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    15 Celebrity Rumors That Are Crazy

    Unless you live and work in the entertainment industry, most celebrity rumors are scoffed at, guffawed into surreality, until the day that the truth comes out. Take, for example, the story of Caitlyn Jenner. Years prior to Bruce's transition, number one celebrity gossip site Blind Gossip started reporting on the plans of the Olympian. Out there in the real world, beyond the borders of Los Angeles County, no one believed that Bruce would actually make the step into following his heart and embodying Caitlyn. It was just that: a ridiculous rumor.

    BUT NOT FOR LONG! The items in this list are the comprehensive, yet safe-for-work, celebrity rumors taken from websites like Blind Gossip. They might seem so ridiculous that no one could ever possibly believe them, but trust us when we say, these are the ones that are almost guaranteed to be legit, even if they never become “true” in the public record. For the most part, these celebrity rumors will remain just that way, but with the recent revelations about Harvey Weinstein (stories that have been covered for years by gossip sites), some of these might be a little more true that we'll ever know!

    15 Weinstein Has Photographs Of Almost Every A-List Actress… and They Sent Them To Him

    As far as the rumors about Weinstein's actions go, some of them fall in favor of women and the disgusting way that they were treated within the entertainment industry, but some of them show just how far these women will go to ensure a career for themselves.

    Some of the crazier rumors don't even involve photographs. For example, Charlize Theron, possibly one of the most awful actresses of all time (other than Monster) somehow continued to work in Hollywood despite her films being consistently embarrassingly awful. How did she do it? Evidently she had a regular thing with Harvey… or so the rumor goes. Similar ones have been cited in reference to Jennifer Lawrence, too.

    Essentially, the way we're told to look at the Weinstein Scandal is like this: if a female celebrity is open about abuse, situations involving Weinstein and other industry leaders, then they're “clean.” However, if a star is keep quiet, and deflecting the storyline to other issues, then you can be sure that they used Weinstein's perverse nature to their advantage.

    14 Rihanna Had A Baby With Jay-Z

    This one is totally weird, and only came into the minds of the nosy public after photographs of Riri and a child - who admittedly looked exactly like a mix of Rihanna and Jay-Z - surfaced several years ago while she was holidaying back home in Barbados. Allegedly, she had the child when she first started working with the music mogul (who was definitely married to Beyonce at the time). She had the child, a son, just before her first album came out. The little boy was sent back to Barbados, where he was raised by family members, but continues to have a close relationship with Rihanna.

    Again… whether this is true or not, does it really matter? It is, by definition, a private family matter between the relevant parties, and whether Jay-Z and Rihanna have a baby together or not, it hasn't impacted on their incredible careers.

    13 JLaw Cheated on Aronofski in Toronto

    There are no photographs to confirm this, but a hell of a lot of people have claimed to have seen Jennifer Lawrence making out with a random man, and then leaving with him, from a bar/nightclub in Toronto during the Toronto Film Festival this year.

    Rumors about Jennifer Lawrence are getting darker and darker in the face of her refusal to call out Harvey Weinstein on the latest scandal, so we just hope that this golden girl doesn't go down in flames because she was secretly a particularly unethical woman. The jury is out on this one, and until anything is confirmed then we're going to assume that it's all false. Well, we're going to HOPE it's all false.

    12 Lady Gaga is Dating Florence Welch

    I mean, can you think of a more beautiful couple? We certainly can't. Similarly to many other posts on this article, this one was taken from a popular response on a BG blind. The two music moguls worked on a track together for Gaga's new album, and evidently things progressed from there…

    As far as celebrity couples go, there would be only word to describe this duo: POWERFUL! The Brit-American make up, international market reputation, and general scale of each of these women's careers already define them as stars, so it might even make sense for them to get together. Oh, and did we mention that they look excellent as a couple.

    Whether this is true or not, Welch and Gaga have the potential to be successful at anything they do together. If that happens to be love, then good for them.

