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    15 Pics Of Bella Thorne And Her New Beau

    Okay - Bella Thorne used to date Blackbear. First thoughts to come to (your) mind are: 1) "Who the heck is Blackbear!?", and 2) "Why is that even relevant?" No worries, we're gonna break it down for you. Now, Blackbear is an American hip-hop artist. As of late, Bella has been dating a gentleman by the name of Mod Sun (also a rapper). Bella and Mod have been seen umpteen times around town together, and the two have been very public with their kinship via Instagram and Twitter. "Uh, yeah Willie but um… what in the heezy does all of this mean?!" Sorry, we're just giving you the background story first. What it means - is that Blackbear and Mod Sun know one another; matter fact, the two are actually good friends. Bella used to date Blackbear, now she's dating Mod Sun… therefore, in so many words, Bella Thorne is living super duper foul!

    Dating someone and then turning around and dating a buddy of theirs is just wrong and messed up on so many levels. It's even more messed up when you're dating your ex's friend out in the public and millions of people are witnessing it! That's the reason why the following 15 pics of Bella Thorne and her new beau (Mod Sun) make our stomachs queasy on sight. Never mind their disgusting PDA and horrific choice of style…

    15 Bella Thorne and BF Mod Sun Step Out For A Lil' Lunch, Her In Her Usual Street Rat Style And Him Looking Like A Painter

    Bella Thorne and newest snuggle boo Mod Sun were spotted finishing up their meal on Thursday (October 19) in Los Angeles. The item, who have been spending a ton of time together as of late, held hands as they strolled. Mod, even appears to be taking home some leftovers and some brews! This is so sweet, right? Uh, WRONG.

    Nothing is sweet, about stepping out with your ex-boyfriend's bff in public for all the paps to see/capture. This photo has already gone viral, thereby we know Blackbear has already caught wind of it. We can only imagine what Blackbear is thinking and how he truly feels. One thing's for certain-if these two were to get hitched, Blackbear would surely not be the best man!

    14 Mod Sun Opens The Door Like A Gentleman For Bella, Despite His Rugged Look

    Once they reached the vehicle, Mod Sun had two choices: let Bella get in the car herself while he popped one of those bottles open in the driver's seat, or, be a gentleman and open Bella's door for her whilst trying not to drop the food and brewskis. Now, that first option may sound good (to a lot of you guys) but in reality Mod make the right decision by electing to open his new beau's door.

    Normally, a guy performing such a sweet gesture would makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside; however in Mod's case, we've had to take Pepto-Bismol (the original, pink liquid one too!) to deal with the squeamishness of the situation. You gets no points for this Mod.

    13 Well, As You Can See, They're Truly Made For Each Other

    Netflix Original film The Babysitter recently dropped (October 13) on the streaming media/video-on-demand giant. When Cole (Judah Lewis) stays up past his bedtime, he discovers that his hot babysitter (Bella Thorne as 'Allison') is part of a satanic cult that will stop at nothing to keep him quiet. If you've seen the movie, than you already know it is very gory and very crazy! For the premier of the film, Bella Thorne opted to take Mod Sun as her +1.

    The two came super fresh, with Bella sporting a decorative ensemble whilst Mod attended in his characteristic rock star type apparel. Yeah they may be fly, but still it makes our tummies bubble a bit due to the fact that Bella had the gall to take Mod to the premier like he's not Blackbear's homeboy!

    12 Insta-Storying The Movie Premier Like A Bunch Of Teenagers

    Oh wow, the plot thickens… Here, you see Bella Thorne and Mod Sun inside of The Babysitter's premier. We gotta give it to these two, it takes serious guts and very thick-skin to post pictures of this magnitude on social media- especially when you have 16.5 million Instagram followers (Bella does)!

