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    15 Photos Of Mila Kunis That Ashton Kutcher Loves

    Mila Kunis is just the coolest girl. Ever since her days starring as Jackie on That 70's Show, we've been massive fans. We loved her in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, which is widely considered to be the movie that really got her famous, and of course we can't forget her star turn in Black Swan. She was so awesome in that. We're also pretty obsessed with Mila's marriage, let's be real about that. Because she's married to none other than Ashton Kutcher, aka her costar on the sitcom that made her famous. How cute is that?! It's just about the cutest thing that we've ever seen in our lives.

    It would be impossible for us not to say that Mila Kunis is also super hot. Because she really is. We love her movies and think that she's one of the best actresses ever, but she's also got a lot going on in the looks department. We've compiled a list of the hottest photos of her, from Instagram posts to candid photos to pretty photo shoots, and we just know that you're going to love them. Check out these 15 steamy photos of Mila Kunis that Ashton Kutcher doesn't want you to see!

    15 Beautiful Even In Black And White

    We would totally say that this was the photo that made Ashton fall in love with Mila, but we're pretty sure that's not the case. He was probably in love with her from the first moment that he laid eyes on her on the set of That 70's Show. No, we don't know that for sure. We're just saying that would make sense. How could someone not fall in love with her instantly?!

    Mila's eyes look super piercing here, and it's like she's staring into our souls. In a pretty way. Not in a creepy way. Nope. She could never be creepy. She's too beautiful for that. She looks great with her hair a bit more wild than usual and with this white fur coat. Now we're super jealous of her hair and wishing that ours looked like this…

    14 Mila In Wonderland

    For some reason, this photo shoot gives us Alice in Wonderland vibes. It's just so pretty and full of whimsy and cozy. Mila's hair is lighter than usual and she looks awesome in this hippie-style dress.

    Now that we've seen her in so many different types of outfits, we have to say that things are kind of unfair. Most of us don't look great in literally anything that we put on. Okay, noen of us do. But Mila really does. She can do tomboy, she can do casual, she can do girly, she can do fancy. She looks good all the time. Like all the time. Nope, we can't actually be mad at her and we can't actually say that it's that unfair. We love her too much to be negative. We're just going to focus on how pretty she looks here.

    13 That 70's Photo

    In a lot of these photos, Mila is wearing knee socks or high boots, and it's a look that really works on her. We're loving this sweater and shorts and knee socks combo. We especially are into this sweater. It looks so cozy, we would love to own it since it's definitely sweater weather (aka the best time of the year). Mila seriously looks better in a sweater than anyone ever does.

    This looks like an old-fashioned photo. If we didn't know who Mila Kunis was and we didn't know that this was a contemporary picture, we might even say that this photo was taken back in the 70's. It honestly looks like it could have been. It's got a great retro vibe to it and we're big fans.

    12 Those Eyes

    We totally know that Ashton Kutcher can get lost in Mila's eyes. We feel the same way after seeing this photo. Whoa. Her eyes are just so beautiful and piercing. She also has the perfect eye makeup on. It's seriously #goals and if some of us don't wear eyeshadow or eyeliner on a regular basis, we're probably rethinking that.

    Mila looks so great here because she's got a really toned body. It's obvious that she takes care of herself and what's more attractive than that?! Nothing really. She's not even wearing anything that's too revealing, just a tank top and shorts, but she looks super steamy and super gorgeous. We give this look an A plus (and we would rate it even higher if such a rating system existed).

    11 Fancy Pants

    Now that's a sexy photo. Ashton for sure wouldn't want us to see this photo. But hey, Mila Kunis posed for this well renowned magazine, so… we're pretty sure that a lot of people have already seen it. Sorry, Ashton. But when your wife is that hot, this is going to happen, right? It just goes with the (very beautiful) territory.

    This is such a cool look. We normally see Mila looking pretty down to earth, hanging out at sports games with her cute and famous hubby, but now that we've seen how amazing she looks when she's all glammed up, we want to see even more pictures of her like this. She can really rock an old-fashioned, glam look. She looks like one of those Hollywood actresses from decades ago.

    10 Feminine Fatale

    What a gorgeous photo. We can't even deal with how pretty it is. Whoever styled Mila's hair and makeup seriously knows what they're doing. It's so on point. Her eye makeup brings out the beauty in her eyes even more, her cheekbones are pronounced, and that dark red lipstick is just perfect. We totally need to get ourselves some.

    Mila has a very soft, feminine look, so even though her makeup and accessories are a bit on the edgy side here, she still looks really girly. And we love that. She's a great blend of tough and soft and that must be what captivated Ashton Kutcher in the beginning, right? She's just the greatest. Of course, he's pretty cute, too. So we think that they're definitely #relationshipgoals.

    9 Steamy Shot

    This was taken as part of a photo shoot and we have to say that Mila's body is #perfection. Like whoa. She has curves in all the right places and looks really toned, too.