    11 The Kennedys Ended Marilyn Monroe's Life

    Whether you're Dr. Greer at the Disclosure Project, you'll know that (1) Marilyn Monroe was not a drug addict, despite popular misconception, and that the (2) the Kennedys have a habit of "ending" people that threaten their family. Death perpetually surrounds this family, and this story is one for the ages. Books have been written about the ordering of Marilyn Monroe's murder by Bobby Kennedy, whom the star was having an affair with… as well as his brother, President John F. Kennedy.

    The family allegedly bugged Miss. Monroe's home, and overheard that she intended to tell the press the deepest secrets of the flawed family. Evidently Monroe knew too much about the family, and her death was ordered. These rumors have been perpetuated due to actions taken after her death, such as members of her staff being given cushy new jobs at the Kennedy compounds, and the United States government. Whatever happened, we can be sure that this is one rumor that will probably stay that way forever.

    10 Oprah is Gay

    This rumor has been around for a while, but it wasn't until Caitlyn Jenner refused to reveal her new self on the Oprah show that rumors about Oprah's sexuality came into question once again. Apparently, Caitlyn Jenner was horrified that Oprah was so comfortable in lying to her fans for decades, creating this faux-reality world for herself, that she refused to following the footsteps of her A-list reality family and chose to do her first real interview with Ellen.

    Whether this one is true or not, do we really care? Oprah has changed thousands of lives, created an empire for herself, and inspires men and women around the world to be kinder to themselves on a daily basis. So what if she's lying about her sexuality, literally no one of any worth would care about something so pedantic and irrelevant.

    9 Kanye West Is In A Long-Term Relationship With Riccardo Tisci

    This rumor has been around FOREVER. It started years ago after it was noticeable that Kanye wasn't that public with his female company. According to multiple sources, Kanye and Tisci have been a happy, loving relationship for almost a decade. Kanye's marriage to Kim Kardashian, and even their children, are a cover (duh), but here's where things get really weird…

    So, apparently, Kanye and Tisci mixed their sperm prior to artificially inseminating Kim Kardashian, which is why Kim and Kanye's children have different skin tones. Again, this would be literally the craziest rumor ever if it weren't true, and if it were true… who would actually care? Kim Kardashian is by far the most popular celebrity out of the threesome, and arguably the most profitable too. Her relationship with Kanye, whether real or not, must be worth something as she appears to be a great mother to their children. So what if Tisci is involved in there too? So long as everyone is happy, that's all that matters!

    8 Johnny Depp Wears a Mirdle

    Johnny Depp has gone from being a heart-throb to a total waster in the last few years. He has fallen out of favor with key industry players, his incessant drinking and anger problems, and seeming lack of direction in terms of his personal life, have made him somewhat toxic in entertainment. Rumor has it that someone even offered him a TV role of recent, to which he lost his mind!

    Whatever is going on with Depp, it's very likely that it has had an impact on his weight. Oddly though, this is kind of a win for the entertainment industry. For so long, it has been assumed that the double standard for men and women (in terms of appearance) has been heavily stacked against women, but now that Depp's gut has become a detriment to his career, we might be seeing a shift in the wrong, but equal direction.

    7 Ben Affleck Still Drinks Likes a Fish

    The intensity of the eye-rolls that were felt around the world after Ben Affleck dragged his poor ex-wife (then-wife) onto the Saturday Night Live stage during his opening monologue signaled the demise of this A-lister's respect throughout the international community. His career is tanking, his marriage is a disaster, and people literally laugh at him in the street now, so obviously the easiest escape is the bottle.

    Rumors about the Affleck brothers have plagued their careers. Casey seems to be a terrible man, but let's be honest, he's an incredible actor. He blows his brother out of the water on screen, so if we're going to see one of them fade away (or maybe back behind the camera??) it should definitely be Ben.

    6 Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan, and Alicia Vikander Fell Off The Deep End After Meetings With Weinstein

    Rumors about Alicia Vikander's inability to perform on set of Tomb Raider, even having her stunt double do the promotional photos, have been spreading like wildfire throughout Hollywood. She's even been dropped from several new projects because she's so intolerable to work with (apparently). However, Vikander, as well as the likes of Lohan and Bynes, all seemed to suddenly become terrors.

