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    15 Celebs Who Paid To Have Their Own Noses Ruined

    We think it would be safe to bet that at least 9 out of 10 celebs have had work done to them in some way or another. Whether it's getting fillers or a reconstruction completely… it's been done for sure. The celebs on this list are no different! Except these celebs may have paid money to get botched work done. So while these celebs are not the WORST nose jobs in Hollywood, they're some of the most obvious ones… and we all know, if your facial reconstruction is obvious, it's not great!

    Now we'll give it to a few of these celebs who “had” to get work done because of a deviated septum. But others did it just for the fun of it, and it may be safe to bet that they're regretting their decision right about now. Like we said… these are the most obvious ones in Hollywood, and these celebs still had the nerve to deny the fact that they even got work done. If it's so obvious they're just ruining their credibility by lying. Anyways… without further ado here are the celebs who actually paid money to get their nose ruined.

    15 Blake Lively: That's Not The Nose We Know

    Blake Lively is one of the most gorgeous women in Hollywood. But evidently she thought her face could use a bit of work when she decided to get a nose job early into her career.

    Many fans have noticed that Blake's nose is notably slimmer and more defined than it was several years ago. It's definitely not the same nose that appeared in Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants! Sources have said that the actress had hoped the change would be subtle- not enough to fuel facial alterations rumours. But unfortunately her new schnozzle made quite the difference.

    Aside from a nose job, Blake has also allegedly had breast and butt implants. She's become a lot curvier since her big break on Gossip Girl. This could have to do with the fact that Blake has since welcomed children with her hubby Ryan Reynolds, or perhaps it's just the result of a good surgeon.

    14 Britney Spears: A Real-Life Barbie Doll

    Britney Spears has been subjected to tons of facial reconstruction rumours throughout the years. But it's her nose that has fans convinced she's definitely gone under the knife. Her nose is seemingly less round and more slender and defined than it ever way before.

    "I believe that Britney has had a nose job to create a slimmer and more feminine shape to her front profile. It's clear that the tip of her nose is slender and less bulbous in the more recent images of her," the experts at cosmetic surgery specialist MYA told Daily Star Online.

    But that wasn't the only thing the surgeons think Britney has had altered. "A regular top up of Botox to her forehead and around her eyes has ensured that her face remains wrinkle free,” they said. "I also believe cheek fillers have been used to help give her more defined cheek bones.” Britney is practically a plastic Barbie!

    13 Jennifer Lopez: She's Not-So Natural

    Jennifer Lopez is a stunning natural beauty, but it turns out she's not entirely au natural. Fans have been convinced for years that the Latina star has gotten a nose job as photos now show her with a slimmer schnozzle than before. And they haven't been afraid to call her out on social media.

    In 2013, London-based surgeon Dr. Ayham Al-Ayoubi tweeted J-Lo, saying her face showed “many signs of facial reconstruction.” “These before and after pics of @JLo show many signs of #plasticsurgery - naturally pretty but now looks amazing,” He wrote. But Jen quickly clapped back with her only reply, tweeting, “Sorry Sir, but I have never had surgery of any kind.”

    After being burned, the doctor tried to clear things up by insisting his assistant was the one who sent the original tweet. Too bad J-Lo's fans weren't convinced it was sincere.

    12 Ashlee Simpson: It Was A Career-Ender

    Ashlee Simpson once had a promising music career, but her success didn't last long. In 2006, she came out with a new look- ahem; a new nose- and fans were barely able to recognize her. Fans immediately began criticizing Ashlee for trying to change her natural looks, saying it gave sent a bad message to her younger fans.

    The singer's surgery scandal also had the worst timing. It wasn't long after that the pop star was outed for lip-syncing on live TV, which quickly led to the end of her career. We guess Jessica was always destined to be the more successful sister.

    However, to this day Ashlee continues to remain vague on her alleged nose job. “I think as long as people have two eyes, then you probably know the answer,” she once said to US Weekly about the rumours. “I don't think I am more beautiful than I was [before].” Well, the pictures don't lie.

