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    15 Celebs Who Despised The Roles They Played

    Sometimes, when a celebrity stars in a role that's iconic enough, we can't help but associate them with that character for eternity. We can't separate the actor from the role, and end up falling in love with the real person and the character at the same time, as if they were the same entity. Unfortunately, not all celebrities feel the same way about their famous roles as we do!

    The following fifteen stars might owe their careers to certain breakthrough roles, but that doesn't mean that the characters they played have a spot in their hearts. Whether it was because they didn't like the essence of the character, the notoriety and craziness that came attached to the project or something else that got under their skin, these talented actors and actresses would rather forget that they ever played these roles.

    Would you have picked any of these? Read on to find out who was really just acting.

    15 Robert Pattinson Hated Being A Sparkling Vampire

    Playing the role of Twilight's Edward Cullen put Robert Pattinson on the map. Though in the past he appeared in another fantasy mega film, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, it wasn't until he brought to life the main sparkly vampire in the adaption of Stephenie Meyer's bestselling novel that he became a household name. In the films, Pattinson constantly has a pained look on his beautiful face, and as it turns out, it wasn't just because Edward was a tortured drama queen. The actor hated his character, openly making fun of him in interviews for being a prude at over one hundred years old. The list goes on of insults that Pattinson had for the vampire, the book and the film. Among other things, he said that the book seemed like it should never have been published, that Edward resembled something of a creepy criminal and there was something gravely wrong with Bella for loving him.

    14 Blake Lively Wasn't Into All The Gossip

    Though it's been a few years now since we said goodbye to our favorite Upper East Siders (and Dan), we still can't shake the image of Serena van der Woodsen whenever we hear or see Blake Lively. For people who don't know much about the talented actress and mother of two, Lively and Serena are one and the same. But if you do know a little about the star, you'll know that she can't stand these comparisons because she couldn't relate to her famous character at all. “People loved it, but it always felt a little personally compromising-you want to be putting a better message out there,” she said, insinuating that she and S had slightly different morals and values. “I would not be proud to be the person who gave someone the [drugs] that made them overdose and then shot someone and slept with someone else's boyfriend.” Can't argue with that!

    13 Zac Efron Wasn't Wild About Being A Wildcats

    This news will definitely break the hearts of High School Musical fans everywhere, but Zac Efron does not feel the same way about Troy Bolton as we do. “I step back and look at myself and I still want to kick that guy's a$$ sometimes,” he told Men's Fitness. “He's done some kind of cool things with cool people-he did that one thing that was funny-but I mean, he's still just that f*****g kid from High School Musical.” Uh, yeah, Zac. What's wrong with that?! There's no denying that the actor has done a lot of growing up since his HSM days, and to be totally honest, negative feelings probably come up for him when he thinks about it because at the time he was dating Vanessa Hudgens, and then there was the whole break up. But still, we don't think he should hold it against poor Troy.

    12 Miley Cyrus Never Wanted To Be Hannah Montana

    As Miley Cyrus has come out of her shell and grown up, it's been easy to see that she and Hannah Montana don't have too much in common. To make her feelings toward her breakout character clear as crystal, Miley declared Hannah Montana's current status to the world on Saturday Night Live: “She's been murdered.” For Cyrus, it wasn't so much the personality of the character that she detested, but what playing the character and being involved in the project did to her childhood. “From the time I was 11, it was, 'You're a pop star! That means you have to be blonde, and you have to have long hair, and you have to put on some glittery tight thing.' Meanwhile, I'm this fragile little girl playing a 16-year-old in a wig and a ton of makeup,” she described. Playing a Disney role definitely boxed her in a corner for a while, so we're glad she's free to be herself these days!

