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    15 Female Celebs And How They Felt Walking Down The Aisle The Second Time Around

    Marriage is a much-contested subject in this day and age, especially in cultures where marriage has grown away from its traditional standing. Many people choose to not get married now, living in long-term relationships that are common-law, or just committed partnerships. Some people still have extended families that like the idea of marriage, and won't let their children seriously see someone unless marriage is on the table. Whatever side of the camp you fall on, you're going to see that celebrities have similarly construed views.

    Relationships, and especially marriages, are hard for people that live in the public eye. Their love and faithfulness is constantly under scrutiny and is often called into question. This is especially true when celebrities are getting married for the second time and super especially true when they're marrying other celebrities. Famous marriages famously fall apart, and it's no surprise that a star's feelings about marriage often change after it happens. Stars are just like us, after all. Maybe we can learn a thing or two from their pain as well. They've certainly got some strong words to say about the marriages. Some are much happier than others. Some of these women aren't afraid to talk about mistreatment in marriages too.

    15 Madonna's Made It Clear She's Conflicted

    Madonna, queen of pop, has had a couple marriages (and a few more high-profile relationships). You'd think that because of her outrageous personality she'd have some strong thoughts to share about her second marriage. Well, the queen of pop is also apparently the queen of self-reflection:

    "I think when you get married you have to be willing to make a lot of compromises and that's fair enough… I think that's the way it goes in relationships. However, you know, I did find myself sometimes in a state of conflict.”

    No doubt the conflict was whether to stay or go. It's stressful walking down that aisle, and even more stressful when you've done it once already and had it not work out. Listen to Madonna and trust that conflict is normal.

    14 Kris Jenner Has Fond Feelings Of Her Second Marriage

    Kris Jenner's second marriage has still been in the news due to an ugly situation regarding Kris's thoughts on Caitlyn's book. When asked to quote about her feelings about planning on marrying Caitlyn (then Bruce), Kris says:

    “I fell in love with him, 150 percent… I've always looked at things like, 'We're just going to figure this out.' I don't stop and think about, What's the plan here? I just went for it. I realized after we got married and I had a limited amount of money, and I said, 'We're going to move into this house. We're going to work hard.'”

    It's such a shame that things ended poorly between them, as it sounds like this marriage was done out of pure love at the start.

    13 Like Mother… Definitely Not Like Daughter: Kim Kardashian Had A Shocking Realization

    Kim Kardashian has had more marriages than just Kanye. While you might think of that as a surprise, Kim K was pretty clear about what she was thinking when she walked down the aisle:

    "I just thought, 'Holy s**t, I'm 30 years old, I better get this together, I better get married'… I think a lot of girls do go through that where they freak out thinking they're getting old and have to figure it out, all their friends are having kids. It was more of that situation. But I knew on our honeymoon it wasn't going to work out."

    Ouch! Sounds like it was a mistake right from the start. We're all grateful that she shared this lesson though, as it keeps us from making the same mistake she did!

    12 Jennifer Aniston Was More Concerned With The Proposal Itself

    It's not just the marriages themselves that cause high stress and regrets, as well as some startling thoughts, to worm their way into these celebrities' heads.

    “When Justin proposed he put that freaking ring on my finger, and I was like, 'Holy c**p, now I'm gonna have to get manicures.'”

    Yeah, because that's what our first thought would be too if we were proposed to. Maybe that's a little too harsh; obviously, as a star, she recognizes the fact that she's got a public image to uphold. It's not just her reputation that's on the line, it's her whole brand. She's also got so many things going on that it's probably natural for something like marriage to just get added to the to-do list. The lesson here is to not feel bad if your first reaction isn't something along the lines of “they're so incredible”.

    11 Drew Barrymore And Second Husband Tom Green Had A Heck Of A Time

    While we can't find what Drew Barrymore says about the second marriage, Tom Green says:

    “I don't really tend to talk about it that much comfortably [or] publicly. All of that was part of that sort of crazy, whirlwind of a time.”