    11 Beyonce: She's Not-So-Perfect After All

    Queen Beyonce has done a lot of things in her lifetime… including getting a nose job. The notoriously private singer has always remained quiet on what she's had done, but the photos show that she's clearly had some help tweaking her schnozzle. Fans allege that her nose appears much more slender than it has in the past.

    Surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn once told Radar Online, “It appears that [Beyonce has] had a rhinoplasty, causing her nose to look noticeably thinner and refined.” But that's not the only thing the Doc thinks Bey has had done! He went on, “Her upper lip also looks like it may have been moderately enhanced, possibly with a filler like Juvederm.”

    He estimates she's spent around $10,000 on improving her looks. Regardless of if she's gone under the knife or not, Beyonce has and always will be drop dead gorgeous.

    10 Megan Fox: Thinks She Could Be Hotter

    There are not many people that would tell you Megan Fox needs to improve her looks. After all, she's been voted the hottest woman in the world multiple times. But the star was reportedly unhappy with her facial features when she was still relatively unknown, which inspired her to get a nose job. Though the actress has denied going under the knife, the photos tell a different story.

    "I would encourage anyone [who wants facial reconstruction] to first speak with a therapist, to try and figure out where this want comes from," Megan once said. "Because a lot of times it's not related to your teeth or your nose or your chin - the surgery is not going to alleviate that insecurity for you. If, then, you feel, 'This is something that I want to do,' then do it. It's amazing that we have the technology to do the stuff that we do." Hey, maybe she was speaking from experience!

    9 Tom Cruise: A Man Of Many Noses

    Tom Cruise is a pretty bizarre guy, so we wouldn't put it past him to have undergone facial reconstruction. Plus, he looks too good for his age for that to be all-natural. Many fans speculate the hunky actor has actually had a nose job at some point in his career. The star has been photographed meeting with a surgeon on several occasions, offering proof that he's had some sort of work done.

    “Tom Cruise has taken nose job when he was young. He had a very big nose with wide bridge at an early age. Now you can see his nose, although still very big, had quite different look and the bridge of his nose much narrower,” Slim Celebrity wrote about the star. “You can see clear difference between his photos in 2003 and 2010 that you can see his nose tip a little smaller and not that big compared before.”

    8 Jennifer Aniston: Born With Her Dad's Nose

    Jennifer Aniston has said she was blessed with her father's Greek nose. But it looks like the star got rid of her notable attribute early on in her career because the 'before' and 'after' shots are startling.

    Jen first sparked nose job rumours when she was seen leaving a surgeon's office two years after her divorce from Brad Pitt. Her rep confirmed at the time that she did go under the knife, but claims it was for health reasons. "[It was to] correct a deviated septum that was incorrectly done over 12 years ago,” he said.

    Sources also suggested that Jen may have done it as a way to transform herself following the Brad and Angie love triangle. “I had [a deviated septum] fixed. Best thing I ever did. I slept like a baby for the first time in years,” the actress has said about her nose. Do you think she went under the knife for health or cosmetic reasons?

    7 Heidi Montag: One Procedure Wasn't Enough

    Heidi Montag has admitted she ruined her looks by undergoing a whopping ten procedures in one day, including a questionable nose job. In addition to fixing her schnozzle, the reality star also had work done on her breasts, butt, ears, and torso. Her goal was to become a real-life Barbie, but she ended up regretting the procedures in the end.

    “It was the hardest time of my life and I feel like I've become a lot stronger from it. And [it] made me look at myself and reflect, 'Why did I do that?'” Heidi has said about her procedures. “Maybe I needed to have more confidence and be more secure in who I was and not thinking so much about my eyebrows or my this or that.” Do you think Heidi looks better before or after her total transformation?

    6 Shia LaBeouf: He Went From Nerdy To Yummy

    Shia LaBeouf was a pretty wholesome kid when he first started out on the Disney channel. No one would have guessed he would later become a big-name actor (with a huge cult following of devoted female fans). But it turns out that a nose job early on in his career helped to cement his sex symbol status. That and the success of the Transformers franchise, that is.

