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    15 Pictures That Prove The Kardashians Are The Darkest Family In Hollywood

    Over the years, we've come to know the Kardashian-Jenners as one of the most famous celebrity families. Some of us love them, while others aren't such huge fans. No matter what, we're all expected to-and often want to-keep up with the Kardashians. Plus, we've all pretty much come to terms with the fact that they're unavoidable no matter how hard we try.

    This group always seems to be in the media and on magazine covers. It seems like every aspect of their life is shared with the world-they tend to receive even more publicity than any other celebs. Part of this might have to do with the fact that there are so many of them, so there is naturally more going on among them.

    While we would probably assume that we know nearly everything about the Kardashian-Jenners, that's far from true. Even though their lives are reported on every second of every day, there is still information that's left out. As it turns out, there's quite a bit about their lives that has remained hidden for some time. There are tons of secrets buried deeply in this family. Somehow, though, they've been kept almost entirely in the family.

    Now, we'll check out some of the pictures that prove that the Kardashians are pretty dark, and that they definitely have something to hide!

    15 Kylie's Lips-Fake Or Not?

    There has always been a decent amount of speculation when it comes to Kylie Jenner's entire body and her transformation. People often accuse her of having plastic surgery. She seemed to undergo a quick glow up, so we get why people would make assumptions.

    Some believed that Kylie deleting her Instagram account was caused by her having plastic surgery. Others just like to start something out of nothing. Plus, lots of celebs have had reconstructive surgeries, so it wouldn't be abnormal.

    As it turns out, Kylie hasn't had plastic surgery of any type. In January 2017, she came out and tried her best to dispel the rumors. She shared her thoughts and said, “As a model, why would I have my face reconstructed?” Some rumors state that she has come forward and admitted that she had lip injections. This was after she lied about it for months. We aren't sure what to believe!

    14 Lamar Odom-Drugs And Dishonesty

    For those who aren't able to keep all of the Kardashians and their hubbies straight: Khloé Kardashian was married to Lamar Odom for seven years. In front of the cameras and out in public, the couple seemed to have an excellent relationship. That's exactly how Khloé wanted things to appear. In 2014, she opened up and explained how she had to lie to the media about her relationship.

    Underneath their smiles and their “perfect” relationship, Lamar was struggling and mistreating his wife. He had multiple affairs and got involved with drugs. In 2015, Lamar had a serious overdose and nearly died. He even admitted to getting his own apartment so that he could do drugs without Khloé knowing about it. Most recently-in 2017-he mentioned that he regrets cheating on his wife.

    13 Sweatshop Suspicion

    Whether or not we are passionate about human rights and work equality, it's still important to know what's going on here. We're specifically focused on one Kardashian for this issue, but we don't know that everything elsewhere is on the up and up.

    At one point-when Khloé Kardashian was selling her denim under the name of Good American-she visited a factory where these pieces were made. She even shared videos of the factory and gave fans a tour via Snapchat while she was there.

    In the video clips, Khloé yells at a handful of workers. The floors aren't finished. It doesn't seem like the cleanest business with ethical business practices. After the accusations came out that Khloé was running a sweatshop, she shot down the rumors and claimed that her employees were being paid.

    12 Bruce's Pre-Transition Cross-Dressing

    We can all recall the major announcement of Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn Jenner. This was a pretty big deal at the time and a huge shock to a lot of us. Apparently, it wasn't as big of a surprise to the family as it was to us.

    Over the years, the Kardashians and Jenners have caught hints that Bruce may have been transitioning, but it was never explicitly stated. When Bruce officially started to come out and speak about his change to Caitlyn, he explained that the girls had walked in on him in a dress before. Kim Kardashian had also seen him in women's clothing.

    Though the family may not have put it completely together, they had a chance to phase into the idea when they realized it was becoming a pattern for Bruce. Now, Bruce has happily become Caitlyn, and she's wearing whatever she wants to in public and in private!

