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    15 Concealed Facts About Leslie Mann And Judd Apatow's Family

    As far as Hollywood couples go, you can't really get much cuter than Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow. The pair has been together since the '90s and really prove what true love is. You can't help but love Judd's movies, which are equal parts hilarious and poignant. From the tale of an unplanned pregnancy in Knocked Up to a family struggling with getting older in This Is 40, his films are well crafted and just plain fun to watch. It's impossible not to smile when watching them and they are always super memorable. He's such a great filmmaker because he makes you laugh but he also makes you think about life, and at times, his scripts seem pretty philosophical. You can't ask for anything more. Judd has also gotten into television recently with the Netflix show that he co-created and writes and produces, Love, and he's also a producer on HBO shows like Girls and Crashing.

    How much do you know about Judd Apatow? What about his lovely wife, Leslie Mann? What about their marriage and their family life? It's time to take a look at this amazing famous family. Read on to find out 15 facts about Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow's family!

    15 They Have Two Daughters, You Might Recognize Them

    Leslie and Judd have two beautiful daughters. Maude is 20 years old and a student at Northwestern University. Iris is 15.

    The daughters are social media savvy, which should really come as no surprise since of course they've pretty much grown up in the spotlight and come from a Hollywood family.

    A story on Fashionmagazine.com said, "Iris Apatow May Just be the Next Big Beauty Star in the Making" and complimented how amazing her makeup looks when she attends events and when she posts selfies on her Instagram account. Maude posts a lot of selfies on her own IG account and also photos of her famous family, like the one above. Maude has 159,000 Instagram followers and her bio reads "fan of the musical Annie."

    14 They Have Been Together For 20 Years

    When it comes to celebrity relationships, it seems like one minute, a pair is together and looking lovey-dovey on red carpets and at events. They're strolling hand-in-hand at the farmers market and grabbing coffee on a Sunday morning. The next minute, they're broken up and each dating new people. It's like, what?! Is romance not possible in Hollywood? The same thing seems to be true when two stars decide to tie the knot.

    Well, that's not the case with Judd Apatow and Leslie Mann. In fact, they have been together for twenty years, which is really awesome and really inspiring. From interviews and photos, they definitely seem to be in love and really respect and care about each other, and it's super nice to see.

    13 Judd Called Leslie "The Future Mrs. Apatow" Before They Started Dating

    When a celebrity couple is this cute and sweet, interviewers tend to ask them if it was love at first sight and everyone wants to know the story of how they met.

    Leslie and Judd have a very good story of how they met. Leslie was interviewed on Today.com and talked about how she met Judd. She auditioned for The Cable Guy and there was Judd.

    He had a job on the film and was rewriting it, but he was there for Leslie's audition and was reading for one of the male parts. He said, "There goes the future Mrs. Apatow."

    She joked that he probably said that about a lot of other female celebs but, hey, we totally doubt it. These two were definitely made for each other and we can tell by the fact that their love story is still going strong.

    12 Maude And Iris Have Acted As Leslie's Daughters Not Once, But Twice

    If you think that Maude and Iris look familiar, that's because, well, they totally do.

    Sometimes with famous, movie star/Hollywood parents, it's only a matter of time before the kids follow in their parents' footsteps. And that's definitely what's going on here.

    Maude and Iris appeared in the Judd Apatow movies 'Knocked Up' and 'This Is 40' with Leslie Mann playing their mom.

    They were absolutely hilarious and show so much talent. Iris has also had a long-running role on Judd's Netflix series Love. She plays a wise-beyond-her-years television actress who constantly rolls her eyes at her tutor, one of the main characters Gus, and who has a pretty impressive understanding of the industry. Maude had a role in Judd's movie Funny People, she appeared in an episode of Girls, along with the movies Other People and The House Of Tomorrow.

    11 The Movie 'This Is 40' Is Pretty Much Based Off Of Their Life

    Since Leslie Mann, Maude Apatow, and Iris Apatow star in This Is 40 as a family (with Paul Rudd as the husband and father), it makes sense that the film is kind of based on Leslie and Judd's real family.

    When Judd was interviewed by The Hollywood Reporter, he talked about what it was like having his daughters act in his movie. It sounds like they really enjoyed the process of acting. He said, "They get sucked into what their real problems are with each other. Like, they're so annoyed with each other that they're not distracted by the fact that they're shooting a movie and it needs to go well, they're more concerned about whatever argument I'm trying to make them have on camera." Sounds pretty amazing… and pretty hilarious. Which sums up this famous family completely.

    10 Judd Cooked Her Dinner On Their First Date

    What do you think a good first date is? People typically go for the whole dinner and a movie thing, which is a classic but which some people might find boring. Well, it doesn't sound like the combination was boring for Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow because their first date involved both of those things.

    Judd invited Leslie over and cooked her dinner on their very first date, which is all kinds of sweet and adorable and romantic and is really just too much to take. She told The Knot that the food was great:

    “He made me spaghetti with Ragu sauce, and Wonder Bread with Fleischmann's margarine, and then some other delicious food I can't remember what."

    That is so simple and genuine, we love it! They also watched one of his movies, according to The Heavyweight. Awwww.

    9 They Got Married A Year After They Met

    The question of when is the right time to get married is personal and subjective and different for every couple. Some couples get married mere months after meeting and falling in love. Others like a respectable year to two years. Others get engaged and it turns out to be a super long engagement.

    For Leslie and Judd, the time was right after one year, so that's when they officially tied the knot. The met in 1996 and got married in 1997. When Judd posted this photo of the happy and newly married couple on his Instagram account, he captioned it with, "Today is the 20th anniversary of my marriage to the brilliant, hilarious, amazing Leslie Mann. The greatest thing that has ever happened to me." As Us Weekly reported, it really was love at first sight for Judd.

