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    15 Of The Most Cheapest Celebs In Hollywood

    When we think of celebs, we love to picture the ridiculously expensive life they're living that we just won't be able to attain. They're driving expensive cars, dropping thousands of dollars on lunch in L.A., lounging poolside (or oceanside) while they're not filming or in a recording studio, and shopping at lush boutiques whenever they get the itch to do so. It's not fair and it's something that we literally dream of every day. However humble our own lives seem to be in comparison to the Kardashian's, it's nice to learn that not all celebs are living life entirely like a king or queen. In fact, many of them are much more frugal than we would expect, or even give them credit for.

    After learning that yes, celebs are indeed like us, we're comforted by knowing that they're not always spending their days in Paris, downing champagne while wrapped in their jewels and wearing designer shoes. However, we're also learning that there is a fine line between the humble, frugality of some celebs and the downright cheapskates that others can be.

    If you want to learn about some money-saving tips from top-earning celebs, we've collected a few of the most famous who are well aware of what's in their bank account and are making sure that that number hardly moves. While smart in theory, it can be reputation-ruining when it goes too far.

    15 Sarah Michelle Gellar Uses Coupons & Asks For Discounts At The Meat Counter

    One of Hollywood's sweetest gems of an actress, Sarah Michelle Gellar, is a star who is down-to-earth in more ways than one. Even though her and her hubby keep those dolla bills rolling in on the regular (how much residual pay does SMG make off of those Buffy re-runs anyhow?), the two of them are pretty price-savvy in the grocery store. Specifically, Sarah is the one who is more likely to shop for discounts for the family during her grocery store runs. When shopping for fish or other meats, she we won't shy about asking the packagers about which varieties are on sale. While one would think that the celeb duo would want fresh and tasty protein, their logic is that the sales are due to overstock (and not necessarily lack of freshness). Sarah won't even hesitate to bust out her coupon book at the register, because according to her, why pay more for things when other people don't have to?

    14 Sarah Jessica Parker Dresses Her Children In Hand-Me-Downs

    What is it with women named Sarah and have three names in their title? This Sarah is not so different from Miss Gellar in the sense that she is conscious about where her hard-earned Sex and the City millions are going. For example, she's not about to spend a lot of money on her daughter's wardrobe's. In fact, she won't spend any money at all! Her daughters get most of their clothes from their cousins by way of hand-me-downs. While it's a very modest way to keep the mortgage paid, it's gotta be pretty sad for the two girls who have to look at their very fashionable mother on screen and at home, meanwhile they're wearing stained frocks. Although, who even knows if Sarah Jessica has spent a dime on her closet. Word is, she has been known to swipe clothes and even decor from her movie sets!

    13 Leonardo DiCaprio Owns A Toyota Prius & Takes Commercial Flights

    Given Leo's star status in Hollywood, you'd think that he'd be riding the ranks of George Clooney and Brad Pitt for A-List pay cheques, and maybe he is, but you wouldn't know it. Leo likes to live a pretty humble life, and while he may be doing most of his driving in the same old Toyota Prius, it doesn't mean that he's not still dropping hundies at LA restaurants. But hey, who doesn't want to dine in style every once in awhile? Leo more than makes up for his multiple properties and tropical vaycays with his eco-friendly vehicle and - get this - choice to fly commercial when jet-setting across the nation. This aging heartthrob may be loaded, but he's opting to do much more than toss his dimes away with extravagance. Leo is an environmental activist who tends to donate rather than spend his dough.

    12 Zooey Deschanel Keeps To A Relatively Tight Budget (By Hollywood Standards)

    Zooey Deschanel has never been the type of actress who you look at and think, "My, my, does she ever know how to spend those New Girl dollars!" Zooey has always been a low-key gal with super realistic perspectives. Following a tragic separation with her husband, Zooey's monthly expenditures were released to the public during the divorce. Upon observing her expenses each month, we can't help but feel even more connected to our homegirl. According to the public records, Zooey has three credit cards with a balance of ZERO on all of them (that's better than we can say, Zo). She spends $300 total on a telephone, Internet, and her cell, $800 in utilities, and $1,000 in groceries. Not bad, right? Seems on par with the life that we all live, except for the fact that she spends $500 a month on eating out, but hey, we probably come close to that in our daily Starbucks runs, amiright? Also part of her monthly budget? She gives $1,500 a month to charity. Adorable!

