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    15 Juicy Facts About Sophie Turner And Joe Jonas' Relationship

    Nothing makes us feel older than seeing our former teenage crushes growing up, getting married, and starting families. The Jonas Brothers are the latest to start heading down this road (though they are still fairly young to be fair). When Joe Jonas announced his engagement to Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner last year, our teenage selves mourned another Jonas Brother being taken off the market.

    However, even we have to admit just how adorable Joe and Sophie are as a couple. We're sure their engagement was a shock to people from both fandoms; it all happened so fast! Nevertheless, these two are going strong and it's only a matter of time before they head down the aisle. If you don't know much about Sophie and Joe as a couple, that's okay, they've kept a pretty low profile. But with their wedding on the horizon, it's probably a good time to catch up on your celebrity couples trivia! And besides, with all of the Hollywood breakups happening these days, isn't it kind of nice to see young, beautiful stars like these falling in love? Now, we're going to tell you exactly why these two are relationship goals…

    15 Joe And Sophie Have Already Started A Family… Sort Of

    Sophie and Joe may not be talking children yet, but they already have some little ones! According to People, the couple already was a dog named Porky Basquiat, but recently they got Porky an adorable new companion, an Alaskan Klee Kai named Waldo Picasso. Pets are a pretty serious commitment for any couple, especially considering how busy these two are (and the amount of travel they have to do for work). Still, Sophie and Joe two are obviously not shying away from this level of responsibility. Their furry friends are adorable, and the fact that they've managed the responsibility is a good sign for the couple's future regardless of whether or not they decide to have children.

    Although Sophie and Joe are often very private about their relationship, their dogs are not as shy. Both of them have their own accounts on Instagram!

    Porky and Waldo are very photogenic, and the two pooches are quite popular on their respective social media accounts.

    They both seem to be having the time of their lives, and it certainly makes us wish we were part of the family! As if that isn't enough, Porky has more than 120,000 followers on his account. Is it wrong to be jealous of a dog?

    14 They Have A Bit Of An Age Difference

    Although Sophie and Joe are both relatively young, they do have a six year age difference. This may not be a big deal for older couples, but most people would agree that it's fairly considerable for couples in their twenties. Sophie was only 21 when she and Joe became engaged, which is definitely younger than average these days. She's since had a birthday (which as Teen Vogue reported, she celebrated by singing along to her fiance's ex T-Swift's "22"). Meanwhile, Joe is only two years away from 30.

    However, Joe is not the first Jonas Brother to get married young. According to Entertainment Tonight, Kevin married his wife Danielle when he was just twenty-two (and she was twenty-three). These two will have been married for nine years this  December, so Joe and Sophie definitely have a good model to look to.  Most people in Sophie and Joe's life don't see the age difference as a problem, one insider told People that even though Sophie is young, she's "beyond her years and crazy, crazy mature." A lot of child stars do seem to grow up pretty quickly, and anyway, most of us would agree that guys take longer to mature, so it sounds like she and Joe meet somewhere in the middle.

    13 They Have Matching Tattoos Dedicated To Sophie

    In early 2018, Joe Jonas debuted a tattoo that most people believe is dedicated to his fiance Sophie's Game of Thrones character, Sansa Stark. According to MTV, the minimalist female figure is reminiscent of a particular scene from GOT where Sansa poses the same way.

    As if this tribute isn't touching enough, Sophie also has a very similar (though not identical) tattoo featuring a line drawing of a woman looking over her shoulder, just like Joe does.

    Many couples get matching tattoos, but Joe and Sophie clearly got creative with theirs. Instead of simply getting each other's names or faces they chose a subtle tribute that also serves as a nod to Sophie's hard work as an actress. Neither of the stars is strangers to tattoos, and Sophie actually admitted to Refinery29 that she has another matching tattoo. She and costar Maisie Williams both have a tattoo in invisible ink of the date they got their life-changing roles on Game Of Thrones. Meanwhile, Popstar Tats reported that Joe and his brother Nick got matching arrow tattoos they debuted before the 2016 VMAs. Obviously, the couple is both fans of getting tributes to those closest to them. Surely  Porky and Waldo are waiting for their tributes too!