    Photos show that the former child star used to have a much wider nose, particularly at the bridge. Over time, his schnozzle has become narrower and straighter. While this change in appearance could possible be attributed to growing up, most fans are convinced Shia has actually gone under the knife. Well, whatever he'd had done is clearly working for him.

    5 Jennifer Grey: Baby Shouldn't Have Gotten A Nose Job

    Everyone recognizes Jenner Grey from her iconic role in Dirty Dancing. It was the celeb's first major film, and it catapulted her into fame. Too bad that all came to a startling halt after she got a nose job.

    In 1989, she ditched the bumpy nose that gave her face so much character, and she sufferance the consequences. Afterwards, Jen found herself unable to book jobs. She's since blamed her stagnant career on changing her appearance so drastically.

    “I went into the -operating room a -celebrity and came out anonymous,” Jennifer has said. “It was the nose job from hell. I'll always be this once-famous actress nobody -recognises because of a nose job.” Since her ill-fated procedure, Jennifer has only become known as a one-hit wonder.

    4 Ashley Tisdale: It Was A Medical Thing

    Ashley Tisdale sure doesn't look like Sharpay from her High School Musical days anymore. The actress' look was completely transformed when she went under the knife to allegedly fix a deviated septum. However, unlike other celebs, Ash has been very open about her enhancement.

    “Growing up I always knew I had a deviated septum on the right side of my nose, which caused trouble breathing,” she explained of why she got the procedure. “The older I got, the worse it got. I went to get it checked out, and the doctor told me the septum was 80 percent deviated and that I had two small fractures on my nose.”

    But Ashley made sure to add: “I didn't do this because I believe in facial alterations. I did this to help my health.”

    3 Kim Kardashian: She Claims It's Just Contouring

    What hasn't Kim Kardashian had done? The reality star has and still is under the subject of intense facial reconstruction rumours in the tabloids. Fans are convinced she's had everything from breast implants to liposuction to butt fillers. But a nose jobs seems the likeliest.

    Photos from Kim's younger days show a not-so-slim nose. Her old schnozzle appeared a lot larger and bumpier than the slim nose she's been rocking nowadays. A nose job must be to blame, right? To this day, Kim continues to deny she's had any work done- including a nose job. But we don't think contouring can make that much of a difference.

    “I love contouring, and I love contouring my nose,” she said in 2016. “I know everyone thinks I got a nose job, but I really didn't, it's all contour.” But heck, Kylie lied for years about getting lip fillers, so we wouldn't put the same past Kim.

    2 Michael Jackson: He Looks Like Two Different People

    Michael Jackson was one of those celebs that you couldn't deny had A TON of work done. When he first became a household name at the age of 5, Michael was an adorable African American boy with a button nose and huge 'fro. But years later, the star looked like a totally different person thanks to skin lightening (due to a genetic disorder) and tons of hours spent at the surgeons.

    Most notably, his nose became slim, narrow and extremely pointed on the end. Critics called it a facial reconstruction disaster thanks to the unnatural looking results. In a 2002 interview, Michael did admit to having a nose job, though he explained it was to help his vocal ability. "I've had no reconstruction done on my face," he said. "Just my nose. It helped me breathe better so I can hit higher notes." Do you believe his excuse?

    1 Kaley Cuoco: She's Had More Than Just Her Nose Done

    Kaley Cuoco is one celeb who's been open about what procedures she's had done. The bubbly blonde wants her fans to know that it takes a lot of time and effort into looking like a celebrity- and no, it's not all about having naturally good looks! During a 2016 interview with Women's Health, the star admitted to having a breast augmentation and a nose job.

    “Years ago, I had my nose done. And my boobs - best thing I ever did,” the 31-year old said. “Recently I had a filler in a line in my neck I've had since I was 12.” She went on, “As much as you want to love your inner self… I'm sorry, you also want to look good. I don't think you should do it for a man or anyone else, but if it makes you feel confident, that's amazing.” We love Kaley's confidence!