    One of the major rumors circling about these epic breakdowns are the timings, and how coincidental it was that each of these women had “meetings” with Weinstein around the same time. We personally hope that the full truth about the extent of the Weinstein Scandal comes out, because these women were once our stars and role models. Something happened, and they fell very hard, very fast.

    5 Scott Disick Has a "Homemade" Movie With Bella Thorne

    It's no secret that Kourtney Kardashian flipped her lid when Scott Disick started publicly dating Sofia Richie, but thus far no significant rumors have surfaced as to what she thinks about this one. Apparently the incident happened during the Cannes film festival. Thorne and Disick ventured to France together, and not long after their arrival, photographs of scantily clad bodies rolling around next to a pool, with alcohol in-hand began to surface. Tabloid journalists and Ace at Blind Gossip have all come forward with hints that the reality star and actress did a lot more than just drink and fool around by the pool. The homemade movie allegedly contains material so intense that Disick was additionally rumored to be using it against the young actress as leverage to get her to sign with his agent. Lets just say that, given the Weinstein scandal, this one may be more true than we want it to be.

    4 Blake Shelton Still Calls His Ex-wife, and Hates Gwen Stefani

    This another “who the F cares?” rumor, but apparently some of the sound technicians in Blake's studio got drunk one night and were overheard talking about this pretty publicly. So the story goes that Gwen drives Blake nuts (it's a faux-relationship, but she doesn't get it, yada yada) and so when she's particularly pissed him off, he will make himself better by calling his ex-wife Miranda Lambert. The country music starlet has an ability to calm her ex-husband down, and he is seemingly addicted to her.

    Again, who cares? However, this is a huge win for Lambert, given the hell she's had to face in the last few years. We're definitely team Miranda in this situation, and we just hope that she can screen Blake's calls.

    3 Harry Styles And Louis Tomlinson Are In Love

    We hope hope HOPE this one is true!

    Rumors about the lads of One Direction have been rife since the band first came into being forever ago. When Zayn left, the story was that he was sick and tired of not being allowed to be open about another inter-band relationship, or that he had a massive drug problem. Whatever the story, the rumors about One Direction will probably last until the band go entirely separate ways, have their own careers in entertainment, and just slowly come out of the closet (or not) in the same manner that every boy band has done for decades. You remember when whoever from Boyzone, Backstreet Boys, and N*SYNC came out? Neither do we, but they are now, and that's the important thing.

    2 Ryan Seacrest Is Evil Incarnate

    The eternal sunshine of Ryan Seacrest seemingly never gets old, but in recent months, this absolute industry star has started to fall from grace. Kelly Ripa is allegedly behind this rumor, claiming that Seacrest pretends to come across as the loveliest man in the world, but in reality he's out for himself only, and only ever will be.

    This one might be true, and here's why we think it is: Seacrest spends his life in the public eye, so there are literally hundreds and thousands of witnesses to him being so friendly, so kind, so generous, so blah blah blah, we get it, you met a celebrity. However, once the doors close and it's only industry folks in the room, anything goes. We've seen television's favorite Mom's become monsters, A-list lovers hurling objects at each other, and some very not-safe-for-work actions when the cameras aren't rolling.

    1 Jimmy Fallon Is a Serial Cheater

    He's been spotted at Broadway shows with an unnamed blonde bombshell, seen at dinner with similarly physically-depicted women, and he's known to drink like a fish no matter what the time of the day. Jimmy Fallon is setting himself up to be the next David Letterman if these rumors are true… but could the funny man save his career, which is essentially just interviewing other people like him, by publicly addressing the rumors regarding his drinking and serial cheating with blondes across New York City? Probably not…

    We hope more than anything that Jimmy Fallon doesn't end up getting blackmailed by one of his alleged lovers spouses, and that every rumor about him is a giant lie, but it's getting harder and harder to see it that way…