    12  Hailee Steinfeld Had A Role In Getting The Two Together

    One celebrity we expect to attend Sophie and Joe's wedding is Hailee Steinfeld. The actress and singer apparently played a part in getting the two together! In a radio interview with Nova 96.9, People states thatHailee admitted that her pal Sophie was a bit curious about Joe before they met. She admitted; "… I did get a text from Sophie being like, 'So tell me about Joe' and I was like, 'Go for it.' " How cute is it that Sophie had her eye on Joe before they even got together? We love the fact that she was bold enough to make the first move instead of waiting for Joe to notice her, it fits right in with her character Sansa Starks' bold persona.

    Also, thank goodness Joe made a good impression on Hailee! We hope he hasn't forgotten to thank her for the endorsement that led him to his fiance. It's no secret that most of us go to our friends for dating advice, and there's a good chance that Joe would have blown his opportunity with Sophie if he had made a bad impression on her friend. It's a pretty good reminder to always be nice!

    11 And Apparently, It Was Love At First Sight

    Based on friend Hailee Steinfeld's confession, it sounds like Sophie was interested in Joe before they even met. According to Nicki Swift, once they did, it was love at first sight (we imagine it always is when two wonderfully attractive people meet)! One insider told Hollywood Life, 

    "Sophie knew Joe was the one the moment they met. She has never been more in love and she thinks she's the luckiest girl in the world."

    Can these two get any cuter? Sophie and Joe seem to have great chemistry, and it sounds like they knew it from the start. Another insider told Page Six that Joe "[was] telling friends there [was] something different with her, and he knew it as soon as they met." Although Joe and Sophie are relatively young, it is kinda nice that they didn't waste any time once they realized they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. A lot of people miss out on great relationships because of their FOMO and ironically regret it later on. We certainly envy the sort of clarity Sophie and Joe had about each other from the start, especially when we can barely decide what to watch on Netflix…

    10 They Got Engaged After Less Than A Year Together

    When Sophie and Joe announced their engagement last year, they had only been dating for about 11 months. Needless to say, most of the public was surprised by the proposal, especially since they'd been so hush-hush about their relationship. However, people close to the couple all seemed thrilled about the engagement. In October of 2017, People revealed that Sophie and Joe announced their engagement with matching Instagram posts of her gorgeous engagement ring, and it didn't take long for the congratulations to begin pouring in. Joe's brothers Kevin and Nick were clearly thrilled about the engagement, and Nick commented, "… I love you both so much." Aww, Nick!

    Despite Joe and Sophie's quick engagement, they're still taking their time before getting married. Many people assume that once a couple gets engaged, they immediately start planning a wedding. However, to some couples, an engagement is simply another stage in the relationship. It seems that for Joe and Sophie, their engagement is just a statement of how strong their commitment is to each other. They will surely grow even more as a couple before they officially walk down the aisle. In the meantime, it's definitely a good sign that people close to the couple are so excited about them tying the knot!

    9 The Ring Probably Cost More Than Most People Make In A Year

    Sophie's ring is certainly stunning. Unfortunately for most of us, that kind of rock doesn't come cheap. If you're wondering how much it cost, don't worry because you're not the only one. Time Magazine's Money spoke to several jewelry experts to try to get an answer to that question.

    According to Brides, one expert placed the pear-cut diamond at $20,000-$30,000, another at $48,000-$58,000 and the last at around $150,000.

    That is a pretty wide range to be sure! We're no jewelry experts, but we're guessing the discrepancy is because the actual experts haven't seen the ring in person and had to go off of a few pictures. Either way, the average of the jewelry experts' approximations is still more than a lot of people make in a year! Only Joe (and his jeweler) can tell us how much the ring really cost, but it's probably better that we don't know. That price range is a pretty high standard to try to compete with! Besides, just imagine wearing that much money on your finger every day. Heaven forbid Sophie were to lose the thing after a night out. It happened to Paris Hilton, and her ring is believed to have cost a whopping $2 million!!