    8 Leslie Reads Judd's Early Drafts Of His Scripts

    Writers are super particular about their process, from the actual writing of a book, movie, or television script to where they write to who they show it to first.

    In keeping with their super adorable and romantic marriage, Judd Apatow shows his early drafts to Leslie Mann, and it's impossible not to really love that. Deadline interviewed Leslie and Judd together and Judd explained,

    "The first person to read it is Leslie because we talk a lot about it. Leslie doesn't like reading the early, really [bad] drafts, so I tell her how it's going and talk through the scenes with her… "

    "… Then when I feel like it's pretty decent, I give her the script. I'm also well aware that if she doesn't like it, we're not making the movie. So that's actually the only scary read for me." It's really cool that he values her opinion so much.

    7 The Kids Are Super Close

    It's always nice to see siblings getting along. Of course, that's not always possible all the time, which you definitely know to be true if you have an older sister or brother (or a younger one). It's not easy competing with your parents for love and attention (and the best toys and birthday and Christmas presents). You can totally see how there would be some conflict, drama, and tension, especially on long car rides.

    Maude and Iris Apatow are super close, though, which is really nice to see. They often post photos of each other on their Instagram accounts from when they were younger along with current "sister selfies." They were incredibly cute kids and it seems like they really enjoy looking back on those happy childhood days.

    6 Maude Is Actually Good Friends With Many A-Listers

    It makes sense that if you're the daughter of a famous, successful filmmaker and actress, you would have some pretty fabulous friends. After all, you would run in some pretty fancy and amazing circles, and so you would have access to interesting people (who also happen to be famous).

    According to PopSugar.com,

    Maude Apatow has some celebrity friends. Some of her friends include Aubrey Plaza and Lena Dunham.

    How cool is that?! We could definitely see ourselves hanging out with them, too, and if any of us have seen Maude's Instagram account, which is full of beautiful images and cool selfies, we can confidently say that we would love to be her bestie. (No offense to our actual besties, of course. But we think that they would understand.)

    5 Leslie Doesn't Like To Take On A Lot Of Film Roles

    Whenever a female celebrity is also a wife and mom, she always gets asked the age-old, important question of work/life balance. How does she do it all? Sometimes the answer is along the lines of "I don't do it all, no one could" or "I don't do it all at the same time."

    When The Independent asked Leslie Mann this kind of question, she gave a really refreshing and honest answer. She said that she doesn't take on a lot of film roles because she's a mom:

    "There's a sacrifice being made. I'm not willing to spend too much time away from my kids so I usually don't work that much. Judd makes way more money than me. Besides, I'd rather be home.”

    It's totally a personal decision and we admire her for being open about this topic and doing what makes sense to her.

    4 Judd Pronounces Leslie's Name Differently Than Everyone Else

    Do you think that Leslie Mann's first name is pronounced "Less-lee" with an emphasis on the "s" or do you think that it's with a "z"? We might not know because people go by either one and it just depends on personal preference.

    Well, Leslie says it "Less-lee" and Judd didn't actually know that. He said her name "Lez-lee" for a while… as in a really, really long time. She shared that she didn't tell him that she didn't like him pronouncing it that way. Fascinating, right?! It's never too late to learn something new about the person that you love and are married to, even after twenty years. They are such a cool, interesting, adorable couple. It's really no wonder that they have been interviewed so much and asked for their marriage advice.

    3 Maude Is A Writer

    It's only logical that if a kid grows up in an artistic household, she's going to grow up to be pretty creative herself. Sure, it doesn't always happen, and sometimes children have completely opposite careers of their parents'. But in the case of Maude and Iris Apatow, they are just as creative as their parents.

    Maude and Iris have been bitten by the artistic bug just like actress Leslie Mann and writer/producer/director Judd Apatow.

    Maude wrote a bunch of articles for Hello Giggles and did some celebrity interviews for that publication, which is really cool. She also directed her own film and it screened at the 2018 Santa Barbara International Film Festival. It doesn't seem like it's going to be long before she is involved with even more cool, creative projects.

    2 Judd And Leslie Love Oprah

    We might assume that most people, celebrities and, um, regular people, really love Oprah. That's a safe assumption, right?! We all seem to adore her and think that her advice is awesome and hang on her every word.

    As it turns out, Judd Apatow and Leslie Mann are no different, and they are fans of Oprah. Judd was interviewed by VICE and shared a Sunday morning tradition that he and his wife have. They watch Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday. He joked that his marriage advice is "It's easier if you marry Leslie." Awwww. Isn't that the cutest thing? We feel like we're saying that a lot about the things that Leslie and Judd say. Then again, they are a really cute couple, so it's not like that is a big surprise.

    1 Maude Might Leave College

    Maude is currently a sophomore at Northwestern University. How does she like being a college kid? According to The Chicago Tribune, 

    Leslie appeared on 'Live With Kelly and Ryan' and said that Maude has been considering leaving college. Leslie said she feels "great" about it and "I can teach her everything she needs to know.”

    Admittedly, this is a famous, artistic family and both Maude and Iris have been acting and/or writing for a while now, so it makes sense that Leslie wouldn't freak out the way that we might imagine most moms would. We just know that whatever decision Maude makes, it'll be the right one, and she'll go on to do great things. After all, she comes from a pretty cool and awesome family.

    References: Theindependent.co.uk, Chicagotribune.com, Eonline.com, People.com, Today.com, Fashionmagazine.com, Diply.com, Theknotnews.com, Hollywoodreporter.com, Deadline.com, Vice.com, Popsugar.com, Usmagazine.com