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    15 Celeb Assistants Spill The Dirt On Their Boss' Embarrassing Habits

    Most celebrities, once they reach a certain level of fame, do everything possible in order to maintain some sense of privacy. They know they'll likely be trailed by the paparazzi whenever they're out running errands or in public, so they make their home a haven, installing every possible security measure to ensure they have a place to relax and unwind after a long day. There's only one problem - thanks to those super-sized paychecks and packed schedules, many celebrities find themselves in need of employees such as assistants and housekeepers. And, even though you may be able to get them to sign some kind of a non-disclosure clause at the beginning, you can't always control what people might choose to reveal once they're your former employee.

    So, there have been many former employees looking to dish on their famous boss' because they're frustrated, or simply because they want a bit of fame or attention themselves - and the world loves hearing all the celebrities' dirty little secrets.

    While they may present a picture perfect image, many celebrities have embarrassing and diva-ish habits - here are 15 of them, as revealed by former assistants. It'll definitely make you look at some of these celebs in an entirely different light!

    15 Mariah Carey doesn't even wash her own hair

    Mariah Carey, at this point, has definitely cemented her status as a major diva. She's been in the music industry for decades now, with a fair bit of success under her belt, which means she can afford to have a lavish house with a fully loaded shoe closet. However, it also means she can just stop doing simply hygiene tasks like washing her hair. No, she's not one of those weird celebrities who doesn't bathe on a regular basis - instead, she enlists her employees to help her with haircare. As an assistant revealed, Mimi never washes her hair at this point - "she has a professional do it at the salon or has an assistant do it." I mean, we love a good salon style just as much as the next person, but that's a bit excessive even for a celebrity!

    14 Jamie Dornan, hunky heartthrob, loves needlepoint

    When British hunk Jamie Dornan snagged the role of Christian Grey in the 50 Shades films, he immediately skyrocketed to the top of everyone's radar. Sure, he was a fairly successful actor before that, with several roles under his belt - but this was a blockbuster of a different nature. However, if you thought his hobbies were as X-rated or dangerous as Christian Grey's, think again. Apparently, a former employee spilled his hobby of choice to Celebrity Dirty Laundry - needlepoint. That's right - after a long day on set, Jamie Dornan apparently loves to unwind and relax with a little crafting. I mean, needlepoint is basically as British as you can get - we can just imagine him, crafting away with a cup of tea by his side, creating a cross stitch for someone special in his life.

    13 Ariana Grande is sometimes too tired to walk - so she demands to be carried

    Ariana Grande is young, but she's already got herself a reputation as a diva, something that many other pop stars didn't get until a decade into their career. And, if this detail spilled by an insider source is true, there's a good reason for that perception of her as a diva. Apparently, when Grande has had a long day and is feeling a bit tired, she calls upon her staff to ensure her feet don't need to touch the ground. As the source told Celebuzz, Grande demands to be carried like a baby when she's tired so that her feet don't need to hit the floor. I mean, we get that celebs often have long days and busy schedules, but somehow everyone else manages to muster up the energy to walk.

    12 Selena Gomez is allegedly a huge slob who can ruin a hotel room in 24 hours

    Many celebrities who become famous at a fairly young age have a far different perspective than celebrities who struggle for a decade or more before making it. From their childhood or teenage years onward, young celebs have had staff or people to help them with everyday tasks, and sometimes that kind of a lifestyle can have consequences - apparently, for Selena Gomez, it's that she just never really learned how to be tidy and to clean up after herself. A personal assistant of hers spilled to Celeb Dirty Laundry that Gomez is an absolute slob, and we're not just talking about a few water bottles and sweaters scattered throughout the house. Apparently, Gomez has literally ruined hotel rooms, getting make-up stains everywhere, underwear laying around, you name it. The assistant was fairly shocked at her behaviour, saying that "I never expected to see a celebrity's dirty undergarments, let alone have to pick them up!"