    11 Kourtney Will Find A Way

    Times of grief and loss are challenging enough. Then, we add in the whole will idea, and this causes drama and added stress. Celebrities have to deal with this too, and it can sometimes be even more complicated for them. The rich and famous will naturally have a lot more wealth and items to give away, so there is a bigger battle over them.

    After Robert Kardashian's death, his daughter-Kourtney-didn't believe what was written in his will. At the time of his death, Robert was married to Ellen Pearson Kardashian. Apparently, Ellen received a lot more of his possessions than Kourtney was expecting her to. Plus, Kourtney probably wanted these things. Kourtney went so far as to have her father's handwriting analyzed. She thought that Ellen was getting some belongings that she shouldn't.

    10 Robert's Diary Details

    When Robert Kardashian died, he left behind a series of diaries. As most widows would, Ellen Pearson Kardashian gave them a look. We're not sure if she shared them with the rest of the Kardashians and Jenners or not, but she probably should have. After reading them, Ellen could have just stopped there and reflected on Robert's life or something.

    Instead, she decided to sell the information from these diaries to In Touch magazine. To make matters worse, she might have even lied about some of the details. What she ended up selling to the magazine were details about Kris Jenner beating her daughters-Kim and Kourtney.

    The Kardashians were quick to dispel these claims. The mess ended in a lawsuit from the Kardashians to Ellen. Ellen fired back. The cases were then settled.

    9 Kanye's A Loose Cannon

    Listen, every Kardashian fan out there was elated when Kanye dropped to his knee and asked Kimmy to be his bride. We all wanted her to have a happy ending-even if she was being a fame wh*re and abusing the sacrament of marriage to get ratings and magazine covers. A lot of stars have done a lot worse for fame and money, right?

    Sadly though, it looks like things are pretty tense for Kim and her hubby these days. Some have suspected drug use. Others are wondering if Kanye isn't going through some kind of breakdown. Could it be the Kardashian curse striking yet again?

    We can't be sure what's going on behind closed doors, but some sources have revealed that Kanye isn't in good health. He's gone postal on the papps more than once or twice, and often doing so in front of his friends and family-giving them pause about his character and his state of mind.

    8 Keeping Up With The Kardashians Can't Keep Up

    For a while, Keeping Up with the Kardashians wasn't doing too badly. It had a decent number of viewers, and it kept people hooked. When there's a lot of family drama-that doesn't happen to be your own-we're naturally drawn to it. For a lot of us, it's a guilty pleasure, and we'd never even consider confessing that we watch it to anyone.

    As it turns out, this reality TV show isn't working as well as it used to. The view count over the years has greatly declined. Earlier in 2017, the show was receiving some of the lowest ratings it's ever gotten.

    There are some rumors that the show may be coming to an end in the near future, but we'll see. The Kardashians surely have enough money to go around and will probably secure a deal to keep this rolling.

    7 Kim-OCD Or A Total Slob?

    We've all got our days where we throw our clothes on the floor in a hurry or leave dishes in the sink for way longer than is probably acceptable. Then we've got people on either end or at each extreme-the OCD and the slobs.

    Believe it or not, Kim Kardashian is a combination of OCD and a slob. There is a slight chance that the OCD thing is a bit overdone by the Kardashian/Jenner clan, as most of them have come out and talked about it. Maybe Kim is also trying to fit in with the rest of the family, or maybe Kris just stresses organization to her kids.

    What's tricky to understand is how Kim claims to be OCD when we've seen pictures of her home when it's not in exactly pristine condition. Maybe Kim just doesn't know what the acronym really stands for or something.

    6 Kris Kicked Kim Into The Limelight

    We've heard some charming stories about how celebs became famous. We've heard some really great stories of luck, too. We've never really heard a good explanation as to why the Kardashians are so famous though. They just are, right? They've always been famous just for the sake of them being famous.

    It all started with Kris Jenner and Kim Kardashian. It's pretty simple, but it's also strange and slightly disturbing. The family supposedly became popular following the release of Kim's sex tape. It gets worse though, because Kris is the one who released the tape. This just doesn't seem like a good move, and it could have pushed Kim down that path.

