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    15 Facts About The Sultry (And Now Single) Stud, Channing Tatum

    Okay, let's be real - the world fell in love with Channing Tatum when he played bad boy with a heart of gold Tyler Gage in Step Up, and fell in lust when he played Mike Lane in the film based on his real-life experience Magic Mike (and, of course, we can't forget the sequel, Magic Mike XXL). However, for quite some time, ever since they met on the set of Step Up, he's been off the market because he's been head over heels in love with actress and dancer Jenna Dewan. However, the two have separated after several years of marriage, and now Channing Tatum is a single man for the first time in quite a while - and we can only imagine how women around the world are freaking out.

    After all, while he married a celebrity once, that's no guarantee he'll look to Hollywood for his next partner. Perhaps he'll fall for a regular person - and every woman wants the chance to get with Channing. You know he's gorgeous, you know he's got some major skills on the dance floor, but how much do you actually know about Channing Tatum? Well, here are 15 things you need to know about the newly single stud.

    15 His First Dancing Job Was For A Ricky Martin Video

    Given his background, it's probably no surprise that Channing ended up getting his big break in a movie where he played a dancer (although let's not forget his masterful performance in Coach Carter). He apparently learned how to dance growing up by attending several quinceaneras and just learning all the moves that his fellow students were busting out on the dance floor. And, his dancing didn't just come in handy when he was trying to get girls at the club - it led to some of his first paying jobs. In fact, his first ever dancing gig was for a Ricky Martin video, "She Bangs" (who could ever forget that song?).

    The shoot took seven days, and according to IMDB, he was paid a mere $400.

    It's not as if he's front and center in the video - you have to really search for him in the background - but that's still a pretty major project to have a role in. We wonder if he ever compared notes with now ex Jenna Dewan, who has also appeared in several music videos over the course of her time as a dancer. Of course, she had a lot more central roles than Channing's background gigs and had the opportunity to dance on tour as well.

    14 He Really Loves Fairies - And Even Had A Fairy Version Of Himself On His Wedding Cake

    Okay, we have to admit, this is something we would never have guessed about Channing and it's majorly adorable. Apparently, if his daughter ever wants to read stories featuring fairies as the main characters, or play fairies over the weekend, Channing will be the first in line - because he's low key obsessed with the mythical creatures. And we're not just talking about a minor fondness for fairies - he and former wife Jenna went so far as to have a fairy themed wedding complete with a cake topper that featured the two of them styled as fairies. We can't imagine what a cute dad he is with his baby girl, but given his own interests, we have a feeling that he's the best tea party companion in the whole world. And, he just proves that you don't have to be afraid to be yourself and show off what you're interested in - if a tough guy like Channing Tatum can admit he's totally into fairies, why not just share whatever your passion is with the world without worrying about what other people think? After all, life is just too short to hide the things that make you passionate and light you up - if it's fairies, embrace it!

    13 He Struggled With ADHD And Dyslexia As A Child

    It's no secret that being an actor is incredibly hard work. Not only do you have long days on set and often have to travel for long periods of time to shoot on location, you also have to memorize pages and pages of a script - and be able to get all the words correct while also bringing the emotion to your character. It's no small feat, and Channing Tatum may just have an even tougher time than most because of his struggles. He confessed to Vogue Italia that

    "I wasn't very good in school, I have dyslexia so I wasn't able to read like other kids."

    He was prescribed some medication to help, but after it left him feeling incredibly depressed, he stopped taking it. He hasn't spoken much about whether or not his childhood struggles still affect him in a major way in adulthood, but either way - it must be hard enough to memorize a script normally, let alone if you have some kind of a learning disability like dyslexia that makes things even more difficult. Well, it certainly doesn't seem to be holding him back in his career - either he's found a way to conquer his struggles, or he's just willing to put in the extra work required.