    Sounds like it was rough. Barrymore is clear that she had a tough time emotionally after that as well. However, they both looked perfectly happy during the relationship! No wonder it's so difficult to gauge whether second marriages are worth it. They've got so many ups and downs. Just like regular relationships, they can be good for a short period of time and then feel like the worst thing in the world after. We learn as we grow older, and it sounds like Tom Green understands that and realized that he and Drew Barrymore maybe weren't so well-suited after all.

    10 Mariah Carey Feels Exactly How You Think Mariah Carey Would Feel

    Mariah Carey has some bitter feelings towards marriage, judging from her most recent music video release. Honestly? We don't blame her! We'd feel the same if we were in her situation.

    It's probably for the best, though. Carey has been quoted as saying on the topic of her second aisle strut, “When I walked down the aisle, I was thinking, 'My veil is blowing all over the place!' It was really windy. I was nervous.”

    But afterward?

    Back when it was fresh, she thought the marriage was “comforting - and something I've never felt before. Which is really being in love and happy with someone who really understands me and isn't trying to do anything but make me happy. It's wonderful.”

    Maybe it's best to focus less on the details and be happy with the bigger picture… No matter how unimaginable marriage seems now!

    9 Ashlee Simpson Can Only Say Good Things About Going Back For Seconds

    Ashlee has always been private about her love life, but when she's talking to her second husband, Evan Ross, she's quick to say…

    “I love knowing that I get to wake up next to you for the rest of my life. Thanks for giving me the best love.”

    She felt this way when she was walking down the aisle, and she's adamant that it still holds true today. Her family is beautiful, and the two of them are the cutest couple around, even if they've been together for a few years now. We're glad that she's willing to share her happiness with all of us. It shows us that sometimes first marriages end for a reason… And that reason might be to find the love of your life. It's worked out for Ashlee Simpson, and it can work out for you too!

    8 Heidi Klum Was Extremely Uninterested In Ever Trying Again

    Heidi Klum is a huge inspiration for many young women. Not only has she worked incredibly hard to get to where she is today, she's never given up on her dreams. She's happy to keep working too and puts just as much effort into her relationships as she does her career. Sometimes it doesn't work out, as any hardworking woman knows. Things out of our control just don't end up working, no matter what we try.

    Upon being asked about her second walk down the aisle (and subsequent divorce) she says, "I don't think I'm going to walk down the aisle again. I've done it twice, and it didn't really work out for me”.

    It's a shame, but maybe it's for the best. Heidi Klum seems happier and freer now. Maybe it's a lesson we all can learn.

    7 Jessica Simpson Is Surprisingly Go-With-The-Flow… And Seven Years Later, It's Totally Working Out!

    If you've seen anything about Jessica Simpson lately you know that she's found an incredible man, and the two of them got married. They're so beautiful together and are happily raising some kids that regularly break the internet due to how cute they are. Is everything as perfect as it seems though? When Simpson was asked about this second marriage and whether he's the one she said:

    "I never [think about “the one”] because I already went there, so, I'm not gonna jinx my own self. He's the one for me right now! I'm very happy, I'm in a great place and if right now could last forever, I'd take it."

    At first glance, it doesn't sound too confident. But maybe a humble approach is for the best. After all, you wouldn't want to jinx your second marriage when it's going so well!

    6 Zooey Deschanel Jumped In Both Feet First

    Zooey Deschanel and her partner came out of the woodwork one day long enough for the media to establish that they're all of a sudden married, and Zooey Deschanel is pregnant! It seemed so sudden, even though the both of them are much happier whenever the paparazzi snap photos of them. Keeping it a secret seemed like a tactical play to keep their life private rather than a comment on their relationship itself. She's so wild about her second marriage that she converted to Judaism, in fact! Here's why:

    “My family is liberal. I was raised in the 'you can be whatever you want' kind of way. And in the end, I was like, 'Eh.'”

    Yeah, seems like a solid reason to convert. We're glad this secret, second-time strut was a good one.

