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    10 Celebs Who Love The Kardashians (& 10 Who Keep Their Distance)

    The Kardashian-Jenner clan are reality TV royalty, but they are also hardworking entrepreneurs who have an incredible understanding of how to use social media to their benefit. They are always impeccably groomed and almost everyone knows their names and their life history, which is not that surprising because they have opened their lives up to the world, sharing every detail.

    These women are followed by millions of people across all social platforms, and there is no denying that they have achieved a lot in a relatively short time, and their many, many fans include famous (and sometimes unexpected) people. Jessica Chastain was inspired by the family and drew inspiration from their strength and power for one of her characters, and well-known singers have praised members of the family for being likeable people. But despite their many loyal fans, the family also has a few people who would prefer to keep their distance, and this includes A-listers in the entertainment industry and the fashion world greats.

    Of course, they can't please everyone; below are 10 celebrities who love the Kardashians and dutifully watch their show or keep up with their lives, and then there are 10 who seem to feel quite differently.

    20 Jessica Chastain Was Inspired By The Kardashians For A New Role

    Jessica Chastain has actually been inspired by Kim Kardashian. She revealed during an interview with W Magazine that when preparing for her role as Molly Bloom in the film Molly's Game, she used the famous family to influence the way she portrayed her character.

    She said, "Oh my gosh, the Kardashians are such an incredible example of women who really have their own sense of power, you know, entrepreneurs."

    She continued to reveal that she even watched Kim Kardashian's tutorial on face shaving to develop her character. What an interesting perspective, right? And apparently, it's served Jessica well on set.

    19 Kesha Has A Lot Of Love For Reality TV's Royalty

    The Kardashians are hardworking entrepreneurs and beauty moguls, but they first came onto everyone's radar when they starred on the E! reality series, Keeping Up with the Kardashians. The family and Kesha actually have more in common than you may have initially thought, too. There was a time when Kesha has also had a reality show, Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Life.

    According to Oregon Live, Kesha said, "I have a love for the Kardashians, I'm not going to lie to you. I love that show… ” And with her own experience in reality TV, you can trust that Kesha's being real on the subject.

    18 Rebel Wilson Refused To Present With Kendall And Kylie

    Rebel Wilson has worked hard to land the roles she's landed. She has many fans and is a talented actress, but there are some people she doesn't think deserve to sit at the same table. She shared her views on the Kardashians in an interview with Australian radio show, Kyle and Jackie O, and explained why she did not want to present alongside Kylie and Kendall Jenner at the MTV VMAs.

    “I got asked to present with Kendall and Kylie at the recent VMAs and said 'no',” she explained. “It's not that you hate any of them individually, but it's just that everything they stand for is against everything I stand for. And they're not famous for talent. I worked really hard to get where I've gotten to.”

    17 Jonah Hill Feels There Are Other Shows That Deserve Their Ratings

    Jonah Hill has a certain brand of comedy that appeals to some people, but others may have found his comments about Kim Kardashian a little uncalled for.

    According to Perez Hilton, in an interview, Hill made it clear that he was annoyed how some of the popular TV shows get fewer views and lower ratings than Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

    He said, “The truth of it is, I have friends who work in TV and the Kardashians get higher ratings than their TV shows. Shows that people actually work hard on - writing and creating and trying to tell stories. The fact that the Kardashians could be more popular than a show like Mad Men is disgusting… ”

    16 Katy Perry Has Admitted That Kris Jenner Is Very Important To Her

    It seems Jennifer Lawrence is not the only person who wants to be besties with Kris Jenner, because Katy Perry also has nothing but good things to say about the momager.

    According to MTV News, Katy got inspiration for her new hairstyle from Kris and has also admitted to being her “biggest fan.”

    And no, she's not joking. Perry told Entertainment Tonight, “Listen, Kris Jenner is very important to me. That is not sarcastic at all. She has a great sense of humor and she's kind of like the mother of everyone.” Not that Katy needs a momager to help with her career, of course.

    15 Katharine McPhee Has Tried Hard To Become Friends With Khloé

    Katharine McPhee is such a fan of the Kardashians that she even figures she and Khloé would be great friends. That is, if the reality star ever responds to her request. McPhee spoke about the famous family in an interview with People Now, saying, “I love all the Kardashians. I've met them all… I've legitimately tried to be Khloé's friend and she hasn't rejected me but I think she switched her email.”

