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    15 Facts We Didn't Know About Tom Brady And Gisele Bundchen's Relationship

    So the Eagles won the Superbowl much to the dismay of this power couple. The Patriots have reigned as the champions for a while, so you win some, you lose some. People either love or hate Tom Brady, but the ones who hate him are clearly jealous. He is one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL, is a multi-millionaire, is married to arguably one of the most beautiful women in the world and has three gorgeous kids. Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen are the king and queen of Celebrity Land whether we like it or not. He is the leader of the NFL and she was once the world's highest-paid supermodel. Together, they are a powerhouse.

    The story of how they got together isn't exactly a picture-perfect scenario, however. In fact, this marriage has endured many ups and downs throughout the years. When you are that famous, it is often hard to avoid controversy. When you are a professional athlete paired with a supermodel, the lifestyle is un-relatable to the majority of the human population. There are many things about Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen that you probably didn't know and that they would like to keep under wraps. Here is a list of 15 facts about their relationship that are shocking.

    15 Gisele Started Out As The Other Woman

    In 2007, Gisele got together with Tom Brady soon after he ended his relationship with actress Bridget Moynahan. There was much speculation that she was seeing him on the side while he was still with Bridget, although that has never been confirmed nor denied. Soon after they started their new relationship, Bridget announced that she was three months pregnant.

    The timing pretty much meant that Tom Brady and Gisele hooked up at least soon after that relationship was over.

    Moynahan spoke out about the time saying it was a “traumatic time of being heartbroken and pregnant,” and added, “it was messed up.” You have to feel bad for this Bridget woman. First, you get dumped for none other than Gisele Bündchen, and then you find out later that you are pregnant with your ex's child. Talk about a tough break.

    14 She Almost Ended Things After His Ex Announced Pregnancy

    Finding out that Bridget was pregnant was almost as hard for Gisele as it was for her. After she had just started dating Tom Brady only later to find out that his ex-girlfriend was pregnant, she almost wanted to end it right then and there. Gisele opened up about how it almost ruined their young relationship. “It was a challenging thing. Here I am, thinking I'm dating this guy, we met and we started dating and everything's great. Then this happens. I felt like I didn't know what to do. It was one of those moments - do I just run away? And now, eight years later, I couldn't have asked for a sweeter bonus child.” Despite all of this past drama, the three parents are amicable and are surprisingly on good terms.

    13 They Were Separated During The Deflategate Controversy

    Back in 2015, there was a Deflategate controversy where there was suspicion that the Patriots won the Superbowl on shady terms. The footballs were slightly deflated the way that they were used to at practice, which supposedly gave them an unfair advantage. Amid this whole scandal, Tom and Gisele were separated at the time with Gisele wanting a divorce. The controversy caused a lot of stress in their marriage.

    The insider added: "Tom is singularly focused on his career and sometimes Gisele feels left out. There have been arguments."

    Gisele has been wanting Tom to retire so that he can focus more on his family, but just like any other marriage, it has a lot of ups and downs. Being in the public eye like you are living under a microscope certainly doesn't help either.

    12 Before There Was Gisele, There Was Tara Reid

    Tom Brady has been around the block before he decided to settle down with Gisele Bundchen. After all, he is one of the most successful and best-looking players in the entire NFL. He had a brief fling with Tara Reid long before Gisele came into the picture. But once she did come into the picture, man - talk about an upgrade! Back in 2002, the unlikely pair dated for just a month while she was still riding high on the American Pie franchise and his NFL career was just taking off. Tara Reid is one of Hollywood's most notorious party girls, so it looks like he had his fling with her while she was still in her prime. These days, it's a totally different story. We can't hide all of our skeletons in our closet forever.

    11 They Met On A Blind Date

    The two met through a mutual friend who told Tom that Gisele was like the female version of himself. "I knew right [a]way - the first time I saw him," Gisele told Vanity Fair in 2009.

    "We met through a friend. The moment I saw him, he smiled and I was like, that is the most beautiful, charismatic smile I've ever seen!"

    "We sat and talked for three hours. I had to go home for Christmas, but I didn't want to leave. You know that feeling of, like, you can't get enough? From the first day we met, we've never spent one day without speaking to each other." Unfortunately, as we all know, he was still in a relationship with Bridget Moynahan at the time, but the rest is history.

    10 She Wasn't Interested In Tom At First

    Gisele Bündchen certainly has her standards and wasn't interested in the five-time Superbowl champion at first. Before even meeting him, she was shown a picture and thought he was "cute." She didn't want any involvement with him because he already had a girlfriend and didn't want to think of herself as a home wrecker. “Tom Brady, definitely not too shabby. He's cute, but if he has a girlfriend,” she said, per Vogue. “There are too many men in the world to go after a man who has a woman. Life is too short.” Well, those words didn't stick to action because after they were introduced via a blind date, they hit it off with an instant connection and fell in love. Brady became single shortly before the blind date.

    9 Tom Makes Gisele Sleep Alone

    No, this one is not out of cruelty or not getting along. This is due to his need to have his body recovered during football season. Like many pro athletes, sleep is important for Tom Brady in order to get his body prepped for the next game. On a normal week, he goes to bed at 8:30 and then wakes up the next morning to head to the team facilities. According to Gisele, Brady will disrupt his normal sleep times which will then leave the bed all to herself.