    5 Jennifer Lopez Talks Vaguely About "Past Relationships", But We're Sure The Advice Applies

    J-Lo, who has had a few marriages, has some strong words to say on the general topic of marriage:

    "I've never gotten a black eye or busted lip, but I have been in relationships where I felt [hurt] one way or another: mentally, emotionally, verbally… Every day that you don't walk out that door, every day you accept [those] things in your partner and in yourself is a day that you're saying it's ok."

    Could this be on the topic of her second marriage? We're looking to Chris Judd's side of the story to see if it matches up: “You know it's very tough. Your privacy is breached. You're no longer a normal person.”

    You never know. Maybe that second time down the aisle really was the worst of them all… Or maybe it was just hard to navigate through superstardom.

    4 Britney Spears Has Changed Her Tune From This Quote, Pulled After Her Second Walk Down The Aisle

    Britney Spears is the person who was famously married to an old friend only 55 hours, which was presumably the fastest they could get it annulled. It's hard to call that a true second marriage, but Spears has some strong words about it anyway. She was very adamant over a year ago when asked if she'd ever walk down the aisle for technically a third time.

    “I might french kiss someone, but I'm not going to marry anyone, I don't believe in marriage anymore.”

    However, these feelings might be changing… Isn't that right, Britney? We've all seen the Instagram posts between her and her boyfriend, Sam Asghari. The two of them look happy and in love, and it might just be a matter of time before Spears changes her mind…

    3 Pamela Anderson And Kid Rock Were Lukewarm… And Her Walk Down The Aisle Felt The Same

    Did you know that Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock were married? It's true. Pamela Anderson's second marriage was to Kid Rock himself, and they were happy for a long time. This quote comes from when the two of them got officially hitched:

    "It's been sad and lonely and frustrating… I've raised my kids alone in hope of a miracle. Well, my miracle came and went. And came back and back because he knew that I'd wake up one day and realize that I was waiting for nothing… I'm moving on; I feel like I'm finally free… I'm in love."

    While the marriage didn't end up working out, it sounds like she didn't have any regrets at the time of signing those marriage papers. If only he could have stayed her miracle!

    2 Melanie Griffith Is The Queen We Need When It Comes To Marriage Talk

    “You don't need to get married to have a child anymore; it's not like there's a stigma on a child, and getting married, you either go through the whole bull**** of a prenuptial, or if you want to get divorced and you don't have a prenuptial, then you wish you had a prenuptial. So why not enjoy the person and have a good time and do whatever - live together, don't live together - but marriage seems archaic to me.”

    Melanie Griffith is speaking the truth, and we bet that many of you will agree. Marriage is ultimately up to you and your partner. For some, it's a beautiful way to commit to someone forever. For others, it's an archaic practice that doesn't have any place in contemporary society. Whatever side you fall on, rest assured that somebody famous has felt the same way you have before.

    1 Demi Moore's Comments (Or Lack Of) Are Disputable

    Famous folks are notorious for doing one of two things: either they talk all about their personal lives, making it part of their brand and publicity, or they have everything on lockdown. Nobody knows anything, and nobody hears what's happening. Demi Moore is one of those stars who take the latter approach. She doesn't actually say anything about her second marriage. She's all about her kids and has chosen the silent approach to deal with her relationship fallouts and divorces. When you get right down to it, it's impossible to say whether this is for better or for worse. On one hand, there's a ton of opportunities for the tabloids and paparazzi to spin innocent situations or comments into rumors and false commentary on what's going on. On the other hand, you protect your family (and yourself) from gossip spreading. Clearly, Demi Moore made her choice.

    References: dailymail.co.uk, contactmusic.com, www.mirror.co.uk, harpersbazaar.com, huffingtonpost.com, msn.com, people.com, eonline.com, eonline.com, hollywoodlife.com, pattayadailynews.com, usmagazine.com, dailymail.co.uk, dailmail.co.uk, dailymail.co.uk