    It feels like a really intimate photo and yet it was taken for a publication, so… we're not going to feel guilty for looking at it. Nope. Besides, she looks so good, how can we not look?! We just can't help but be awed by her beauty. We totally know that Ashton must feel that way 24/7. He must compliment her all the time and tell her how gorgeous she is basically every five minutes. Yup, we're convinced that's the way that things are in their house. How could they not be?! He must tell her that she's hot and then she goes "No you're hot" and it's probably a whole thing. What else can they do? They're both ridiculously attractive.

    8 Marvelous Mila

    It's super refreshing to see this photo, isn't it? As females, we're always told that we should have super flat stomachs and that we should do basically anything to achieve it. It's not really a standard that we can live up to since a lot of our bodies are just curvy and no matter how many crunches we do, our stomachs just aren't going to be that flat. It just won't happen. And we don't need to hate that. We can just forget about that and move on.

    Mila looks awesome here and of course her stomach looks amazing too. And we have to say that we think that she's even hotter because she has some curves around her stomach, too. She's not too skinny and she has a real body. It just makes her even steamier.

    7 Almost Too Attractive

    When we see this photo, don't we all think, "Okay, that's enough. We get it, Mila. You're incredibly good looking. Now you almost look too good looking." We're just joking, of course. We would never think that she's too good looking. We're such big fans.

    It's pretty cool that Mila can look so different in almost every photo that's taken of her, even though she's still got her dark brown hair and isn't looking crazy different. She just wears clothes so well and can pull off any makeup and hairstyle. We're in awe. And if we're in awe, then we can only imagine how amazed Ashton Kutcher is on a regular basis. He must just feel so lucky all of the time. We're loving the curlier hair here, too.

    6 Mystery Woman

    Doesn't Mila Kunis look so mysterious here? It's a look that really works on her. Her hair looks awesome with this curly updo. We would say that she should wear her hair this way all the time but… her hair looks good so many different ways.

    Mila has an absolutely amazing face for makeup. Sure, a lot of actresses are beautiful too and they have photos taken of them and they look great. There's just something really special about Mila. But we already knew that, right? And Ashton Kutcher definitely knows that since he married her and Hollywood definitely knows that since she's a big star. It's not exactly a secret and we love that since she's so cool she deserves all the success in the world.

    5 The Prettiest Picture Ever

    This is honestly the most beautiful photo we've seen of Mila yet. Well, we're going to say that and then we're going to see the next picture and say the same thing. Totally guilty. When someone is this pretty, that's just the way that it goes. We're convinced that it's not possible for someone to take a bad photo of Mila. Or even just a decent photo. She looks like a goddess in every single one.

    This outfit couldn't possibly look any better on the actress. From the red tights to the grey heels to the girly black dress and lacy white top, it just all looks incredible. The styling of the photo is really cool too and we love that Mila is sitting on a wooden stool and staring off into space. It's glam and mysterious and whimsical and so many good things.

    4 Just Chilling

    Does anyone look this good in a simple white t-shirt and jean shorts? Nope. How could they? They're not Mila Kunis. And Mila Kunis looks good in anything that she wears, as we established above, and this is yet another example.

    This is definitely more along the lines of her personal style. We usually see her hanging out with Ashton at a game or something and it's all jeans and t-shirts and baseball caps. She's never decked out in anything too fancy and we're not sure that she wears a lot of designer labels. And she looks just as steamy in this outfit as if she was wearing the fanciest outfit ever. That's pretty amazing. That just proves how incredibly attractive she is. Again, we would say that it's unfair, but we love her too much for that.

    3 Cozy Yet Steamy

    Black and white photos are so beautiful in a romantic kind of way. It's like they turn things up a notch (or 100 notches) and suddenly the subject of the photo is 1000 times more attractive. It doesn't take much to make Mila Kunis attractive, of course, since she's already there. This is just an especially gorgeous picture.

    We love the sweater and boots combo and think that we should let this into our fall wardrobe rotation. Mila's got her signature smokey eyes happening and we think that we're going to adopt that beauty look as well. Let's just agree to do everything that she does, okay? What? That's creepy? Oh. Nevermind. We don't want to be creepy. We just want to be Mila's BFF. Nothing weird about that.

    2 Late At Night

    Whoa. This is definitely steamier than some of the other photos on this list. Mila can look really girly, really feminine, and as we can see in this photo, really edgy. We love this edgy side of her and it was honestly something that we didn't even know existed. We're so glad that it does because she really is #goals.

    Not many people could pull this particular look off. Mila's tights are totally ripped, for one thing. But it doesn't look trashy at all. Because she could never, ever look trashy. She just looks like the coolest girl that ever existed in the universe (and, no, we don't think that's too dramatic). Her smokey eyes and studded black boots and black sweater and messy hair are just so cool.

    1 Not Sure Who's Cuter

    What's better than a pretty photo of Mila Kunis? A pretty photo of Mila Kunis and an adorable cat, of course. This is just about the sweetest thing that we've ever seen, and it's also a really steamy photo.

    How could it not be?! Just look at the actress. She's sitting on the sofa with her legs askew and a serious look on her face. We love her hair, her makeup, and her outfit. This is definitely something that we would wear. There's something so sweet and innocent about this whole photo shoot and we're really digging the sweetheart vibe. If Mila wasn't our fave actress before, she definitely is now. She's honestly just too beautiful for words and we can't see what movie roles she takes on next.