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    15 Celebrity Daddies That Have Switched Teams

    In a world that is becoming more accepting of diversity and individuality, we are seeing more and more celebrities “coming out of the closet” or announcing that they are gay or lesbian. Of course, this news makes headlines because of these stars' popularity. It can also be big news for other reasons.

    Sometimes we are just totally shocked. Imagine finding out that an actor that you love-who has always dated lady co-stars-happens to be gay. There's nothing wrong with it, but it's definitely surprising. We aren't always expecting to hear it, especially after a male celebrity has a long list of exes who are strictly females.

    Another reason is that some celebs have jumped back and forth between heterosexuality and homosexuality throughout their lives. Naturally, these changes are interesting just because we didn't see them coming. Plus, it makes us want to know all of the juicy details about their past relationships.

    There's no denying that the world is opening up to people from all walks of life. This means that there's a lot going on. We aren't always sure which rumors are actually true. We're constantly falling behind-trying to keep up with the partners and spouses of all the stars.

    We've come up with a collection of Hollywood's hottest daddies who have histories with both men and women-let's jump in!

    15 Clay Aiken-Being A Dad Pushed Him Out Of The Closet

    For about five years, Clay Aiken was pelted with rumors. Naturally, all celebrities will face allegations and gossip about them, but these were different. He was being called out for being gay for years before he decided to officially come out. These rumors all began back in 2003, but he kept quiet about them for what feels like forever.

    In 2008, Aiken came out as gay. The same year, he had his first child with his partner, Jaymes Foster. Foster and Aiken aren't together, though. She's simply the child's birth mother and Aiken's best friend.

    Though Aiken is gay, we haven't seen much in the way of relationships at all for this guy. We're guessing he's just focusing on raising his son-Parker-for now and will worry about settling down with a partner in the future.

    14 Neil Patrick Harris-Doogie And David

    By now, all of us are well aware that Neil Patrick Harris is gay-and most of us absolutely adore him. He's funny. He's down-to-earth. He's got the world's cutest kiddos. There's got to be more, right?

    Some of us may not know much about NPH prior to his coming out story. A lot of us might not even know how it all went down. When he was acting alongside Burt Reynolds in the late '80s, Reynolds kissed him. Apparently it was as a joke, but this was when NPH realized that he was gay. He didn't really know until that moment.

    He decided to come out in 2006, after meeting his current husband David Burtka in 2003. They had twins in 2010, and then they got married in 2014.

    13 Matt Dallas-Back And Forth

    Matt Dallas got hitched to his now hubby-Blue Hamilton-halfway through 2015. This came as a little bit of a shock to some of us, because Dallas had previously dated Kirsten Prout. After dating Prout, he did have a quick relationship with Jonathan Bennett before settling down with Hamilton.

    Once the couple had been married for about a year, they officially became parents. They had originally planned on surrogacy, but they later decided on adoption. They adopted their son-after they had fostered him for a little while. The whole thing proved to be somewhat intense, but they finally got to call him their own.

    For now, Dallas and Hamilton are proud fathers of their only child Crow. Maybe they will fight for another little one in the future!

    12 Gavin Rossdale-His Secret Past

    Last-but definitely not least-we've got Gavin Rossdale. A lot of us will realize that this musician was married to Gwen Stefani for 13 years before they got a divorce. His being married to a woman for so long totally matches up with the rest of his dating history.

    There's something that's been kept private about Rossdale, though. It was mentioned in somebody else's autobiography that he had dated Peter Robinson back in the '80s. Rossdale denied all of these rumors and claims for as long as he could. Robinson ended up validating them in 2009.

    In 2010, Rossdale felt as if he had no choice but to tell the truth. He shared that the fling was simply a “part of growing up”. We believe him-especially because of his long track record with the ladies!

    11 Matt Bomer-Ahead Of The Game

    Before Matt Bomer got married to Simon Hall, the couple had a head start planning their family. Their three children were born through surrogacy. They had a son in 2006 and twin boys in 2009.

    What's interesting about this situation is that Bomer and Hall were rather private about their relationship. They kept everything undercover-as far as their sexualities were concerned. This naturally led to a lot of assumptions that Bomer was a heterosexual man. Few people actually suspected that he was gay.

    Bomer and Hall ended up having a private wedding in 2011. Eventually-in 2012-Bomer announced that he's gay, and the rest is history. The news about the private wedding came out later, as well. The two have been married for nearly seven years and are loving raising their boys.

    10 Rufus Wainwright-Happily Ever After

    Since 2012, Rufus Wainwright has been married to Jörn Weisbrodt. As most of us will realize, this means that Wainwright-and Weisbrodt, for that matter-are homosexuals. Their daughter-Viva Katherine Wainwright Cohen-was born in 2011. Since there isn't a woman in their relationship, we're ready for the details!

    Prior to being in a relationship with Weisbrodt, Wainwright was dating Lorca Cohen. The two dated in 2010, which is right before the baby was born. While Cohen was the birth mother of the child, a surrogate was involved, as well. It seems like a somewhat complicated situation, but it must make sense to them!

    Anyway, now the daughter is shared between Weisbrodt and Wainwright. They seem happy, and-as far as we are aware-Cohen is no longer involved.

    9 Clive Davis-More Than A Mogul

    Many of us are aware of some basic information surrounding this music producer's personal life. For example, he has four children. He's been married twice-both times have been to females. What some of us may not know about is his dating history with men.

    Between 1956 and 1985, Clive Davis was married and divorced two times. Within this time, he also became the father of four children. This sounds like any typical situation. It's not.