    As you see, the pair were inside the premier getting their flirt on hard. In one image, Bella even reaches over with puckered lips to lay a wet one on Mod Sun-she even captioned it! It makes you think, did Bella get with Mod out of sheer spite for Blackbear? Perhaps Blackbear did do something to scorn Bella; we don't know. What we do know though, is that these two are not running from or ducking anyone.

    11 PDA À La MAX

    And just when you thought the film premier fiasco was over… badda bing! Bella Thorne, is not the only one that can post 'boo pics' to IG. In the above image, rapper Modsun posted on his IG a photo of him and Bella Thorne holding hands inside of The Babysitter movie premier with the caption, "Movie". Mod's heavily tattooed hand blankets Bella's delicate blue-finger-nailed one. Yes, very much cozy.

    It makes you wonder, were Modsun and Blackbear ever really friends? Because if they genuinely were, than Modsun would of never ever went out with Bella (no matter what she did or said) let alone post an IG pic of him holding her mitt. With friends like Mod, who needs enemies!

    10 Bella And Mod Parlay Outside Of The Studio

    On Wednesday (Oct 18), Bella Thorne busted a move with Mod Sun and showed off some dance skills outside of a studio. “Don't drink soda!! Even tho I do;),” she captioned one of the IG photos. As you can see from the image in the middle, Thorne does a mean Michael Jackson impression!

    On the left, once again Mod is cradling his new baby girl and Bella is loving every minute of it. It appears, that Mod knows wholeheartedly that Bella Thorne is a prize and he is showing her (at least for the time being) how happy he is to have her as his trophy. Bella's hot bro, so we're not mad at that; but, it is still unethical Mod what you are doing.

    9 And Mod Sun Is REALLY Liking What He's Seeing…

    Now - this photo is hysterical, misguided and creepy all at the same time! Remember when we just said that Mod is very appreciative to possess Bella Thorne… well, maybe he is just a little TOO happy! Still outside of the studio, Bella appears to be fatigued and walking off (perhaps to the car), while Mr. Mod fiendishly stares down at Thorne's magnificent assets.

    All jokes aside, Mod's expression looks like a spooky Halloween mask or something. If he opened up the door (wearing that same expression on his face) for trick or treaters, we're certain they would promptly run off his doorstep screaming "Bloody Mary!" Nonetheless, it's more than obvious that Mod is really loving life in this particular moment.

    8 Bella And New Boo Mod Get Their Paint On (Maybe He Is A Painter?)

    Awww… even those these two make us (literally) ill to our stomachs, we must admit that they are a cute couple. It seems here, that Bella Thorne and Mod Sun are making beautiful art together. With both of them being artists, it's no shock to us at all that they are getting their paint on. Well actually, looks like they are making a collage or something-hmm, perhaps they are using lovey-dovey photos they have of themselves!

    Mod Sun looks on cheerily as his new squeeze displays her paintbrush skills. Bella really seems to be enjoying herself as well, which makes us think whether she had happy painting sessions with Blackbear too (if she even painted with him at all).

    7 Mod Has A Secret For His Bella, And We Imagine It's Thorny

    The secret Mod's murmuring? - "Girl, I wanna smear paint all over your… " EH wait hold up now, lol! Of course, we have no idea what Mod Sun was whispering in Bella Thorne's ear; but, we can see with our own eyes that whatever he was saying to her she likey a lot. Bella Thorne and Mod Sun's painting session ultimately spilled outside, and the two 'discussed art' in front of a big ol' tree looking bush (or whatever that is).

    We give credit where it's due, and the pair are rocking some chic threads if we must say so ourselves. We especially love Mod's jeans; now that's some art. Hey wait, do you think that is what they were working on-Mod's denims? Providing so… hey Bella and Mod hook our dungarees up too!

    6 Hair Looking Like A Rat's Nest & PJs

    Bella Thorne and Mod Sun sure have been spotted around town a lot of times, considering they only been together for 2 seconds. All the same, the item are seen here entering a compound looking type place; perhaps one of their homes or something, because Bella's looking like she's bout ready for bed with those flower PJs on!

