Dissed The US Flag

    Fans got upset once again on the Fourth of July in 2016 when Kaley got into some hot water once again on social media. She put the U.S. flag on the ground and had her dogs sit on it and then put it online. People said that was disrespectful and didn't understand why she did that and why she put it online.

    Kaley saved face and got rid of the photo, but fans were still confused. It definitely doesn't make a lot of sense because it seems like such a random thing. Why not hold up the flag and take a cute picture with her dogs? Wouldn't that be a better way to celebrate that holiday? We have so many questions, but sadly, no real answers.

    7 She And Henry Cavill Dated… For Publicity

    Yup, Kaley Cuoco dated none other than Superman, but only for a super brief period of time (aka two weeks). People believe that this was a totally fake relationship and was only done for show.

    Why do people think this? Well, there's one main reason: Kaley and Henry Cavill work with the same publicity company. Hmmm. If this was an on-purpose relationship, then that definitely makes a lot of sense. The actress was also interviewed by Cosmo mag and talked about how suddenly, because of the time that she dated Henry, she was getting a ton of attention from paps and everyone was talking about her and taking photos of her. Yeah, it definitely sounds kind of fishy and doesn't exactly sound like a coincidence…

    6 She Wouldn't Support Her Ex While He Was Struggling

    Back in 2006, Kaley's ex-husband Ryan Sweeting got into some trouble and was arrested with drug possession, intent to sell, and he also got a DUI. His hard times didn't end there because he had to have an operation on his back and then developed a problem with painkillers. People are really upset with Kaley once again because of this situation and say that she wouldn't support him.

    Kaley definitely wouldn't want her fans to know that she didn't support his ex-husband when he was struggling (if that's what really happened, of course -- we never really know what's going on in the personal and love lives of celebrities). Whatever happened, it doesn't sound great, and it's not the best publicity that any actress could get.

    5 She And Her Ex Only Dated For Six Months Before Getting Married

    Before Kaley got engaged to Ryan Sweeting, they had only been together for six months. Yup. Six months. It's not unheard of for celebs to do this since we hear about super quick engagements all the time.

    While we don't really want to judge anyone's relationship or personal life, including that of a celebrity, we do have to admit that seems kind of fast. Six months is still the honeymoon period, right? We're always super in love at that point and our hormones are going pretty crazy. Of course we would want to get married because we would be feeling on top of the world. But we might want to wait a bit longer to see if we were really serious about this person. People think that this was sketchy since they did end up getting divorced.

    4 She Was Accused Of Stringing Her Ex-Husband Along By Having A Secret Fling With Him After The Divorce

    There have been a bunch of reports that Kaley and Johnny Galecki have been having a "secret fling" and that they've dated since they broke up. This may or may not be true since of course there are always tons of rumors about celebrities, but this is a rumor that seems to be sticking and it's something that her fans keep talking about.

    We totally get why this would be a rumor -- the two seem like they would make a super cute couple, and it makes sense since they star on the same show -- and it just seems like something that isn't going to go away. Even if they're both in relationships or even married, we bet that fans will still ship these two celebs and wish that they would date once again.

    3 She's Full Of Secrets And Only Reveals Things That Fits Her Narrative

    There are a lot of things that people say about Kaley Cuoco, and a theme that always seems to pop up is that she keeps things a big secret. One example? She went to Australia with her fiance, Karl Cook, recently… and didn't tell anyone about it until after the trip was over.

    Look, it's not like she has to alert the press or the paparazzi when she does anything or decides to go on vacation. Of course she's entitled to her privacy and her personal life, just like any other celebrity. But why not post about it on Instagram or share a bit of the trip? It just seems strange that people think that she keeps so many things about her life a secret. This is honestly something that keeps coming up when people talk and write about her.

    2 She Rushed Into Her New Engagement

    We know that Kaley was only with Ryan Sweeting for six months before they decided to tie the knot, and now people think that she's rushing into her current engagement, too.

    So how long have the two of them been together? It seems like they started dating in March 2016 or at least that's when they made things official (and it's when she posted a cute photo of them on Instagram). So while it's been a while since then, it still seems like she started dating him pretty quickly after getting divorced. People aren't even sure that her divorce was official. We wish them the best if they're truly in love and we have to say that we honestly hope that this isn't another heartbreak for the actress.

    1 She Deleted All Social Media Photos Of Her Ex-Husband

    Kaley may have only been married for 21 months, but she was still married, and of course before he was her husband he was her boyfriend. It makes sense that she would have a lot of photos of the two of them, especially on social media. That's just kind of what you do when you're in love.

    People are really upset because Kaley deleted social media photos of her ex-husband. People are saying that it's like she wants to act like they weren't even together and like he doesn't even exist. That definitely seems kind of strange. Why not just admit that the marriage didn't work but say that they were still going to be friendly? That would look a lot better. That's the classy way to deal with a divorce when you're in the public eye, right?!