    11 Jamie Dornan Did Not Live Out His Desires

    To be totally fair, there's been a lot of controversy surrounding the character of Christian Grey from the 50 Shades of Grey franchise. People have thrown all sorts of criticisms his way, accusing his behavior of being massively inappropriate, to say the very least. So it's not hard to see why actor Jamie Dornan, who plays Grey in the film adaptations, doesn't love the character either. He's never said that he despises him or thinks he's a predator (or anything else he's been accused of), but he did make it pretty clear that he wouldn't want to be friends with him. “[He's] not the sort of bloke I'd get along with,” he confessed to GQ Australia. “All my mates are easygoing and quick to laugh-I wouldn't imagine myself sat in a pub with him. I don't think he would be my type, when it comes to choosing mates.”

    10 Kate Winslet Wishes She Could Let Go Of Rose

    Speaking of heart-breaching revelations! There are so many things that we want to believe when it comes to Titanic: that Rose and Jack lived happily ever after in heaven after the sinking, that all the people who died on the ship got to rest peacefully, and that Kate Winslet actually liked her character. Unfortunately, we're getting ahead of ourselves with that last one! It's not that Winslet hates Rose; it's that she thinks she did a bad job of portraying her, and now the whole thought of her causes embarrassment. “Every single scene, I'm like, 'Really, really? You did it like that?' Oh my God… Even my American accent, I can't listen to it. It's awful.” We didn't think it was that bad? She's also not a fan of the theme song. Luckily, Winslet has confirmed that although she wasn't happy with the final product of her work, she loved the experience of it.

    9 Carrie Fisher Wanted To Be Dethroned From Being Princess Leia

    The late Carrie Fisher wasn't shy about her true feelings for her iconic role as Princess Leia in Star Wars. “George Lucas ruined my life. And I mean that in the nicest possible way… George is a visionary,” she said in her memoir/one-woman show Wishful Thinking. “He has transported audiences the world over, and he's provided Mark [Hamill] and Harrison [Ford] and myself with enough fan mail-and even a small merry band of stalkers-to keep us entertained for the rest of our unnatural lives.” There were many things Fisher disliked about the role she played and its effects, including the fact that merchandise with her face on it was being sold left, right, and center. She hated the braids that Leia wore, feeling self-conscious because she thought that they made her face look unnaturally round. And yes, she also hated the metal bikini she was forced to wear in Return of the Jedi.

    8 Mike Myers Let The Cat Out Of The Bag

    The Cat in the Hat seemed like exactly the kind of movie that Mike Myers should star in. He's undeniably talented when it comes to anything quirky, and can do comedy, voices and accents like a pro. Regardless of all that, the actor wasn't interested from the beginning. After he was signed into the role by Universal, he tried to back out because he didn't like the screenplay. After many drawn-out legal battles, he ended up doing it with the same attitude a child eats their vegetables with. Though he had agreed to the part, Myers was reportedly ropable on the set, acting like a “diva” according to co-star Amy Hill. Apparently, his lack of enthusiasm for the project came through, and Audrey Geisel, the widow of Dr. Seuss, said that she would never allow one of her late husband's works to be made into a live-action adaptation again. Take that.

    7 Jessica Alba Was Able To Deal With Sue Storm

    Jessica Alba's hatred for the role of Sue Storm was much more to do with the overall project and the experience she had while making it than with the character herself. Initially, Alba signed on to do three movies in the Fantastic Four franchise, which is typical when you're playing a major superhero. When it came to reprising her role in the sequel in 2007, Rise of the Silver Surfer, Alba had such a bad time that she actually thought about quitting acting for good. According to the actress, the director told her that her crying wasn't pretty enough, which made her lose faith in humanity a little bit… Fair enough. Luck was on Alba's side when the second film totally flopped and Fox cancelled the third film before it was made. A reboot with a whole new cast was developed, but unfortunately for Fox, that flopped as well in 2015.

