How to Increase Semen Volume The Best Kept Secrets that Work
Want to increase your load? Believe it or not, you can. Learn how to increase semen volume and keep your swimmers strong with these tips and tricks.
Why isn't a teaspoon enough? We're talking about semen, of course. The average male ejaculates about half a teaspoon's worth, or about 3-5 milliliters. This is hardly the “load” the ejaculate nickname implies, nor is it what most men are used to seeing in porn. The peak semen volume hits between the age of 30-35 and reaches an all-time low for most men around 55 years old. This has led curious men to search for ways on how to increase semen volume while they can by increasing production in the pants.
There are plenty of reasons why men want to increase semen volume. Whether you're trying to procreate little spawn of your own, or you're just enamored with the idea of more shots for your beloved, these are the best tips and tricks for how to increase semen volume.
Semen vs. sperm
Let's be clear that this feature discusses how to increase semen volume, not sperm. Semen and sperm are two different things with differing functions. For example, the oval shaped “head” of the sperm is called the acrosome. This acrosome contains chemicals that help the sperm penetrate a woman's egg to impregnate her. Kind of like your own personal spermy acid.
But sperm is not semen. Sperm refers to the little tadpole-like wigglers found inside the semen that create babies.
Semen refers to the liquid that sperm rides around in, like sperm's personal white hot Ferrari. In reality, semen is only 5-10% sperm. The rest of semen fluid is made up of more than 200 proteins, potassium, zinc, vitamin B12, and other vitamins and minerals. The more you know!
Why you'd want to learn how to increase semen volume
Why would a man ever want to know how to increase semen volume? There are all sorts of theories about increased semen making a guy feel more macho, or how it allegedly leads to male offspring. The reality really comes down to two main points:
#1 Giant loads look hot. When it comes to showering your wife with your, err, “love,” it just looks hotter when there's more of it. Whether you're ejaculating onto her breasts or face, bigger is always better.
#2 Spawning children. Some men think that bigger loads mean stronger sperm. That's not entirely accurate. However, more semen does mean that you are more likely to be fertile, which is a great news for hopeful dads-to-be. Lower amounts of ejaculate can also make it difficult for your wife to get pregnant. This means the bigger your load, the higher the chance that your wife is about to get sperminated.
How to increase semen volume
Whatever your reason for wanting to increase your little soldiers, we're here to help. Here are 8 tips for how to increase semen volume and get the jizz you've always desired.
#1 Avoid sperm supplements. If you're looking to increase your semen volume, avoid supplements like the plague. There is very little scientific evidence to support claims made by the companies who sell supplements. Odds are the only result you're going to get from taking sperm supplements is an empty wallet.
#2 PC Exercise. If you want to shoot a strong load, pelvic floor muscles are you new best friend. Isolate the same muscle that helps you to stop the urine flow and hold it for three seconds before releasing. Rinse and repeat.
Flexing this muscle will increase blood flow to your penis. Do several reps of Kegels daily until you can increase the hold on your PC muscles for 10 seconds at a time. Over time, some men have found this increases their semen volume.
#3 No smoking. Everyone can agree that smoking is bad for you. Not only is it directly linked to lung cancer, it's also wreaking havoc on your semen! Smoking damages semen by reducing its ability to fight off sperm-crushing enemies. Studies also show that men who smoke are less fertile than men who do not.
Furthermore, smoking also damages sperm. Sperm contains the proteins Protamine 1 and 2 that marry in a perfect balance. Smoking mucks this up, causing a protamine 2 deficiency. This can cause DNA damage in sperm and lead to miscarriages or a lack of fertilization ability altogether.
#4 No drinking… alcohol. When it comes to water, just the opposite is true. The more you drink, the better!
Your body is 60% water. So it stands to reason that the more water you drink, the healthier you'll be. The benefits of drinking water are too numerous to count. Water contributes to the healthy functioning of your digestion, creation of saliva, body temperature maintenance, and semen production.
The less hydrated you are, the less semen your body will produce. So, drink up!
#5 Eat better. Most of the ways you take care of your body involves the way you eat. Turns out your semen is no exception! Some foods are said to increase semen production. Amino acids, found commonly in eggs, yogurt, lean meats, and quinoa are said to help with semen production.
Zinc is also said to help improve the amount of sperm you produce and ejaculate. Foods with high concentrations of zinc include chicken, yogurt, chickpeas, and cashews.
Horny goat weed, or epimedium sagittatum, is said to raise testosterone levels and lead to stronger ejaculations. Gokushura is also said to increase sperm count and aid in semen production.
#6 Boxers or briefs? The age-old question: boxers or brief? Wearing tight underwear can lead to decreased ejaculate volume. A year long research study had men wear tight fitting underwear for 6 months followed by loose fitting boxers the remaining 6 months. Results revealed that during the months that participants wore tight fitting underwear they experienced a 50% decrease in sperm.
#7 Avoid certain lubricants. Lube is a great addition to your sex life, especially for your lady love. This can lead to enhanced pleasure and increased likelihood that your girl is going to orgasm. The downside? Studies show certain lubricants damage sperm and decrease the shooting range of your semen.
#8 Shag/jack off less. This is one of the worst tips on the list, but it sure does do the job! Have you ever noticed that the longer you go between ejaculating, the better it seems to be? This is because your semen has been building up. Not only does that mean more pleasure upon release, it also means there should be an enviable wad when you finally do.
Can you learn how to increase semen volume? Sure! Is it going to spray across the room like a garden hose? Probably not. Your safest bet is to follow our tips and tricks to increase your load, but maintain reasonable expectations about your results.