    11 Jennifer Lawrence Won't Pay For Valet Service

    Jennifer Lawrence is one of Hollywood's most highest paid actresses, but her family isn;t about to let all that fame and fortune go to her head! Jennifer credits her family for not letting her "turn into an "a**hole" when it comes to throwing away her money. She says that she has driven the same car for years and won't pay for snacks out of her hotel mini-bar because she believes that "there's just something wrong" with paying $6 for a Snickers bar, even if she can afford it. She said that she was raised to value and respect money, which is one of the reasons why she won't cover the bill for lavish expenses such as valet. And aside from her ability to rock a couture frock on every runway, she hates shopping and so her multi-million dollar salary is hardly ever spent on designer duds.

    10 Paul McCartney Made His Own Daughter Pay For Her Education

    The former Beatle is worth more than any A-List movie star, and yet Sir Paul McCartney is known as the Beatle who is the most tight when it came to those purse strings. Even though he's got hundreds of millions (teetering on a billion here), he still wouldn't front the bill for his daughter's education. He made her pay her own way through college, which some would say is noble, but c'mon! All she's learning from this is that debt stinks! While it may have shaped her into a more gracious person, it doesn't change the fact that he's been teaching her the value of money her whole life. What's paying for her tuition going to change? He's made people pay for drinks at parties, and worse, his marriage to Heather Mills crumbled because he refused to pay more for charity and argued constantly over what to do with his whopping nest egg.

    9 LeBron James Is Referred To As "Scrooge McDuck" By His Teammates

    As one of the top-earning NBA players, LeBron is not only earning a huge paycheque from the NBA, but from dozens of endorsements, including top dogs Nike, Coca-Cola, Beats Electronics, and Kia Motors. Not to mention, his "lifetime" Nike deal is supposed to be hovering around the $1 billion range! WT actual F! According to Forbes, he's going to be earning more money off the court than on it this year! Even with all these dolla, dolla bills being handed to him left and right, LeBron is shockingly cheap! Aside from not wanting to pay for apps (ever!), he won't even spring for a $4.99 Pandora subscription to enjoy ad-free music. He also refused to turn on his phone's data and instead hunts for any place with a Wi-Fi signal. Worst of all? LeBron is a terrible tipper! According to one restaurant who stayed open until 4am for him and his friends, he only left a $10 tip. Unbelievable.

    8 Kristen Bell Shops At Target For Dresses To Wear On The Red Carpet

    Kristen Bell may be one of the cheapest celebs we know of! Yeah, she could be worse than LeBron, so that's saying something! While she's been known to buy discount clothes and has even wore a Target dress on the red carpet, the B-list actress uses coupons on the reg. In fact, her favourite coupons are the ones that we all get in the mailbox every month for Bed, Bath, and Beyond. And while those few examples are examples of someone being frugal, the best indication of Kristen being cheap is the fact that she was once caught buying a used mattress from a second-hand store! Cue gasp! I don't care how little money you have, buying a used mattress is never okay. And for a celeb who could probably buy a new one outright and without taking out a small loan, it's downright inexcusable.

    7 Rachel Ray Won't Tip More Than 10%

    Rachel Ray is one of the top celebrity chefs who not only has her own cookbooks and televisions shows, but adoring and hungry fans worldwide. She's raking in the cash alongside those collard greens, but even with all that money, she's regularly giving the snub to hardworking servers. According to her show, $40 a Day, Rachel shares her tips for eating in the city on a small budget. Her advice? Tip less! It's not a very nice strategy if you ask us, considering you and your budget-conscious travellers are out and about spending your money (albeit, frugally) while the person in the restaurant who is struggling to make rent is gipped out of a tip. Why should someone who gets to travel have to penny-pinch while exploring a city when some people may never get to travel at all? Wow, Rachel. Just wow.

    6 Lady Gaga Shops The Discount Racks & Uses Coupons

    Lady Gaga may be a recognized superstar who makes millions upon millions every year, but she's proof that you just can't shake who you are, no matter how much money you make. According to Gaga, it's entirely in her NYC nature to be cautious about her spending. Growing up in New York, she was always on the hunt for bargains, and that instinct to shop the sale racks is still with her today. She'll head straight for the bargain stores, reduced items, and will even bust out a few coupons from time time, and she's not afraid of anyone who sees her dig out an item from the sale bin. She even takes her shopping adventure to the next level by haggling with retailers for better deals. I mean, why not?