    Maybe it was worth it though. The Kardashian-Jenners are super rich and crazy popular. We're guessing Kim got over it pretty quickly once they all started living it up.

    5 Kanye Vs. The Rest Of The Fam

    There's always one or two people in every family that nobody's a huge fan of. It's bound to happen, especially in larger families. It's true for the Kardashian/Jenner gang as well.

    To kick it off, Kanye vetoed Kris's plans for him and Kim to live nearby once baby North was born. Kanye also doesn't treat Kim right, according to the family. They think he should be doing things differently. They also got outraged about him not opening doors for Kim. Awkward Thanksgiving dinner, anyone?

    Beyond the family's opinions of Kanye, there are also some struggles between he and Kim. They are fighting over power, and he continuously tries to control her life. He tries to limit her and is trying to prevent her from getting plastic surgery. This surely doesn't make for a happy marriage! Is there a divorce in the future?

    4 Fake News-Keeping Up With The Kardashians

    Most of us will assume that reality TV shows are not entirely real. The basic premise of a lot of these shows may follow the lines of the family's lifestyle. Naturally, some things will be exaggerated and others will just be completely made up. This is how producers keep people hooked on bad reality TV.

    Many people tend to believe that some of what they see on Keeping Up with The Kardashians is entirely true. We hate to break it to you, but it's just not that real at all. It turns out that even the cast isn't always aware that certain situations are made up. Apparently, the Kardashians play a pretty convincing role.

    To make this even more upsetting, even Kim losing her earring in the sea wasn't real. The whole thing was fake and planned ahead of time. A lot of fans were shocked when news broke that Kris's mansion was up for sale a few years back. That's when everyone realized the front of the house we'd been led to believe was Kris's home-was never Kris's home. Oops!

    3 Kris And Her Men

    In Hollywood, we've seen thousands of affairs and scandals. They're essentially unavoidable-or so it seems. Divorces, drama, custody battles and tales of revenge flood the media with every new rumor.

    Kris Jenner is not any different though. Sure, we've seen lots of little tiffs between Bruce and Kris on Keeping Up with The Kardashians, but they seemed fine for the most part. They seemed to have a pretty loving relationship. Yes, they had a couple of breaks, but lots of couples have them.

    Though it happened years ago, it still had to have some impact on Bruce and Kris' marriage. Prior to their marriage-which was in 1991-Kris had cheated on Bruce with her ex-boyfriend, Todd Waterman. This is the only instance of cheating that we're aware of, but maybe it's been a pattern for Kris.

    2 Kris And Her Nightmare Talk Show

    Remember hearing about Kris Jenner's talk show? It was supposed to be called the Kris Jenner Show, but it never really happened. Some of us even missed this announcement because it was so short-lived.

    A few years back, Kris attempted to kick off her own talk show. It was meant to be produced by Fox, but it didn't last long. In fact, it didn't even last the six-week test to see if it would be successful on the air.

    Why exactly did the show get cancelled? Kris supposedly showed up to work hungover. She also was rude to the staff on the set of her show. We get that it's her show, but she shouldn't treat people so badly that her show had to get completely cancelled. It's somewhat shocking that it didn't last, especially because she's been in the limelight for so long.

    1 Kim's Butt-load Of Money

    Celebs are known for having lots of money. The whole rich and famous lifestyle definitely describes the Kardashian/Jenners pretty spot-on. Now, Kim Kardashian is absolutely loaded with cash and all of the fancy possessions. That's not what we're looking at today though. We're talking about her rear end.

    We all know about Kim's mirror picture featuring her exposed cheeks. Everyone freaked out and immediately accused her of getting butt implants. Rumors were started, and people believed them. What's new though? Rumors are always spreading, and celebs are always the target.

    To combat these rumors, Kim went ahead and got some x-rays. She shared them to show that she hadn't gotten implants. Whether or not everyone believes her to this day is unknown. We don't know what else she should try to dispel those rumors if they resurface.