    12 He Has A Bizarre Signature Recipe

    Back when he was promoting Magic Mike XXL, Channing Tatum headed to Reddit to participate in an AMA, a unique event where fans can ask their favorite celebrity anything they want in the world. There are plenty of fans who ask somewhat more serious questions or ask questions about his projects, but one particular individual asked what his perfect sandwich would look like - and the recipe is pretty bizarre. You might assume that someone with as much muscle as Channing would be all about the meat, but his favorite sandwich in the world is actually vegetarian (although it contains literally no vegetables, so don't get the wrong idea). In fact, the recipe is so bizarre you probably need to hear it in his own words - "it's very complicated. bread, white. peanut butter, not crunchy, creamy. grape jelly, double portion, more than you think should actually fit on a piece of white bread. bread. and then some Cheetos shoved in there and then you're good to go." Uh… you had us until the Cheetos, Chan. We get that everyone has different tastes, but that just sounds like a downright bizarre combination. Although, given that he claims it's the perfect sandwich, we are somewhat intrigued.

    11 He Had An Imaginary Friend Named Boy When He Was Young

    Many individuals in the entertainment industry have larger than life imaginations. After all, the reason they get into an industry as acting is because they love creativity and putting on a new persona and creating stories. Channing, it seems, definitely has an imaginative streak - just ask his parents about his childhood friend. Apparently, when Channing was just a kid, he had an imaginary friend who had the oh-so-innovative name Boy. Channing shared stories about his former invisible bestie during an interview with GQ, where he confessed that

    "I would make a plate for him and all that, crazy behavior. I think I just lived in an imaginary world."

    Not long after, in 2015, Jimmy Kimmel facilitated a reunion between Channing and Boy, and if you haven't yet seen the clip, you need to go watch it ASAP. In it, Channing fully embraces the silliness of the situation and not only pretends to talk to Boy, but even gives him a full body bear hug. We have to admit, one of the things we love most about Channing isn't even his looks - it's his sense of humor. You wouldn't guess he'd be a super funny guy, but he definitely has us cracking up time and time again.

    10 He's Terrified Of Porcelain Dolls

    Everyone has certain things they're scared of. For some, it's heights - the mere idea of getting to the top of a large structure makes them break out in a sweat. For others, it's various creep crawly creatures. For Channing Tatum, the scariest thing in the world is porcelain dolls. And we have to say, we kind of understand - they're definitely a little creepy. And, of course, it definitely hasn't helped that they've made so many horror movies about the doll becoming a real person and going on a straight up rampage. Porcelain dolls certainly aren't very in fashion nowadays, so Channing probably wouldn't encounter them in many people's homes, but still - can you imagine if his daughter Everly suddenly discovered a passion for porcelain dolls, and wanted to begin keeping her collection right in the middle of the family's home? Channing would have an absolute heart attack, and we totally wouldn't blame him - you'd always be waiting for the real-life horror story to unfold as your doll began talking or coming to life in some way. Ellen teased him about his fear by bringing a porcelain doll to the stage when he was a guest, and we have to admit - we'd be totally terrified in that situation too!

    9 Not Only Did He Star In 'Magic Mike' - He Helped Finance It

    Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few years, chances are, you've heard of Magic Mike. The first movie was a smash hit, everyone was excited for another, they were just as thrilled with Magic Mike XXL, and now the concept has even been expanded to a live show in Vegas. I mean, talk about an idea! And it all started out with Channing wanting to create a project that allowed him to look back at his time as an exotic dancer. While many actors have ideas for projects and reach out to try to begin getting some funding, Channing didn't wait around for a hundred investors to decide to shell out and take the risk for the project - instead, he just ponied up the cash himself.

    And we're not talking about a few hundred dollars - we're talking a few million.

    He and Steven Soderbergh allegedly put up the film's full budget together, with the belief that they would get their money back because it would be a huge success - and their guess was spot on. I mean, who doesn't want to watch a movie filled with a ton of gorgeous men with abs of steel? It's a winning formula.

