Główna » Zabawa » 15 Pics That Prove The Most Beautiful Famous Women Were Destroyed By Surgery

    15 Pics That Prove The Most Beautiful Famous Women Were Destroyed By Surgery

    We all get a guilty thrill out of reading those tabloid stories in the grocery check-out line. Even if you deny you've ever glanced at them, we know the truth. You've definitely read a headline or two before pulling yourself away. It's too tempting to ignore! The nature of tabloids is that they pull you in, regardless of the truth behind the story. Many of those headlines revolve around cosmetic alterations as well, which makes for some very tempting photos.

    Is it any surprise? Many stars nowadays don't seem to understand the concept of “let it be”. They're so busy trying to freeze wrinkles in their tracks and plump up their lips to retain that “youthful” profile. Does it work? In some cases, yes! We fully support some stars in their quest for cosmetic procedures. In many cases, though, it does not help them.

    Many women have been destroyed by cosmetic surgery, as you're about to see here. The following 15 women have had their bodies, hearts, and minds destroyed by plastic alterations, and often think they still look good! Everything from a mother-daughter duo to the muppet queen herself is on this list. Take a look, but be careful… Some of these faces are too shocking to believe.

    15 Jocelyn Wildenstein: When Revenge Goes Too Far

    Sometimes affectionately known as the catwoman, you might have heard her name being thrown around in the news lately. Turns out that this big mama cat is alive and kicking, as well as scratching and clawing people when they don't treat her the way she wants to be treated. Would you expect anything less? While it's said that she got the surgeries to make her more appealing to her late ex-husband, she actually loves them even more than he did. She's such a big fan of the work that for a while she was wanting to get more! Short of ears and a tail we don't know what more she could have done. Do they make fur implants yet? We know someone who'd be the first in line…

    14 Lil Kim: Let's Rap About This Mess

    She used to be so beautiful. With her gorgeous skin and well-proportioned features, Lil Kim was a lil beauty. At least, before she got into the plastic surgery. Not to mention her eyes! Before the plastic surgery her eyes were a mesmerizing amber brown, with a golden glow that makes you want to stare into them forever. After the surgery, we can barely see in. She doesn't seem to have a whole lot of room for facial movement either, which is a shame. As someone who's expressive for a living you'd think that she would want as much range possible! Instead it seems that she's chosen to freeze-frame her looks with little to no success. It's just not the same without being able to see those gorgeous eyes and radiant smile.

    13 Donatella Versace: The Fashion Icon Has Failed

    Versace, a name thrown around in everything from fashion shows to rap songs is probably one of the first things you associate with plastic surgery. Why? Maybe because she's had so much of it she's basically become the poster woman for socialite surgeries! Just look at what's happened to her. Before going under the knife (or needle) she looks fresh, happy, and totally chic. After a few years, though… Not only does she look swollen, she looks droopy as well. We assume it's the result of a few too many surgeries, but who knows. It's a little unsettling to look at. No one would willingly want their eyebrows sticking out that far, right? Like, we've heard that big brows are in; but does she really think THAT is what people mean? She didn't even draw them on!

    12 LaToya Jackson: Does That Nose Really Run In The Family?

    That nose must run in the family. Just kidding! It's actually a love of plastic surgery that has followed both Michael and LaToya Jackson around for most of their lives. We heard a rumour that she got her nose done to match her brother. Whether that's true or not is beside the point; she's gone way too wild with the surgeries, and has gone from a really beautiful star to a big-eyed, small-nosed, trying-too-hard woman. It's disappointing, even if it's not the worst change we've seen. This photo is definitely not flattering either, while the before shot shows her off quite well. It's not just the change in camera angles though. She's changed her whole face, and it definitely didn't improve her looks. Though, it might have improved her family relationship if she did do it for her brother.

    11 Amanda Lepore: The Result of MANY Poor Choices

    Talk about over the top. If Jessica Rabbit was turned into a creepy Halloween costume, we would expect it to look a little something like this. If you can find a full body shot of her, we definitely recommend you look it up. Her proportions are wild, and definitely something that could only be achieved through plastic surgery. Not to mention those lips! They look like hot lips candies, which is NOT something you want to associate a real life body part with. Overall, we much preferred her before she had all her plastic surgery. She pulled off the pin-up glamour girl much better in the before shot than the after shot. It's the difference between being an embodiment of the style and a caricature of it. Can you guess which photo is which?

    10 Heidi Montag: Sometimes The Destruction Is Emotional Too

    Sometimes the damage is emotional, as we see with Heidi Montag. Her body and face aren't actually all that destroyed; she looks normal by some people's standards, if not a little less animated than she was. We had to include her on this list though because of the emotional damage her surgeries have caused. She had 10 plastic surgery procedures done in one day once, which is more than the majority of people have in their lifetime! Does she love it? Maybe at one point. Now she's pretty vocal about the fact that she really regrets the procedures. She hates that she got them all done, and she doesn't like that she did it for the stardom. Let this be a lesson, kids: get plastic surgery to please yourself, not to promote yourself in the tabloids.

    9 Dolly Parton: You All Knew She'd Be On This List

    Sweet, sweet Dolly Parton. She reminds us of an old Mom who's trying to be cool by wearing her kid's jeans. Except in this case the jeans are plastic surgery, and being cool is synonymous with looking like a country s*x symbol. Her look has changed dramatically over the years, and we definitely attribute some of it to the superstardom she achieved with her music. She's one of the most talented country singers (maybe ever), and her legacy will live on long after her death. It's almost like another Elvis! At least Dolly Parton has tried to change her body for the better, though. She's gotten the work done that she feels she needs, even though she doesn't need it at all. It's left her looking a little too exaggerated and fake, though not unsettling (like some of the pics coming up).

