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    15 Gorgeous Pics Of Aubrey Plaza

    Aubrey Plaza is the coolest. Most of us know her as the sarcastic AF April on Parks and Recreation and she was also in the movies Funny People and Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates. She got her start doing comedy at UCB and her career has really taken off since then. Many people also know her for her physical features believe it or not. She has been told that she's the hottest woman in Hollywood with an RBF. RBF, better known as resting b**** face. Now you see it, right?

    The 33-year-old is definitely an accomplished and talented actress, and, yes, she's also super beautiful. It's impossible not to mention her good looks. What's great about her is that she's not showing off or wearing too much makeup or being conceited. She just is who she is and she seems confident and that makes her even more attractive. Check out these 15 steamy pics of Aubrey Plaza.

    15 Pretty In Pink

    Let's get one thing straight: it's hard to pull off a pink fur top. It just is. It's not something that everyone is going to look good in. Aubrey Plaza looks amazing here with this gorgeous dress and her perfect wavy locks.

    We might not think that she would ever wear pink, let alone a pink furry dress, based on the characters that she plays. Right? She's always playing snarky, smart characters like April on Parks and Rec. That's what she's known for. People probably think that's what she's like in real life. And she kind of is, at least from what we've read in interviews. We really love this picture and we just might find a furry pink dress just like this one for our next party. Aubrey has totally inspired us.

    14 Skimpy Swimwear

    This photo was taken on the set of 'Bad Grandpa', which may have not been a hit at the box office, but at least we got to see Aubrey looking great in a different sort of role. We're used to Aubrey playing the classic angry dark character (April Ludgate in Parks and Recreation for example) but here we got to see her play a more care-free sexy character, and it shows in this picture!

    This is a really pretty, girly look, which is another thing that we don't typically associate with Aubrey Plaza. As you can see, she's wearing a bikini, and a lot of publications posted stories saying that they wouldn't expect to see her wearing something skimpy like that. It's not a major surprise, though, when we think that Aubrey starred in a movie called The To Do List that is literally about a girl deciding to sleep with a bunch of guys. She's not exactly a demure prude and we love that about her. She's just so cool.

    13 Fancy And Elegant

    This is an insanely good photo, right? We can't even with how good this one is. There are so many things going on, it's honestly kind of ridiculous (in the best way, that is).

    We've never seen Aubrey Plaza like this. Sure, she's always beautiful and elegant, but more in a girl next door type of way. We never see her wearing a fancy dress and a fancier long red fur coat and gold jewelry. We totally think that she should wear this outfit all the time. 24/7. No matter where she's going. No, seriously, she could totally throw out everything in her closet and just wear this. It's that amazing. We're also on board with her smokey eyes and wavy hair. So, so good.

    12 Cool For The Summer

    Aubrey manages to look both cute and hot in this photo, which we think is a real skill. She's wearing an epic bathing suit with watermelons on it and jean shorts and holding a watermelon, which really makes the whole thing work. The watermelon is definitely a nice touch.

    It's definitely an outfit that could fit into the "cutesy" category, especially if another celebrity was wearing it. But since Aubrey has an "I'm super cool and confident" expression on her face, she looks really hot and suddenly the picture is totally different. We really love her confidence and how she doesn't try to be anything other than exactly who she is. That's so rare in Hollywood. And, to be totally honest, kind of rare in real life, too.

    11 Brown Eyed Girl

    This is obviously a pretty sultry photo and that was definitely the point. It's not like anyone lies down on a couch in a revealing top and short skirt and acts like it's totally PG-rated. Nope, that just doesn't happen.

    But it's still classy, which is what makes the photo work so well. Aubrey looks beautiful, with her hair long and wavy and her bangs falling over one eye. The whole effect is super mysterious. It makes us wonder what she's thinking about. It also makes us really want bangs. But side bangs. Regular bangs are kind of a pain to think about. Yup, Aubrey's hair is always so good that she gives us major hair inspo. And envy. There's a lot of jealousy going on.

    10 Girl Next Door

    Aubrey looks the most casual in this photo out of all of the ones on this list. She's wearing her hair loose and down and has got a tank top on. She doesn't look like she's wearing a ton of makeup, either -- probably just some eyeliner and a bit of foundation. Or she's wearing makeup that was specifically applied so it doesn't look like she's wearing anything. Yeah, it's complicated being a girl sometimes.

    We love this photo because while we think that the actress looks awesome whether she's in a bathing suit or a ballgown, we can all agree that this girl next door type of look is what seems to be the real her. We're sure that she dresses in a casual manner in her daily life.

    9 Look At Those Legs

    We knew that Aubrey had amazing legs thanks to some of the other photos on this list. This one, in particular, makes it obvious AF. Whoa. We are so impressed.

    Aubrey is really great at posing for photos. She really commits and does an awesome job. The same can't be said of every celebrity. Some of them seem kind of uncomfortable and like they would rather be anywhere else doing anything else. Yeah, we get that they care about the craft of acting and they're talented and all that, and that photo shoots aren't why they got into the business, but then again, press is kind of part of the whole deal. We like that Aubrey seems to enjoy posing for photos (or at least is just so good at it we can't tell that she hates it).

