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    Perfect Things to Talk About With Your Boyfriend

    Don't know what to say when you're spending time with him? Use these perfect things to talk about with your boyfriend when you have nothing to say.

    Conversations can be a difficult task, at least in new relationships.

    Both of you may be excited to talk to each other, but may hold back your thoughts because you don't really know what to talk about.

    On the other hand, even seasoned relationships can go through this ordeal now and then when you feel like both of you have exhausted all things interesting to talk about.

    If you're looking for things to talk about in older relationships, use the cues mentioned in things to talk about in a perfect relationship.

    But if you're in a new relationship with your boyfriend, and want to awe him with your conversation skills and help him open up to you, look no further than this.

    Things to talk about with your boyfriend

    If you're having a hard time coming up with things to talk about with your boyfriend, in person or over the phone, learn to relax.

    You're not alone.

    You may have many things to talk about with your new man, but as both of you don't know each other too well just yet, you may be confused over the right things to talk about.

    But almost always, there are a few things that connect all guys together. Just keep them in mind and your conversations with your new man will be a lot easier than you can imagine.

    10 conversation tips to use with your boyfriend

    Firstly, there's something you need to remember. Silence is not a bad thing. Don't feel awkward or shuffle your toes when both of you aren't talking. Just take a few calm, deep breaths and relax.

    At times, silence can be a perfect thing to help both of you fall more in love with each other. After all, silence in a conversation is the best sign to show that both of you feel really comfortable with each other and don't need a constant barrage of words to feel at ease in each other's company.

    Initially, it may be hard to avoid feeling uncomfortable when there's silence because of the constant eagerness to prove that you're great company. The awkwardness could also be accentuated because of the sexual tension. But over time, you'll learn to feel relaxed around each other.

    But for starters, use these tips given below while spending time with your boyfriend. By using these 10 tips, you can have better conversations with your boyfriend, get along better with him and make him realize how smart you are, all at once.

    #1 Questions to get to know him. At times, as corny as a list of questions may sound, they can be your perfect solution to a dry spell of conversations. Even if both of you have emailed each other the answers, you can remember a few of his shocking or hilarious answers and talk about it when both of you meet each other. It'll reveal a lot of details and bring both of you really close in just one conversation.

    #2 Current affairs. Random bits of gossip and news are always great things to talk about. Have you been watching the news lately? Or perhaps, some celebrity dirt that both of you are interested about? There's always something interesting to talk about when it comes to things happening around the world.

    Talking about current news that interest you can help both of you get to know each other's likes and dislikes better. And at the same time, it can lead to intellectual debates or expressions that can make your boyfriend realize how smart you are.

    #3 Ask for advice. Guys just love giving advice to people. They always think they have the answers to everything. If you want to bond better with your new boyfriend, ask him for some help, be it about your work life or an issue that's more personal. He'll appreciate you a lot more because he'll feel more dependable and better about himself.

    #4 Talk about his day. At the beginning of a new relationship, everything's new and fascinating because both of you are trying to know more about each other's lives. The best way to get to know him better is by talking about his day, every day. When both of you know about each other's lives, you'll feel more connected to each other. And one conversation will usually end up leading to many other conversations.

    #5 His passion and hobbies. Does your boyfriend have any hobbies or passions that he likes to pursue when he's got time to spare? Find out about them and seem genuinely interested in knowing more about it. When your boyfriend sees that you're interested in his passions, he'll be more excited to spend time with you and talk to you.

    #6 His ambitions. What are his dreams and what does he want to do in life? Guys love talking about their dreams. Ask him about his dreams, and give your suggestions and pointers on how he can achieve it.

    If both of you connect better over these conversations and he feels like you offer a lot of valuable suggestions, he'll start to depend more on you and look up to you for advice and help in his own life.

    #7 Naughty things. This is something that all guys enjoy, and your boyfriend would love a naughty conversation too. You don't need to get too racy and bold during your very first naughty conversation if you don't want to. But whenever you feel like the time is appropriate, ask him a few naughty questions about his fantasies or what he thinks of you sexually. It'll turn both of you on, even if you're just texting each other and learning more about each other.

    #8 His friends. Guys almost always have a good bond with their friends. Ask him about his friends and find about more about all of them. He'll enjoy sharing his funny stories with you and at the same time, you can get to know more about all his friends too.

    And the next time you meet his friends, remember the stories and talk about it. His friends will enjoy your company, and your boyfriend will beam with pride for having caught such a fine catch as you.

    #9 Games and cars. Now this may be one of these clichés, but most guys are passionate about games or some mode of transportation. Is your boyfriend a fan of any games? Does he love spending time playing games at home? Find out more about his interests when it comes to games and cars, and if you find something in common, both of you will have a lot of common interests to talk about and bond over.

    #10 Your perspective. Use these same questions and add your own perspectives to them. While you're asking your boyfriend more questions about him, tell him more about yourself too. In a new relationship, it's very important for both partners to test their compatibilities as early as possible.

    By adding your pointers and views to the questions you ask, it'll give you a lot more to talk about and help him get to know you and your intellectual capabilities better too. After all, great looks may snag you a man. But you do need more than just looks to make a man fall madly in love with you.

    There are many things to talk about with your boyfriend, but these 10 conversation tips should help you get off on the right foot, while making an irresistible impression at the same time!