    11 Christian Bale pretends to be his creepy character from American Psycho

    Okay, this one is bizarre. For those who don't know, one of Christian Bale's most famous roles was playing the white collar worker turned serial killer Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. And, it seems, he hasn't quite been able to shake the character. Apparently, sometimes Bale will just get into the mindset of his character and call up his friends and family, who will be greeted with the spinge-tingling "it'ssssss Patrick!' that those who have seen the film know so well. We get that celebrities may be called upon to say something in a beloved character's voice by a fan, but this seems to be taking things to a much weirder level that we don't fully understand. I mean, Bale is just a strange guy in general, but this is a particularly weird habit.

    10 Lisa Rinna wants her press filtered before it reaches her (good vibes only!)

    There's one particularly tough part of being a celebrity - dealing with all the bad press. While some people in high ranking roles may have to deal with some public scrutiny, celebrities are often scrutinized for everything from their choice of outfit to their choice of lunch. However, it seems that Lisa Rinna has a bit of an unusual way of dealing with the stress of bad press - she gets her assistant to go through it before she reads it. Ninie Papadatos spilled that "I go through her press and separate the good from the bad. She doesn't want to see the bad, so I keep it from her. She calls me her Adult Nanny." I mean, on the one hand, it's not healthy to be constantly reading negative, and often untrue, things about yourself. On the other hand, it's kind of embarrassing to admit you can't handle any bad press whatsoever.

    9 Naomi Campbell basically wants to live in a candle shop

    We're pretty sure no one would be surprised to hear any kind of embarrassing diva-ish habit from Naomi Campbell - the supermodel has definitely earned a reputation for her attitude and temper. However, it's a bit odd. A former assistant spilled about the routine required to prepare Campbell's hotel rooms for her arrival and in addition to somehow expected things like unpacking, steaming and pressing her clothing, she was also assigned to candle duty. Namely, putting 25 lily-scented candles around the hotel suite in specific spots. As she dished, "there always has to be five candles in the bathroom, 10 in the bedroom, and 10 in the living room." Uh… that's a lot of candles! Does she get entirely new candles for every room, or does her poor assistant have to lug around a suitcase full of glass candles from city to city?

    8 Jennifer Aniston gets her assistant to fan her constantly to stay cool

    Look, we get it - no one likes to feel all sweaty and gross, especially if they need to be on camera. However, most celebrities manage to deal just fine by escaping to their air-conditioned trailers or just fanning themselves a little bit in the shade. However, Jennifer Aniston isn't about to regulate her own body temperature - that's what you have assistants for! Apparently, she gets her assistants to fan her, either manually or by holding some kind of an automatic fan, to ensure that she stays fresh and cool. I mean, on the one hand, it's probably better than a lot of the stuff assistants are asked to do for celebrities; on the other hand, though, it seems way unnecessary. Perhaps she just wants that wind-blown look 24/7 and thinks a constant fan pointed at her will achieve that?

    7 Lady Gaga apparently goes on the internet all day, and makes her assistant sleep in bed with her

    After leaving her boss and moving on to another position, Lady Gaga's former assistant Jennifer O'Neill went on Reddit and spilled it all. We're not sure if she just wanted her own 15 minutes of fame, or if she was simply frustrated with the life she'd been leading for the time she was employed by the celebrity, but she held basically nothing back. As she said, Gaga "basically sits on her laptop all day like a 16 yr old, she runs thru all the gossip sites, tumblr, twitter, etc… she gathers imagery and ideas in her head and then she finds a way to make it ridiculous." Different people get inspiration for their creativity from different sources, but we have to admit - it definitely doesn't paint a very flattering picture of Gaga. And, to make it worse, O'Neill also apparently had to sleep in bed with Gaga at times so the celeb wouldn't be alone. Yikes.