    8 And The Proposal Was A Total Surprise To Sophie

    Considering their age and the relatively short amount of time that Sophie and Joe were together before becoming engaged, it's no surprise that the proposal was a surprise! According to Teen Vogue, Sophie was not expecting the proposal at all. Lucky, she said yes without hesitation, but things totally could have gone a different way. It was certainly a bold move from Joe to propose without really knowing what Sophie's answer would be, and it sounds like the couple hadn't talked about the marriage in detail before getting engaged.

    Joe and Sophie have certainly held out on us about the details of the proposal, but hopefully, they'll come around to sharing more as the wedding gets closer. We'd love to think there was some singing involved, but then again, Joe and Sophie seem like the sort of couple that would go for something humorous and lighthearted rather than overly sentimentally. However it happened, we're sure it was beautiful. Despite the surprise proposal, we're glad things worked out for these two, and it seems to be a sign that they were meant to be. It's very romantic that Joe was so willing to put himself out there for love!

    7 But They Won't Get Married Until 'Game Of Thrones' Is Done Shooting

    Despite their quick engagement, Sophie and Joe are clearly in no rush to tie the knot. According to Cosmopolitan magazine, Sophie's BFF, Maisie Williams has already admitted to the press that Sophie plans to wait until the end of Game of Thrones to begin planning out the wedding, which is understandable considering how busy she must be at the moment. This means that we won't be seeing her walk down the aisle until at least 2019, so the wedding is still quite a ways away.

    At this rate, Joe and Sophie will have been together longer as an engaged couple than they were prior to engagement.

    Sophie told People she hasn't even begun looking for wedding dresses yet! Apparently, she's worried that if she picks something now, it will be out of fashion before the wedding. Which begs the question, just how long are these two going to wait?! Yet despite our excitement about the wedding, we're sort of glad to hear these two are taking their time before walking down the aisle. This is a special time they'll never get back after all. Besides, everyone knows wedding venues are cheaper if you book them way ahead of time!

    6 At Least One Of Sophie's GOT Costars Is Going To Be A Bridesmaid

    Sophie and Joe are a pretty cute couple, but Sophie and her co-star and BFF Maisie are definitely friendship goals! As if the fact that they have matching tattoos isn't enough, Sophie and Maisie's multitude of red carpet appearances together prove that they always have each other's backs. Even though Sophie doesn't seem to have done much planning for her wedding so far, she has completed one important task: picking out her bridesmaids! According to People, Maisie told Radio Times earlier this year that Sophie had already asked her to be a bridesmaid. Being a bridesmaid is always a huge honor, but it has to be especially flattering that Sophie was so certain she wanted Maisie as a bridesmaid even though she's barely made any decisions about her wedding so far. No word yet on who Sophie's other bridesmaids are, but we certainly think there's a possibility the lineup will feature more of her GOT costars! It's certainly easier to speculate about the groomsmen since  Joe does have three brothers. It's hard to imagine him not choosing them, especially since Nick and Joe were groomsmen at Kevin's wedding! We just might get a chance to see Maisie get paired up for a walk down the aisle with Nick Jonas!

    5 Joe's Family Already Loves Her

    Marriage can be very difficult because even when two people love each other, there can be friction between the two families. Luckily this is not something Joe and Sophie have to worry about. Sophie already has the approval of the famous Jonas family! Considering what a tight-knit crew the Jonases are, we can imagine this was a relief to Sophie. The patriarch of the Jonas family, Kevin Sr., told People 

    "We're a blessed family to have [Sophie] as our future daughter-in-law and in our minds, [she's] already a daughter in law!"

    We can imagine Sophie is flattered by such a compliment.

    Though Sophie's parents haven't made any public statements on how they feel about Joe, we do know they've met since The Daily Mail photographed them together way back in December of 2016, which was actually pretty early into Joe and Sophie's relationship. Since we haven't heard any objections, we think it's safe to assume that Sophia's parents also approve of Joe. Overall, the couple seems to be off to a good start. It definitely makes things easier on a couple when they get along with each other's families, so it's wonderful that Joe and Sophie don't have to worry about that.