    5 Tyra Banks Swipes Hotel Toiletries & Caters Her Parties With McDonalds

    Supermodel and fashion icon, Tyra Banks, may not bat an eyelash at buying a closet full of couture, runway-ready frocks, but she may be counting pennies in other ways to allow for her extravagant shopping budget. Part of these cost-cutting strategies include stocking up on the freebies that hotels provide to their guests. That's right, she's making good use of those shampoo samples and packaged shower caps once she checks out, saving her dozens of dollars on her own toiletry expenses each year. Smart move, Tyra. But get this: Tyra also is tight when it comes to feeding guests in her own home or at parties she's hosting. Instead of choosing a healthy caterer that might require staff and ingredients that are fresh and wholesome, she'd rather spring for a bountiful assortment of McDonalds to keep her friends from going hungry. How… cheap.

    4 Carrie Underwood Can't Take The Country Girl Out Of Her When She Shops With Coupons

    When Carrie Underwood goes grocery shopping, she's not only frugal, but wise about her spending. She's admitted to clipping coupons for her grocery runs, even if she forgets to use them sometimes. She's also taken inspiration from women who have gotten pretty good at the whole "shopping on a family budget" thing: moms and grandmothers. Their advice has always been to "stock up" when there are sales, and that's exactly what Carrie does! While she's keen on grabbing stir-fry kits and Amy's meatless burgers, she'll frequently grab armloads of onions and garlic (her fave ingredients in almost everything!). Buying in bulk is Carrie's grocery shopping strategy, and quite frankly, sage wisdom we should practice ourselves.

    3 Hilary Swank Was Raised In A Trailer Park & Still Shops That Way

    When Hilary Swank rose to the top of stardom and had her bank account reach limits it had never dreamed about before, Hilary was kind to those rising numbers. As if to pay tribute to her humble upbringing, Hilary shops like she would had she merely been working a full-time job as a receptionist. She still shops at The Gap, travels using the Subway, and uses coupons regularly. She says that when she sees the coupons in the paper "they look like dollar bills staring at you in the face". Okay, well maybe, but certainly the look of those coupons must change once you're earning literal millions, right? She also says that her closet is a "hodgepodge" of items, with some garments hailing from bargain stores.

    2 Madonna Asks For Free Stuff & Won't Give Her Staff Holiday Bonuses

    Madonna is a celeb who has been rocking her career for decades, earning money all over the place for her music, movies, and even fashion. She is earning money simply for being alive, let alone doing anything, and yet she is one of the world's most stingiest celebs. She's come in on many lists for being one of Hollywood's worst tippers (she once left an $18 tip on a $400 tab!). Apparently, she "doesn't always leave a tip, and when she does it's a cheap one." Harsh, Madonna. Other than snubbing her servers, she has also asked retailers for free stuff. And how 'bout her lovely, caring staff who work hard for her year round? There will be no "thank you" bonus for them to bring home to their families each holiday season.

    1 Genius Internet Entrepreneur, Mark Zuckerberg Only Spends $40 On Romantic Dates For His Wife

    One of the biggest stories to emerge after Mark Zuckerberg and his wife married and went on their honeymoon was about all the cheap ways that Mark celebrated with his new bride. According to guests, their wedding reception included a spread of cheap Mexican food, but that's not all he spared little expense for while dining alongside his wife. While honeymooning in Italy, they ate at McDonalds once and never left a tip at two more restaurants they ate at. However, this is rumoured to be because the duo couldn't figure out to work an Italian ATM, but who really knows. His frugality is certainly seen with our own eyes in the fact that he wears jeans, sneakers, tees and hoodies on a regular basis, making his billions of dollars virtually lay stagnant in his bank account.

    Credits: MoneyCrashers.com, CBSSports.com, YourTango.com, Newser.com, TheRichest.com, ScreenRant.com, BusinessInsider.com, Today.com, Forbes.com, Zimbio.com, Finance.Yahoo.com, PopSugar.com, MrsJanuary.com, MiamiNewTimes.com, electronics.howstuffworks.com,