    8 His Dancer Name Back In The Day Was Chan Crawford

    While there are certainly celebrities who would go to great pains to hide their past as an exotic dancer, Channing Tatum isn't worried about keeping his youthful career choice a secret. In fact, his creation of the Magic Mike empire made sure everyone on earth knew about his time as an exotic dancer - he just doesn't take himself too seriously, and we love him for that. We're not sure if he had a snazzy nickname like Magic Mike does, but he did have a nickname for when he went on stage - rather than being called Channing Tatum, his real name, he was referred to as Chan Crawford. We're not sure why Chan is better than Channing, but hey - it apparently worked for him, so who are we to argue? Now that he's a huge celebrity, he definitely doesn't need to worry about stripping down for bills, but he's still very much involved in that scene as he works to build his empire. First came the movies, then came the live show, and who knows what's next? There may very well be a point when Channing won't even have to take on movie roles because he'll be so busy running the Magic Mike projects.

    7 Another Reality Television Junkie - He Likes 'The Biggest Loser'

    Given that he's worked as a dancer before and seems to have a passion for dance, we would assume that Channing's favorite reality television show would be some kind of dance competition show.

    After all, who better to appreciate all the hard work that goes into learning choreography and executing the moves during a live performance than someone who has actually been there?

    However, it turns out that couldn't be further from the truth - his favorite reality show is apparently The Biggest Loser. He confessed it all during a GQ interview a few years back, saying that "I really do love it [The Biggest Loser]. It's terrible and it's bad, but I really do think it's because I have an inner fat kid in me. If I didn't enjoy sports so much… my dad was 370 pounds at one point. I definitely have that. I can completely lose myself into just absolutely satisfying things - a really amazing cheeseburger, a pizza, good fries, a beer. I enjoy being comfortable and eating whatever the hell I like." Obviously, he's not eating that way when he's preparing to showcase his abs on screen, but we kind of love that he's not one of those male celebs who exists solely off of lean proteins and veggies.

    6 He Has His Own Brand Of Vodka

    While most successful actors are content to just focus on their acting, Channing is a little bit different - he seems to always have a hundred different projects on the go, and this is just one of them. He's definitely no stranger to having a few drinks from time to time, so he decided to enter the liquor world by creating his own brand of vodka called Born and Bred. He shared a bit about his new product on his Instagram, saying that"it's been a labor of love and we're finally starting to get our American craft vodka out into the world… at Born and Bred, we believe that fathers are inherent storytellers. They take legends, lessons, and myths and pass them down to their children. I learned this in my own childhood and I'm now fortunate enough to experience this wonder every day with my daughter. We set out to create a gift that symbolizes the spirit of the fatherly stories we love." Talk about adorable! We'd totally buy a bottle to try out. Who knows, perhaps one day he'll open a few Magic Mike-themed bars where all the cocktails are made with Born and Bred vodka. Talk about diversifying your income!

    5 He Owns Two Adorable Rescue Horses

    Even though we're more used to seeing him all cleaned up for red carpet events and promoting his various projects on the talk show and late night show circuits, Channing is a bit of a country boy at heart, it seems. And rather than owning a rescue dog, like so many celebrities, he thought a little bigger when it came to his love of animals - and he's actually the proud owner of two rescue horses.

    He started things off with his first rescue horse, Smoke, and then expanded his stable to two gorgeous horses when his then-wife Jenna Dewan bought him a rescue horse named Cajun for his birthday.

    Channing seems to be having a blast in Hollywood right now, but who knows - perhaps one day he'll get a few more rescue horses, buy a plot of land somewhere rural, and open up some kind of sultry ranch where all the horses are rescues and all the cowboys are unbelievably good looking. I mean, who wouldn't want to take a horseback ride while getting a view of some chiseled abs? We have a feeling there's a whole lot of potential business opportunities that Channing could dream up if he wanted to.