    8 Janice Dickinson: Classic Plastic Surgery Fail

    She was SO PRETTY at one point in her life, but it seems like that time is no more. Not only does she have wrinkles now (something most people go to plastic surgeons to fix), she's got a really weird texture of skin. Maybe it's all the filler pooling in different parts of her face, but it definitely looks strange. Wrinkles aren't a bad thing, and skin textures change depending on age, diet, or even how much sleep you're getting. Most of the time it doesn't look this bad, though, and we'd believe that she's going to go even farther with it. If you can find a full body shot of her, look it up. Her whole body looks like that, and she's kind of spooky skinny. Talk about a plastic surgery mistake. Somethings just don't age as well as you'd want them to.

    7 Farrah Abraham: Sixteen And… Plastic?

    It would be hard to tell which side is which if it wasn't for that huge pout she now has protruding out over her bottom lip. While some of it might be the swollenness from it being immediately post-surgery, she's reported as saying that she's not entirely happy with the procedure now that it's done. It's too dramatic, too big, and looks too unnatural. Apparently she was just looking for a little plump up. She got more than she bargained for, though. At least she's not walking many red carpets! After leaving 16 and pregnant she ended up getting sucked into the world of adult films. There's no Oscars for those, even if people do have their favourites. Maybe she can get it corrected before filming her next big thing!

    6 Joan Rivers: Because… Of Course!

    Drum roll, please! Who's the best of the worst? The one with all the plastic parts? None other than the fabulous Joan Rivers. You might not believe it, but she used to be gorgeous. Back before many of us even knew what TV and the entertainment industry were she was entertaining the masses. Her career launched and never seemed to stop taking off. Maybe that's why she got so sucked into all this plastic “improvement” stuff the stars talk about. All it's done is turn her from a gorgeous woman into a vaguely frightening muppet. Just look at that face. It's so rounded and soft while still being angular. Not to mention those eyebrows that have just disappeared, and the beady little eyes. It just screams puppet, and not in a fun way.

    5 Georgina Clarke And Kayla Morris: Two Peas In A Plastic Pod

    This mother daughter duo are two of the quirkiest names in the UK. And yes, they are a mother and daughter pair. Whether you believe it or not is beside the point. What you need to know is that these two have jumped into the plastic surgery abyss and can never climb out again. The stories about them are ridiculous. Apparently they exotic dance for men in order to gain enough money to fuel their next plastic surgery adventure; hopefully these dances aren't mother-daughter routines, but who knows. We don't want to think about whether there's a market for it or not. We'd say try and guess which one is the mother and which one is the daughter, but it's pretty impossible. Check out any British reality tv show to learn more-- They kind of feel like the Snookis of the UK.

    4 Joan Van Ark: Not The Worst, But Definitely Not Good

    That before photo is definitely an old one. Because it's so old you'd expect there to be a natural progression of aging in the next one. With Joan Van Ark that's definitely not the case. She has stalled her aging process so much that she doesn't look much different than that photo on the left. While the hair has improved, her skin has gotten a little wrinklier. That's the only thing showing her age, and it's not really showing much. The rest of her face is so smooth and frozen that it's impossible to actually find any signs of anything: happiness, sadness, age, stress… It's not natural. We're supposed to wear our experience proudly, not smooth it out with injections and changers. Not to mention those eyelashes. It's like little spider legs… And we know those weren't surgery-altered.

    3 Priscilla Presley: We Swear She's Not A Bad Wax Statue Here

    Poor Priscilla during our research someone described her as looking like a wax statue, and we think that that's definitely true; especially in this photo! She used to have a liveliness in her face, and a sparkle in her eyes. That's changed over the last decade, and we attribute it to her getting into plastic surgery. While some tasteful plastic surgery can be okay, she looks like a totally different person. It might be the hair, but some length shouldn't make too much of a difference. Her face looks so different because it is different. Those cheeks are not the same cheeks, and that chin is lumpy and wrinkly. Do you think she noticed after getting it done? Or maybe she thought it was just a matter of waiting for the swelling to go down.

    2 Johanna Tukiainen: There's A Good Reason You've Never Heard Of Her Before

    You've probably never heard of her before, but the change is dramatic. While there's a few years between these two shots, it's still a great example of the horror than plastic surgery can wage on a person. Johanna Tukiainen was living in relative obscurity from us in North America even though she was a huge star in Finland. She was a sensation, singing and dancing her way into the hearts of Finland. Unfortunately, after a s*x scandal and some assault charges, she's not the beloved Finnish girl that entertained the masses. She underwent a huge amount of plastic surgery during and after this rise and fall to stardom, but it didn't help. She's now a self-proclaimed reformed Christian, singing and dancing in her own way without the pressure of a label.

    1 Michaela Romanini: One Of Italy's Most Beautiful Women… Once Upon A Time

    This Italian socialite is another good example of high society plastic surgery going too far. Her mouth is rounded and almost a perfect circle now, which is not something anyone should every aim for having their mouth do. She looks sunken in and wrinkled, as if she's been put through an aging process at 10x a faster rate than everybody else. It's proof that sometimes the plastic surgery just doesn't pay off, even when you have more than enough money to pay it. Not to mention those brows… Is that microblading or just a really over-excited spooli? Whatever happened to her, don't repeat it. While she might have been a beauty standard once, that bar has been lowered, knocked to the ground, and replaced with someone far more real.