    Gisele once told Robert Kraft that she woke up at 3:30 one early morning, discovered that Brady wasn't in bed, and then found that he was in his lab studying footage.

    That is called dedication when you are watching videos of 300 lb. men run into each other rather than sleeping next to the world's most beautiful woman.

    8 Gunshots Were Fired At Their Wedding

    Wow, this part almost makes it look like Tom and Gisele have ties to the mafia. All jokes aside, there was some serious danger that went down at their wedding that is seedy, to say the least. According to United Press International, two of their bodyguards approached paparazzi during the festivities in an attempt to retrieve their camera's memory cards. Police said a shot was fired at the photographers as they left. Though the couple claims they didn't hear any shots, their former bodyguards were found guilty of the attempt to severely harm in November 2013. It looks like that they will go to great lengths to protect their privacy. You have to feel bad for their bodyguards now. They are probably sitting in their jail cell wondering if it was worth it.

    7 Gisele Got Tom To Be A Vegan

    When you are the most sought-after supermodel or the best quarterback in the NFL, it is vital to take care of your body and have it in the most prime condition. Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen are both practically vegan (but not completely) and follow a strict diet. They even make their two children follow the same diet as they do since they believe it's ideal to start them out young with good eating habits.

    They do not eat products containing: white sugar, white flour, MSG, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, eggplants, coffee, caffeine, fungus, and dairy.

    Overall, the diet is 80 percent vegetables (minus the ones on the do not eat list) and whole grains, and the other 20 percent is lean meats, as well as wild salmon. This is all according to their personal chef.

    6 They Are Worth $480 Million Together

    This power couple rivals the bank that Jay-Z and Beyonce make. Here is the kicker: she is actually the breadwinner compared to him. According to sources, the power couple's combined net worth is an absolutely astounding $480 million. Although Brady is one of the NFL's most elite quarterbacks, it is Gisele who brings in most of the money. She has a solo estimated net worth of $360 million while Brady is sitting on around $160 million. After you have made that much wealth, it doesn't really matter anymore who makes more than who. It is just kind of funny since the press makes it look like Gisele is the one who "wears the pants" or calls the shots in the relationship. This could very well be the reason why.

    5 They Had Two Wedding Ceremonies

    When you are that famous, you are allowed to have two wedding ceremonies. Because, why not? There were many rumors as to how Tom Brady popped the question. Some speculate that it was on Christmas Eve on a private jet, while others say that it was sometime in mid-January.

    Gisele told Vanity Fair that they were engaged long before the rumors even started to circulate, she just didn't wear the ring.

    The famous couple got married on February 26, 2009, in a small Catholic wedding at St. Monica Catholic Church in California. They then held a second wedding ceremony with a destination wedding to Costa Rica in April that same year. Though there were gunshots fired at one of their ceremonies, at least they had the other one to fall back on.

    4 Gisele Raises Their Children To Be Bilingual

    Being Brazilian, Gisele's first language is Portuguese, and she believes it's important that her children stay connected to their roots. This is why she raises them to be bilingual and speaks Portuguese to them in the house. In an adorable story, Brady revealed that he likes to read to his kids before bed, although “can't speak Portuguese at all!”, and his kids find his mispronunciations hilarious. “We have a lot of Portuguese books in the house and those are… funny! My kids can speak Portuguese, but I can't read it, so I probably screw up half the words. If they want to pick one of those books, they can, and that's one of the ones that I read. It's hard.” Gisele probably gets a kick out of her husband's futile attempts at Portuguese.

    3 Tom And Gisele Disagree About Politics

    It is true that Tom Brady is a Trump supporter. After all the drama and election political talk, Gisele Bünchen decided that she just had enough of it and threw in the white towel. After a few interviews in the locker room, there were "Make America Great Again" hats in Tom Brady's personal area. Coincidence? I think not. In response to every comment on her Instagram, Gisele answered "no" that they are not supporters of Trump. She might not be, but it looks like he is.

    Tom Brady has told reporters that after a discussion with his wife, they just agreed to disagree and not talk about politics.

    However, Trump was granted permission to announce his endorsement, Brady still gave no comment about it in the media.

    2 They Disappeared From The Red Carpet For Two Years

    This is indeed a couple who puts family first before being famous and wanting to gloat in the spotlight. That is definitely something to be admired. One big event that Tom and Gisele stun in year after year is the Met Gala. The black-tie affair is one of the most exciting nights for fashion enthusiasts. If Tom Brady wasn't a metro guy before, then he certainly is now that he is with Gisele. She sure has dolled him up well. Anyways, what were we talking about? Oh yeah. That two-year hiatus. Perhaps they were just building up anticipation so that they will be even better received the next time that they attend a red carpet event. People need to abide by this king and queen.

    1 They Both Have Celebrity Exes

    Now that we have already talked about Tom Brady's actress ex, Bridget Moynahan, let's take a look at Gisele's most famous ex.

    It is none other than Leonardo DiCaprio, and they had a long, five-year relationship before she got together with Tom Brady.

    It looks like Gisele Bünchen has dated some of the most eligible bachelors in Hollywood. Talk about living the good life. We have to wonder how things would have been different if she got married and started having children with Leo. Her famous ex-boyfriend is now linked to some of the youngest, hottest top models in the business, and the press has even labeled him a "modelizer." What Leo and Gisele shared the most in common is their passion to help the environment and save the world.