    She continued, “Kourtney said to somebody last week, 'Oh yeah, Kourtney and Kat tried to be friends at one point,' so it's known I tried to be friends with her. I just feel like I'd be a good friend for her.”

    14 Lena Dunham Thinks The Family Represents Sisterhood

    Lena Dunham likes the Kardashian clan, and she has spoken up in their defense before. The problem a lot of people seem to have with this family is they don't like what they represent.

    Some people that they feel they've achieved their fame without having to really work for it, but Dunham points out that's not the case.

    She spoke about the family during an appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers, saying, “People will be like, 'Those Kardashians aren't what they represent' and we're like, 'They're awesome entrepreneurs who are all about sisterhood and connection.'”

    13 Felicity Jones Loves Watching KUWTK

    Felicity Jones' Hollywood star is rising and she has starred in a few big movies in recent years, but when she wants to relax, it's not films that she puts on the TV. Instead, it's reality shows. Actually, to be more specific, it's one reality show; Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and she likes to keep up with it.

    Jones revealed to Violent Grey, “Watching their show is so relaxing. It's how I switch off.” But she also complimented the family, saying, “And they all have an incredible work ethic, don't they?” We don't blame her, plus, it almost feels like you're in on the action when you're watching, so it's like hanging with the girls.

    12 Demi Lovato Feels The Kardashians Have Encouraged Body Positivity

    Demi Lovato is a fan of the Kardashians (as this photo may also prove) but it's not because she loves reality TV (well, maybe a little).

    Rather, Demi is a huge fan because she loves the message that they send to the world about body confidence.

    Lovato spoke about this with Ellen DeGeneres (via Elle), saying, "And when the Kardashians came on the scene that was the first time that I really associated curves with beauty and it was just so new to me. I remember thinking, wow, that's so cool, and even in a time when I was still struggling with food, I was able to look at Kim's curves and be like, I should be really proud of my curves… ”

    11 Liam Payne And Cheryl Cole Used To Watch Reality TV At Home

    Former One Direction member Liam Payne was in a relationship with Cole, and before the couple split, it sounds like they were really enjoying home life with their son, Bear. So much so, that they would watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians together. Payne spoke about this in an interview with DJ Toby Knapp on Hot 99.5 (via Metro).

    He said, “My Mrs has got the Kardashians on all the time at the moment. I don't mind watching a little bit of the Kardashians… ” But he also mentioned that he doesn't want his son growing up and thinking that's what he should do. Still, if he watches the show, he must like the family, or at the very least, Cheryl Cole loves them.

    10 Sarah Michelle Gellar Was Unimpressed With Kimye's Vogue Cover

    Sarah Michelle Gellar was not impressed with prestigious fashion magazine Vogue when it decided to feature Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on their front cover in 2014.

    This was an unexpected decision by the publication because it had never featured a reality TV star on its cover before, and there were more than a few people who voiced their disdain.

    Gellar was one of these people, who took to Twitter to share her thoughts, writing, "Well… I guess I'm canceling my Vogue subscription. Who is with me???" Of course, if her only complaint is that they've been on reality TV, she likely hasn't heard of Yeezy or any of the family's other fashion accomplishments.

    9 Daniel Craig Doesn't Have Many Kind Words For The Family

    Daniel Craig speaking about the Kardashians is not really something you'd expect from the actor, but it happened during a 2011 interview with British GQ (via The Huffington Post). Craig made it clear he is not a fan of the family, and that he doesn't like how they choose to live their lives so publicly.

    He said, “You can't buy your privacy back,” and then went on to comment on how individuals complain about wanting to be alone, but open up their homes to the cameras. Of course, we've never heard any of the Kardashian ladies complain about their fame. In fact, Kendall has been surprisingly private about her life despite the notoriety of her sisters.

    8 Chloë Grace Moretz Started A Twitter Feud With Kim K

    Chloë Grace Moretz and the Kardashians had an intense argument on Twitter after the young actress took aim at Kim Kardashian and her decision to share photos that showed off her body. In response to the photo, which Kardashian shared on Twitter, Moretz replied,"@KimKardashian I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies."