    8 Woman Of Mystery

    This is another really fun picture. We're in love with this amazing bathing suit that Aubrey is wearing. Yeah, she wears bathing suits a lot for photo shoots. Definitely a theme. Isn't it just so cool!? We want one for ourselves. It might not be summer anymore and we might have to wait a super long time to wear it, but we still want it.

    Aubrey looks awesome in this hat and her makeup is so perfect for her. She looks really good with smokey eyes. It's definitely her look. We also have to say that her hair is also a really great length. It's a long bob (a "lob", if you will) and we're pretty sure that some of us are super jealous and want to cut our hair ASAP. And then we'll be miserable a few minutes later and wish that it was long again. That's just what happens.

    7 Pretty In Polka Dots

    What's cool about this picture is that Aubrey Plaza looks amazing but also kind of adorable. Okay, we're pretty sure she wouldn't want to be called adorable. It just doesn't seem like she would enjoy that. But… that's really a word that comes to mind. Hopefully she can forgive us. We don't mean anything bad by it.

    It's hard not to look cute when you're wearing polka dots. We're pretty sure that every time we've worn a polka dot shirt or dress, someone has been like, "Cute dress!" It's just the way that these things go. We love this photo of Aubrey in the black and white polka dot bathing suit because it's such an old-fashioned, pin-up girl kind of deal. The look definitely works for her.

    6 Red Hot

    This is such a fun photo. It's impossible not to love every single aspect of it. Aubrey's wearing a lacy white t-shirt over a printed turquoise bathing suit and holding a bright red phone. Definitely not a boring photo shoot.

    It totally seems like this picture was taken to show off Aubrey's legs and we're okay with that since she's some serious #goals. We love that she's not super skinny and that she has some curves and that she just looks really healthy. There is nothing attractive about starving yourself to be a certain clothing size. We know that she's not really talking to anyone on that cute red phone and that this was just for a photo shoot, but it still looks pretty mysterious.

    5 So Glam

    This picture was taken for Vanity Fair which automatically makes it super cool and beautiful. That publication has so much style and always takes amazing photos of celebrities.

    We're digging the artsy vibe of this one and we like seeing a more serious side of the actress. She really looks like Audrey Hepburn here, don't you think? It must be her brown hair and the black turtleneck that she's wearing and her long legs. Maybe that was the point and the inspiration behind the photo. We're glad that Aubrey is getting the recognition that she deserves because she's really talented and really smart and, like we keep saying, just a really cool girl. No, we don't know her… It's just a feeling that we have.

    4 Little black dress, need we say more?

    Okay, so the little black dress is something that pretty much every female celebrity wears. Aubrey's not the only one. We know that. And yet we have to say that this is our fave photo of anyone wearing an LBD. For sure.

    This dress shows off her figure and shows that she has curves, which is something that we can always get behind. Curves forever. So many of us are naturally curvy and there's no reason for us to feel bad about it. Sure, society has tried, and we probably have had our moments of body hatred, but no more. We should just look at this photo whenever we're wondering if it's okay that we have curves and we can tell ourselves that, yup, it's totally fine.

    3 The Smartest Girls Are The Hottest

    It's kind of funny how if someone is wearing glasses, everyone automatically assumes that they're smart. It's definitely true that glasses give someone more of an intellectual look. That's why that whole "hot librarian" thing exists. Same idea.

    We have to say that Aubrey looks great in glasses, although we're pretty sure that she doesn't actually wear/need them and this was just for a photo shoot. It's all good, though. We love her red lipstick and adorable shorts and pretty flowing black top. We would wear this outfit. It's perfect for a party or casual hang-out in the spring or summer. We just love Aubrey -- she gives us the best fashion and hair ideas. And she plays the coolest characters. There's just a lot of love going around.

    2 Baby Blue

    This is a much different look for Aubrey: super girly hair, a baby blue dress, and black high heels. We pretty much never see her in heels or a dress. Except when she's on the red carpet.

    Maybe she's on her way to a public appearance here or something like that. She's smiling pretty big, which is always nice to see. We're so sick of celebrities who never smile and who think that they're too cool to be nice and decent human beings. It's like they totally forget where they come from. It's just the worst thing ever. That's not Aubrey and we're so glad. It sucks to find out that one of your fave celebs is actually a mean person, but that's definitely not her. We would absolutely be friends with her if we could.

    1 Red Carpet Hot

    Wait, is that Aubrey Plaza?! Yup, it totally is, and she is rocking this red carpet look. We might not expect her to wear such a long, gorgeous black gown, and wear her hair in such a perfectly styled bob, but now we know that the girl can dress up as well as dress down. Yet another reason why we're fans.

    This is not the easiest dress to wear. There's a huge slit in front/around the legs, and it's pretty low in the chest area as well. You definitely need to have some major confidence to pull it off. Naturally, Aubrey pulls it off with flair. Even though we get the feeling that she's more of a jeans and t-shirt girl than someone who wears fancy threads all the time, she looks at home standing on the red carpet.