    As it turns out, Davis has also had two serious relationships with men. Though this is not well-known in the public, he did share the information in his autography in 2013. He has now stated that he is bisexual. From what we can tell, he's played for both teams and is committed to both teams. We will be interested to see where he ends up next.

    8 Perez Hilton-Pretty Much Not Into Anything

    Mario Armando Lavandeira Jr.-best known as Perez Hilton-has recently become a father of three children. His youngest was born in October of 2017. This may be confusing. As most of us will note, Hilton hasn't been in a public relationship since he dated Stevie Ryan from 2004 to 2005.

    Well, Hilton has decided to have three kids through surrogacy and an egg donor. His mother and a nanny have assisted him in caring for the three kids. The first child was born in 2013. Since then, we haven't seen any dating activity going on in the star's life.

    Hilton has mentioned that he wants to avoid relationships and focus on himself and his children. Could he be waiting to come out about his sexuality? We're wondering if he's just waiting for the right time.

    7 Will Smith-Astounding Allegations

    Will Smith is a well-known guy. His wife-Jada Pinkett Smith-is pretty popular, too. They've been married for as long as we can all remember, and we think they're a pretty tough couple. A lot of celebrity relationships can't compete with this power couple!

    Anyway, there has always been some speculation that Will has dated Duane Martin. Plenty of allegations have appeared, but no real conclusions have been announced. Will hasn't confirmed or denied these rumors. Apparently, it all happened long before Will and Jada met.

    For now, we will be expecting to see Jada and Will to continue raising their three children together. If it all starts to go downhill at any point, what are the chances that Smith ventures out into the world of men again?

    6 Trey Pearson-WWJD?

    This whole situation is somewhat tricky. The details make it challenging to work out-especially for Trey Pearson himself. For those who don't recognize his name, Trey Pearson was the lead singer of a Christian rock band called Everyday Sunday. The band came to an end in 2016, but that isn't important to this specific story.

    For seven years, Pearson was married to his wife Lauren. They had two kids together. Come to find out, he had been hiding something from the world throughout his marriage. In 2016, Pearson announced that he was gay. He and his wife divorced, but apparently they still remain close.

    Pearson has also stated that he has always been gay, but he didn't feel comfortable embracing it because of his religious background. Eventually, he had had enough and shared it with everyone!

    5 Ricky Martin-The Man Behind The Image

    Ricky Martin is an excellent example of a celebrity who has switched teams over the years. He's had his fair share of failed and successful relationships. We now know that Martin is gay, since he came out on his website in 2010.

    Before he announced his homosexuality, he had dated a variety of people. One his best-known relationships was with Rebecca de Alba. The duo dated inconsistently for about 14 years, but they broke it off. Then, Martin went on to date a couple of other women.

    Finally-in 2008-rumors began to circulate stating that Nathan Lane and Martin were hooking up. Then he had a five-year relationship with Carlos Gonzalez. Eventually, Martin began dating Jwan Yosef, and they announced their engagement in 2016. The couple has two sons together, and Martin has mentioned that they will adopt a daughter at some point.

    4 Lance Bass-Gay Men Don't Sell Boy Bands

    A while back, Lance Bass was facing rumors regarding his sexuality. People were claiming that he was gay, and it seemed to be never-ending. Eventually he did come out as gay, but it took a lot of guts. He was pretty concerned about his career, because he didn't know how his homosexuality would affect it. Keeping it locked up inside wasn't healthy for him either.

    Bass got married to Michael Turchin a couple of years ago. We're so glad they are able to freely love each other and that Bass was able to embrace his sexuality without fear.

    Though Bass isn't a daddy yet, he and Turchin have mentioned that he's ready to begin planning a family in the near future. They hope to have their own children and to adopt, as well.

    3 Simon Dunn-Plans For The Future

    As a child, Simon Dunn had always dreamed of getting married and becoming a father. He explains that one of his first memories was explaining to his mother how many children he and his future wife would have and how they would be from all around the world.

    It turns out that he's taken quite a different path. Dunn is now very openly gay. He speaks about his hopes to settle down with a man and have kids eventually-once he's done competing athletically.

    It's interesting how drastically things changed for Dunn, since he was a young boy. He was so sure about his future, until he realized he is gay. He has also been sharing about how he was once concerned about the lack of options for gay couples hoping to adopt, but he's glad that things are getting better!

    2 Bryan Lourd-About My Wife…

    His name may not be familiar to all of us, but that's okay! Bryan Lourd was in a serious relationship with Carrie Fisher from 1991-1994. The two even had a daughter together. Then, something unexpected happened.

    In 1994, Lourd came out as gay. As we can tell by their relationship dates, this resulted in a split between Lourd and Fisher-leaving her to raise their daughter. This all happened at a time when homosexuality was less accepted than it is today. It clearly worked out well for Lourd, but we don't doubt that he had to face some challenges.

    After coming out, we didn't hear a whole lot relationship-wise from the talent agent. He might have been keeping a low profile because of the public's reaction to his breakup with Fisher. Lourd has been married to his new partner-Bruce Bozzi-since 2016.

    1 Bryan Singer-Reformed?

    Bryan Singer is just about everything but a singer-he is a director, actor, producer and a writer. He also happens to be a celebrity who has switched teams over the years. Let's find out more about this guy and what's going on in his life!

    For years, we knew Singer as a gay celebrity. He was very open about his male dating tendencies. Recently though, he has officially kicked off a relationship with his long-time friend-Michelle Clunie. Singer has decided to leave the gay lifestyle to be with Clunie. The two now have a child together.

    Maybe Singer was in love with Clunie during their entire friendship but didn't know how to make it work. Maybe he was afraid to retract his gay statements for one reason or another. Regardless, they seem to be a very happy family-including their son Dashiell.