    This sparked a heated discussion between the actress and Kardashian.

    Rather than seeing Kim K's pics as promoting body positivity, the actress saw it as an offense against ladies everywhere.

    7 Jennifer Lawrence Thinks The Family Is Smart And Grounded

    Jennifer Lawrence and Kardashian momager Kris Jenner seem like an odd pair to be friends, but they are and have posed together for several photos. But Lawrence doesn't just like Jenner. The actress likes the whole family, and, according to W Magazine, at an event, she sang their praises.

    She said, “[The Kardashians] are smart, grounded and normal and funny. They're very nice people, very close… which I think is a positive thing to put out into the world. They've been absolutely lovely to me." And you can't discount that at the end of the day, it's great to have friends in high-fashion places.

    6 Chrissy Teigen And Kim Kardashian Bond Over Motherhood

    Of all the people on this list, it may be Chrissy Teigen who has the best relationship with a member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, because she and Kim Kardashian are very close. They have a lot in common; both married to musicians, both incredibly beautiful, and they are both mothers.

    In fact, the two feel that it is motherhood that has really bonded them together.

    According to Glamour, Kardashian said this of her friendship, "I think we've gotten closer since we've been moms. Because when you're a mom and you've figured it out, you want to tell all your friends going through the same experience."

    5 Tim Gunn Won't Be Caught Looking At Kim Kardashian's Book

    Tim Gunn is not a fan of books that are filled with selfies, and it made this clear when asked for comment on Kim Kardashian's 2015 book, aptly titled, Selfish. For those who aren't aware, the book is a collection of selfies that the reality star had not previously shared with the public.

    Gunn told Us Weekly that when he saw the book, “he could feel his IQ plummeting.” But he has also made comments on Kendall Jenner, telling The Huffington Post, "I don't know her - she may be a perfectly lovely young woman. I just feel that she's tainted by the Kardashian aura of yuck!"

    4 Janice Dickinson Thinks The Kardashians Need A Wake-Up Call

    Janice Dickinson is one of the first supermodels of the world and is a well-known figure in the fashion world. Other well-known figures in the fashion world are the Kardashian-Jenner siblings, all of whom have more designer clothes than any one person could ever hope to have, and have appeared in multiple photo shoots for prestigious fashion magazines.

    But despite their accomplishments, Dickinson is only focused on their reality show and told Radar Online she doesn't think much of it.

    She said, "When I heard that the Kardashians called themselves the first family of reality television, I threw up."

    3 Amy Schumer Is Worried About The Effect These Women Will Have On Girls

    The Kardashian clan are somewhat controversial, and although they've made a name for themselves in the beauty and fashion world, not everyone is a fan. One person who made her opinion on the family clear is Amy Schumer.

    Schumer commented about their appearance and the impact it can have on impressionable youth during an episode of Saturday Night Live. She said, "Is that a great message for little girls, a whole family of women who take the faces they were born with as, like, a light suggestion?" Of course, Amy's fielded her own batch of criticisms in her career, too, so she's entitled to her opinion.

    2 Jeremy Renner Has Made His Disdain Perfectly Clear

    Jeremy Renner is not one to sing the Kardashian's praises, and this became clear when the family was brought up in his interview with The Guardian.

    The interviewer notes how they mentioned the Kardashians and Renner didn't hesitate to “roll his eyes and make his disdain crystal clear.”

    Renner went on to make some less than kind remarks about the family, who he felt had “zero talent” and simply made their living off others knowing their name. It's safe to say that this was not his most considerate moment. Still, he's in good company, as other actors feel the same way.

    1 Kim Kardashian's Wedding Was The Subject Of Seth MacFarlane's Tweet

    Seth MacFarlane is one of those people who likes to speak his mind on Twitter, and by speaking his mind, we also mean taking aim at those he doesn't like.

    His comments were less about the Kardashians, though, and more about what society considers to be newsworthy and entertaining. In a tweet that dates back to 2011, he commented on how Kim Kardashian's wedding to Kris Humphries had made headlines on serious news networks. He wrote, “The booming voice of James Earl Jones announcing 'This is CNN' followed by coverage of Kim Kardashian's wedding is America in decline."