    4 They Bring Out Each Other's Silly Sides

    You know it's time to get married when you find your partner in crime, and Joe seems to have done just that. Neither Sophie or Joe are big fans of the paparazzi, and they've both showcased their silly sides by finding some amusing ways to deal with the photographers. In the picture above, they decided to showcase some of their special martial arts moves to mess with the photographers. Sophie and Joe have been known to pull out some exciting stunts to deal with the camera people. Although it must be annoying to get followed and photographed all the time, we love that these two chose to have fun with it instead of bemoaning the attention the way some celebrities do.

    It turns out when an actor and a musician get together, they become comedians. However, this side of Joe and Sophie is not as new as it may seem. Back in the JoBro days, Joe was always known for being "the funny one." Meanwhile, Refinery29 recently discovered that Sophie has an Instagram account dedicated to reviewing sausage. She's apparently really passionate about it. Who knew? Though the account features sausage reviews (just like it promises) every caption is more so a tribute to Sophie's sense of humor. Joe and Sophie's playful personas definitely offer their fans a glimpse into how fun their relationship must be!

    3 They've Been On Some Pretty Extravagant Vacations Together

    As if Sophie and Joe aren't making us jealous enough with their whirlwind romance, we also have their Insta-worthy vacations to be envious of!

    Travel and Leisure reported that the couple recently vacationed in the Maldives at a private island called Coco Prive, which costs $45,000 a night!!

    A vacation like that grants us a pretty good glimpse into how epic their honeymoon is going to be, although it's kind of difficult to beat a private island especially for two people that have already traveled all over the world. At this point, they have no choice but to take a trip to space after tying the knot.

    Anyway, if you thought Sophie's engagement ring was expensive, you might not want to think about the fact that the couple spent the same amount in one night. The Maldives actually declared a state of emergency a few months ago due to political unrest, but we suppose that doesn't really have an effect when you're staying on a private island. Nevertheless, we're guessing that these two are going to find a new destination for their honeymoon. Surprisingly, there are a lot more private islands than one might expect, so these two will certainly have their pick of celebrity hotspots they can jet to. Just in case the whole space thing doesn't work out…

    2 And They Had An Epic Engagement Party

    Sophie and Joe's engagement party offered a glimpse into how star-studded their wedding is going to be. According to Us Magazine, the two rented out New York City restaurant Mamo for the party, which featured a fancy sit down dinner as well as an after party. The restaurant is apparently an "Italian and French Provencal eatery" (we don't know what that means either) that Joe and Sophie had been to before and were big fans off.

    The event apparently featured a photo booth, a DJ, and lots of champagne. According to People, the guests included Joe's three brothers, Kevin's lovely wife Danielle Jonas, as well as DNCE members Cole Whittle and JinJoo Lee, and even supermodel Ashley Graham! The guest list also featured Nick's possible love interest, model Georgia Fowler (if you're still holding out hope of marrying a Jonas brother, your window of opportunity is narrowing). Anyway, it seemed like everyone had a blast, and the event was proof that Joe and Sophie really know how to throw a party! Overall it made us way more excited for the wedding! Now we just have to wait another year or so for it. It's tough work being a fangirl…

    1 They Might Be Moving To New York

    For most actors and musicians, Los Angeles is the place to be. However, Sophie and Joe already have established careers, and as a couple that really seems to value their privacy, it seems they may be looking for something a little different. The couple has already been spotted doing some apartment hunting in New York. In February, NY Post reported that the couple looked at two-bedroom apartments inside a luxury building located in Greenwich Village.

    Apparently, two-bedrooms in that building go for a whopping $5 to $6 million (the engagement ring and private island vacation certainly don't seem like as big of a deal now).

    To be fair, New York City real estate is known for being absurdly expensive regardless of financial status. So far the couple seems to be weighing out their options, so no word yet on if they're going to be settling on the expensive pad. They certainly could live anywhere in the world, and Sophie's family lives across the pond in London, so who knows if they've even settled on a continent yet!  If they do select something in that $5-6 million price point, however, we certainly hope everything in their new apartment is gold-encrusted!

    References: People, People, MTV, MTV, People, People, People , Instagram, NY Post, Teen Vogue, Brides, Nicki Swift, Travel and Leisure , US Weekly,  People , People, Cosmopolitan , Teen Vogue, DailyMail , Entertainment Tonight, Refinery29, Pop Star Tats