    6 Megan Fox Wished She Never Transformed Into Mikaela Banes

    Fans the world over lusted over Megan Fox in Transformers, but playing Mikaela Banes wasn't as fun as it looked. Though the film launched her to another level of stardom, Fox could never hide her true feelings-that the film was much more about effects and appearances than acting. She said that she knew she'd always have to be screaming or running rather than getting down to some serious, complex scenes. But even if the writing was a little better, this still wasn't a project that the actress had a good time working on. She has been open about the fact that she found the producer Michael Bay to be a total nightmare. Reportedly, his attitude toward her was completely misogynistic, and in the audition process, he made her clean his Ferrari. Fox didn't enjoy working with him, and has said that she'll never do it again.

    5 Channing Tatum G.I. No

    Playing G.I. Joe was one of the biggest things that Channing Tatum has done in his career, after Magic Mike and Step Up, of course. However, he told Howard Stern that it wasn't his decision to play the role, and that he was “pushed into” it in order to fulfill a contract he'd signed with Paramount. While he did like the cartoon that the film was based on, he didn't really see much in the script, and didn't necessarily want to become the character of Joe. And though the film was widely publicized, in the end it didn't perform the way everyone had expected it to. So being involved in this didn't even help Tatum's career. That being said, he still maintains that although the role wasn't his choice, he feels “super lucky and blessed” to be part of the film in the first place.

    4 Katherine Heigl Wanted To Be Knocked Out Not Up

    Actress Katherine Heigl was never shy about her feelings towards her popular film Knocked Up, which might be one of the reasons why she's seen a decrease in popularity in recent years. “It was a little sexist," she explained. “It paints the women as shrews, as humorless and uptight, and it paints the men as lovable, goofy, fun-loving guys. It exaggerated the characters, and I had a hard time with it, on some days.” If you've seen the movie, you can't really deny any of that! Later, Heigl confirmed that her problem wasn't so much with the film, but with the character of Alison Scott. “I liked the movie a lot. I just didn't like me. She was kind of like, she was so judgmental and kind of uptight and controlling and all these things and I really went with it while we were doing it… ” Good on her with sticking with it anyway and giving us all some laughs!

    3 Crispin Glover Wishes He Could Take Back George McFly

    If you're a fan of the Back to the Future movies, you probably could have guessed that the one actor who wasn't having a good time was Crispin Glover, who played George McFly. After appearing in the first instalment, Glover did not come back for the second and third versions. George appeared on screen in the second film, but they disguised the fact that they were using another actor by having him floating upside down due to a bad back. It wasn't weird though, because the film was set in 2015, and things like that totally happened in 2015… Anyways! Glover had a problem with the ending of the first film, saying that the characters were too focused on material things when they should have been happy to have a reunited family. It was this that caused him to have words with director Robert Zemeckis, and eventually leave the project altogether.

    2 Sean Connery Had No Bond To James Bond

    How can you despise a character like James Bond? Just ask Sean Connery! He has stated that he is grateful for the opportunity of being involved in such a project, since it transformed him from starving artist to international icon, but he wasn't a fan of the character from the beginning. “I have always hated that damned James Bond. I'd like to kill him.” Gosh, he sure knows how to put it bluntly! He stated that he thinks women like Bond because he's “decisive” and “cruel”, which mustn't align with the values he thinks men should have. He never wanted to sign up for more than one movie, and by the end of it, he donated his whole salary to charity out of spite. The producers had to up his pay every movie to keep him around, and probably would have done so for as long as they could afford it.

    1 Christopher Plummer Didn't Want To Be The Captain

    If Troy Bolton broke your heart, this might just end your life. The Sound of Music is basically our happy place, but that sure wasn't the case for Christopher Plummer, who played Captain von Trapp. With over one hundred film roles to his name, Plummer is still best known for playing the father of the von Trapp clan, but he wishes he weren't. From the beginning, he wasn't sure he wanted to do the role, believing that the character was dull and boring. He said that trying to make him interesting was “like flogging a dead horse.” Yikes! His feelings toward the character ended up fueling the way he felt about the whole film, and in the end, he found it cheesy and inauthentic. We know what you're thinking: his comments were probably taken out of context, and he must have at least a little soft spot for the film that launched his career, right? Wrong! Once, he even referred to it as The Sound of Mucus.