    6 Jessica Simpson just sheds her extensions everywhere

    Anyone who has seen an episode of Jessica Simpson's old reality television show, Newlyweds, which detailed her time with then hubby Nick Lachey, will know that Simpson hasn't always been the most knowledgeable when it comes to housework. After all, she became a pop star when she was still a teenager, and she always just had staff to deal with that kind of thing. Apparently, she hasn't gotten much better over the years. An employee insider spills that when it comes to shedding her hair extensions, she doesn't safely tuck them away in the bathroom or vanity where she gets ready - she just drops them wherever she feels like it, and it majorly weirds the staff out. As the source said, "it looks like an animal has been shedding all over her house." Well, that's not exactly the home decor look you're going for!

    5 Sandra Bullock refuses to open her curtains - ever

    Sandra Bullock has been an A-List celebrity for quite some time, so she's always been a fairly private person. However, when she became a mom with children to look after, she took her need for security and privacy to an entirely different level - and rightfully so. Apparently, as a former housekeeper spilled, the curtains at her home must stay closed at all times, no matter what, because she didn't want people to look in and see her son. On the one hand, it seems weirdly paranoid and obsessive to never open your curtains for fear of someone getting a glimpse into your home. On the other hand, given how crazy the paparazzi are around children, and how Bullock has personal experience with a stalker situation, her need to keep her house hidden from private eyes may be a smart choice.

    4 George Clooney apparently marks his liquor bottles to ensure no one sneaks any price booze

    George Clooney is a big deal celebrity who, at this point, has likely made more money than he knows what to do with. He has luxe properties and can basically just take on whatever projects interest him. However, that doesn't mean he's lacking any weird quirks. As a former employee dishes, the movie star is a bit particular about his liquor cabinet of pricy products. Apparently, "he has his decanters marked so he can see exactly how much is in them and to make sure nobody ever secretly takes a swig." I mean, sure, you don't want your employees to be drunk when they're on the clock, but come on - you're a celebrity, they're working for you. Why not let them have a shot or two every now and then?

    3 Demi Moore has special, flattering lights installed everywhere in her home

    It's no secret that Demi Moore looks absolutely fantastic for her age, but apparently, that's not quite enough for her - she wants to do everything in her power to ensure that she doesn't just look great, but that she looks absolutely phenomenal from every angle. What exactly does that mean? Well, as an insider source spilled back in 2012, Moore apparently has amber bulbs throughout her home because she thinks that the soft lighting from those types of bulbs is far more flattering. And we're not just talking about preference here - Moore allegedly even has cases and cases of her bulbs of choice, just in case they stop making them. I mean, it's kind of like installing flattering mirrors in every corner of your home - if you have the money, why not make yourself feel fabulous?

    2 Johnny Depp loves to play dress up at home

    Johnny Depp has crafted a reputation for playing certain kinds of characters - he's almost always in some kind of crazy costume, with a totally different hair and make-up look. He's a cinematic chameleon. And, it seems that his penchant for costumes isn't limited to his time on movie sets - apparently the actor also loves to dress up in his free time. On the one hand, we love that he doesn't just wear the same old boring outfits day in and day out. However, an adult indulging in dress up? Definitely a little strange. We're not sure how involved his dress-up habit is, but we have to wonder if he takes costumes from his various film roles - maybe that's why he loves playing such outside the box characters? Who knows - but we'd love to get a glimpse into his dress-up bin.

    1 Martha Stewart makes her employees colour the soles of her shoes

    When it comes to crafting, Martha Stewart is basically the undisputed queen. Sure, there are plenty of bloggers and DIY enthusiasts who are spreading the crafting craze around the world, but Martha was kind of the original one. She puts together insane parties with lush menus and absolutely stunning decor, and makes it seem like an effortless endeavour we all should be doing. And, though she works incredibly hard, she's not the only employee behind the Martha Stewart machine - there are countless employees and assistants who help her out, including one that apparently was tasked with colouring the soles of her shoes. That's right - apparently Stewart didn't care for the signature red soles found on Louboutin heels, so she requested that her assistant colour them black with a sharpie. I mean, our inner fashionista gasps at the very idea of taking a marker to such expensive, exquisite shoes!