    4 He's Totally Obsessed With Pinterest

    Okay, we have to admit - when we imagine what Channing Tatum is doing when he's just hanging out alone, chilling, we think of many things he might be doing. For example, watching action flicks, working out, having some beer and watching the big game, etc. Booting up his computer and hitting Pinterest isn't one of the things we'd assume he does in his free time - but apparently, Channing is a pinning fiend! He did an AMA on Reddit back in 2015, and when asked about what he does when he has a bad day, he responded with the hilarious "oh man. I love Pinterest. Swear to god. Just to not think about all the [stuff] I have to do or what's going wrong, I just go and look at Pinterest." So, next time you feel bad about wasting so much time scrolling through Pinterest and planning dream meals and your dream home, just remember - somewhere in the world, Channing Tatum may very well be doing the exact same thing. Of course, now all we want in the world is to discover his Pinterest board and see exactly what catches his eye - after all, who doesn't want to know more about this single stud?

    3 He Worked As A Model Before Getting Into Acting

    Man, it seems like Channing has had about a hundred careers before eventually landing on acting - although most of them capitalized on his insanely good looks in some way. In addition to working as an exotic dancer for a while, and even getting paid as a legitimate dancer, Channing made some dough working as a model. And he wasn't just some aspiring wannabe who got signed with an agency and then never booked a single job.

    He was in campaigns by ads including Dolce & Gabbana, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Aeropostale, and even walked the runway for a few designers.

    Nowadays, you always see him laughing and having a great time on the red carpet, so it's a bit bizarre to see shots from his modeling days when he was always stoic and focused on letting the clothing do the talking. He could have had a long, successful career as a model, but apparently it just wasn't quite challenging enough for him, which is why he decided to do what many other insanely attractive people do - become an actor. The whole acting thing definitely worked out for him, but he could probably return to the world of modeling if he ever wanted to.

    2 He Started Two Production Companies (And Is Working With Superstars Like Roxane Gay)

    Sure, Channing Tatum is insanely handsome, but he's not the type of actor who is content to just get by on his looks. I mean, just check out his filmography - while he's certainly played the hunky love interest a time or two, he's also tackled comedic roles that allow him to show off a whole different side of his personality. He's not willing to just play the hot guy time and time again. And, it seems he's also not willing to just stay in front of the camera forever - he's interested in other aspects of the entertainment industry, namely, producing. He's apparently started two production companies, 33andOut Production and Iron Horse Entertainment, with his ex-wife Jenna Dewan and a close friend, Brett Rodriguez. And they're not just pulling together fluffy comedies or silly videos - in fact, the first production that they worked on was a documentary film called Earth Made of Glass, which focused on a genocide survivor, Jean-Pierre Sagahutu, and the Rwandan President Paul Kagame. Who knew he had such diverse interests? We can't wait to see what kind of projects his production company decides to tackle next - although we must confess, we hope he still continues to work in front of the camera as well.

    1 He's A Born And Bred Southern Boy

    He doesn't really have a crazy accent, so we would have assumed that Channing is one of many, many stars in Hollywood who came from somewhere in the midwest. However, it turns out he's a born and bred Southern boy - too bad he doesn't have a more pronounced drawl! His family's roots are in the south, and he can trace back Tatums to the 1700s, which is pretty crazy.

    Channing himself was born in the state of Alabama, where he continued to spend summers with his grandparents even once his family moved away.

    He lived in the Mississippi bayou for a few years during his childhood, and then eventually ended up in sunny Florida for a while before striking out on his own and heading to California. We have to admit, we'd love for him to take on a few more roles that get him in touch with his Southern roots -  can you think of anything steamier than Channing with a cowboy hat and full cowboy gear? I mean, he may have mostly eliminated it, but surely he can re-learn a bit of his old Southern drawl? Although perhaps he doesn't want to make the women of the world crazier about him than they already are!

    References: sheknows.com, cosmopolitan.com, gq.com, uselessdaily.com, imdb.com