    Mod looks quite fatigued his self, which makes us think he is too headed inside to put on some PJs so he can relax with his friend's ex-girlfriend-sorry, we meant with his new girlfriend. Yes they're an attractive couple, but as long as they're together we will never let Bella and Mod live down the fact of what they did to poor Blackbear.

    5 These Two Definitely Rock N' Roll All Night

    Mod Sun recently posted the above image on his IG. Be honest, doesn't this look like a modeling ad for H&M or something?! Lol, you giggled because you know it does. Bella Thorne sports some fierce spiked belt strap looking things around her legs-giving us a gothic, racy feel. Add the wrist accessories, jean shorts, the chain looking body wrap, blue scarf and matching red sheer shirt and lipstick… and we have all the ingredients for a nauseated gut for days!

    Indeed, Bella may be astonishing (in the pic) but that still doesn't give her a pass with us as far as what she and Mod Sun are doing publicly to Blackbear. We do hope these two know that karma is real, and that the tables will turn sooner or later down the road…

    4 Bella's Mom Loves Mod's Bright Personality & His Hoodie To Match

    Just two hours after posting a risque photo on her Instagram, Bella Thorne posted another snap of new boo boo Mod Sun and her mom happily posing together. Whoa, whoa wait a minute… so let's get this straight. Not only did Bella turn around and date Blackbear's friend right after they broke up-she posted a pic on her IG of him hugged up with her moms!

    Now correct us if we're wrong, but isn't that like the ultimate slap in face? Bella's been with this dude for a half a second and already she is putting up photos of Mod with her mother. Mod must have the supreme gift of gab to win over Bella's old lady that fast. Than again he is a rapper (and get's paid to formulate words) so, that wouldn't be too hard for him to do actually.

    3 Bella And Mod Acting EXTRA In The Pool

    Well well, if a picture's worth a thousand words - than this one would be "Yucky" repeated 1,000 times! Not yucky because they're sharing a fun, intimate moment together; nah, nothing wrong with that at all. It's "yucky", because Bella posted this pic to her IG… like this is not her ex's bff! Think about, if 16.5 million people on Bella's IG saw the pic (not including the folks that do not follow her, yet still saw the photo), then you know Blackbear saw it too. And that's just messed up man-really, really messed up.

    Evidently, Bella and Mod do not think that this is "messed up". In fact, it appears that duo are loving every minute of it! Eh guess you're only young once, right? Apparently…

    2 Bella Proudly Captioned An IG Story Of Her Hardy Hippie Munching Away

    Bella Thorne laid on the PDA for fellow diners recently as her and 30-year-old beau Mod Sun chowed down at a diner, before licking the camera and one other.'Took him to my fave place and he loves it @modsun,' Bella captioned an IG story of her new bae munching away. That place must be kicking, because Mod is throwing down like he's at a backyard BbQ!

    Wish we knew what place this was because we'd be there in a hot second-one, for the food and two to (hopefully) run into the legend Bella Thorne herself! Giving we did run into her, you know the first thing we're asking is "Bella, did you ever bring Blackbear here?" Ouch… don't think she'd care for that too tough but, whatev (Kanye shrug).

    1 Bella And Mod's IG Story And Debauchery Continues…

    Yes, the IG story continues! After Bella Thorne blasted out 'Took him to my fave place and he loves it @modsun,' to the world, Mod Sun soon followed up on his IG with: 'I love this girl.' Mod declared this to the camera prior to retreating behind his lush curls. "Don't hide, I need to see that face. look at that pretty face,' Bella extolled.

    Maybe - possibly - this is true love between Bella Thorne and Mod Sun. For all we know, they could be soulmates. Nevertheless, what these two did (to Blackbear) is wrong and honestly there's no good justification for it. There's a little thing called principles, and dating an ex's friend is at the top of the OFF LIMITS list… well, unless your ex does it first; then the gloves are off!